PECL install fails - c

I have browsed every Google result, read all the forum posts about this error, but I cannot solve it.
When using PECL install for anything, I always end up getting this error:
checking whether the C compiler works... configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs.
Everything else succeeds up to that point them bam!
I'm using CentOS 4.3, PEAR is the latest stable version, GCC is a stable and recent version. Everything is working as it should, but the C compiler always seems to error. I've tried to make tmp have the right privilages for the operation by temporarily enabling it using:
mount -o remount,exec,suid /tmp
But that doesn't work.
I've literally tried everything that has been suggested by to no avail. Any ideas?

I'm on Centos 5.3 and I was able to get PECL installers running (APC in my case) successfully by removing the noexec flag on both /tmp and /var/tmp
mount -o remount,exec,suid /tmp
mount -o remount,exec,suid /var/tmp
Doing this only on /tmp didn't work - I still received the error "checking whether the C compiler works... configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs."
Remember to run these remounts again with noexec after your install finishes.

cd ~
mkdir setups
cd setups
tar -xvf APC-3.1.2.tgz
cd APC-3.1.2
phpize && ./configure --with-apxs && make
I quickly wrote that up and was able to install APC with a bit of manual work. Such as copying the module to PHP modules and adding the extension to the php.ini. Works perfectly now.

When I had similar problems installing the MongoDB driver, this worked for me:
sudo mkdir /root/tmp.pear
sudo mkdir /root/tmp.pear-build-root
sudo ln -s /root/tmp.pear /tmp/pear
sudo ln -s /root/tmp.pear-build-root /tmp/pear-build-root
sudo sudo pecl install XXX
(This doesn't open a security hole because only root can create executables in those two directories.)
Note that the following does not work for PECL:
sudo pear config-set temp_dir /var/tmp/pear/temp


How can I run GCC into WSL?

So, Windows System on Linux seems to be an inovative light-weight substitute for a virtual machine, especially when it comes to learning Linux. Nevertheless, for me WSL seems to have a little more complicated organization from a VM when it comes to file management. For example, in WSL the data are stored in
as shown here.
Of course my first try to install GCC was to type in:
sudo apt install gcc
,but after typing
gcc --version
the output was :
Command 'gcc' not found, but can be installed with:
sudo apt install gcc
After that, I tried installing GCC using the following commands as shown here :
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
$ sudo apt autoremove -y
$ sudo apt-get install gcc -y
but I end up getting the same output.
On the other hand, I already had installed TDM GCC on Windows and used sudo in VM to install it also there (successfully:).
Like a lot of people, I want to substitute the use of my virtual machine with WSL in order to be able to develop in C without overloading my RAM my questions are :
Can you count out for me how many times have I downloaded GCC files?
Why the folder that I was supposed to be downloading the gcc files in is shown to be empty?
Where are the downloaded files being stored?
How can get gcc fired up?
Is there any way to use the gcc I had on Windows to compile C using the WSL terminal?
I think these questions come from the fact that I cannot understand how WSL file system interacts with Windows. They are a bit more generic on purpose because I want you to have a lot of "answering" freedom.
Please help me out of this one! I don't want to be forced to use a virtual machine and run out of RAM almost every time!

Compiling through macOS Terminal, fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory

So was trying to compile a c file (via a makefile) and got the "fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory" . This compiles on just fine via cygwin and a remote linux box just not my mac (so the files are okay).
I have installed the mac command line tools as mentioned in this question. When I do gcc --version I am getting 5.3 but if i do brew info gcc i get 8.2. When I do a find through terminal I can the file, so not sure what is up.
If you run:
which gcc
you will get /usr/bin/gcc which is the compiler supplied by Apple as part of macOS.
Presumably, since you mention homebrew, you mean to use the compiler installed by homebrew. So, you need to look in /usr/local/bin and see what homebrew has installed:
ls -l /usr/local/bin/gcc*
lrwxr-xr-x 1 mark admin 29 17 Sep 10:53 /usr/local/bin/gcc-8 -> ../Cellar/gcc/8.2.0/bin/gcc-8
So, the answer to your question is:
firstly, you need to have /usr/local/bin at the start of your PATH, and
secondly, you need to use the following command to compile:
gcc-8 main.c -o main
try running following:
xcode-select --install
GCC fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory
for details.
With Mojave and XCODE 10, the problem is that the "include" folder is no longer automatically included when you install the command line tools. Instead, you need to do an "open" on /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg
That solved the identical problem for me, anyway.
I ran into this issue and this is how I resolved it.
softwareupdate --all --install --force
sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
sudo xcode-select --install
Basically developer framework is likely to be broken. But simply running xcode-select --install may not work because it will say the xcode developer tools are already installed (despite its broken status). So I had to completely wipe out any existing installation and install the developer framework again.
FYI if everything is installed correctly, the header files should be found at:

Try to compile, install and run imgmin on ubuntu server, but command not found

I try to use imgmin (written in C) by rflynn (see on GitHub rflynn/imgmin).
So I followed the instructions
sudo apt-get install -y autoconf libmagickwand-dev pngnq pngcrush pngquant
git clone
cd imgmin
autoreconf -fi
sudo make install
imgmin original.jpg optimized.jpg
I compiled and installed it without any problems (or notices). But I can't run "imgmin", it always tells me:
-bash: imgmin: command not found
Where is my mistake? Thank you for any suggestion.
I'm running on Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS with latest updates.

c - can't compile with <sys/times.h> ubuntu

I have 64bit ubuntu installed, and I am trying to compile a code with times.h however I keep getting sys/times.h No such file or directory
What I have tried so far
1. installing libc6-dev-i386, g++-multili, and libc6 and libc6-dev (Even though it is already installed)
2. I swapped <sys/times.h> to </usr/include/sys/times.h> and now I am getting features.h No such file or directory error
It is weird how it accepts </usr/include/sys/times.h> instead of <sys/times.h>, and help?
EDIT: I can access times.h, if it matters
I would recommend running:
$ locate /sys/time.h | grep include
Using the output you can determine what to do next:
If there is a file named /usr/include/<x86_64 or i386>-linux-gnu/sys/time.h, then simply run: $ sudo ln -s /usr/include/<x86_64 or i386>-linux-gnu/sys /usr/include/sys. This will direct the compiler to the right file if it checks . This seems to be what you are doing manually.
If there is no relevant output, then try downloading build-essential. It may be that something else is missing. $ sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install build-essential
Let me know if this helps!

Installing gcc manually redhat

I am working on a system on which I am a non-root user.
While trying to install gcc 5.1 in a custom directory as the present shared version of gcc isn't working for postgresql installation, I started out by
wget gcc 5.1.
After unzipping the folder, ran the commands below:
cd /seq/genome_portal/lib
mkdir bld
mkdir gcc
cd bld
/seq/genome_portal/lib/gcc-5.1/configure --prefix=/seq/genome_portal/lib/gcc
However config.log still shows this error:
/../../redhat_6_x86_64/pkgs/gcc_4.9.0/libexec/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.9.0/cc1: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The prerequisites that come after
are gmp,mpfr and mpc. I started with gmp and ended up in the same error as above. I somehow need to tell these programs that I do not want to use the existing gcc.
But I get the same error as mentioned before. Any advice as to how I can proceed to install it?
Building a compiler is much more complicated that building a straightforward utility; just running configure is not enough.
Primarily, you need to read the instructions; they are provided in the GCC source directory in the INSTALL subdirectory. They are in HTML so point your browser at it.
I know you didn't do this yet because the step on configuration makes very clear you should be using an out-of-source configuration; e.g., something like:
mkdir ../bld
cd ../bld
../gcc-5.1/configure ...
rather than running ./configure.
Regarding the missing dependencies, there's a "prerequisites" section in the docs. To get MPFR and other helpful things you can run:
cd gcc-5.1
ETA: This should work:
rm -rf newgcc
mkdir newgcc
cd newgcc
tar xzf gcc-5.1.tar.gz
cd gcc-5.1
mkdir ../bld
cd ../bld
../gcc-5.1/configure <configopts>
make -j8
make install
(or whatever -j you prefer).
