How to get IP address programmatically on Debian based system? - c

I'm trying to retrieve the IP Address of the local machine in my program. The Operating System is Ubuntu 8.10. I tried using gethostname() and gethostbyname() to retrieve the IP Address. The answer I received is I learned that it seems to be a Debian thing:
The document linked here explained the idea.
The content of my /etc/hosts file is: localhost mymachine
In this case, is there any other way to programmatically (prefer C or C++) to get the IP Address without modifying the system file on the machine?

Here's some quick and dirty code that demonstrates SIOCGIFCONF :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
int main()
int sock, i;
struct ifreq ifreqs[20];
struct ifconf ic;
ic.ifc_len = sizeof ifreqs;
ic.ifc_req = ifreqs;
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (sock < 0) {
if (ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFCONF, &ic) < 0) {
for (i = 0; i < ic.ifc_len/sizeof(struct ifreq); ++i)
printf("%s: %s\n", ifreqs[i].ifr_name,
inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in*)&ifreqs[i].ifr_addr)->sin_addr));
return 0;
I get the following output on my Linux machine.

So, as per Ken's point:
ip addr show scope global | grep inet | cut -d' ' -f6 | cut -d/ -f1
Shame that when the Debian gods made the "ip" command they didn't think to add a simple command to get just the ip address.

See "netdevice", through man netdevice or on the web.
SIOCGIFCONF can then be used to get an enumeration of all transport layer addresses.
Edit (on manpages): man is a very useful command on Linux (or other UNIX-like systems as well). It shows a brief description of most commands, library functions, programs, etc. Open a shell prompt and type man ls or man netdevice, and you'll see what I mean.
Edit (on general retrieving of IP): The easiest way, if you think the C way is too messy, is a simple shell script like (just from the top of my head):
ifconfig|grep 'inet addr'|awk '{print $2}'|sed 's/addr://g'
Edit (on the Brain solution): What he does is using the if_nameindex() function for finding all network device names, and then the SIOCFIFCONF ioctl on each of these names for finding their IP. As he says, it only lists one IP per device.

Take a look at the netdevice man page. Call SIOCGIFCONF to obtain a list of all the interfaces and their addresses.

Thanks all for the shares!
For a bash solution, this what I ended up going with:
/sbin/ifconfig|fgrep 'inet addr:'|fgrep -v '127'|cut -d: -f2|awk '{print $1}'|head -n1
The head ensures the primary ip is returned, as multi homed and/or logical interfaces will also be returned without the head.
So if the script was located at /sbin/get_primary_ip, you could do stuff like:

ifconfig is deprecated and old. iproute2 is the new stack, use the ip command:
ip addr, and parse from there.


Creating a TCP Server to host ELF files

I've setup a TCP server with docker for a CTF competition I'm going to be hosting. The problem is, when I nc (netcat) into the running TCP Server on my localhost machine, the client does not receive the output of the executable.
I've never setup a TCP Server in the past, so this is new to me.
Bash Script
#!/bin/sh -e
exec tcpserver -v -P -R -H -l 0 1337 ./buff
Short C Script
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define FLAG ""
int main() {
int safe = 0xFACE0FF;
char name[32] = "";
fprintf(stderr, "So you wanna take my flag? ");
read(0, name, 0x32);
if (safe == 0xdec0de) {
fprintf(stderr, "Here's my flag: %s", FLAG);
} else {
puts("Goodluck dude!");
I want the client to read and send input. From the above C script.
The above bash script creates a successful TCP Server and listens for any incoming connections on port 1337, however when the client connects to the TCP Server, they can only pass input.
Check the man page for read(). The read function will wait until it's read the given number of bytes - in your case you specify 0x32 bytes (which is probably not what you expect). That's why it seems like it doesn't put output - it's waiting for 50 input characters before it continues.
You might want to consider getline() or something similar instead.
Also, check to make sure you use the same base on variable declaration as buffer sizes.

Set wireless channel using netlink API

I am developing a WiFi tool in Ubuntu Linux 12.04 environment and I need to switch the WiFi interface between different channels.
Currently I found the solution in Wireshark source code ws80211_utils.c in function called ws80211_set_freq but I do not know how to implement it into my source code and which libs to include and how to compile so I could test it.
The problem is that there are too many arguments and flags you have to use. Also, this is the first time I develop a netlink wifi tool.
If there are any good manuals available where to start and how to use netlink calls for WiFi please provide me with the link.
Thanks a lot i advance!
In current Linux versions, nl80211 is the right way to "talk" to the wireless subsystem. Be aware that you cannot arbitrarily set a channel with every driver and every operating mode (master, client, monitor etc.) Some drivers allow a channel change only when the corresponding interface is "down". In modes such as client ("managed"), the channel cannot be set at all because it is defined by the access point.
Also note that not all wireless device drivers use mac80211/cfg80211. For those drivers not using it, you either have to use the old wireless extensions API or (even worse) a driver-specific proprietary API.
Sadly, there seems to be no up-to-date and complete documentation of the nl80211 interface. Please correct me if I am wrong!
Your approach of looking into the source code of other programs seems to be a reasonable way. You could also use the source code of the iw command line utility. iw has an option to set the channel:
$ iw --help
Usage: iw [options] command
--debug enable netlink debugging
--version show version (3.2)
dev <devname> set channel <channel> [HT20|HT40+|HT40-]
In iw's phy.c, line 91ff. you can find the code called when iw wlan0 set channel is executed. However, this code is definitely not easy to read. It looks like the
NL80211_CMD_SET_WIPHYcommand in conjunction with the NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_FREQ attribute is the way to go.
In this SO answer you can find a skeleton program for using nl80211. Also, the code of Aircrack-ng (src/osdep/linux.c, function linux_set_channel_nl80211) could act as a blueprint.
The accepted answer is currently correct, but there's no example code posted yet which solves the OP's question (even if nearly 4 years late), so I thought I would add this here for any future search engine users. It's adapted from this SO question and the specific Aircrack-ng file (/src/aircrack-osdep/linux.c, line 1050) that were both previously mentioned.
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netlink/netlink.h>
#include <netlink/genl/genl.h>
#include <netlink/genl/ctrl.h>
#include <linux/nl80211.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* The device's name and the frequency we wish to set it to. */
char *device = "wlan1";
int frequencyMhz = 2442;
/* Create the socket and connect to it. */
struct nl_sock *sckt = nl_socket_alloc();
/* Allocate a new message. */
struct nl_msg *mesg = nlmsg_alloc();
/* Check /usr/include/linux/nl80211.h for a list of commands and attributes. */
enum nl80211_commands command = NL80211_CMD_SET_WIPHY;
/* Create the message so it will send a command to the nl80211 interface. */
genlmsg_put(mesg, 0, 0, genl_ctrl_resolve(sckt, "nl80211"), 0, 0, command, 0);
/* Add specific attributes to change the frequency of the device. */
NLA_PUT_U32(mesg, NL80211_ATTR_IFINDEX, if_nametoindex(device));
NLA_PUT_U32(mesg, NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_FREQ, frequencyMhz);
/* Finally send it and receive the amount of bytes sent. */
int ret = nl_send_auto_complete(sckt, mesg);
printf("%d Bytes Sent\n", ret);
printf("PUT Failure\n");
Compile this with gcc main.c $(pkg-config --cflags --libs libnl-3.0 libnl-genl-3.0).
Once executed, check the frequency/channel of your device with e.g. iw wlan1 info or iwconfig. There's no serious error checking here, so all you will notice is if the message was sent or not. Hopefully this helps anyone like me making the transition from Wireless Extensions to cfg80211 and nl80211.

How to find out if the eth0 mode is static or dhcp?

I want to use a C program to get if the ip of the network interface is set manually or via dhcp.
I've tried to use the following code and it has worked in Debian, but it hasn't worked in OpenWrt. I want to know how to write a C program doing this in OpenWrt.
I have tried to use this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
FILE *fp;
char buffer[80];
fp=popen("cat /etc/network/interfaces |grep ^iface\\ br-lan | awk -F ' ' '{print $4}'","r");
fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp);
printf("%s", buffer);
This code is working in Debian, but it isn't working normally in OpenWrt, so I want to know how to write a program to get the same result.
for OpenWRT you can get a such information with the following command:
$uci get network.lan.proto
so I take the program you put in your question and I change only the command used to get information:
#include <stdio.h> <br>
int main(void)
FILE *fp;
char buffer[80];
fp=popen("uci get network.lan.proto","r");
fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp);
printf("%s", buffer);
to see all network interfaces available in your OpenWRT you can use the following command:
$uci show network
You can avoid using calling linux command in your c by using the libuci. The libuci contains C function to execute uci commands without passing via popen ( popen is used to execute external command from shell).
The libuci exist by default in the development environment of OpenWRT, not need to download it, no need to build it and no need to install it on your OpenWRT machine
You can use libuci in this way
#include <uci.h>
void main()
char path[]="network.lan.proto";
char buffer[80];
struct uci_ptr ptr;
struct uci_context *c = uci_alloc_context();
if(!c) return;
if ((uci_lookup_ptr(c, &ptr, path, true) != UCI_OK) ||
(ptr.o==NULL || ptr.o->v.string==NULL)) {
if(ptr.flags & UCI_LOOKUP_COMPLETE)
strcpy(buffer, ptr.o->v.string);
printf("%s\n", buffer);
(Not tested)
and when you compile your program you have to add the -luci in the compilation command gcc
There's no required way for an OS to decide how an interface should be configured. The kernel (the Linux part of e.g. GNU/Linux) doesn't decide, it doesn't (and shouldn't) care, it just gets told which network addresses go with which interfaces by whatever configuration system the OS is using. OpenWRT's not GNU, it operates differently.
There is AFAIK no definitive way.
Reading the interfaces file would be a hint only: there is no guarantee that the current seup came from there.
You could look at 'asking' the DBUS interface if there is one.
You could check for a dhclient process running.
You could check other files in /etc that specify network setup on different distros.
I think the most reliable option would be a multi-layered thing: check a whole host of hints to come up with the answer.
Another option: send a DHCP check packet to the dhcp server to verify the address.. if you don't get an answer though it could be that the network is down but was up when the address was allocated.

RSA_generate_key() using prngd instead of /dev/random or /dev/urandom

I want to use RSA_generate_key() on HP-UX 11.11. But hp-ux 11.11 does not provide /dev/random or /dev/urandom, so I need to use openssl prngd.
Please let me know how to use it by default in C code. I have openssl installed and prngd is available.
$ ls /opt/openssl/prngd/prngd
Let me know if you need more information.
Noting that prngd uses the same interface that EGD does, checkout the instructions found here. A quote of interest is:
On systems without /dev/*random devices providing entropy from the kernel
Alternatively, the EGD-interface compatible daemon PRNGD can be used.
OpenSSL automatically queries EGD when entropy is requested via RAND_bytes() or the status is checked via RAND_status() for the first time, if the socket is located at /var/run/egd-pool, /dev/egd-pool or /etc/egd-pool.
So when you run prngd, run it as prngd /dev/egd-pool or one of the other alternatives
prngd simulates "/dev/random" and "/dev/urandom" over a network connection. It supports either a Unix stream-based domain socket ("/var/run/egd-pool") or (if configured to) or IP using TCP ports 708 or 4840 (default values---can be changed).
So, in using the Unix domain socket, it would look something like:
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
int devrandom(void)
struct sockaddr sa;
struct sockaddr_un path;
} location;
int sock;
location.path.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
sock = socket(AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,0);
if (sock < 0)
return -1;
if (connect(sock,&,sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)) < 0)
return -1;
return sock;
This will return a file descriptor you can pass to read() in order to obtain the random data (note: this code is untested). A TCP/IP based connection is a bit more involved, requiring binding the socket to a local address and connecting to the remote address but there are plenty of examples on the Internet for that type of code.

libpcap : No Wireless Devices detected

I want to capture packets going out of my machine, and I'm using libpcap (version 1.0.0-1) for the same. The problem is, that a basic program like this -
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pcap.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char *dev, errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
dev = pcap_lookupdev(errbuf);
if (dev == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", errbuf);
return (2);
printf("Device : %s\n", dev);
return (0);
does not seem to display the wireless interface. Everytime I compile and run the program, it detects eth0. How can I make it capture the wireless interfaces as well?
pcap_lookupdev() returns the default networking device on the system, which is usually the first device listed. pcap_findalldevs() returns an enumeration of all devices in the system, which you can use to select a device and capture from it.
try using pcap_findalldevs(). i guess pcap_lookupdev() matches the first entry in the list is suitable interfaces
As others have stated, pcap_lookupdev() simply returns the first device found. You need to use pcap_findalldevs() to build a list of all available devices, then prompt the user to pick one (or let the user specify a number n on the command line, and then use the _n_th device).
But, if this is just a quick-and-dirty test program, you can find out the interface name and code it directly into your program. You can use ifconfig or tcpdump -D to find out the interface names on your system, then make a call like pcap_create("en1", errbuf).
