Managing resources allocated by client processes - c

As part of an experiment, I want to write a OpenGL-based UI server for applications, similar to X11 or Quartz in architecture: a core process renders objects into a single viewport, but all graphical objects are being controlled by remote processes.
The idea is that the views stability is only dependent on the core process. If a client process segfaults, its allocated resources would be safely freed - a requirement for that feature is being able to securely find out whether a client process has crashed.
What is the best practice here?

I think this should be detected as an event on the connection to the client, just as with any other client/server architecture.
If you use sockets, the socket will eventually register that one side has closed the socket (as the process crashes, its end of the socket will be closed), and you can detect that, look up the owning client in the server's records, and clean out all resources.
It would be very weird for the server to directly (through process IDs or whatever) look for the clients, and that would also needlessly limit your architecture to only run locally, and not across a network.


Handling multiple ptys from a single process without direct protocol I/O

I am considering writing a BBS-like program in C and thinking about exactly how the I/O architecture would work with such a program. I'm familiar with sockets programming already, more specifically the master/remote model (not sure if there's a more official name for it) where a master process running as a daemon runs the vast majority of the application in a main process. When remote TTYs connect, they do so in a separate process that communicates with the main process via a Unix domain socket, and there's a thread on the main process for each remote TTY's I/O. All the modules and functionality are running in the main process.
This works well for things like CLIs for some kind of process, but I don't think it's as well suited for a significantly richer/more interactive program, where I think it'd make much more sense for all the TTYs to be managed in the same process rather than communicating over a socket. For example, you can't run ncurses over a socket, since the termios that we care about is in that remote process, not in our main process or usable over the socket. So taking the master/remote model further, you'd need to move a lot of logic from the main program to the remote processes.
The problem I'm a little stuck on is exactly how you can have the main process handling all the TTYs without itself handling all of the network socket traffic. For example, say we want to allow telnet and SSH connections. With the master/remote model, it might look like this:
Inbound telnet connection
Telnet server launches /usr/sbin/remote_process (custom login shell)
remote_process (a C program, shell script, etc.) begins executing, communicating with main_process
Inbound SSH connection
SSH server launches /usr/sbin/remote_process (custom login shell)
remote_process (a C program, shell script, etc.) begins executing, communicating with main_process
Importantly, with the master/remote model we consider above, the telnet/SSH protocol is abstracted away from the program in question. It doesn't care if the incoming connection is from Telnet, SSH, a serial port, etc. We don't need to handle the details of these protocols ourselves.
Naively trying to apply this to the single-process model, handling all the TTYs directly, I would think the thing to do would be that step # 3/4 somehow needs to have the main process take over its terminal/PTY. main_process can't be called directly though, since it's already running, and I'm not sure if anything like that would be possible since somehow it would be moving the master/slave for the pty between processes, but the goal would be to have main_process doing everything remote_process was doing in the other model, directly handling the I/O from the Telnet server, SSH server, etc.
The standard way of doing this kind of thing seems to be having the main_process directly run its own listeners - that is, instead of listening for UNIX domain socket connections, directly accept Telnet/SSH traffic, etc. But then, the program is now responsible for handling the details of each individual protocol.
You can see an example of this with SyncrhonetBBS:
The BBS program itself has code to handle each supported protocol: SSH, TELNET, TELNETS, etc.
(I suppose there is a third model: have the main daemon process itself be quite minimal in what it does, and just have each individual TTY process contain the bulk of all the logic, and just use the daemon process for IPC between the TTYs... but then that gets tricky if you want to do stuff like dynamically loadable and unloadable modules that are really at a "system" level as opposed to per-TTY... so I'm not really considering this other extreme).
Is there any way to have the best of both worlds - be able to control all the different TTYs from a single process, but without having to directly implement protocol-specific handling? And if so, how does the TTY setup occur? I'm not looking for code examples here so much as a general high-level explanation/guidance of what this would likely look and how the different components - processes, sockets, TTYs - would interact.

Data logging application, server component - separate thread or separate process?

I am writing a data logging application which reads some values from an external device and saves them to a file periodically. Also, I would like for the application to have a server component that would make current readings accessible over TCP/IP.
The application is (being) written in C in a unix-like environment.
I am not sure whether the server should run as a separate process (fork itself away after start) and use some IPC to obtain the data or whether it would be better off as a separate thread only?
What ingredients go into such a decision?
If you are after real-time, stay away from "another" process as this just introduces another hop in the data path, which slows transmission down.
Have one process, instantiating a reader thread, pulling data from the device and pushing it into an internal buffer, probably implementing double-buffering, depending on the device's capabilities.
Then have a logger thread and a sender thread reading from this internal buffer.

Simplest way to awake multiple processes with a single broadcast?

Context: this is a web/sqlite application. One process receives new data over TCP, and feed them to a SQLite database. Other processes (number is variable) are launched as required as clients connect and request updates over HTML5's server-side events interface (this might change to websocket in the future).
The idea is to force the client apps to block, and to find a way for the server to create a notification that will wakeup all awaiting clients.
Note that the clients aren't fork'ed from the server.
I'm hoping for a solution that:
doesn't require clients to register themselves to the server
allows the server to broadcast even if no client is listening - and doesn't create a huge pile of unprocessed notifications
allows clients to detect that server isn't present
allows clients to define a custom timeout (maximum wait time for an event)
Solutions checked:
sqlite3_update_hook() - only works within a single process (damned, that would have been sleek)
signals: I still have nightmares about the last time I used signals. Maybe signalfd would be better (server creates a folder, client create unique files, and server notifies all files in that folder)
iNotify - didn't read enough on this one
semaphores / locks / shared memory - can't think of a non-hacked way to use these. The server could update a shared memory area with the row ID of the line just inserted in the DB, but then what?
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious - but what? At this time, polling seems to be the best option!
Just as a suggestion can you try message queues? multiple clients can connect to the same queue and receive one broadcast message, each client can have its own message queue if it requires communication with the server.
Message queues are implemented by Linux OS and they are very reliable. I personally use message queues to pass messages from several clients to a central routing daemon, clients being responsible of processing and returning the altered data.

Server Architecture for Embedded Device

I am working on a server application for an embedded ARM platform. The ARM board is connected to various digital IOs, ADCs, etc that the system will consistently poll. It is currently running a Linux kernel with the hardware interfaces developed as drivers. The idea is to have a client application which can connect to the embedded device and receive the sensory data as it is updated and issue commands to the device (shutdown sensor 1, restart sensor 2, etc). Assume the access to the sensory devices is done through typical ioctl.
Now my question relates to the design/architecture of this server application running on the embedded device. At first I was thinking to use something like libevent or libev, lightweight C event handling libraries. The application would prioritize the sensor polling event (and then send the information to the client after the polling is done) and process client commands as they are received (over a typical TCP socket). The server would typically have a single connection but may have up to a dozen or so, but not something like thousands of connections. Is this the best approach to designing something like this? Of the two event handling libraries I listed, is one better for embedded applications or are there any other alternatives?
The other approach under consideration is a multi-threaded application in which the sensor polling is done in a prioritized/blocking thread which reads the sensory data and each client connection is handled in separate thread. The sensory data is updated into some sort of buffer/data structure and the connection threads handle sending out the data to the client and processing client commands (I supposed you would still need an event loop of sort in these threads to monitor for incoming commands). Are there any libraries or typical packages used which facilitate designing an application like this or is this something you have to start from scratch?
How would you design what I am trying to accomplish?
I would use a unix domain socket -- and write the library myself, can't see any advantages to using libvent since the application is tied to linux, and libevent is also for hundreds of connections. You can do all of what you are trying to do with a single thread in your daemon. KISS.
You don't need a dedicated master thread for priority queues you just need to write your threads so that it always processes high priority events before anything else.
In terms of libraries, you will possibly benifit from Google's protocol buffers (for serialization and representing your protocol) -- however it only has first class supports for C++, and the over the wire (serialization) format does a bit of simple bit shifting to numeric data. I doubt it will add any serious overhead. However an alternative is ASN.1 (asn1c).
My suggestion would be a modified form of your 2nd proposal. I would create a server that has two threads. One thread polling the sensors, and another for ALL of your client connections. I have used in embedded devices (MIPS) boost::asio library with great results.
A single thread that handles all sockets connections asynchronously can usually handle the load easily (of course, it depends on how many clients you have). It would then serve the data it has on a shared buffer. To reduce the amount and complexity of mutexes, I would create two buffers, one 'active' and another 'inactive', and a flag to indicate the current active buffer. The polling thread would read data and put it in the inactive buffer. When it finished and had created a 'consistent' state, it would flip the flag and swap the active and inactive buffers. This could be done atomically and should therefore not require anything more complex than this.
This would all be very simple to set up since you would pretty much have only two threads that know nothing about the other.

Cleanest way to stop a process on Win32?

While implementing an applicative server and its client-side libraries in C++, I am having trouble finding a clean and reliable way to stop client processes on server shutdown on Windows.
Assuming the server and its clients run under the same user, the requirements are:
the solution should work in the following cases:
clients may each feature either a console or a gui.
user may be unprivileged.
clients may be or become unresponsive (infinite loop, deadlock).
clients may or may not be children of the server (direct or indirect).
unless prevented by a client-side defect, clients shall be allowed the opportunity to exit cleanly (free their ressources, sync some data to disk...) and some reasonable time to do so.
all client return codes shall be made available (if possible) to the server during the shutdown procedure.
server shall wait until all clients are gone.
As of this edit, the majority of the answers below advocate the use of a shared memory (or another IPC mechanism) between the server and its clients to convey shutdown orders and client status. These solutions would work, but require that clients successfully initialize the library.
What I did not say, is that the server is also used to start the clients and in some cases other programs/scripts which don't use the client library at all. A solution that did not rely on a graceful communication between server and clients would be nicer (if possible).
Some time ago, I stumbled upon a C snippet (in the MSDN I believe) that did the following:
start a thread via CreateRemoteThread in the process to shutdown.
had that thread directly call ExitProcess.
Unfortunately now that I'm looking for it, I'm unable to find it and the search results seem to imply that this trick does not work anymore on Vista. Any expert input on this ?
If you use thread, a simple solution is to use a named system event, the thread sleeps on the event waiting for it to be signaled, the control application can signal the event when it wants the client applications to quit.
For the UI application it (the thread) can post a message to the main window, WM_ CLOSE or QUIT I forget which, in the console application it can issue a CTRL-C or if the main console code loops it can check some exit condition set by the thread.
Either way rather than finding the client applications an telling them to quit, use the OS to signal they should quit. The sleeping thread will use virtually no CPU footprint provided it uses WaitForSingleObject to sleep on.
You want some sort of IPC between clients and servers. If all clients were children, I think pipes would have been easiest; since they're not, I guess a server-operated shared-memory segment can be used to register clients, issue the shutdown command, and collect return codes posted there by clients successfully shutting down.
In this shared-memory area, clients put their process IDs, so that the server can forcefully kill any unresponsive clients (modulo server privileges), using TerminateProcess().
If you are willing to go the IPC route, make the normal communication between client and server bi-directional to let the server ask the clients to shut down. Or, failing that, have the clients poll. Or as the last resort, the clients should be instructed to exit when the make a request to server. You can let the library user register an exit callback, but the best way I know of is to simply call "exit" in the client library when the client is told to shut down. If the client gets stuck in shutdown code, the server needs to be able to work around it by ignoring that client's data structures and connection.
Use PostMessage or a named event.
Re: PostMessage -- applications other than GUIs, as well as threads other than the GUI thread, can have message loops and it's very useful for stuff like this. (In fact COM uses message loops under the hood.) I've done it before with ATL but am a little rusty with that.
If you want to be robust to malicious attacks from "bad" processes, include a private key shared by client/server as one of the parameters in the message.
The named event approach is probably simpler; use CreateEvent with a name that is a secret shared by the client/server, and have the appropriate app check the status of the event (e.g. WaitForSingleObject with a timeout of 0) within its main loop to determine whether to shut down.
That's a very general question, and there are some inconsistencies.
While it is a not 100% rule, most console applications run to completion, whereas GUI applications run until the user terminates them (And services run until stopped via the SCM). Hence, it's easier to request a GUI to close. You send them the equivalent of Alt-F4. But for a console program, you have to send them the equivalent of Ctrl-C and hope they handle it. In both cases, you simply wait. If the process sticks around, you then shoot it down (TerminateProcess) and pray that the damage is limited. But your HDD can fill up with temporary files.
GUI application in general do not have exit codes - where would they go? And a console process that is forcefully terminated by definition does not exit, so it has no exit code. So, in a server shutdown scenario, don't expect exit codes.
If you've got a debugger attached, you generally can't shutdown the process from another application. That would make it impossible for debuggers to debug exit code!
