Possible to search multiple tables with a single query? [MSAccess/SQL Server] - sql-server

So my goal here is to have a single search field in an application that will be able to search multiple tables and return results.
For example, two of these tables are "performers" and "venues" and there are the following performers: "John Andrews","Andrew Smith","John Doe" and the following venues: "St. Andrew's Church","City Hall". Is there a way to somehow return the first two performers and the first venue for a search of "Andrew"?
My first thought was to somehow get all the tables aggregated into a single table with three columns; "SearchableText","ResultType","ResultID". The first column would contain whatever I want searched (e.g. Performer name), the second would say what is being shown (e.g. Performer) and the third would say the item's ID (note: all my tables have auto-incrementing primary keys for ease). The question for this idea is it possible to somehow do this dynamically or do I have to add code to have a table that automatically fills whenever a new row is updated/added/deleted from the performers and venues table (perhaps via trigger?).
My application is written in MSAccess (I know, I know, but I have no choice) on top of a SQL Server backend. I'd prefer this happen through MSAccess so I don't have to have a "searchme" table sitting on my SQL Server but any good result is acceptable :)

I think you are looking for the "union" sql keyword

I'd use full text indexing in SQL server, have a single table with your searchable text, and forign keys in your main tables that link to the search table. This way you can order your results by relevance.

I think you have a schema problem. Querying a UNION is almost always evidence of that (though not in all cases).
The question to me is:
What are you returning as your result?
If you find a person, are you displaying a list of people?
Or if you find a venue, a list of venues?
Or a mix of both?
I would say that if you want to return a list of both, then you'd want something like this:
SELECT tblPerson.PersonID, tblPerson.LastName & ", " & tblPerson.FirstName, "Person"
FROM tblPerson
WHERE tblPerson.LastName LIKE "Andrew*"
OR tblPerson.FirstName LIKE "Andrew*"
SELECT tblVenue.Venue, tblVenue.Venue, "Venue"
FROM tblVenue
WHERE tblVenue.Venue LIKE "Andrew*"
This will give a list of the matches indicating which is a person and which a venue, and allow you to then select one of those and open a detail view (by checking the value in the third field).
What you definitely don't want to do is this:
SELECT tblPerson.PersonID, tblPerson.LastName & ", " & tblPerson.FirstName, "Person"
FROM tblPerson
SELECT tblVenue.Venue, tblVenue.Venue, "Venue"
FROM tblVenue
then saving that and trying to query it on the 2nd column. That will be extremely inefficient. You want your WHERE clause to be on fields that can be searched via the index, and that means each subquery of your UNION needs to have an appropriate WHERE clause.


NetSuite - UNION ALL equivalent in saved search?

I'm in the process of writing a SuiteTalk integration, and I've hit an interesting data transformation issue. In the target system, we have a sort of notes table which has a category column and then the notes column. Data going into that table from NetSuite could be several different fields on a single entity in NetSuite terms, but several records of different categories in our terms.
If you take the example of a Sales Order, you might have two text fields that we need to bring across as notes. For each of those fields I need to create a row, with both the notes field in the same column but separate rows. This would allow me to add a dynamic column that give the category for each of those fields.
So instead of
SO number notes 1 notes 2
SO1234567 some text1 some text2
You’d get
SO Number Category Text
SO1234567 category 1 some text1
SO1234567 category 2 some text2
The two problems I’m really trying to solve here are:
Where can I store the category name? It can’t be the field name in NetSuite. It needs to be configurable per customer as the number of notes fields in each record type might vary across implementations. This is currently my main blocker.
Performance – I could create a saved search for each type of note, and bring one row across each time, but that’s not really an acceptable performance hit if I can do it all in one call.
I use Saved Searches in NetSuite to provide a configurable way of filtering the data to import into the target system.
If I were writing a SQL query, i would use the UNION clause, with the first column being a dynamic column denoting the category and the second column being the actual data field from NetSuite. My ideal would be if I could somehow do a similar thing either as a single saved search, or as one saved search per entity, without having to create any additional fields within NetSuite itself, so that from the SuiteTalk side I can just query the search and pull in the data.
As a temporary kludge, I now have multiple saved searches in NetSuite, one per category, and within the ID of the saved search I expect the category name and an indicator of the record type. I then have a parent search which gives me the searches for that record type - it's very clunky, and ultimately results in far too many round trips for me to be satisfied.
Any idea if something like this is at all possible?? Or if not, is there a way of solving this without hard-coding the category values in the front end? Even if I can bring back multiple recordsets in one call, that would be a performance enhancement.
I've asked the same question on the NetSuite forums but to no avail.
At first read it sounds like you are trying to query a set of fields from entities. The fields may be custom fields or built in fields. Can you not just query the entities where your saved search has all the potential category columns and then transform the received data into categories?
Otherwise please provide more specifics in Netsuite terms about what you are trying to do.

T-SQL: query which joins with all dependent tables and produce cartesian product

I have a bunch of tables which refer to some number of other tables (zero, one, two or more).
My example tables might contain following columns:
Id | StatementTable1Id | StatementTable2Id | Value
where StatementTable1 will contain following columns:
Id | Name | Label
I wish to get all possible combinations and join all of them.
I found this link very useful (query which produce information about dependencies).
I would imagine my code as follows:
Prepare list of tables which I wish to query.
Query link for all my tables and save results into temporary table.
Check maximum number of dependent tables. Prepare query template - for example if maximum number of dependent tables is equal two:
Id, '%Table1Name%' as Table1Name,
'%StatementLabelTable1%' as StatementLabelTable1,
'%Table2Name%' as Table2Name,
'%StatementLabelTable2%' as StatementLabelTable2, Value"
Use cursor - for each dependent table replace appropriate part with dependent table name and label of elements within it.
When all dependent tables have been used - replace all remaining columns with empty string.
add "UNION ALL" and proceed to next table
Run query
Could you tell me if there's any easier or better way?
What you've listed there sounds like you'll need to do if you don't know the column details ahead of time. There's likely going to be some trial-and-error to get the details correct, but it's a good plan to start.
That being said, why on earth would you want to do such a thing? It sounds like you need to narrow down your requirements on what data is actually needed. Otherwise, as you add data to your database, this query and resulting data set is going to quickly become quite unwieldy (these data sets are the kinds you hear about becoming daily "door-stop reports"; no one uses them, but they never remember why it was created, so they keep running the report, and just use it as a door-stop).

How do you implement a fulltext search over multiple columns in sql server?

I am trying to implement a fulltext search on two columns which I created a view for: VendorName, ProductName. I have the full text index etc working but the actual query is what is causing some issues for me.
I want users to be able to use some standard search conventions, AND OR NOT and grouping of terms by () which is fine but I want to apply the search over both the columns so for example if I were to run a query such as:
SELECT * FROM vw_Search
WHERE CONTAINS((VendorName, ProductName), "Apple AND iTunes")
It seems to be applying the query to each column individually i.e. checking vendor name for both terms and then checking product name for both terms which wont match unless the vendor was called "Apple iTunes".
If I change the query to :
SELECT * FROM vw_Search
WHERE CONTAINS(VendorName, "Apple OR iTunes")
AND CONTAINS(ProductName, "Apple OR iTunes")
then it works but breaks other search queries (such as searching for just apple) and from user writing the query it doesn't make much sense as what they are likely to write is AND but it requires an OR to work.
What I want is it to return if between the two the search term was valid so it would match all vendors named apple with a product name itunes for example.
Should I create a separate field in the view that concatenates the Vendor and Product fields and performs the first query on that new field or is there something I am missing out?
Aside from that would anyone know of an existing method of validating the queries?
In earlier versions of SQL Server, the queries matched across multiple columns.
However, this was considered a bug.
To match across multiple columns, you should concatenate them in a computed column and create an index over that column.

Full-text Search on Joined, Hierarchical Records in SQL Server 2008

Probably a noob question, but I'll go for it nevertheless.
For sake of example, I have a Person table, a Tag table and a ContactMethod table. A Person will have multiple Tag records and multiple ContactMethod records associated with them.
I'd like to have a forgiving search which will search among several fields from each table. So I can find a person by their email (via ContactMethod), their name (via Person) or a tag assigned to them.
As a complete noob to FTS, two approaches come to mind:
Build some complex query which addresses each field individually
Build some sort of lookup table which concatenates the fields I want to index and just do a full-text query on that derived table.
(Feel free to edit for clarity; I'm not in it for the rep points.)
If your sql server supports it you can create an indexed view and full text search that; you can use containstable(*,'"chris"') to read all the columns.
If it doesn't support it as the fields are all coming from different tables I think for scalability; if you can easily populate the fields into a single row per record in a separate table I would full text search that rather than the individual records. You will end up with a less complex FTS catalog and your queries will not need to do 4 full text searches at a time. Running lots of separate FTS queries over different tables at the same time is a ticket to query performance issues in my experience. The downside with doing this is you lose the ability to search for Surname on its own; if that is something you need you might need to look at an alternative.
In our app we found that the single table was quicker (we can't rely on customers having enterprise sql at hand); so we populate the data with spaces into an FTS table through an update sp then our main contact lookup runs a search over the list. We have two separate searches to handle finding things with precision (i.e. names or phone numbers) or just for free text. The other nice thing about the table is it is relatively easy and low cost to add further columns to the lookup (we have been asked for social security number for example; to do it we just added the column to the update SP and we were away with little or no impact.
One possibility is to make a view which has these columns: PersonID, ContentType, Content. ContentType would be something like "Email", "PhoneNumber", etc... and Content would hold that. You'd be searching on the Content column, and you'd be able to see what the person's ID is. I'm not 100% sure how full text search works though, so I'm not sure if you could use that on a view.
The FTS can search multiple fields out-of-the-box. The CONTAINS predicate accepts a list of columns to search. Also CONTAINSTABLE.

How do you manage "pick lists" in a database

I have an application with multiple "pick list" entities, such as used to populate choices of dropdown selection boxes. These entities need to be stored in the database. How do one persist these entities in the database?
Should I create a new table for each pick list? Is there a better solution?
In the past I've created a table that has the Name of the list and the acceptable values, then queried it to display the list. I also include a underlying value, so you can return a display value for the list, and a bound value that may be much uglier (a small int for normalized data, for instance)
ListName varchar(15),
Value varchar(15),
Display varchar(15),
Primary Key (ListName, Display)
You could also add a sortOrder field if you want to manually define the order to display them in.
It depends on various things:
if they are immutable and non relational (think "names of US States") an argument could be made that they should not be in the database at all: after all they are simply formatting of something simpler (like the two character code assigned). This has the added advantage that you don't need a round trip to the db to fetch something that never changes in order to populate the combo box.
You can then use an Enum in code and a constraint in the DB. In case of localized display, so you need a different formatting for each culture, then you can use XML files or other resources to store the literals.
if they are relational (think "states - capitals") I am not very convinced either way... but lately I've been using XML files, database constraints and javascript to populate. It works quite well and it's easy on the DB.
if they are not read-only but rarely change (i.e. typically cannot be changed by the end user but only by some editor or daily batch), then I would still consider the opportunity of not storing them in the DB... it would depend on the particular case.
in other cases, storing in the DB is the way (think of the tags of StackOverflow... they are "lookup" but can also be changed by the end user) -- possibly with some caching if needed. It requires some careful locking, but it would work well enough.
Well, you could do something like this:
IdList IdPick Text
1 1 Apples
1 2 Oranges
1 3 Pears
2 1 Dogs
2 2 Cats
and optionally..
Id Description
1 Fruit
2 Pets
I've found that creating individual tables is the best idea.
I've been down the road of trying to create one master table of all pick lists and then filtering out based on type. While it works, it has invariably created headaches down the line. For example you may find that something you presumed to be a simple pick list is not so simple and requires an extra field, do you now split this data into an additional table or extend you master list?
From a database perspective, having individual tables makes it much easier to manage your relational integrity and it makes it easier to interpret the data in the database when you're not using the application
We have followed the pattern of a new table for each pick list. For example:
Table FRUIT has columns ID, NAME, and DESCRIPTION.
Values might include:
15000, Apple, Red fruit
15001, Banana, yellow and yummy
If you have a need to reference FRUIT in another table, you would call the column FRUIT_ID and reference the ID value of the row in the FRUIT table.
Create one table for lists and one table for list_options.
# Put in the name of the list
insert into lists (id, name) values (1, "Country in North America");
# Put in the values of the list
insert into list_options (id, list_id, value_text) values
(1, 1, "Canada"),
(2, 1, "United States of America"),
(3, 1, "Mexico");
To answer the second question first: yes, I would create a separate table for each pick list in most cases. Especially if they are for completely different types of values (e.g. states and cities). The general table format I use is as follows:
id - identity or UUID field (I actually call the field xxx_id where xxx is the name of the table).
name - display name of the item
display_order - small int of order to display. Default this value to something greater than 1
If you want you could add a separate 'value' field but I just usually use the id field as the select box value.
I generally use a select that orders first by display order, then by name, so you can order something alphabetically while still adding your own exceptions. For example, let's say you have a list of countries that you want in alpha order but have the US first and Canada second you could say "SELECT id, name FROM theTable ORDER BY display_order, name" and set the display_order value for the US as 1, Canada as 2 and all other countries as 9.
You can get fancier, such as having an 'active' flag so you can activate or deactivate options, or setting a 'x_type' field so you can group options, description column for use in tooltips, etc. But the basic table works well for most circumstances.
Two tables. If you try to cram everything into one table then you break normalization (if you care about that). Here are examples:
The list table simply describes a pick list. The list_ option table describes each option in a given list. So your queries will always start with knowing which pick list you'd like to populate (either by name or ID) which you join to the list_ option table to pull all the options. The manual_sort column is there just in case you want to enforce a particular order other than by name or value. (BTW, whenever I try to post the words "list" and "option" connected with an underscore, the preview window goes a little wacky. That's why I put a space there.)
The query would look something like:
list a,
list_option b
a.list_id = b.list_id
order by
b.manual_sort asc
You'll also want to create an index on list.name if you think you'll ever use it in a where clause. The pk and fk columns will typically automatically be indexed.
And please don't create a new table for each pick list unless you're putting in "relationally relevant" data that will be used elsewhere by the app. You'd be circumventing exactly the relational functionality that a database provides. You'd be better off statically defining pick lists as constants somewhere in a base class or a properties file (your choice on how to model the name-value pair).
Depending on your needs, you can just have an options table that has a list identifier and a list value as the primary key.
select optionDesc from Options where 'MyList' = optionList
You can then extend it with an order column, etc. If you have an ID field, that is how you can reference your answers back... of if it is often changing, you can just copy the answer value to the answer table.
If you don't mind using strings for the actual values, you can simply give each list a different list_id in value and populate a single table with :
item_id: int
list_id: int
text: varchar(50)
Seems easiest unless you need multiple things per list item
We actually created entities to handle simple pick lists. We created a Lookup table, that holds all the available pick lists, and a LookupValue table that contains all the name/value records for the Lookup.
Works great for us when we need it to be simple.
I've done this in two different ways:
1) unique tables per list
2) a master table for the list, with views to give specific ones
I tend to prefer the initial option as it makes updating lists easier (at least in my opinion).
Try turning the question around. Why do you need to pull it from the database? Isn't the data part of your model but you really want to persist it in the database? You could use an OR mapper like linq2sql or nhibernate (assuming you're in the .net world) or depending on the data you could store it manually in a table each - there are situations where it would make good sense to put it all in the same table but do consider this only if you feel it makes really good sense. Normally putting different data in different tables makes it a lot easier to (later) understand what is going on.
There are several approaches here.
1) Create one table per pick list. Each of the tables would have the ID and Name columns; the value that was picked by the user would be stored based on the ID of the item that was selected.
2) Create a single table with all pick lists. Columns: ID; list ID (or list type); Name. When you need to populate a list, do a query "select all items where list ID = ...". Advantage of this approach: really easy to add pick lists; disadvantage: a little more difficult to write group-by style queries (for example, give me the number of records that picked value X".
I personally prefer option 1, it seems "cleaner" to me.
You can use either a separate table for each (my preferred), or a common picklist table that has a type column you can use to filter on from your application. I'm not sure that one has a great benefit over the other generally speaking.
If you have more than 25 or so, organizationally it might be easier to use the single table solution so you don't have several picklist tables cluttering up your database.
Performance might be a hair better using separate tables for each if your lists are very long, but this is probably negligible provided your indexes and such are set up properly.
I like using separate tables so that if something changes in a picklist - it needs and additional attribute for instance - you can change just that picklist table with little effect on the rest of your schema. In the single table solution, you will either have to denormalize your picklist data, pull that picklist out into a separate table, etc. Constraints are also easier to enforce in the separate table solution.
This has served us well:
SQL> desc aux_values;
Name Type
----------------------------------------- ------------
The "Variable ID" indicates the kind of data, like "Customer Status" or "Defect Code" or whatever you need. Then you have several entries, each one with the appropriate data type column filled in. So for a status, you'd have several entries with the "CHAR_VALUE" filled in.
