How to get rid of GVim folding comments in your code? - c

There is someone in my team that swears by using some kind of GVim feature to do manually code folding.
As I'm using another editor and do not really need the folding feature, I think it only pollutes the source code with tags like:
/* {{{1 */
Convincing the person not to use this folding is not an option (got into some heated discussions before).
I'm not really a GVim guy, I'm wondering if there are not any other ways to do the folding without changing the team's code?
Maybe putting the folding directions in a separate file, or
Doing some kind of smart folding that takes the syntax of the programming language into account without changing the source code?

I would imagine he could just add the following to his .vimrc:
set foldmethod=syntax
Assuming he is using a version of VIM that supports that. :)

It only took a Google for "vim folding" to discover that Vim supports six fold methods.
syntax, indent and diff all mean that the user has little control over where the folding happens. That may or may not be a problem.
marker is a problem for you because you don't like the markers.
expr had a little of each of those problems, depending on the expression you create.
If your man wants to define his own fold points, and store them in an separate file, it seems like set foldmethod=manual combined with :mkview and :loadview would do the trick.

You should try it yourself. Once you start using foldmethod=marker there is just no going back. I am working on a project now where I can't use marker folding and it feels like washing clothes in a time before there were washing machines.


How to methodically trace the location of source code

I often spend lots of time trying to find out where the exact implementation is located. It gets very frustrating when dealing with some low-level code that might end up somewhere in kernel.
I usually just google or try to guess the location and/or method names, but it is not always very effective.
Is there some methodical way to trace the flow up to the implementation? How do you guys usually do it?
Load the whole the code with relevant dependencies to a graphical IDE (NetBeans can do it, for instance) which can to call graph, declaration-definition jumps, etc. or use LibClang and its wrapper for the text editor of your choice, it is also very good at indexing. At last, you can consider classics, ctags, which can link definition and declaration points.
There used to be a ctrace program that did just that but I don't think it is actively maintained.
Ultimately, it depends what exactly you are trying to achieve. It actually looks like you want to look up a specific function rather than trace it. If that is the case indeed, consider using some kind of source browser: from etags to cscope to OpenGrok.

What tools/IDE/languages exists for generating C-code

I wanted to know more about tools that assist in writing code-generators for C. Essentially how do we achieve functionality similar to c++ templates.
Even though it's not a perfect solution and it takes some time to master it, I've used the m4 macro processor in the past for generic C code generation (kinda like C++ templates). You may want to check that out.
You are looking for a way to generate code for very similar classes, where what differs is essentially their type.
You can use a template-based code generator, where "template" means "boilerplate code" with string substitution. This is the simplest scenario. A tool like StringTemplate or CodeSmith will do the job. But there are many others. Just search around.
If you want a more serious generation scenario, where different class structures might be needed according to a set of definitions, then you should go with a fully programmable generator like AtomWeaver. There are others (MPS, Xtext) but these do not rely on templates.

Spaghetti code visualisation software?

a smoking pile of spaghetti just landed on my desk, and my task is to understand it (so I can refactor / reimplement it).
The code is C, and a mess of global variables, structure types and function calls.
I would like to plot graphs of the code with the information:
- Call graph
- Which struct types are used in which functions
- Which global variable is used in what function
Hopefully this would make it easier to identify connected components, and extract them to separate modules.
I have tried the following software for similar purposes:
- ncc
- ctags
- codeviz / gengraph
- doxygen
- egypt
- cflow
- frama-c
- snavigator
- Understand
The shortcomings of these are either
a) requires me to be able to compile the code. My code does not compile, since portions of the source code is missing.
b) issues with preprocessor macros (like cflow, who wants to execute both branches of #if statements). Running it through cpp would mess up the line numbers.
c) I for some reason do not manage to get the software to do what I want to do (like doxygen; the documentation for call graph generation is not easy to find, and since it does not seem to plot variables/data types anyway, it is probably not worth spending more time learning about doxygen's config options). EDIT: I did follow a these Doxygen instrcutions, but it did only plot header file dependencies.
I am on Linux, so it is a huge plus if the software is for linux, and free software. Not sure my boss understands the need to buy a visualizer :-(
For example: a command line tool that lists in which functions a symbol (=function,variable,type) is referenced in would be of great help (like addr2line, but for types/variable names/functions and source code).
My vote goes to gnu global. It has all the features of ctags/cscope combined as well as the possibility to generate fully indexed html which allows you to browse the code in your favorite browser. Fire it up in apache and you have a web-service that anyone can access including full search capabilities.
It integrates nicely into emacs/vim/even the bash-shell, and you can use it directly from the shell-prompt.
To see it in action on the linux kernel, visit this
Combine that with a tool for cyclomatic complexity plugin for eclipse which calculates the complexity of your code. besides the cyclomatic complexity it can handle:
McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity
Efferent Couplings
Lack of Cohesion in Methods
Lines Of Code in Method
Number Of Fields
Number Of Levels
Number Of Locals In Scope
Number Of Parameters
Number Of Statements
Weighted Methods Per Class
...and you should have everything you need.
If you like command line ;) maybe you could try cscope, it does static analysis of code and can tell you where are referenced some symbols/variables/functions... Not the Holy Graal, but it can be pretty usefull to browse unknown source code.
There are also some GUI that can handle csope results (Vi, Emacs, JEdit...).
On the other hand, Eclipse with the CDT plugin can also help you to navigate into the spaghetti code you have to maintain.
It's not free and afaik not linux but cppDepend might be worth evaluating - at least until someone comes up with a more suitable suggestion :) [Demo video here]
If you'd like to know in which functions a symbol is declared or referenced you can try LXR. It's not console based, but is quite usable.

coding style checker for c (variable names, not indentation)

This question asks about a coding style checker, but the focus seems to be on indentation and brace placement. GNU indent deals with indentation (which isn't a problem in this code base, amazingly enough).
I'm working with a pile of code that is full of various naming schemes: camelCase, everythingruntogetherinlowercase, underscores_as_separators, SomeStructsEndWithT, etc.
I'd like to be able to pick a convention and at least have an automatic check that new changes are in line with the convention.
Is there a good tool for checking naming in C? Something like Python's pep8 checker tool, I don't want a beautifier.
It looks like Google's cpplint (a C++ style checker) can be hacked into submission for checking C like I want.
(I'm still interested in knowing if there are any better checkers out there.)
It is an unorthodox choice, but I'd go with cxref, if you are willing to put in half a days work. It is a cross referencer, comes with the source code, it has a clean parser and doesn't build a parse tree. Yet, with a few lines of code you can dump all the variables to examine them, or rewrite them to your favoured style (or if you are as lazy as I am instead of rewriting you could generate replace commands for emacs/sed). I only managed to build it for Mac.
This one has a number of answers already in this thread Coding style checker for C
from which Vera++ might be the most promising, since most of the other suggestions are formatters not validators. There's a webpage about running vera++ at
There's a download from
Compiling presents a few issues:
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev tcl-dev
An include of tcl.h that should have been tcl/tcl.h
Need a full boost src tree, like that from
The build command becomes something like: make BOOST_DIR=/home/fluffy/tmp/boost_1_53_0
vera++ needs a ~/.vera++/profiles/ but doesn't autocreate a default (it can be copied from the one in the distribution, however)
Finally, running it on a C++ file produced output like (with duplicate errors omitted for brevity):
../dllist.c:1: no copyright notice found
../dllist.c:4: horizontal tab used
../dllist.c:10: horizontal tab used
../dllist.c:10: closing curly bracket not in the same line or column
../dllist.c:29: horizontal tab used
../dllist.c:38: keyword 'if' not followed by a single space
../dllist.c:38: negation operator used in its short form
../dllist.c:40: horizontal tab used
../dllist.c:40: full block {} expected in the control structure
../dllist.c:42: horizontal tab used
../dllist.c:71: keyword 'if' not followed by a single space
../dllist.c:71: negation operator used in its short form
../dllist.c:72: horizontal tab used
../dllist.c:72: full block {} expected in the control structure
../dllist.c:73: horizontal tab used

Auto-commenting ending braces in Emacs C-mode

At one point in time I was running Emacs with an option which auto-commented ending braces with the label for the block they were closing (function name, if (condition), etc). I have since lost said option, and have spent several days searching for it. Is anyone familiar with an option, minor mode, or elisp snippet that accomplishes this task?
Verilog mode does this. I'm not familiar with Lisp, but as far as I understood the code the magic is done in verilog-label-be.
