SQL Server connection management in Tomcat 6 - sql-server

We are having trouble with a Java web application running within Tomcat 6 that uses JDBC to connect to a SQL Server database.
After a few requests, the application server dies and the in the log files we find exceptions related to database connection failures.
We are not using any connection pooling right now and we are using the standard JDBC/ODBC/ADO driver bridge to connect to SQL Server.
Should we consider using connection pooling to eliminate the problem?
Also, should we change our driver to something like jTDS?

That is the correct behavior if you are not closing your JDBC connections.
You have to call the close() method of each JDBC resource when you are finished using it and the other JDBC resources you obtained with it.
That goes for Connection, Statement/PreparedStatement/CallableStatement, ResultSet, etc.
If you fail to do that, you are hoarding potentially huge and likely very limited resources on the SQL server, for starters.
Eventually, connections will not be granted, get queries to execute and return results will fail or hang.
You could also notice your INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements hanging if you fail to commit() or rollback() at the conclusion of each transaction, if you have not set autoCommit property to true.
What I have seen is that if you apply the rigor mentioned above to your JDBC client code, then JDBC and your SQL server will work wonderfully smoothly. If you write crap, then everything will behave like crap.
Many people write JDBC calls expecting "something" else to release each thing by calling close() because that is boring and the application and server do not immediately fail when they leave that out.
That is true, but those programmers have written their programs to play "99 bottles of beer on the wall" with their server(s).
The resources will become exhausted and requests will tend to result in one or more of the following happening: connection requests fail immediately, SQL statements fail immediately or hang forever or until some godawful lengthy transaction timeout timer expires, etc.
Therefore, the quickest way to solve these types of SQL problems is not to blame the SQL server, the application server, the web container, JDBC drivers, or the disappointing lack of artificial intelligence embedded in the Java garbage collector.
The quickest way to solve them is to shoot the guy who wrote the JDBC calls in your application that talk to your SQL server with a Nerf dart. When he says, "What did you do that for...?!" Just point to this post and tell him to read it. (Remember not to shoot for the eyes, things in his hands, stuff that might be dangerous/fragile, etc.)
As for connection pooling solving your problems... no. Sorry, connection pools simply speed up the call to get a connection in your application by handing it a pre-allocated, perhaps recycled connection.
The tooth fairy puts money under your pillow, the Easter bunny puts eggs & candy under your bushes, and Santa Clause puts gifts under your tree. But, sorry to shatter your illusions - the SQL server and JDBC driver do not close everything because you "forgot" to close all the stuff you allocated yourself.

I would definitely give jTDS a try. I've used it in the past with Tomcat 5.5 with no problems. It seems like a relatively quick, low impact change to make as a debugging step. I think you'll find it faster and more stable. It also has the advantage of being open source.
In the long term, I think you'll want to look into connection pooling for performance reasons. When you do, I recommend having a look at c3p0. I think it's more flexible than the built in pooling options for Tomcat and I generally prefer "out of container" solutions so that it's less painful to switch containers in the future.

It's hard to tell really because you've provided so little information on the actual failure:
After a few requests, the application
server dies and the in the log files
we find exceptions related to database
connection failures.
Can you tell us:
exactly what the error is that
you're seeing
give us a small
example of the code where you
connect and service one of your
is it after a consistent
number of transactions that it
fails, or is it seemingly random
I have written a lot of database related java code (pretty much all my code is database related), and used the MS driver, the jdt driver, and the one from jnetDirect.
I'm sure if you provide us more details we can help you out.


Query to retrieve status of the machine

Sometimes a server where an instance of SQL Server is running needs a restart. This occurs typically when the memory is fully used and rebooting somehow drastically solves the issue. The reason of full memory can be difficult to pinpoint (may be an old service who is running with poor garbage collection or other similar issues, or simply windows OS builtin problems, ...).
When the server is in such instable state a client server application runs into troubles because simple queries fail because SQL Server is not able to handle even simple queries and error messages are returned.
What I'd like to achieve is, just after connection is estabilished, ask the server "do you feel good?".
Is there a way to perform this in T-SQL?
Somehow my desired logic is:
ask the server "do you feel good" ("EXEC sp_doyoufeelgood")
if it feels good continue
else close the application and inform the user "the server is encountering some problems, please contact your sysadmin"
Is there a reliable way to check for a SQL Server instance status?
Take a look at this one could be interesting:
sp_Blitz® http://www.brentozar.com/blitz/

SQL queries to MSSQL contains pauses even with MARS enabled

We are testing JDBC drivers from jTDS and Microsoft, and we are suffering from unwanted pauses in query execution. Our application opens many ResultSets and fetches only a few rows from each. Each query selects about 100k rows, but we fetch only about 50 (which is enough to fill a page). The problem is that every query after the first contains a pause of about 2s, on which the driver loads all rows from the previous ResultSet to a temporary storage (memory or disk), so they can be traversed later. Because we have about 6 queries in worst scenarios, there will be a pause of about 10s, which makes the application unresponsive to the user. MSSQL version is 2005.
To remove such pauses, we've tried to enable MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets) via connection string parameters of Microsoft JDBC driver (due to lack of documentation, we tried everything that is listed on https://sites.google.com/site/sqlconnect/sql2005strings). Example of connection string:
But none of them solves the problem. Microsoft JDBC driver seems to accept anything at connection string - if you replace MarsConn=yes by PleaseBeFast=yes, MS driver ignores the parameter and doesn't even log the fact. I don't know if MARS is a client-only feature that just caches rows from a previously active result set, or if it's a server feature. I don't even know how to detect, from the server side, if a given connection is using MARS. If you can comment on this, it will be welcome.
Another solution for the pause was to use scrollable (bidirectional) result sets. This removes the pause, but makes fetch time 80% slower and more network consuming. We are now considering to implement a JDBC connection wrapper that keeps a pool of actual connections and automatically issue queries to distinct "ResultSet free" connections. But this is somewhat cumbersome because we need to keep a link between each connection and its active ResultSet. Also it would consume more connections from the server and may cause troubles to DBAs. And this solution doesn't help if there is an active transaction, on which all queries must be issued on the same connection.
Do you know some parameter, configuration, specific API, link or trick that can remove the pause from the second and subsequent query executions?
fix your SQL queries! why only use the first 50 or so from 100k rows?? use TOP 100 or something like that! There is no reason that the application should be filtering 100k rows, that is the job of the database.
Far more important that your client woes is what happens on the server side. Since you issue queries and then you stop reading the result the server will have to suspend the query in the middle of the execution because the network buffers are full and has no room to write the result into. A query suspended in the middle of the execution is consuming a lot of resources: memory, locks and, most importantly, a worker thread (there are very few of these lying around).
Issue queries for only the data you need, consume all the data, free the connection and, more importantly, the server resources. If your queries are to complex, go back to the drawing board and redesign your data model to properly answer, efficiently, the queries your requesting from it. Right now you are totally barking up the wrong tree, you're simply asking how to make a bad situation worse.
We've created an ODBC data source using the SQL Server driver (Native Client 10 - sqlncli10.dll). This ODBC data source was configured to enable MARS (key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ datasource, value of MARS_Connection must be Yes). Then we used Sun's JDBC-ODBC bridge, and voilá! The pauses were gone, and surprisingly, fetch time became faster than JTDS and MSSQL pure Java JDBC drivers!
According to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345109(SQL.90).aspx, MARS is a server-aided feature. The pure Java drivers (from JTDS and MSSQL) doesn't seem to support served-based MARS (at least we couldn't enable it after many configuration changes). Because most of our user base that uses MSSQL Server runs on Windows (no surprise), we are about to make the switch from JTDS to JDBC-ODBC. Both Native Client ODBC driver and JDBC-ODBC bridge seems to be mature, full featured and up-to-date solutions, so I guess there should be no problems. If you know some, please comment!
Linux based users will still use JTDS. Since now we know that MARS is a server-aided feature, we'll fill a feature request for JTDS and Microsoft to support MARS in their pure Java JDBC drivers.

How to speed up mssql_connect()

I'm working on a project where a PHP dialog system is communicating with a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and I need more speed on the PHP side.
After profiling my PHP scripts, I discovered that a call to mssql_connect() needs about 200 milliseconds on that particular system. For some simple dialogs this is about 60% of the whole script runtime. So I could gain a huge performance boost by speeding up this call.
I already assured that only one single connection handle is produced for every request to my PHP scripts.
Is there a way to speed up the initial connection with SQL Server? Some restrictions apply, though:
I can't use PDO (there's a lot of legacy code here that won't work with it)
I don't have access to the SQL Server configuration, so I need a PHP-side solution
I can't upgrade to PHP 5.3.X, again because of crappy legacy code.
Hm. I don't know much about MS SQL, but optimizing that single call may be tough.
One thing that comes to mind is trying mssql_pconnect(), of course:
First, when connecting, the function would first try to find a (persistent) link that's already open with the same host, username and password. If one is found, an identifier for it will be returned instead of opening a new connection.
But you probably already have thought of that.
The second thing, you are not saying whether MS SQL is running on the same machine as the PHP part, but if it isn't, maybe there's a basic networking issue at hand? How fast is a classic ping between one host and the other? The same would go for a virtual machine that is not perfectly configured. 200 milliseconds really sounds very, very slow.
Then, in the User Contributed Notes to mssql_connect(), there is talk about a native PHP driver for MS SQL. I don't know anything about it, whether it will pertain the "old" syntax and whether it is usable in your situation, but it might be worth a look.
The User Contributed Notes are always worth a look, there are tidbits like this one:
Just in case it helps people here... We were being run ragged by extremely slow connections from IIS6 --> SQL Server 2000. Switching from CGI to ISAPI fixed it somewhat, but the initial connection still took along the lines of 10 seconds, and eventually the connections wouldn't work any more.
The solution was to add the database server IP address to the HOST file on the server, pointing it to the internal machine name. Looks like some kind of DNS lookup was the culprit.
Now connections and queries are flying, and the world is once again right.
We have been going through quite a bit of optimization between php 5.3, FreeTDS and mssql lately. Assuming that you have adequate server resources, we are finding that two changes made the database interaction much faster and much more reliable.
Using mssql_pconnect() instead of mssql_connect() eliminated an
intermittent "cannot connect to server" issue. I read a lot of posts
that indicated negative issues associated with persistent
connections but so far we haven't seen anything to suggest that it's
an issue. The php server seems to keep between 20 and 60 persistent
connections open to the db server depending upon load.
Using the IP address of the database server in the freetds.conf file
instead of the hostname also lent a speed increase.
The only thing i could think of is to use an ip adress instead of an hostname for the sql connect to spare the dns lookup. Maybe persistant connections are an option and a little bit faster.

dbcp having problems returning connections when database is unavailable

I found the following link by erickson dated jan 29, 2009:
Is DBCP (Apache Commons Database Connection Pooling) still relevant?
"DBCP has serious flaws. I don't think it's appropriate for a production application, especially when so many drivers support pooling in their DataSource natively.
The straw that broke the camel's back, in my case, was when I found that the entire pool was locked the whole time a new connection attempt is made to the database. So, if something happens to your database that results in slow connections or timeouts, other threads are blocked when they try to return a connection to the pool—even though they are done using a database."
I was wondering if much had changed or improved with dbcp since this post. I am seeing this EXACT problem in my production system.
Does anyone have any alternatives to dbcp? I use it in a database connection framework...basically, I inherited a framework where the engineers thought it would be fun to rewrite hibernate. don't ask...it's a long and sordid tale. Anyway, I'm having these problems returning connections to the pool when the database is slow/down. Any ideas, suggestions, alternatives?
Try BoneCP: http://jolbox.com
For your case, it has release helper threads that will take care of releasing a connection slowly or whatever.

SQL Server Transactional Replication Over VPN

I have transactional replication running between two servers over a dedicated VPN connection. The databases are fairly large, so I initially use the backup and restore method to get the initial snapshot over to the subscriber machine and then let it apply the incremental transactions from there.
Everything runs fine until the VPN line gets flaky (which it does occassionally) at which point the replication process is prone to locking up. When I look on the subscriber side, there are a few SQL processes which appear to be hung and have locks held on the subscriber database and tables. The crazy thing is that those processes are coming from the replication service. I can assure you (from trial and error) that no other processes are locking this database except for replication itself.
So why would the replication process trip over its own feet like that? Why would it get hung just because of a loss of network connectivity? Any suggestions for somehow making it more reliable?
I have heard of issues like this over vpn connections. There is a post here that might help you.
Another option, if you have persistent problems, and depending on your requirements for speed and functionality, might be to use log shipping. In my humble opinion this can provide a more resilient way of moving data - at least from a networking perspective.
With SQL Server 2005 they allow you to replicate using a web service. This might not allow you to ditch the VPN but since web services are less connection driven that might help fix the problem. I haven't tried this myself so I don't know what the results may be.
As for the locks we've had a scare thinking alot of things were locked but it turned out that the replication monitor was just locking on its self so make sure you don't have that open when looking at the locks. That doesn't sound like your problem though.
I'll ask some questions and maybe they can give you some ideas as I don't have a clue here either.
Is there a way for the replicator to test for connectivity before attempting to start copying? Is there a way to put a connectivity test into whatever script you're using to perform replication? Is there a way to have the script bail in case of failure?
