Updating client SQL Server database structure from text file - sql-server

We have a "master database structure", and need a routine to keep the database structure on client sites up-to-date.
A number of suggestions have been given to a related question, but I am looking for a more specific solution, along these lines:
I would like to generate a text file (XML or other readable format) which describes the entire database structure (this could go into version control). This routine will run in-house, to provide a database schema file to be distributed with the next version of our product.
Then I need a way to update the database structure on the client site so that it corresponds to the master database structure. (In other words, I don't want to have to keep track of numerous change scripts for different versions of the database structure, but a more general routine which can get the client database structure updated to the current master database structure.)
So the main feature I'm looking for could be described as "database structure to text" and "text to database structure".

There are a whole lot of diff tools that can give you schema and stored procedures and constraint differences between two databases. You could roll your own, but I think it would be more expensive than one of these tools if you have a complex schema, many give a free trial so you can test.
The problem is you'd have to have the master database online to do so though and accessible from the client database installation (or install it there) which might or might not be feasible.
If you won't do that, the only other sane option I can think of is to use the migration idea, keep a list of SQL scripts + version pairs, plus current version on each database. This could be consolidated by a different tool that could generate a single script from a the client's database version number and the list of changes. And if you haven't the list of changes, you can start with a diff tool run, and keep track of them from there.
The comparing text route (comparing text SQL dumps of both schemas) you seem to prefer looks very hard to do it right and automatically to me, doesn't look like the right path to take.

Several popular strategies are variants of this:
Add a table to the database:
(release_number int not null,
applied datetime not null
Each release, as part of its release script inserts a row into this table.
You can now find out with a single query which release each client is running, and run all the releases between that one and the release they want to be running.
In addition, you could check that their schema is correct for each version (correct table names, columns, etc.) by doing something like this:
SELECT so.name,
FROM sysobjects so,
syscolumns sc
WHERE type = 'U'
then calculate a hash of the result and compare it with a pre-computed hash (generated by running the query on your reference installation) to see if the installation is now correct.


How to run raw SQL to deploy database changes

We intend to create DACPAC files using SQL database projects and distribute them automatically to several environments, DEV/QA/PROD, using Azure Pipeline. I can make changes to the schema for a table, view, function, or procedure, but I'm not sure how we can update specific data in a table. I am sure this is very common use case but unfortunately I am having hard time implementing it.
Any idea how can I automate creating/updating/deleting a row for a table?
E.g.: update myTable set myColumn = 5 where someColumn = 'condition'
In your database project you can add a Post Deployment Script
Do not. Seriously. I found DACPAC always to be WAY too limiting for serious operations. Look how the SQL is generated and - realize how little control you have.
The standard approach is to have deployment scripts that you generate and that do the changes in the database, plus a table in the db tracking which have executed (possibly with a checksum so you do not need t change the name to update them).
You can easily generate them partially by schema compare (and then generate the change script), but those also allow you to do things like data scrubbing and multi step transformations that DACPAC by design cannot efficiently and easily do.
There are plenty of frameworks for this around. They generally belong in the category of developer tools.

Tool To Generate Data Migration Script From Table A To Table B In SQL Server

During our SQL Server database deployments, we create a temporary table which contains the new desired state of data for a particular table. We then merge the temp table into the target table (we actually use individual insert, update and delete statements, but that's probably not relevant). The inserts/updates/deletes performed are captured and written out to a log.
We would like to be able to report on what changes would be applied by a deployment, without actually applying them. This is currently done by rolling back the transaction at the end of the above process. This doesn't feel particularly great though.
Now what we are thinking of doing is, instead of performing the changes and rolling them back, we will generate a migration script for the table (generate some SQL code that performs the necessary inserts, updates and deletes). If we want to do the actual deployment, this code will be dynamically executed. If not, the code will just be printed to a log.
It shouldn't take long to put together some code which can generate migration scripts for two specified tables, but I first wanted to verify that there isn't already an existing tool which can do this?
Searching on Google, I can find lots of talk about migrating whole databases, but nothing about generating a data migration script to effectively merge one table into another.
So my question is, does anyone know of such a tool?
There are several data compare tools like:
SQL Data Compare from Red Gate
SQL Server Data Tools
dbForge Data Compare from Devart
Is that what you're looking for?

Compare SQL Server DB schema & data (at the same time) and generate scripts

I've got a reasonably large / complicated DB which I need to upgrade in the field from version 1 to version 2. There's a lot of changes in schema and importantly data between the two.
Yes, I know this should have been version controlled alla:
but it wasn't - it will be when I am done.
So, current problem, I'm face with the choice of either going through all the commits or trying to diff between two versions of the db. So far I've tried:
However none of them seem to be able to successfully generate schema upgrade scripts because they don't also do the data at the same time. This results in foreign key violations when adding new keys to tables as the table it references is new and while the schema for the table has been created, the data whcih it contains has not. Well it could be, but that requires me to use a different part of the tool and then mix together the two scripts.
I know this may look like a duplicate of:
What is best tool to compare two SQL Server databases (schema and data)?
which is where I found most of the existing tools I've tried, but so far I've not managed to get any of these to produce a working schema migration script (I'm really not too fussed about the data, but I do need the data which is required for foreign keys - which tbh is all the difference as I've deploy old version and new version).
Am I expecting too much?
Should I give up and start manually stitching together what I do have?
Or do I go through all the commits and manually create upgrade scripts?
I can't think of more powerful tools available than the ones you seem to have tried. If those fail, my homegrown versioning system probably won't help you much either.
However, you should be able to generate an update script and then manually edit it to add the data transformations to it.
And/or you could disable the foreign key constraints for the time that the update script runs.
There is no such thing as doing schema and data "at the same time". Even if you have them in one big script you would still be doing the schema first and then the data. If the schema script creates a new table and adds a constraint to it there is no reason you should get a referential integrity violation error as there are no rows in those tables.
In any case, you should give our xSQL Schema Compare and Data Compare tools a try, you will be impressed with the performance and the level of control you get.

Is there a free GUI tool for data sync between DB in which it is possible to script rules?

What I need to do is some data between 2 databases. The source can be anything (comma separated file, xls file, any database, ...), the destination is MS SQL Server.
I do not need to sync all data, I just need to sync particular tables.
I need to sync accounting Software (runs on PostgreSQL) CUSTOMERS table with CRM (runs on SQL Server).
Some problems this tool should be able to face:
1) Accounting software customers table has 1 field that is not mapped in crm customers table. (In this way I want to map this extra field to the field CUSTOMERS_CUSTOM_DATA.EXTRA_FIELD)
2) Having some rules (like sync only customers whose code is between 10000 and 99999)
3) Allowing to perform some post insert tasks (for example I am using manually managed seuqences for the tanble IDs, so after inserting 10 records I need to add 10 to the sequence)
4) Having an exception handling mechanism so if something is wrong it can wither call a sql server stored procedure (that I already have and it will send an e-mail to me) or simply send a message to notify that something was wrong in the nightly sync.
5) Be easy to schedule when to perform data sync (hourly, daily, INCLUDING MANUAL)
6) Perform data conversion: if Surname field in source table is varchar(20) and in destination table is varchar(15) I want to explicitly say "perform a truncation".
7) Have different rules for insert or update. For example in the source e-mail field is not present, but I want to populate it in the destination I decide to perform this operation on insert only, not on update. (for example as I insert a new customer I want to populate the e-mail field concatenating name and surname, but then I want to let the users to modify it, this first insertion is just to simplify data entry, but then this particular case will be handled manually. So I want to say (on insert populate e-mail field, on update don't do anything with email field)
8) In case of delete in the source db don't delete on the destination but only change the varchar(10) STATUS to DELETED.
Note: I know that Integration Services will be perfect for this, but I must support the Express Edition, so SSIS is not an option.
I created a bunch of scripts and scheduled stored procedure that at present do what I need, but it is very hard to maintain and the total lack of a GUI makes the work much slower. I remember having seeing TALEND time ago, maybe that tool is also the answr I need, anyway I need to provide a quick answer to management, so I have now no time to investigate all the tools on the market, and I would prefer to have a suggestion from an expert.
I believe SQL Server Integration Services does all that, and I believe SQL Server Management Studio allows you to create and package your SSIS jobs so that they can be deployed elsewhere.
Finally I went for TALEND, I never really used SSIS, I just saw a live demo of it at a SQL Server conference. Anyway Talend is a free alternative (and quite rich) to SSIS, so it will suite the needs of all customers, including the ones (95%) that has SQL Server Express.

Is there a good way to verify if a database schema is correct after an upgrade or migration?

We have customers who are upgrading from one database version to another (Oracle 9i to Oracle 10g or 11g to be specific). In one case, a customer exported the old database and imported it into the new one, but for some reason the indexes and constraints didn't get created. They may have done this on purpose to speed up the import process, but we're still looking into the reason why.
The real question is, is there a simple way that we can verify that the structure of the database is complete after the import? Is there some sort of checksum that we can do on the structure? We realize that we could do a bunch of queries to see if all the tables, indexes, aliases, views, sequences, etc. exist, but this would probably be difficult to write and maintain.
Thanks for the answers suggesting commercial and/or GUI tools to use, but we really need something free that we could package with our product. It also has to be command line or script driven so our customers can run it in any environment (unix, linux, windows).
Presuming a single schema, something like this - dump USER_OBJECTS into a table before migration.
Then to validate after your migration
SELECT object_type, object_name FROM SAVED_USER_OBJECTS
SELECT object_type, object_name FROM USER_OBJECTS
One issue is if you have intentionally dropped objects between versions you will also need to delete the from SAVED_USER_OBJECTS. Also this will not pick up if the wrong version of objects exist.
If you have multiple schemas, then the same thing is required for each schema OR use ALL_OBJECTS and extract/compare for the relevant user schemas.
You could also do a hash/checksum on object_type||object_name for the whole schema (save before/compare after) but the cost of calculation wouldn't be that different from comparing the two tables on indexes.
If you are willing to spend some, DBDiff is an efficient utility that does exactly what you need.
In SQL DEVELOPER (the free Oracle utility) there is a Database Schema Differences feature.
It's worth to try it.
Hope it helps.
SQL Developer - download
I wouldn't write the check script, I'd write a program to generate the check script from a particular version of the database. Just go though the metatdata and record what's there and write it to a file, then compare the values in that file against the values in the customer's database. This won't work so well if you use system-generated names for your constraints, but it is probably enough to just verify that things are there. Dropping indexes and constraints is pretty common when migrating a database, so you might not even need to check too much; if two or three things are missing, then it's not unreasonable to assume they all are. You might also want to write a script that drops all the constraints and indexes and re-creates them, and just have your customers run that as a post-migration step. Just be sure you drop everything by name, so you don't delete any custom indexes your customer might have created.
