Open source Database to ship with my application [closed] - database

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need open source database that I can ship with my commercial application.
It should not have any installation (i.e., no window service and no setup).
It can be single user database. It should work in Windows environment and used from Java code.

I really like SQLite. You can use it with java via SQLiteJDBC. It is very good embedded database. For Java, it might be easier to use Derby though.

You might also want to look at HSQL and H2, which are both open source embedded databases written in Java.

Firebird Embedded - just needs couple of DLL files and you have full database in your hands. Have been using it for years.
How to use it in Java

Look into SQLite. I haven't used it, but I've had apps that claimed to use it, and I couldn't tell the difference.

How about SQLite?
It has good performance, and with one user you don't have to worry about concurrency.

Oracle Berkeley DB:


Are there any open source database server health monitoring softwares? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Hi I have been given a task to design tool to monitor database server health like cpu usage, memory usage etc. Now there is one such tool like MySQL Spotlight. I want to know is there any open source software available with same functionalities? I want software which has nice visualization with charts. Please guide. Thanks in advance.
You could use Cacti for this. Also look at Nagios.
Check out It is an open sourced monitoring tool, primarily for db monitoring, even including custom queries and custom alerts! Graphs come pre-packaged and pre-generated. It's written in python, so mods can added to the code easily. I've used it a bit, and it seems to work pretty well. The only caveat I see is the extensive schema that comes pre-packaged which, ostensibly, can't be customized. One thing I will note for the email alerts, if you're getting login or credential alerts, go to line 4338 of the code and just add what you need to the smtplib.SMTP instance.

Open-source options for building database forms [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to move some users off of MS Access and onto an open-source DB like MySQL, Postegres, or even SQLite. Transferring the tables from one DB to another is no problem, but I need to be able to also provide them with a similar UI as the MS Access forms they are using to input the data. Additionally, I would like to be able to give them nice report outputs that reference a table or query.
What open-source alternatives are suggested/available for easily building and storing queries, forms, and reports similar to MS Access, without a ton of programming needed to get them up-and-running quickly?
Obviously I am immediately targeting Windows alternatives, but I don't want to limit suggestions to just one OS.
Open Office - Base seems to be a good option
We were to solve this problem also and considered OO Base not being very good option (note it was like 4 years ago). So we use MS Access as a frontend with ODBC connection to mysql database. It works quite well.

Looking for a cross platform small footprint database [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have the following scenario. I need a db to store XML messages that have been created by a reader. I then want to use a transport (wcf) to read the db external to the populating app and send the messages to a central db Generally the db needs to run on mono, and windows.
I did look at sqlite3, and it seemed to fit all my requirements, but i'm reading its not so good on multi process access and t's moving away from my sweet spot, these last couple of days.
Have you considered just using XML to store the data? It doesn't get any more portable than that and will work fine as long your client-side storage needs are simple. E.g. not a large amount of many domain objects that need to be stored.
Additionally using an XML data store solves a lot of setup and installation headaches. You simply reference a file (or files) relative to your executable. You don't need to worry about installing db engines for a variety of platforms and then worry about upgrading.
WOuld it be feasible to give each process their own sqlite3 database? They all ultimately use the central database anyway, right?
Have a look at Firebird.
You can use it as an embedded engine just like SQLite, but it can scale to a full blown server as well.
The only drawback is, that the documentation is a mess

Where can I "practice" PL/SQL [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I will be given a job offer by an IT company, and was asked to "look at" PL/SQL since I didn't have much experience with databases. I have an extensive background in C++ among other programming languages, so I don't think this will pose too much of a challenge. However, I don't have access to any Oracle database at home, so I was wondering if there is a "toy" database and terminal online where I can practice.
Register yourself an account at APEX ONLINE you have all of the tools for free available online, or simple download Oracle Database 10g Express Edition
I would suggest a higher priority would be to learn the Relational model of data, then SQL.
If you don't start with a solid understanding of the RM, you're more likely to tend to use procedural solutions where a set-based approach is better.
Go and get the Express version of the database server Here
As for learning PL/SQL start
You just download sql developer tool by using this practice well.
There is another site where you can practice PL/SQL online:
Oracle have some VM images with Oracle Linux ready-to-run: (64bits VM)
To learn PL/SQL language you just need a text editor like atom or sublime text. You can also install MySQL.

Opensource Object Database? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there any open source Object Database available? I would like to have a look at the source code and see how stuffs are implemented. is the first coming to mind, but here's a list of both commercial and open source object databases:
db4o is my favorite.
You probably want to take a look at Magma, a Smalltalk OODB inspired by Gemstone.
Magma is an OODB with full source in Squeak Smalltalk. See Even if you want to use a different implementation language, reading the code should be helpful. There is an active mailing list, where questions are answered quickly.
Gemstone is probably the largest OODB company, with the best track-record. It used to be very expensive, but they introduced a free but not open source version for small (4GB) databases recently in their GLASS (Gemstone, Linux, Apache and Seaside) offering.
Prevayler is one of them.
CouchDB is a document database, much the same thing as an object one.
