SQL Server Express: User Instance Issue - sql-server

Greetings – To automate testing of our database SPROCs, we’ve been using dynamically created databases inside of a User Instance. This has been working very well – the build server and, until very recently, all the developers could all run the tests. However, one of our developer machines is now returning the following error when we try to connect to the user instance:
Failed to generate a user instance of
SQL Server due to a failure in
starting the process for the user
instance. The connection will be
Here is what the log file says:
2008-12-04 10:46:29.77 Logon
Error: 15372, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2008-12-04 10:46:29.77 Logon
Failed to generate a user instance of
SQL Server due to a failure in
starting the process for the user
instance. The connection will be
closed. [CLIENT: ]
What I’ve done to fix it so far
Deleted C:\Documents and Settings[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Data
Changed SQL Service to run as “Local System” instead of “Network Service”
Uninstalled SQL Express, deleted ALL data directories (e.g. “MSSQL.1”), and reinstalled SQL Express
None of these “fixes” have fixed the problem. It used to work on the machine in question, and we would like not to have to repave it.
Please help!!!
Thanks - Jordan

Okay, I tried all of the above fixes again, and then I restarted the entire system and it appears to work. Strange! I had restarted my system in the past, but it looks like you have to apply these fixes first and then restart. I think I'll try switching the service back to logging in as Network Service.
Thanks - Jordan

I found the same issue on my azure VM. Then I opened the SQL Server Configuration Manager, opened SQL Server Network Configuration, -Protocols for and found that "Named Pipes" and "TCP/IP" were disabled. I enabled them, and the error went away.


No data connection after cloning ASP MVC project to different computer

I was working on an ASP.NET MVC5 application and pushed it to git. Someone else cloned the project to their computer.
When they try to run the app it works up until there is a database call. They get the error message:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)'
In the Server Explorer we can see that the connection is closed. We also see no tables at all, like as if there was no database.
Does anyone know how we can approach this? I'd think that the connection string remains the same on each machine? The database was created code first, do we somehow have to recreate it? If so, how?
Thanks for your suggestions!
The connection string should be the same.
You should first disable Windows Firewall and antivirus programs (and similars), if they're present, and test again.
You should try a connection via another database client too, just to check if you are blocked someway.
If these attempts doesn't solve the problem, you can recreate the database for test pourposes, if you will. For Entity Framework, for example, search "migrations" term in Google.
The error is relevant. Obviously, from the computer hosting the cloned solution, the SQL server is not reachable.
If, in development, you used a local SQL Server (like SQL Express or Local DB), you must verify that on the computer hosting the clone solution you have the same setup. If you used a remote server, you must check that the server is available to the computer hosting the cloned solution.
In both cases, you can use Server Explorer to verify the db connection and access.
Unfortunately, there is no satisfying answer.
At first, we reinstalled Microsoft SQL Server. That alone did not help.
We did change the autentication from Windows Authentication to SQL, because the person working on that workstation still had the account details from the previous owner.
That alone did make the test connection successful. But then, we got another error when doing the "Update-Database" command in VS, which we solved by deleting a rogue migration that was there for some reason unknown.
Now it works - sorry for not offering a more concise solution.

SQL Server Agent doesn't turn on after upgrading from SQL EXPRESS to SQL Standard

I upgrade the SQL 2014 Express to a Standard edition without changing the instance name. There was a success and it seems to be working fine, except the SQL AGENT.
Error message from configuration manager:
The request failed or the service did not respond in a timely fashion.
Consult the event log or other applicable error logs details.
Trying with the server administrator user. Built in account/Local service also don't work.
Event log doesn't show anything except that it's turned on and then off.
This is what I see in DETAILS. doesn't tell me anything:
EventID 102
[ Qualifiers] 16384
Level 4
Task 2
Keywords 0x80000000000000
Trying to run it from CMD with admin rights:
StartServiceCtrlDispatcher failed (error 0).
Read somewhere to try to turn off VIA protocol. I don't have any protocol called VIA.
Any ideas?
Just after I posted I checked the security and found out that the BUILTIN\USERS didn't have sysadmin permission..
After adding it, it was resolved!
I had a similar issue when I upgraded the SQL Server 2017 from Express to Standard. The SQL Server Agent would not start even after the upgrade.
I an error message in the SQLAgent Log
(C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.SQL2017EXPRESS\MSSQL\Log)
2017-12-18 16:21:06 - ! [298] SQLServer Error: 229, The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_sqlagent_update_agent_xps', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (DisableAgentXPs)
Changing the SQL agent service Log On account to "Local System" does not work (as you described).
Ultimately what worked for me is changed the Log On account to "NT Service\MSSQL$SQL2017EXPRESS" works.
This user was created when I named the SQL Server "SQL2017EXPRESS" during installation. If you open up SSMS, connect to your database instance, and open up Security->Logins, you should able find a list of database NT Service users that have access the system database (msdb). Try using one of those users as your Log On user for the SQL Agent Service.
I think you install Standard edition, it would create a user call NT Service\MSSQLAgent$2014.
During research, I tried in the instruction in this article. It appears using Sql Server Configuration Manager to change the Log On user didn't work for me. Instead, changing the Log On user from Administrator->View Local Services works.
I know this is late, but I hope it helps someone in the future; a fix that has worked for me after an upgrade from Express to Standard was to run the Repair option (see image) from the Maintenance node of the SQL Server Installation Center. Once the repair completes & restart finishes, Agent works as expected.
Use Repair option from the Maintenance page of the SQL Server Installation Center
I had this same issue with SQL 2019 after upgrading from express to standard. Doing the Repair from the installation maintenance section fixed the agent for me.

SQL Server: "a connection was successfully established with server....existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."

Yes folks, it's this one again.
"A connection was successfully established with the server, but then
an error occurred during the login process (provider: TCP Provider,
error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote
I'm sorry... I have Google'd this, I have read the other StackOverflow articles on this problem, and I have tried all kinds of suggestions, but nothing works.
Here's a few notes about what we're seeing.
This issue occurs occassionally in SQL Server Management Studio itself (doing any kind of database activity... getting a list of tables in a database, having a look at a Stored Procedure, etc)
It also happens in Visual Studio 2010 itself, when it is trying to get data from the servers (e.g. when creating a .dbml file, etc)
It also sometimes happens in our .Net (ASP, WPF, Silverlight) applications.
Our SQL Server 2005 & 2008 servers are all based on virtual machines in data centres around the world, and we see sometimes this error on each of them. But most of the time, they all work absolutely fine.
When the error does occur, we can just "retry" what caused the error, and then it'll work fine.
We think.. if we have an IIS Web Server in a data centre in a particular city, and it accesses a SQL Server in the same data centre, then we don't see the issue.
We think.. if we connect to the servers, and specify the UserID and Password to use, it causes this error much more frequently than if we just use Active Directory authentication.
Put all that together, and it sounds to me like some kind of network issue.
But can anyone suggest what to look for ?
This isn't a bug in our .Net applications, as even SQL Server Management Studio "trips up" with this error.
It's baffling us.
Just in case anyone else hits this issue, we finally found the solution.
Our company uses Riverbed software to compress data, when it's being passed between locations, and this was somehow causing some connections to get dropped.
Our IT gurus found a configuration setting which finally fixed this issue.
I believe there's a setting in there to turn off compressing results from SQL Server (or something like that). That fixed it for us.
It could be any number of network issues. ANYTHING that prevents the code from reaching the server even for the few miliseconds it takes to make one query.
it could also be the result of a failover. When we went from a single SQL Server to a clustered environment, we'd see this happen during a failover. In this case, it turned out to be our Connection Pooling. In essence, the SQL cluster has a controller and two servers behind it. A and B.
Say our web app is using server A just fine, Connection pooling creates a connection on both sides. The server is aware of it, and the web app is aware of it. Once the cluster fails over to the second server, the web app is aware of the connection but server B is not, so we get an error.
The point is, any possible cause of network issues imaginable may be the cause. DOS attacks on the server, man-in-the middle attacks intercepting and changing traffic. Someone trips on an ethernet cable and it's loose in the jack. You name it, if it can cause a connection issue, it could be the cause.
Your issue also sounds like one we had recently - we also have a virtual environment, wih software that moves VMs from one host to another as needed for load balancing. Every so often, we'd get bombarded with the same error. It turned out to be an issue with the NIC drivers on one of the hosts, so whenever a VM moved to that particular host, errors would occur.
It's really not a programming issue. It's an environment issue, and you need trained professionals with direct access to your environment to research and resolve this.
My problem was that I was inadvertently using a wireless network to connect to our network because the Ethernet cable was faulty. This after repairing SQL Server, running a Winsock reset as recommended elsewhere ...
I am experiencing the same issue and our app interfaces with a several Azure SQL DBs. I believe (same as you) I do not have a bug in the C# code to cause this issue. We've solved it by a simple for loop containing an extra attempts to try to connect to the Azure SQL again if the previous attempt fails and then run the query.
Most of the time everything runs fine but sometimes we can see the loop kicked-in and on the 2nd or 3rd time it executed properly without the below mentioned error. After that we see in the log file the error below for all the unsuccessful attempts:
A connection was successfully established with the server,
but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: TCP
Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the
remote host.)
Even though this is a less-then-pretty solution, it allowed us to run our app without interruptions. I know you've mentioned that trying to connect again (to introduce some connection-failure tolerance) solves the problem and unfortunately this is the only correct solution I found so far as well.
I should mention that we have tried many debugging strategies to figure this out. Right now it all points to the availability of the database we are trying to connect to i.e.: It happens if the number of allowed DB connections is exceeded. (or so it seems at this time)
Turn off your VPN
My Problem fixed by turn off VPN
It was happening in our code when we were opening the dbconnection for oracle and were passing DBtype as SQL in our database object.
in my case - the error was Microsoft first suggestion:
Client is connecting with an unsupported version of the SQL Server Native Client.
In our case, We got this error when we updated sql server to sp3. We were not able to connect to the database from SSIS package.
We updated the native client and configurations. We were able to connect.
link to download the native client - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=50402
Link for configurations settings and further troubleshooting - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/sql/sql-server-2008-r2/ms187005(v=sql.105)
Hope it helps.
Had the same type of issue. In my case it was a bit more complicated... I could connect to “ServerA” from “ServerB” via SSMS, but it would fail with sqlcmd. The error was the same:
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0 : TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
I could also connect from “ServerC” with both SSMS and sqlcmd. The following are the versions on the VMs:
ServerA: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter / Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP3-CU10) (KB4025925) - 11.0.6607.3 (X64)
ServerB: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter / Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.5058.0 (X64)
ServerC: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter / Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP3-CU10) (KB4025925) - 11.0.6607.3 (X64)
Bottom line was the “unsupported version”. I noticed a mismatch of “sqlncli11.dll” between ServerC and ServerB, so I copied it to the System32 folder. After this, sqlcmd worked like a charm. Below were the versions in my case:
FileVersion: 2011.0110.5058.00
ProductVersion: 11.0.5058.0
FileVersion: 2011.0110.6607.03
ProductVersion: 11.0.6607.3
I was working on 2 projects at the same time (on 2 different machines) and both used SQL Server.
When i disconnected SQL with 1 machine the errorMessage went away. Probably you can mess around with IP-adresses too to fix the problem.
In my case I was seeing this error intermittently from a .Net application connecting to a SQL server located in the same server room. It turned out that some of the databases had auto close turned on which caused the server to close the connections in the pool. When the application tried to use one of the pool connections that had been closed, it would throw this error and I saw a log message on the SQL server that the database it was trying to connect to was being started. Auto-close has now been turned off on those databases and the error hasn't been seen since.
Also, having auto-close on is the default behavior for SQL Express databases and these were originally created on an Express instance during testing before being migrated to the production server where we were seeing the errors.
this answer is for those how have this problem with Azure Sql server database.
It happens when you reach mat pool
first remove Persist Security Info=False from connection string
second check your database plan in azure portal and increase the PTUs of your database plan.
In SSMS "Connect to Server" screen click Options, then on "Connection Properties" TAB change "Network protocol" to "Named Pipes"
Try this -
Click Start, point to All Programs, and click SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Click to expand SQL Server Network Configuration and then click Client Protocols.
Right-click the TCP/IP protocol and then click Enable.
Right-click the Named Pipes protocol and then click Enable.
Restart the SQL server service if prompted to do so.
I have had this issue a couple of time already, and I've fixed by reducing the MTU size. Often 1350, 1250, etc on my network interface.

Creating a database through Server Explorer in Visual Studio 2010

So, I am using Visual Studio 2010 and was trying to create a new database that I could use in my project. I have vague idea of having used the Server Explorer in the past, although I'm not that sure about it. My experience with MSSQL is almost non-existent, anyway.
I don't remember having to configure anything, but it seems I have a server called Xyz already set up, as can be seen in the next picture:
I've tried to to create a new database, but I am getting the following error:
What might be wrong? What tools should I make sure are correctly running? Isn't there something like Oracle's Sql Developer which allows me easily to inspect what's happening with my databases?
Also, what about the authentication? I can't recall having configured anything when installing Visual Studio. Maybe I still have to configure something?
I'm quite lost here, I'd appreciate some light shed up on me on this issue. Thanks!
Sounds like you don't have a SQL server or you're lacking some permissions.
On the server go Start->Run and type in services.msc and look to see if you have the SQL Server process and it is running. Also verify it is not a named instance.
If you see "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)" it is a default instance and you should be able to reference it using the server name.
If you see "SQL Server (SomethingElse)" you have to reference it using servername\SomethingElse
You also need to verify you have named pipes enabled by running the SQL Server Configuration Manager -> SQL Server Network Configuration -> Client Protocols.
If the sql server is new, it is probably because named pipes isn't enabled.
Or it could be like Mrchief stated and you don't have permissions to access that server.
Actually I think you would get a permissions error if that was the case. Your error is specific to connecting to the sql box.
I had similar problem with the same set up.
This article helped: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/823938
It turns out that SQL Server 2008 is shipped with TSP/IP disabled by default and nobody can connect to it via network, even from localhost.
Here is the solution:
You can check in registry this key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp\Enabled
It must be set to 1 for SQL Server to be listening for network connection.
If it is set to 0, change it to 1 and restart SQLSERVER service.
Run this on master database to see error log on the server:
exec Go Xp_readerrorlog
You should look for
SQL server listening on X.X.X.X: Y
This will be an indicator if network connections are allowed in the Server

SSRS - Unable to determine if the owner of job has server access [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 15404))

SQL Server Reporting Services, in SSRS it seems like Schedules never fire, however a look at the SQL Agent reveals a permission issue related to not being able to resolve a user account.
Seems SQL Agent does not rely on caching or whatever voodoo Windows magically works.
link text
Fix is listed here...
edit --
Above is the fix I used to workaround this issue, has any one found any other work arounds or resolutions to this issue?
It seems that by default the SSRS Generated Schedules are run as this phantom user account. How do I change this default? Is SSRS creating the jobs as the user the service runs as?
Thanks Remus
I was running into the same issue. Here is how I fixed it.
Problem description
When setting an SSRS report subscription to run at a given time, I would wait for the time to pass and then find that the "Last Run" timestamp did not change. My subscription appears not to have run.
Relevant troubleshooting info
SSRS report subscriptions are executed as SQL Jobs that the Report Server web UI creates for you behind the scenes.
When looking at the job that was created for my report subscription, I saw that it always failed with the error:
The job failed. Unable to determine if the owner (domain\userName) of job 0814588B-D590-4C45-A304-6086D5C1F559 has server access (reason: Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'domain\userName', error code 0x5. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 15404)).
In the Sql Server Configuration Manager I could see that the "SQL Server Reporting Services" service was configured to run using an AD user account.
In the Sql Server Configuration Manager I could see that the "SQL Server" service was configured to run using a local Windows account.
As #Remus Resanu pointed out, the SQL error 15404 refers to an exception when EXECUTE AS context cannot be impersonated.
Bingo! #4 and #5 are the key to the problem. The SQL Server service (a local Windows user account) was trying to authenticate the user "domain\userName" in AD, which it could not do because it does not have the right/permission to access AD resources.
I changed the SQL Server service to us an AD user account, restarted the SQL Server and SQL Server Agent services, re-ran the SQL job and, blamo, success!
15404 is the exception when EXECUTE AS context cannot be impersonated. Reasons for these error are plenty. The most common reasons are:
when the SQL Server instance does not have access to the AD server because is running as a local user or as 'local service' (this would have an error code 0x5, ACCESS_DENIED)
when the SQL Server is asked to impersonate an unknown user, like an user from a domain the SQL Server has not idea about (this would have the error code 0x54b, ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN)
The proper solution is always dependent on the error code, which is the OS error when trying to obtain the impersonated user identity token: one searches first for the error code in the System Error Codes table (or fires up windbg, does a loopback non-invasive kernel debug connection and goes !error, which is what I prefer cause is faster...).
So, John... do you actually have a question, or just posted a random piece of partial information?
I did 2 things and it's now working.
1) Go to "SQL Server Configuration", change the "SQL Server Agent" - "Log On As" to match the "SQL Server" above.
2) Secondly, open "Microsoft SQL Management Studio", at the "SQL Server Agent", expand the "Jobs" and you should be able to see your created job. Right click on it and go to "Properties".
3) Change the owner to also match the "SQL Server Agent" above.
After, I'm able to execute the Maintenance Plan without any issue.
Just follow this steps in images
