Silverlight 3 - 3D Engine - silverlight

I understand that with the new Projection feature of Silverlight 3, it should be relatively easy to display simple 3D objects like cubes. Is there a 3D engine in works, that uses those SL 3 features to produce 3D scenes?
I know that there is Kit3D, but it seems it still runs on SL 1 or 2 and the project website is updated very rarely.
If there still is not such engine, I would need some help with my own. Using PlaneProjection, I made this simple demo (move using WASD).
However, I have problems creating composite objects and transforming object positions according to the camera looking direction. I will provide more explanation and source code, if there is no engine that already does this.

You might want to check too.
Edit: I thought it was opensource but I guess I was wrong....


Where can I get example opengl composite objects?

I am trying to build my understanding of OpenGL and see how the 'pros' do things. I am looking for examples of these objects (preferably in C) - I've learned through examples so I think it would help others to see it as well :)
I'm very much a nubie at openGL so this may be a stupid question - I'm just looking for objects I can mess around with to get more familiar with openGL. I have found that it's easier for me to pick things up by tweaking an example until it breaks, then fix it :)
#Nicol Bolas - When I say composite objects I mean objects that when linked together create something 'larger.' An example would be a car. It has a body and tires. Maybe I'm not using the correct term here?
You might be interested in this list of OpenGL based games and applications, particularly the Open Source games.
Also, Ogre 3D is a well-known Open Source graphics engine with an OpenGL renderer.

Manipulation with GIS content on the web using the WebGL

I have task to create program for manipulation with 3d content on the web. When I said 3d content i mean
on 3d map (witch i have and it is something like *.sdm) which i should load into browser and work some basic operation with it (rotate screen, change camera etc...).
Because i am totaly n00b i want to ask a couple of questions:
1. How to load maps into browser. Just for notice that my map have sdm extension. Is this possible?
2. What i should use for represent 3d content. I am thinking of GLGE framework for webGL, if it is possible of course
What should be the most painless and the most effective way to do this? Maybe i was totally wrong when choose webGL?
Programs that use WebGL aren't mature enough to do what you want. Within the next few years, when GIS applications start popping up it may be possible, but not now.
Also, keep in mind that WebGL is what gives you access to a low-level graphics library. It does not directly have anything to do with GIS data.
You may want to take a look at OpenLayers (2d, javascript based) or WorldWind-Java (3d, jogl/java based). Both of these programs can display map information in a browser.

which tools to use for designing cooliris type applications?

I want to utilise the 3dwall feature of cooliris, the physics effects of the icons in bumtop to design an application for making the image viewing more intuitive and interactive. I dont want to use flash as it would slow down the speed for interaction on desktop. PLease could someone tell me about
choice of
1.) physics engine - physx or ODE for the physics effects like bumtop
2.) opengl or direct 3d
3.) WPF(windows presentation Format) - what is its use
Flash with Actionscript 3 is the best for such things. Checkout for an illustration of CoolIris type application in Flash.
WPF is great for building application like this. VS2008 doesn't provide solution for good visualization,
but you can always call for help Blend included in MS Expression. There you can select silverlight project for building fancy web applications ( At start, combining different controls and trigger events to start simulations is entirely included. Yes, inside Blend you can set frame keys like in flash.
It's certainly a lots of effort, but it don't need to be. Recently new set of WIN RadControls for WinForms and Silverlight are issued and they look, believe me, excellent. You can look for Run Demo program which shows example of using these controls. Under section Integration, Carousel and others you will see what you looking for and beyound.

Is DxScene the "WPF for Delphi"? Anyone used it?

I am playing with DxScene and VxScene:
It looks very nice and powerful: 3d accelerated vector graphics, cross plaform, nice effects, many 2d GUI controls (vector based), good scaling, transparency, rotating (x, y, z), 3d models, etc. Even with many effects, the CPU stays very low (0%)!
But can it be seen as a good WPF alternative for Delphi?
And does anyone use it instead of normal Delphi VCL?
Yes, I am using it now in a new project and intend to use it for all future projects.
It's indeed extremely powerful and versatile. It does consume SVG and even XAML, among many other formats, so you could consider it as a Win32 API WPF alternative. Believe me, I've been looking for one for ages, and this is it for me.
Current drawback: lack of documentation. You have to learn it all from the examples and by asking questions in their forum. Not ideal, but it can only get better!
All it needs is more users, and it'll grow into something wonderful.
I'm not sure, but it looks like it's the GUI base for FlStudio
It looks very promising, the effects are very good, in the past years I have seen it's being enhanced constantly. I have check it the second time today (only the compiled demo), it seems that many new controls are added, I like the "expander" expandable panel.
It's very promising, I'm consider using it in the future, I'm not sure if the new version has fix or not, but when the first time I checked the trial version, it lacks of documentation...
Very good effect and promising though!
You might find this article interesting, it explains how to use the DirectWrite and Direct2D features in Delphi 2010, it seems to be rather simple, and is well explained here: Delphi 2010 DirectWrite "Hello World" Example [1].
Screenshot from the article showing the result.

Graph visualisation in Silverlight

I have a data structure that represents a directed graph and I'm looking for a good Silverlight visualisation to allow me to navigate from node to node, preferably with some nice animation.
Does anyone know of any good UI controls or frameworks for this kind of display? Even a sample from another field (maybe a social network?). My graphs don't have many nodes so performance won't be an issue.
I've seen the Prefuse library for Java (and Flash) which would be ideal. The "Degree of Interest" visualisation is the kind of thing I'm after, but I can't find anything in Silverlight.
Thanks for any tips.
There's an open source option that's part of the Silverlight Bag-O-Tricks. Check it out and see a demo here (use the first demo link):
There's also a WPF version:
Try this one
I made a graph library for Silverlight, that uses Dot as basis.
Please check out:
I am making some improvements to support more shapes and types of arrows.
Must admit I haven't tryed it out yet my self but quickgraph looks promissing
#Rune FS
QuickGraph has no visualisation capabilities, at least not for Silverlight. It just handles the graph data structures and algorithms.
QuickGraph does make it easy to construct a graph and output to Directed Graph Markup Language (DGML) which can be viewed in VS 2010. I just checked in changes to the project and I noticed that it has been designed to be built for inclusion into Silverlight. So perhaps you could use it in conjunction with a silverlight DGML viewer
