How to customize sql server agent jobs - sql-server

I need to be able to schedule a job on the 10th of each month and have it run for a set number of days or until a specified date.
Is there any way to customize sql server agent jobs using some sort of API or something?

You can accomplish using the SQL Job Schedule properties by using more than one schedule for the job. You can schedule the job to run on the 10th day of the month (with the option for an end date). You can then create multiple schedules, one for the 11th, 12th, etc.

The SQL Server Agent does not have a schedule option like you need, so I think your workaround is as good as it gets for keeping it inside SQL Server.
The Windows Task Scheduler however does have an option to run a job on the 'x' day of the month, maybe kicking your sproc off using sqlcmd via Windows Task Scheduler is an alternate solution?
Hope this helps

I still can't find any way of customizing the job schedule, but I have figured a way around it by adding the condition to the job step:
IF (DAY(GetDate()) >= 10)
And setting the schedule to run every day.


Set SQL Server Agent job to run hourly at specific time

I have a job I want to create that will run once an hour.
However, I want this job to run at HH:58, not HH:00.
There doesn't seem to be a way to specify this in the schedule details.
Am I missing something or can this not be specified for jobs?

Create SQL Server Agent job by using existing job script?

I have two sql server agent jobs: Job1 and Job2. Since Job2 is very similar to Job1, I right-clicked on Job1 > Script Job As > Create To and used that script to create the Job2.
Now I'm seeing that any change I make in the schedule of Job2 is also affecting Job1, and I'm assuming that it's happening because both have the same #schedule_uid.
So, two questions:
Is it correct to generate a job by using the sql script of another job? If it's correct, how can I fix this error where changes made in one job affect the other job?
Schedules are distinct objects within SQL Server and as you have found are independent to the Job, referenced by an ID.
If you are creating jobs via script you just need to either not assign a schedule, create a new schedule as well for every job, or define a set of possible schedules that fit around your requirements/maintenance windows and specify the correct ID in your script.
Obviously any two jobs that share a schedule will be affected if you change the schedule so, if you foresee a lot of individual job management/tweaking going on, it may be best that your script creates a schedule and then reference that new schedule in the job creation.
If you look in your script you will see that the #schedule_uid is the same. If you would fetch the new #schedule_uid (and all other hardcoded id's) from the tables in the MSDB database you will get a correct running job

Need to split two SQL Server Agent Jobs into different schedules

I have two SQL Agent jobs that share the same schedule due to an error I made during the creation of the second job. I generated a script in SSMS and edited some values, but I left the schedule_uid the same. Now it turns out that while those two jobs are running at the same time, they are corrupting each other's data.
What I need to do is leave the original job alone, but create a new schedule and have the second job use this new schedule. However, my searches for the correct way to do this have all resulted in dead-ends.
None of this can be done using a UI .. it all must be scripted so it can be run during a maintenance window without me present.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Use msdb.dbo.sp_detach_schedule followed by msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule.

SQL Server 2005: Schedule Start/Stop of TSQL Script

Currently running SQL 2005 on Server 2005. I have a TSQL script which updates 1000 rows at a time. It loops through a counter until there are no rows to update.
In my situation, I have a lot of rows to update and I need to run this "after hours". So I would like to see if there is a way that I can schedule a way to automatically start and stop a task based upon a set time. I am thinking that I could place this task in a SP and start it with SQL Agent. However, I can not think of how to stop the task automatically. I'm open to SSIS too.
You can use a SQL Job, and make this call a stored procedure or some sql. The job can be set on a timer, for specific days etc.
See Creating a Job for help
You can schedule following T-SQL to stop jab as well.
USE msdb ;
EXEC dbo.sp_stop_job N'Your job name' ;

SQL Server Agent Job Running Slow

I am executing a stored procedure using SQL Server Agent Job in SQL Server 2005.
This job was running fast until yesterday. Since yesterday this job is taking more than 1 hour instead of 2 mins.
I executed the stored procedure in SSMS, it just took less than 1 minute to execute.
I could not figure out why it is taking more than 1 hour when executed as a SQL Server Agent job?
After some time commenting and assuming that the SP performs with the same input parameters and data well when executed in SSMS, I finnaly think I can give a last tip:
Depending on what actions are performed within the SP (e.g. inserting/updating/deleting a lot of data within a loop or cursor), you should set nocount on at the beginning of your code.
set nocount on
If this is not the case or does not help, please add more information, already mentioned in the comments (e.g. all settings of the Job and each Jobstep, what has been logged, what is in the Jobhistory, check SQLerrorlogs, eventlogs,....).
Also take a look at the "SQL Server Logs" maybe you can gather some info here. Also a look into the Application/System eventlo of the Databaseserver is always a good idea.
To get a basic overview you can use the Activitymonitor in SSMS, by selecting the Databaseserver and selecting "Activity monitor" from contextmenu and search for the sql agent.
My last try would be to try to run a sql trace for the agent. In this case you would start a trace and filter e.g. by the user that the SQLAgent Service runs. There are so many options you can set for traces, so I would recommend to google for it, search on MSDN or ask another question here on stackoverflow.
We have a large proc that runs in 88 seconds in SSMS and 30-45 minutes in SQL Server Agent. I added the dbo. prefix on all the table names and now it runs just as fast as SSMS.
I've noticed that SQL Agent jobs ignore the server's MAXDOP setting and run everything with a MAXDOP of 1. If I run a stored procedure in a query windows, it obeys the server settings and uses 4 processes. If I use SQL Agent, any stored procedure I run uses only one process.
I have a similar issue with a script that calls a number of UDFs that I created. The UDF's themselves normally run subsecond under SSMS. Likewise, running the reports I generate with them is bearable under SSMS (30d data in 8s, 365d data in 22s). I've always done NOCOUNT ON with my SQL Agent jobs as they normally generate text files out for pickin up by other processes or Excel and I do not want the extra data at the end, so it was not a solution for me.
In this case, when we run the exact same script under SQL Agent as a job, my times grow exponentially. My 8s script takes 2m30s and my 22s script takes 2h20m. This is the same whether I run it midday with other user activity and jobs or after hours with no user activity, nor jobs or backups running. Our server is idle and at best I get one of the 8 cores being utilized when run. DB is only about 10GB running on SSD with a cached RAID card and 16 of 32GB RAM is free. Since my SQL runs efficiently in SSMS, I am pretty well of the belief that I am hitting a threading limit of some sort. I have researched and tried adjusting MAXDOP just prior to the scripts in the SQL Agent with no luck.
Since this is an activity I want to schedule, it needs to be automated one way or another. I could let these scripts take the hours they need to run as SQL steps in SQL Agent jobs, but I decided to run from command line instead and I get the same performance I see in SSMS.
sqlcmd -S SQLSRVRHost -i "C:\My Script Loc With Spaces.sql" -v MyVar="VarValue" >"C:\MyOutputFile.txt"
So I created a batch script with the SQL jobs run from sqlcmd. Then I run the batch script from a SQL Agent job, so I still have the same management and control in place. My 4 SQL jobs that collectively took over 3 hours to run complete in 1 min and a few seconds from a single batch script executed by SQL Agent.
I hope this helps...
