should nearly unique fields have indexes - database

I have a field in a database that is nearly unique: 98% of the time the values will be unique, but it may have a few duplicates. I won't be doing many searches on this field; say twice a month. The table currently has ~5000 records and will gain about 150 per month.
Should this field have an index?
I am using MySQL.

I think the 'nearly unique' is probably a red herring. The data is either unique, or it's not, but that doesn't determine whether you would want to index it for performance reasons.
5000 records is really not many at all, and regardless of whether you have an index, searches will still be fast. At that rate of inserts, it'll take you 3 years to get to 10000 records, which is still also not many.
I personally wouldn't bother with adding an index, but it wouldn't matter if you did.
What you have to think about when deciding to add an index is the trade-off between insertion speed, and selection speed.
Without an index, doing a select on that field means MySQL has to walk over every single row and read every single field. Adding an index prevents this.
The downside of the index is that each time data gets inserted, the DB has to update the index in addition to adding the data. This is usually a small overhead, but you'd really notice it if you had loads of indexes, and were doing a lot of writes.
By the time you get this many rows in your database, you'd want an index anyway as otherwise your selects would take all day, but it's just something to be aware about so that you don't end up adding indexes on fields "just in case I need it"

That's not very many records at all; I wouldn't bother making any indexes on that table. The relative uniqueness of the field is irrelevant - even on years-old commodity hardware I'd expect a query on that table to take a fraction of a second.

you can use the general rule of thumb: optimize when it becomes a problem. Just don't use an index until you notice you need one.

From what you say, it doesn't sound like an index is necessary. Rule of thumb is index fields that are being used in SELECTS a lot to speed up the searching, which in turn (can) slows down INSERTS and UPDATES.
On a recordset as small as yours, I don't think you will see much of a real world hit either way.

If you'll only be doing searches on it twice a month and its that few rows then I would say don't index it. Its all but useless.

No. There aren't many records and it's not going to be frequently queried. No need to index.

It's really a judgement call. With such a small table you can search reasonably quickly without an index, so you could get by without it.
On the other hand, the cost of creating an index you don't really need is pretty low, so you're not saving yourself much by not doing it.
Also, if you do create the index, you're covered for the future if you suddenly start getting 1000 new records/week. Possibly you know enough about the situation to say for certain that that will never happen, but requirements do have a way of changing when you least expect.
EDIT: As far as changing requirements, the thing to consider is this: If the DB does grow and you find out later that you do need an index, can you simply create the index and be done? Or will you also need to change lots of code to make use of the new index?

It depends. As others have responded, there's a trade off between table update speed and selection speed. Table update includes inserts, updates, and deletes on the table.
One question you didn't address. Does the table have a primary key, and a corresponding index? A table with no indexes usually benefits form having at least one index. The most common way of getting that index is to declare a primary key, and rely on the DBMS to generate an index accordingly.
If a table has no candidates for primary key, that usually indicates a serious flaw in table design. That's a separate issue and should get a spearate discussion.


Putting indices on all columns of a read only table

I have a table in a database that will be generated from the start and probably never be written to again. Even if it were ever written to, it'll be in the form of batch processes run during a release, and write time is not important at all.
It's a relatively large table with about 80k rows and maybe about 10-12 columns.
The application is likely to retrieve data from this table often.
I was thinking, since it'll never be written to again, should I just put indices on all the columns? That way it'll always be quick to read no matter what type of query I form?
Is this a good idea? Is there any downside to this I should be aware of?
My understanding is that each index does require some (a relatively small amount of) storage space. If you're tight for space this could matter. Exactly how much impact this might make may depend on which DB you are using.
It will depend on the table. If all of the columns will be used in search criteria, then it is not unreasonable to put indexes on them all. That is fairly unlikely though. Also, there may be compound (multi-column) indexes that would be more beneficial than some of the simple (single-column) indexes.
Finally, the query optimizer will have to review all the indexes that are present on the table when evaluating how answer queries. It is hard to say when this becomes a measurable overhead, but more indexes takes more time.
So, given the static nature of the table you describe, it is reasonable to index it more heavily than you might a more dynamic table. Indexing every column is probably not sensible. Choosing carefully which compound indexes to add may be important too.
Choose indexes for a table based on the queries you run against that table.
Indexes you never need for any query are just wasted space.
Individual indexes on each column isn't the full set of indexes possible. You also can make multi-column indexes (i.e. compound indexes), and these can be important for optimizing certain queries. The order of columns in a compound index matters.
SQL Server 2008 supports only 999 nonclustered indexes per table, so if you try to create all possible indexes on a table of more than a few columns, you will reach the limit.
Sorry, but you actually need to learn some things before you can optimize effectively. If it were simply a matter of indexing every column, then the RDBMS would do this by default.

database row/ record pointers

I don't know the correct words for what I'm trying to find out about and as such having a hard time googling.
I want to know whether its possible with databases (technology independent but would be interested to hear whether its possible with Oracle, MySQL and Postgres) to point to specific rows instead of executing my query again.
So I might initially execute a query find some rows of interest and then wish to avoid searching for them again by having a list of pointers or some other metadata which indicates the location on a database which I can go to straight away the next time I want those results.
I realise there is caching on databases, but I want to keep these "pointers" else where and as such caching doesn't ultimately solve this problem. Is this just an index and I store the index and look up by this? most of my current tables don't have indexes and I don't want the speed decrease that sometimes comes with indexes.
So whats the magic term I've been trying to put into google?
In Oracle it is called ROWID. It identifies the file, the block number, and the row number in that block. I can't say that what you are describing is a good idea, but this might at least get you started looking in the right direction.
Check here for more info:
By the way, the "speed decrease that comes with indexes" that you are afraid of is only relevant if you do more inserts and updates than reads. Indexes only speed up reads, so if the read ratio is high, you might not have an issue and an index might be your best solution.
most of my current tables don't have
indexes and I don't want the speed
decrease that sometimes comes with
And you also don't want the speed increase which usually comes with indexes but you want to hand-roll a bespoke pseudo-cache instead?
I'm not being snarky here, this is a serious point. Database designers have expended a great deal of skill and energy into optimizing their products. Wouldn't it be more sensible to learn how to take advantage of their efforts rather re-implementing some core features?
In general, the best way to handle this sort of requirement is to use the primary key (or in fact any convenient, compact unique identifier) as the 'pointer', and rely on the indexed lookup to be swift - which it usually will be.
You can use ROWID in more DBMS than just Oracle, but it generally isn't recommended for a variety or reasons. If you succumb to the 'every table has an autoincrement column' school of database design, then you can record the autoincrement column values as the identifiers.
You should have at least one index on (almost) all of your tables - that index will be for the primary key. The exception might be for a table so small that it fits in memory easily and won't be updated and will be used enough not to be evicted from memory. Then an index might be a distraction; however, such tables are typically seldom updated so the index won't harm anything, and the optimizer will ignore it if the index doesn't help (and it may not).
You may also have auxilliary indexes. In a system where most of the activity is reading the data, you may want to erro on the side of having more indexes rather than fewer, because access time is most critical. If your system was update intensive, then you would go with fewer indexes because there is a cost associated with updating indexes when data is added, removed or updated. Clearly, you need to design the indexes to work well with the queries that your users actually perform (or your applications perform).
You may also be interested in cursors. (Note that the index debate is still valid with cursors.)
Wikipedia definition here.

Access database performance

For a few different reasons one of my projects is hosted on a shared hosting server
and developed in asp.Net/C# with access databases (Not a choice so don't laugh at this limitation, it's not from me).
Most of my queries are on the last few records of the databases they are querying.
My question is in 2 parts:
1- Is the order of the records in the database only visual or is there an actual difference internally. More specifically, the reason I ask is that the way it is currently designed all records (for all databases in this project) are ordered by a row identifying key (which is an auto number field) ascending but since over 80% of my queries will be querying fields that should be towards the end of the table would it increase the query performance if I set the table to showing the most recent record at the top instead of at the end?
2- Are there any other performance tuning that can be done to help with access tables?
"Access" and "performance" is an euphemism but the database type wasn't a choice
and so far it hasn't proven to be a big problem but if I can help the performance
I would sure like to do whatever I can.
No, I'm not currently experiencing issues with my current setup, just trying to look forward and optimize everything.
Yes, I do have indexes and have a primary key (automatically indexes) on the unique record identifier for each of my tables. I definitely should have mentioned that.
You're all saying the same thing, I'm already doing all that can be done for access performance. I'll give the question "accepted answer" to the one that was the fastest to answer.
Thanks everyone.
As far as I know...
1 - That change would just be visual. There'd be no impact.
2 - Make sure your fields are indexed. If the fields you are querying on are unique, then make sure you make the fields a unique key.
Yes there is an actual order to the records in the database. Setting the defaults on the table preference isn't going to change that.
I would ensure there are indexes on all your where clause columns. This is a rule of thumb. It would rarely be optimal, but you would have to do workload testing against different database setups to prove the most optimal solution.
I work daily with legacy access system that can be reasonably fast with concurrent users, but only for smallish number of users.
You can use indexes on the fields you search for (aren't you already?).
The order is most likely not the problem. Besides, I don't think you can really change it in Access anyway.
What is important is how you are accessing those records. Are you accessing them directly by the record ID? Whatever criteria you use to find the data you need, you should have an appropriate index defined.
By default, there will only be an index on the primary key column, so if you're using any other column (or combination of columns), you should create one or more indexes.
Don't just create an index on every column though. More indexes means Access will need to maintain them all when a new record is inserted or updated, which makes it slower.
Here's one article about indexes in Access.
Have a look at the field or fields you're using to query your data and make sure you have an index on those fields. If it's the same as SQL server you won't need to include the primary key in the index (assuming it's clustering on this) as it's included by default.
If you're running queries on a small sub-set of fields you could get your index to be a 'covering' index by including all the fields required, there's a space trade-off here, so I really only recommend it for 5 fields or less, depending on your requirements.
Are you actually experiencing a performance problem now or is this just a general optimization question? Also from your post it sounds like you are talking about a db with 1 table, is that accurate? If you are already experiencing a problem and you are dealing with concurrent access, some answers might be:
1) indexing fields used in where clauses (mentioned already)
2) Splitting tables. For example, if only 80% of your table rows are not accessed (as implied in your question), create an archive table for older records. Or, if the bulk of your performance hits are from reads (complicated reports) and you don't want to impinge on performance for people adding records, create a separate reporting table structure and query off of that.
3) If this is a reporting scenario, all queries are similar or the same, concurrency is somewhat high (very relative number given Access) and the data is not extremely volatile, consider persisting the data to a file that can be periodically updated, thus offloading the querying workload from the Access engine.
In regard to table order, Jet/ACE writes the actual table date in PK order. If you want a different order, change the PK.
But this oughtn't be a significant issue.
Indexes on the fields other than the PK that you sort on should make sorting pretty fast. I have apps with 100s of thousands of records that return subsets of data in non-PK sorted order more-or-less instantaneously.
I think you're engaging in "premature optimization," worrying about something before you actually have an issue.
The only circumstances in which I think you'd have a performance problem is if you had a table of 100s of thousands of records and you were trying to present the whole thing to the end user. That would be a phenomenally user-hostile thing to do, so I don't think it's something you should be worrying about.
If it really is a concern, then you should consider changing your PK from the Autonumber to a natural key (though that can be problematic, given real-world data and the prohibition on non-Null fields in compound unique indexes).
I've got a couple of things to add that I didn't notice being mentioned here, at least not explicitly:
Field Length, create your fields as large as you'll need them but don't go over - for instance, if you have a number field and the value will never be over 1000 (for the sake of argument) then don't type it as a Long Integer, something smaller like Integer would be more appropriate, or use a single instead of a double for decimal numbers, etc. By the same token, if you have a text field that won't have more than 50 chars, don't set it up for 255, etc, etc. Sounds obvious, but it's done, often times with the idea that "I might need that space in the future" and your app suffers in the mean time.
Not to beat the indexing thing to death...but, tables that you're joining together in your queries should have relationships established, this will create indexes on the foreign keys which greatly increases the performance of table joins (NOTE: Double check any foreign keys to make sure they did indeed get indexed, I've seen cases where they haven't been - so apparently a relationship doesn't explicitly mean that the proper indexes have been created)
Apparently compacting your DB regularly can help performance as well, this reduces internal fragmentation of the file and can speed things up that way.
Access actually has a Performance Analyzer, under tools Analyze > Performance, it might be worth running it on your tables & queries at least to see what it comes up with. The table analyzer (available from the same menu) can help you split out tables with alot of redundant data, obviously, use with caution - but it's could be helpful.
This link has a bunch of stuff on access performance optimization on pretty much all aspects of the database, tables, queries, forms, etc - it'd be worth checking out for sure.
To understand the answers here it is useful to consider how access works, in an un-indexed table there is unlikely to be any value in organising the data so that recently accessed records are at the end. Indeed by the virtue of the fact that Access / the JET engine is an ISAM database it's the other way around. ( That's rather moot however as I would never suggest putting frequently accessed values at the top of a table, it is best as others have said to rely on useful indexes.

Using boolean or enum columns in indices?

I`ve read that columns that are chosen for indices should discriminate well among the rows, i.e. index columns should not contain a large number of rows with the same value. This would suggest that booleans or an enum such as gender would be a bad choice for an index.
But say I want to find users by gender and in my particular database, only 2% of the users are female, then in that case it seems like the gender column would be a useful index when getting the female users, but not when getting all the male users.
So would it generally be a good idea to put an index on such a column?
Indexing a low-cardinality column to improve search performance is common in my world. Oracle supports a "bitmapped index" which is designed for these situations. See this article for a short overview.
Most of my experience is with Oracle, but I assume that other RDBMS' support something similar.
Don't forget, though, that you'll probably only be selecting for females about 2% of the time. The rest of the time, you'll be searching for males. And for that, a straight table scan (rather than an index scan plus accessing the data from the table) is going to be quicker.
You can also, sometimes, use a compound index, with a low cardinality column (enum, boolean) coupled with a higher cardinality column (birth date, perhaps). This depends very much on the full data, and the queries you'll really use.
My experience is that an index on male/female is seldom going to be truly useful. And the general advice is valid. One more point to remember - indexes have to be maintained when you add or remove (or update) rows. The more indexes, the more work each modify operation has to do, slowing the system down.
There are whole books on index design.
This is a case where I would let the server statistics inform me of when to create the index. Unless you know that this query is going to predominate or that running such a query would not meet your performance goals a priori, then creating the index prematurely may just cost you performance rather than increase it. Also, you may want to think about how you would actually use the query. In this case, my guess would be that you'd typically be doing some sort of aggregation based on this column rather than simply selecting the users who meet the criteria. In that event, you'll be doing the table scan anyway and the index won't buy you anything.

How many database indexes is too many?

I'm working on a project with a rather large Oracle database (although my question applies equally well to other databases). We have a web interface which allows users to search on almost any possible combination of fields.
To make these searches go fast, we're adding indexes to the fields and combinations of fields on which we believe users will commonly search. However, since we don't really know how our customers will use this software, it's hard to tell which indexes to create.
Space isn't a concern; we have a 4 terabyte RAID drive of which we are using only a small fraction. However, I'm worried about the possible performance penalties of having too many indexes. Because those indexes need to be updated every time a row is added, deleted, or modified, I imagine it'd be a bad idea to have dozens of indexes on a single table.
So how many indexes is considered too many? 10? 25? 50? Or should I just cover the really, really common and obvious cases and ignore everything else?
It depends on the operations that occur on the table.
If there's lots of SELECTs and very few changes, index all you like.... these will (potentially) speed the SELECT statements up.
If the table is heavily hit by UPDATEs, INSERTs + DELETEs ... these will be very slow with lots of indexes since they all need to be modified each time one of these operations takes place
Having said that, you can clearly add a lot of pointless indexes to a table that won't do anything. Adding B-Tree indexes to a column with 2 distinct values will be pointless since it doesn't add anything in terms of looking the data up. The more unique the values in a column, the more it will benefit from an index.
I usually proceed like this.
Get a log of the real queries run on the data on a typical day.
Add indexes so the most important queries hit the indexes in their execution plan.
Try to avoid indexing fields that have a lot of updates or inserts
After a few indexes, get a new log and repeat.
As with all any optimization, I stop when the requested performance is reached (this obviously implies that point 0. would be getting specific performance requirements).
Everyone else has been giving you great advice. I have an added suggestion for you as you move forward. At some point you have to make a decision as to your best indexing strategy. In the end though, the best PLANNED indexing strategy can still end up creating indexes that don't end up getting used. One strategy that lets you find indexes that aren't used is to monitor index usage. You do this as follows:-
alter index my_index_name monitoring usage;
You can then monitor whether the index is used or not from that point forward by querying v$object_usage. Information on this can be found in the Oracle® Database Administrator's Guide.
Just remember that if you have a warehousing strategy of dropping indexes before updating a table, then recreating them, you will have to set the index up for monitoring again, and you'll lose any monitoring history for that index.
In data warehousing it is very common to have a high number of indexes. I have worked with fact tables having two hundred columns and 190 of them indexed.
Although there is an overhead to this it must be understood in the context that in a data warehouse we generally only insert a row once, we never update it, but it can then participate in thousands of SELECT queries which might benefit from indexing on any of the columns.
For maximum flexibility a data warehouse generally uses single column bitmap indexes except on high cardinality columns, where (compressed) btree indexes can be used.
The overhead on index maintenance is mostly associated with the expense of writing to a great many blocks and the block splits as new rows are added with values that are "in the middle" of existing value ranges for that column. This can be mitigated by partitioning and having the new data loads aligned with the partitioning scheme, and by using direct path inserts.
To address your question more directly, I think it is probably fine to index the obvious at first, but do not be afraid of adding more indexes on if the queries against the table would benefit.
In a paraphrase of Einstein about simplicity, add as many indexes as you need and no more.
Seriously, however, every index you add requires maintenance whenever data is added to the table. On tables that are primarily read only, lots of indexes are a good thing. On tables that are highly dynamic, fewer is better.
My advice is to cover the common and obvious cases and then, as you encounter issues where you need more speed in getting data from specific tables, evaluate and add indices at that point.
Also, it's a good idea to re-evaluate your indexing schemes every few months, just to see if there is anything new that needs indexing or any indices that you've created that aren't being used for anything and should be gotten rid of.
In addition to the points everyone else has raised, the Cost Based Optimizer incurs a cost when creating a plan for an SQL statement if there are more indexes because there are more combinations for it to consider. You can reduce this by correctly using bind variables so that SQL statements stay in the SQL cache. Oracle can then do a soft parse and re-use the plan it found last time.
As always, nothing is simple. If there are skewed columns and histograms involved then this can be a bad idea.
In our web applications we tend to limit the combinations of searches that we allow. Otherwise you would have to test literally every combination for performance to ensure you did not have a lurking problem that someone will find one day. We have also implemented resource limits to stop this causing issues elsewhere in the application should something go wrong.
I made some simple tests on my real project and real MySql database. I already answered in this topic: What is the cost of indexing multiple db columns?
But I think it will be better if I quote it here:
I made some simple tests using my real
project and real MySql database.
My results are: adding average index
(1-3 columns in an index) to a table -
makes inserts slower by 2.1%. So, if
you add 20 indexes, your inserts will
be slower by 40-50%. But your selects
will be 10-100 times faster.
So is it ok to add many indexes? - It
depends :) I gave you my results - You
Ultimately how many indexes you need depend on the behavior of your applications that ride on top of your database server.
In general the more inserting you do the more painful your indexes become. Each time you do an insert, all the indexes that include that table have to be updated.
Now if your application has a decent amount of reading, or even more so if it's almost all reading, then indexes are the way to go as there will be major performance improvements for very little cost.
There's no static answer in my opinion, this sort of thing falls under 'performance tuning'.
It could be that everything your app does is looked up by a primary key, or it could be the oposite in that queries are done over unristricted combinations of fields and any one in particular could be used at any given time.
Beyond just indexing, there's reogranizing your DB to include calculated search fields, splitting tables, etc - it's really dependant on your load shapes and query parameters, how much/what data 'really' needs to be retruend by a query.
If your entire DB is fronted by stored-procedure facades turning becomes a bit easier, as you don't have to wory about every ad-hoc query. Or you may have a deep understanding of the kind of queries that will hit your DB, and can limit the tuning to those.
For SQL Server I've found the Database Engine Tuning advisor usefull - you set up 'typical' workloads and it can make recommendations about adding/removing indexes and statistics. I'm sure other DBs have similar tools, either 'offical' or third party.
This really is a more theoretical questions than practical. Indexes impact on your performance depends on the hardware you have, the version of Oracle, index types, etc. Yesterday I heard Oracle announced a dedicated storage, made by HP, which is supposed to perform 10 times faster with 11g database.
As for your case, there can be several solutions:
1. Have a large amount of indexes (>20) and rebuild them daily (nightly). This would be especially useful if the table gets thousands of updates/deletes daily.
2. Partition your table (if that applies your data model).
3. Use a separate table for new/updated data, and run a nightly process which combines the data together. This would require a change in your application logic.
4. Switch to IOT (index organized table), if your data support this.
Of course there might be many more solutions for such case. My first suggestion to you, would be to clone the DB to a development environment, and run some stress testing against it.
An index imposes a cost when the underlying table is updated. An index provides a benefit when it is used to spped up a query. For each index, you need to balance the cost against the benefit. How much slower does the query run without the index? How much of a benefit is running faster? Can you or your users tolerate the slow speed when the index is missing?
Can you tolerate the additional time it takes to complete an update?
You need to compare costs and benefits. That's particular to your situation. There's no magic number of indexes that passes the threshold of "too many".
There's also the cost of the space needed to store the index, but you've said that in your situation that's not an issue. The same is true in most situations, given how cheap disk space has become.
If you do mostly reads (and few updates) then there's really no reason not to index everything you'll need to index. If you update often, then you may need to be cautious on how many indexes you have. There's no hard number, but you'll notice when things start to slow down. Make sure your clustered index is the one that makes the most sense based on the data.
One thing you may consider is building indexes to target a standard combination of searches. If column1 is commonly searched, and column2 is often used with it, and column3 is sometimes used with column2 and column1, then an index on column1, column2, and column3 in that order can be used for any of those three circumstances, though it is only one index that has to be maintained.
How many columns are there?
I have always been told to make single-column indexes, not multi-column indexes. So no more indexes than the amount of columns, IMHO.
What it really comes down to is, don't add an index unless you know (and this often means gathering usage statistics) that it will be used far more often than it's updated.
Any index that doesn't meet that criteria will cost you more to rebuild than the performance penalty of not having it in the odd case it got used.
Sql server gives you some good tools that let you see which indexes are actually being used.
This article,, gives you some queries that let you get a better insight into how much an index is used, as opposed to how much it is updated.
It is totally based on the columns which are being used in Where Clause.
And as the Thumb of Rule, we must have indexes on Foreign Key Columns to avoid DEADLOCKS.
AWR report should analyze periodically to understand the need of indexes.
