Is Functional to Relational mapping easier than Object to Relational? [closed] - database

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Object-relational mapping has been well discussed, including on here. I have experience with a few approaches and the pitfalls and compromises. True resolution seems like it requires changes to the OO or relational models themselves.
If using a functional language, does the same problem present itself? It seems to me that these two paradigms should fit together better than OO and RDBMS. The idea of thinking in sets in an RDBMS seems to mesh with the automatic parallelism that functional approaches seem to promise.
Does anyone have any interesting opinions or insights? What's the state of play in the industry?

What's the purpose of an ORM?
The main purpose of using an ORM is to bridge between the networked model (object orientation, graphs, etc.) and the relational model. And the main difference between the two models is surprisingly simple. It's whether parents point to children (networked model) or children point to parents (relational model).
With this simplicity in mind, I believe there is no such thing as an "impedance mismatch" between the two models. The problems people usually run into are purely implementation specific, and should be solvable, if there were better data transfer protocols between clients and servers.
How can SQL address the problems we have with ORMs?
In particular, the third manifesto tries to address the shortcomings of the SQL language and relational algebra by allowing for nested collections, which have been implemented in a variety of databases, including:
Oracle (probably the most sophisticated implementation)
PostgreSQL (to some extent)
SQL Server, MySQL, etc. (through "emulation" via XML or JSON)
In my opinion, if all databases implemented the SQL standard MULTISET() operator (e.g. Oracle does), people would no longer use ORMs for mapping (perhaps still for object graph persistence), because they could materialise nested collections directly from within the databases, e.g. this query:
SELECT actor_id, first_name, last_name,
SELECT film_id, title
FROM film AS f
JOIN film_actor AS fa USING (film_id)
WHERE fa.actor_id = a.actor_id
) AS films
FROM actor AS a
Would yield all the actors and their films as a nested collection, rather than a denormalised join result (where actors are repeated for each film).
Functional paradigm at the client side
The question whether a functional programming language at the client side is better suited for database interactions is really orthogonal. ORMs help with object graph persistence, so if your client side model is a graph, and you want it to be a graph, you will need an ORM, regardless if you're manipulating that graph using a functional programming language.
However, because object orientation is less idiomatic in functional programming languages, you are less likely to shoehorn every data item into an object. For someone writing SQL, projecting arbitrary tuples is very natural. SQL embraces structural typing. Each SQL query defines its own row type without the need to previously assign a name to it. That resonates very well with functional programmers, especially when type inference is sophisticated, in case of which you won't ever think of mapping your SQL result to some previously defined object / class.
An example in Java using jOOQ from this blog post could be:
// Higher order, SQL query producing function:
public static ResultQuery<Record2<String, String>> actors(Function<Actor, Condition> p) {
This approach leads to a much better compositionality of SQL statements than if the SQL language were abstracted by some ORM, or if SQL's natural "string based" nature were used. The above function can now be used e.g. like this:
// Get only actors whose first name starts with "A"
for (Record rec : actors(a ->"A%")))
FRM abstraction over SQL
Some FRMs try to abstract over the SQL language, usually for these reasons:
They claim SQL is not composable enough (jOOQ disproves this, it's just very hard to get right).
They claim that API users are more used to "native" collection APIs, so e.g. JOIN is translated to flatMap() and WHERE is translated to filter(), etc.
To answer your question
FRM is not "easier" than ORM, it solves a different problem. In fact, FRM doesn't really solve any problem at all, because SQL, being a declarative programming language itself (which is not so different from functional programming), is a very good match for other functional client programming languages. So, if anything at all, an FRM simply bridges the gap between SQL, the external DSL, and your client language.
(I work for the company behind jOOQ, so this answer is biased)

The hard problems of extending the relational database are extended transactions, data-type mismatches, automated query translation and things like N+1 Select that are fundamental problems of leaving the relational system and -- in my opinion -- do not change by changing the receiving programming paradigm.

That depends on your needs
If you want to focus on the data-structures, use an ORM like JPA/Hibernate
If you want to shed light on treatments, take a look at FRM libraries: QueryDSL or Jooq
If you need to tune your SQL requests to specific databases, use JDBC and native SQL requests
The strengh of various "Relational Mapping" technologies is portability: you ensure your application will run on most of the ACID databases.
Otherwise, you will cope with differences between various SQL dialects when you write manually the SQL requests .
Of course you can restrain yourself to the SQL92 standard (and then do some Functional Programming) or you can reuse some concepts of functionnal programming with ORM frameworks
The ORM strenghs are built over a session object which can act as a bottleneck:
it manages the lifecycle of the objects as long as the underlying database transaction is running.
it maintains a one-to-one mapping between your java objects and your database rows (and use an internal cache to avoid duplicate objects).
it automatically detects association updates and the orphan objects to delete
it handles concurrenty issues with optimistic or pessimist lock.
Nevertheless, its strengths are also its weaknesses:
The session must be able to compare objects so you need to implements equals/hashCode methods.
But Objects equality must be rooted on "Business Keys" and not database id (new transient objects have no database ID!).
However, some reified concepts have no business equality (an operation for instance).
A common workaround relies on GUIDs which tend to upset database administrators.
The session must spy relationship changes but its mapping rules push the use of collections unsuitable for the business algorithms.
Sometime your would like to use an HashMap but the ORM will require the key to be another "Rich Domain Object" instead of another light one...
Then you have to implement object equality on the rich domain object acting as a key...
But you can't because this object has no counterpart on the business world.
So you fall back to a simple list that you have to iterate on (and performance issues result from).
The ORM API are sometimes unsuitable for real-world use.
For instance, real world web applications try to enforce session isolation by adding some "WHERE" clauses when you fetch data...
Then the "Session.get(id)" doesn't suffice and you need to turn to more complex DSL (HSQL, Criteria API) or go back to native SQL
The database objects conflicts with other objects dedicated to other frameworks (like OXM frameworks = Object/XML Mapping).
For instance, if your REST services use jackson library to serialize a business object.
But this Jackson exactly maps to an Hibernate One.
Then either you merge both and a strong coupling between your API and your database appears
Or you must implement a translation and all the code you saved from the ORM is lost there...
On the other side, FRM is a trade-off between "Object Relational Mapping" (ORM) and native SQL queries (with JDBC)
The best way to explain differences between FRM and ORM consists into adopting a DDD approach.
Object Relational Mapping empowers the use of "Rich Domain Object" which are Java classes whose states are mutable during the database transaction
Functional Relational Mapping relies on "Poor Domain Objects" which are immutable (so much so you have to clone a new one each time you want to alter its content)
It releases the constraints put on the ORM session and relies most of time on a DSL over the SQL (so portability doesn't matter)
But on the other hand, you have to look into the transaction details, the concurrency issues
List<Person> persons = queryFactory.selectFrom(person)

I'd guess functional to relational mapping should be easier to create and use than OO to RDBMS. As long as you only query the database, that is. I don't really see (yet) how you could do database updates without side effects in a nice way.
The main problem I see is performance. Todays RDMS are not designed to be used with functional queries, and will probably behave poorly in quite a few cases.

I haven't done functional-relational mapping, per se, but I have used functional programming techniques to speed up access to an RDBMS.
It's quite common to start with a dataset, do some complex computation on it, and store the results, where the results are a subset of the original with additional values, for example. The imperative approach dictates that you store your initial dataset with extra NULL columns, do your computation, then update the records with the computed values.
Seems reasonable. But the problem with that is it can get very slow. If your computation requires another SQL statement besides the update query itself, or even needs to be done in application code, you literally have to (re-)search for the records that you are changing after the computation to store your results in the right rows.
You can get around this by simply creating a new table for results. This way, you can just always insert instead of update. You end up having another table, duplicating the keys, but you no longer need to waste space on columns storing NULL – you only store what you have. You then join your results in your final select.
I (ab)used an RDBMS this way and ended up writing SQL statements that looked mostly like this...
create table temp_foo_1 as select ...;
create table temp_foo_2 as select ...;
create table foo_results as
select * from temp_foo_n inner join temp_foo_1 ... inner join temp_foo_2 ...;
What this is essentially doing is creating a bunch of immutable bindings. The nice thing, though, is you can work on entire sets at once. Kind of reminds you of languages that let you work with matrices, like Matlab.
I imagine this would also allow for parallelism much easier.
An extra perk is that types of columns for tables created this way don't have to be specified because they are inferred from the columns they're selected from.

I'd think that, as Sam mentioned, if the DB should be updated, the same concurrency issues have to be faced as with OO world. The functional nature of the program could maybe be even a little more problematic than the object nature because of the state of data, transactions etc of the RDBMS.
But for reading, the functional language could be more natural with some problem domains (as it seems to be regardless of the DB)
The functional<->RDBMS mapping should have no big differences to OO<->RDMBS mappings. But I think that that depends a lot on what kind of data types you want to use, if you want to develop a program with a brand new DB schema or to do something against a legacy DB schema, etc..
The lazy fetches etc for associations for example could probably be implemented quite nicely with some lazy evaluation -related concepts. (Even though they can be done quite nicely with OO also)
Edit : With some googling I found HaskellDB (SQL library for Haskell) - that could be worth trying?

Databases and Functional Programming can be fused.
for example:
Clojure is a functional programming language based on relational database theory.
Clojure -> DBMS, Super Foxpro
STM -> Transaction,MVCC
Persistent Collections -> db, table, col
hash-map -> indexed data
Watch -> trigger, log
Spec -> constraint
Core API -> SQL, Built-in function
function -> Stored Procedure
Meta Data -> System Table
Note: In the latest spec2, spec is more like RMDB.
see: spec-alpha2 wiki: Schema-and-select
I advocate: Building a relational data model on top of hash-map to achieve a combination of NoSQL and RMDB advantages. This is actually a reverse implementation of posgtresql.
Duck Typing: If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.
If clojure's data model like a RMDB, clojure's facilities like a RMDB and clojure's data manipulation like a RMDB, clojure must be a RMDB.
Clojure is a functional programming language based on relational database theory
Everything is RMDB
Implement relational data model and programming based on hash-map (NoSQL)

Being functional and being OO are two orthogonal concepts. The issue of mapping flat tables to trees of objects is orthogonal to Functional vs Imperative.
However, functional vs imperative does solve one particular mismatch, namely the mismatch between imperative updates and MVCC. In imperative programming, locking the table you are working with while you update the tables is the most intuitive approach, and anything non-sequential is extremely counterintuitive.
In FP, MVCC is much more natural than locks. The natural way to write is to compute the result set, compute the diff with read data, write (i.e. pick the updated dataset as the new one, sharing the data they have in common using persistent data structures), and do a rollback & retry if there is a write-write conflict. This matches exactly what MVCC does.


Flat data with struct type vs document store

I know this is a 'soft' question, which is usually frowned upon on SO, but I have been using BigQuery to do data analysis on (obviously) flat data, which contains both structs and repeated data. Let's just use a very basic example, a row might look like this:
Title (str)
ReleaseYear (int)
Genres (str[])
Credits (struct[])
And an example piece of data might look like:
"ID": "T-1997",
"Title": "Titanic",
"ReleaseYear": 1997,
"Genres": ["Drama", "Romance"],
"Credits": {
"Actors": ["Leonardo DiCaprio", "Kate Winslet"],
"Directors": ["James Cameron"]
My question is basically what type of operations or queries can be done in a native document store, such as MongoDB or CouchBase, that couldn't be done in a relational DB that supports arbitrarily-nested data. In other words, my assumption (and I hope I'm wrong or misguided) is that as long as a DB supports structs, it can do everything that a document-store can do. If not, what are some places where it is either: (1) something that can be done in MongoDB (or any other document-store) that cannot be done in BigQuery (or any other database that supports structs)? and (2) something that can be done much more easily in MongoDB that in a relational DB?
what type of operations or queries can be done in a native document
store, such as MongoDB or CouchBase, that couldn't be done in a
relational DB that supports arbitrarily-nested data.
Even if does support arbitrarily nested data, BigQuery allows limited nesting compared to MongoDB .MongoDB supports more levels of nesting.
In BigQuery, your schema cannot contain more than 15 levels of nested STRUCTs. MongoDB supports unto 100 levels of nesting for BSON documents.
In other words, my assumption (and I hope I'm wrong or misguided) is
that as long as a DB supports structs, it can do everything that a
document-store can do.
Not exactly - nested columns are columns within columns. But sharding in an RDBMS is a complex endeavor compared to a NoSQL database like Mongo. Technically you can do, but it wasn't designed for the same purpose. Its like using a wrench as a hammer - sure you can, but its purpose was something different. You should use the right tool for the right purpose.
If not, what are some places where it is either: (1) something that
can be done in MongoDB (or any other document-store) that cannot be
done in BigQuery (or any other database that supports structs)? and
(2) something that can be done much more easily in MongoDB that in a
relational DB?
The crux of the matter is, an RDBMS may tack on features to "technically" allow you to do some things that you can do in a NoSQL database. But it doesn't mean it may work just as well. For example, because of the features that make an RDBMS an RDBMS (ACID compliance, transactions etc), there will always be an additional performance hit compared to a NoSQL database. If an RDBMS removes these features, then it is no longer an RDBMS!
This answer illustrates how MongoDB achieves better performance because it doesn't need to support RDBMS features :
MongoDB has a lower latency per query & spends less CPU time per query because it is doing a lot less work (e.g. no joins,
As a result, it can handle a higher load in terms of queries per second and is thus often used if you have a massive # of users.
MongoDB is easier to shard (use in a cluster) because it doesn't have to worry about transactions and consistency. - MongoDB has a
faster write speed because it does not have to worry about
transactions or rollbacks (and thus does not have to worry about
MongoDB does not have a schema in case you have a special use case that can take advantage of that.
Another feature is sharding - sharding is easier with mongodb because it doesn't need to support many of the features which make an RDBMS an RDBMS, such as being ACID compliant. In contrast, sharding is complex for an RDBMS because an RDBMS must remain ACID compliant.
Take a look at the following two images:
The speed boat would out perform the "amphibious car" in the water 10/10 times. The amphibious car technically can navigate in water, but it wasn't designed to, hence is much slower and unsuited for its purpose.
Like wise, look at the difference in aerodynamics of the speed boat and this sweet automobile. Even if you tacked on wheels to the boat, its not going to perform as well as this car on land. (As an analogy you could say that NoSQL databases don't do joins - you have to implement them yourself. - but will it perform better than an RDBMS for join heavy operations ?)
The point I'm making with the analogies, is that each kind of database was initially designed for a specific goal, and over time features have been added to try and make it solve problems it was not designed for (hence it doesn't do it as well as something specifically designed for that purpose).
Hence in your question, even if BigQuery or some RDBMS can do something, it doesn't mean that you should use them for the job. The same applies for NoSQL databases. You should use the best tool for the job.
Disclaimer: I don't have experience in MongoDB or CouchBase. My answer is based on BigQuery's capability on STRUCT.
BigQuery's STRUCT is optimized for query. For example, if you query select a.nested_b.nested_c.nested_d from table_t, the query only scans data for the left STRUCT field nested_d, it is fast and cheap.
If your data is write-once or append-only, then STRUCT column is comparable with document store AFAIK.
But if you want to update only certain nested field later, nested STRUCT makes it pretty difficult to do, because there is no way to update single item in REPEATED field, you have to load the whole array, scan and change, and repack to update a column. You will be writing something like:
UPDATE table
SET Credits.Actors = (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(...) FROM UNNEST(Credits.Actors) WHERE ...)
It may become a bigger problem when there is array of struct of arrays (and even more nested levels). Based on my understanding of document store, updating single nested field of a document should be easier than this. Basically, this is kind of the price you have to pay to get the performance benefit mentioned earlier.

Using Doctrine 2 for large data models

I have a legacy in-house human resources web app that I'd like to rebuild using more modern technologies. Doctrine 2 is looking good. But I've not been able to find articles or documentation on how best to organise the Entities for a large-ish database (120 tables). Can you help?
My main problem is the Person table (of course! it's an HR system!). It currently has 70 columns. I want to refactor that to extract several subsets into one-to-one sub tables, which will leave me with about 30 columns. There are about 50 other supporting one-to-many tables called person_address, person_medical, person_status, person_travel, person_education, person_profession etc. More will be added later.
If I put all the doctrine associations ( in the Person entity class along with the set/get/add/remove methods for each, along with the original 30 columns and their methods, and some supporting utility functions then the Person entity is going to be 1000+ lines long and a nightmare to test.
FWIW i plan to create a PersonRepository to handle the common bulk queries, a PersonProfessionRepository for the bulk queries / reports on that sub table etc, and Person*Service s which will contain some of the more complex business logic where needed. So organising the rest of the app logic is fine: this is a question about how to correctly organise lots of sub-table Entities with Doctrine that all have relationships / associations back to one primary table. How do I avoid bloating out the Person entity class?
Identifying types of objects
It sounds like you have a nicely normalized database and I suggest you keep it that way. Removing columns from the people table to create separate tables for one-to-one relations isn't going to help in performance nor maintainability.
The fact that you recognize several groups of properties in the Person entity might indicate you have found cases for a Value Object. Even some of the one-to-many tables (like person_address) sound more like Value Objects than Entities.
Starting with Doctrine 2.5 (which is not yet stable at the time of this writing) it will support embedding single Value Objects. Unfortunately we will have to wait for a future version for support of collections of Value objects.
Putting that aside, you can mimic embedding Value Objects, Ross Tuck has blogged about this.
Lasagna Code
Your plan of implementing an entity, repository, service (and maybe controller?) for Person, PersonProfession, etc sounds like a road to Lasagna Code.
Without extensive knowledge about your domain, I'd say you want to have an aggregate Person, of which the Person entity is the aggregate root. That aggregate needs a single repository. (But maybe I'm off here and being simplistic, as I said, I don't know your domain.)
Creating a service for Person (and other entities / value objects) indicates data-minded thinking. For services it's better to think of behavior. Think of what kind of tasks you want to perform, and group coherent sets of tasks into services. I suspect that for a HR system you'll end up with many services that evolve around your Person aggregate.
Is Doctrine 2 suitable?
I would say: yes. Doctrine itself has no problems with large amounts of tables and large amounts of columns. But performance highly depends on how you use it.
For OLTP systems an ORM can be very helpful. OLTP involves many short transactions, writing a single (or short list) of aggregates to the database.
For OLAP systems an ORM is not suited. OLAP involves many complex analytical queries, usually resulting in large object-graphs. For these kind of operations, native SQL is much more convenient.
Even in case of OLAP systems Doctrine 2 can be of help:
You can use DQL queries (in stead of native SQL) to use the power of your mapping metadata. Then use scalar or array hydration to fetch the data.
Doctrine also support arbitrary joins, which means you can join entities that are not associated to each other according by mapping metadata.
And you can make use of the NativeQuery object with which you can map the results to whatever you want.
I think a HR system is a perfect example of where you have both OLTP and OLAP. OLTP when it comes to adding a new Person to the system for example. OLAP when it comes to various reports and analytics.
So there's nothing wrong with using an ORM for transactional operations, while using plain SQL for analytical operations.
Choose wisely
I think the key is to carefully choose when to use what, on a case by case basis.
Hydrating entities is great for transactional operations. Make use of lazy loading associations which can prevent fetching data you're not going to use. But also choose to eager load certain associations (using DQL) where it makes sense.
Use scalar or array hydration when working with large data sets. Data sets usually grow where you're doing analytical operations, where you don't really need full blown entities anyway.
#Quicker makes a valid point by saying you can create specialized View objects. You can fetch only the data you need in specific cases and manually mold that data into objects. This is accompanied by his point to don't bloat the user interface with options a user with a certain role doesn't need.
A technique you might want to look into is Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS).
I understood that you have a fully normalized table persons and now you are asking for how to denormalize that best.
As long as you do not hit any technical constaints (such as max 64 K Byte) I find 70 columns definitly not overloaded for a persons table in a HR system. Do yourself a favour to not segment that information for following reasons:
selects potentially become more complex
each extract table needs (an) extra index/indeces, which increases your overall memory utilization -> this sounds to be a minor issue as disk is cheap. However keep in mind that via caching the RAM to disk space utilization ratio determines your performance to a huge extend
changes become more complex as extra relations demand for extra care
as any edit/update/read view can be restricted to deal with slices of your physical data from the tables only no "cosmetics" pressure arises from end user (or even admin) perspective
In summary your the table subsetting causes lots of issues and effort but does add low if not no value.
Btw. databases are optimized for data storage. Millions of rows and some dozens of columns are no brainers at that end.

Are there ORM (OKM) for key-value stores?

Object-Relational-Mappers have been created to help applications (which think in terms of objects) deal with stored data in a more application-friendly way like every other class/object.
However, I have never seen a OKM (Object-Key/Value-Mapper) for NoSQL "Key/Value" storage systems. Which seems odd because the need should be far greater given the fact that more value-relations will have to be hard-coded into the app than a regular, single SQL table row object.
four requests:
vs one request:
user = [id => ..., name => ..., email => ...]
Plus you must keep track of "lists" (post has_many comments) since you don't have has_many through tables or foreign keys.
INSERT INTO user_groups (user_id, group_id) VALUES (23, 54)
usergroups:user_id = {54,108,32,..}
groupsuser:group_id = {23,12,645,..}
And there are lots more examples of the added logic that an application would need to replicate some basic features that normal relational databases use. All of these reasons make the idea of a OKM sound like a shoe-in.
Are there any? Are there any reasons there are not any?
Ruby's DataMapper project is an ORM and will happily talk to a key-value store through the use of an adapter.
Redis and MongoDB have adapters that already exist. CouchDB has an adapter — it's not maintained, but at one point it worked pretty well. I don't think anyone's done anything with Cassandra yet, but there's no reason it couldn't be done. The Dubious framework for Google App Engine takes a very similar approach to Data Mapper to make the Data Store available to applications.
So it's very possible to do ORM with key-value stores. The ORM just really needs to avoid the assumption that SQL is its primary vocabulary.
One of the design goals of SQL is that any data can be stored/queried in any relational database - There are some differences between platforms, but in general the correct way to handle a particular data structure is well known and easily automated but requiring fairly verbose code. That is not the case with NoSQL - generally you will be directly storing the data as used in your application rather than trying to map it to a relational structure, and without joins or other object/relational differences the mapping code is trivial.
Beyond generating the boilerplate data access code, one of the main purposes of an ORM is abstraction of differences between platforms. In my experience the ability to switch platforms has always been purely theoretical, and this lowest common denominator approach simply won't work for NoSQL as the platform is usually chosen specifically for capabilities not present on other platforms. Your example is only for the most trivial key value store - depending on your platform you most likely have some useful additional commands, so your first example could be
MGET user:id:name user:id:email ... (multiget - get any number of keys in a single call)
GET user:id:* (key wildcards)
HGETALL user:id (redis hash - gets all subkeys of user)
You might also have your user object stored in a serialized form - unlike in a relational database this will not break all your queries.
Working with lists isn't great if your platform doesn't have support built in - native list/set support is one of the reasons I like to use redis - but aside from potentially needing locks it's no worse than getting the list out of sql.
It's also worth noting that you may not need all the relationships you would define in sql - for example if you have a group containing a million users, the ability to get a list of all users in a group is completely useless, so you would never create the groupsuser list at all and rather than a seperate usergroups list have user:id:groups as a multivalue property. If you just need to check for membership you could set up keys as usergroups:userid:groupid and get constant time lookup.
I find it helps to think in terms of indexes rather than relationships - when setting up your data access code decide which fields will need to be queried and adding appropriate index records when those fields are written.
ORMs don't map terribly well to the schema-less nature of key-value stores. That being said, if you're using Riak and Ruby, you could take a look at Ripple. There are a number of other drivers for Riak which might fit with your language.
If you're looking into MongoDB (more of a document store than a k/v store), there are a number of drivers available.
The UNIVERSE db , which is a descendent of Pick, lets you store a list of key value pairs for a given key. However this is very old technoligy and the world ran away from these databases a long time ago.
You can implement this in an SQL database with a three column table
Although most DBAs will hit you over the head with the very thick Codd and Date hardback edition if you propose this, it is in fact a very common pattern in packaged applications to allow you to add site specific attributes to a system.
To prarphrase Richrd Stallmans comments on LISP.
"Any reasonably functional datastorage system will eventually end up implementing there own version of RDBMS."

Is using a table inheritance a valid way to avoid using a join table?

I've been following a mostly DDD methodology for this project, so, like any DDD'er, I created my domain model classes first. My intention is to use these POCO's as my LINQ-to-SQL entities (yes, they're not pure POCO's, but I'm ok with that). I've started creating the database schema and external mapping XML file, but I'm running into some issues with modeling the entities' relationships and associations.
An artifact represents a document. Artifacts can be associated with either a Task or a Case. The Case entity looks like this:
public class Case
private EntitySet<Artifact> _Artifacts;
public IList<Artifact> Artifacts
return _Artifacts;
Since an Artifact can be associated with either a Case, or a Task, I've the option to use inheritance on the Artifact class to create CaseArtifact and TaskArtifact derived classes. The only difference between the two classes, however, would be the presence of a Case field or a Task field. In the database of course, I would have a single table, Artifact, with a type discriminator field and the CaseId and TaskId fields.
My question: is this a valid approach to solving this problem, or would creating a join table for each association (2 new tables, total) be a better approach?
I would probably go with two tables - it makes the referential integrity-PK/FKs a little simpler to handle in the database, since you won't have to have a complex constraint based on the selector column.
(to reply to your comment - I ran out of space so post here as an edit) My overall philosophy is that the database should be modelled with database best practices (protect your perimeter and ensure database consistency, using as much RI and constraints as possible, provide all access through SPs, log activity as necessary, control all modes of access, use triggers where necessary) and the object model should be modelled with OOP best practices to provide a powerful and consistent API. It's the job of your SPs/data-access layer to handle the impedance mismatch.
If you just persist a well-designed object model to a database, your database won't have much intrinsic value (difficult to data mine, report, warehouse, metadata vague, etc) when viewed without going through the lens of the object model - this is fine for some application, typically not for mine.
If you just mimic a well-designed database structure in your application, without providing a rich OO API, your application will be difficult to maintain and the internal strucutres will be awkward to deal with - typically very procedural, rigid and with a lot of code duplication.
I would consider finding commonalities in between case and task, for the lack of better word let's call it "CaseTask" and then sub-typing (inheriting) from that one. After that you attach document to the super-type.
UPDATE (after comment):
I would then consider something like this. Each document can be attached to several cases or tasks.

Database design help with varying schemas

I work for a billing service that uses some complicated mainframe-based billing software for it's core services. We have all kinds of codes we set up that are used for tracking things: payment codes, provider codes, write-off codes, etc... Each type of code has a completely different set of data items that control what the code does and how it behaves.
I am tasked with building a new system for tracking changes made to these codes. We want to know who requested what code, who/when it was reviewed, approved, and implemented, and what the exact setup looked like for that code. The current process only tracks two of the different types of code. This project will add immediate support for a third, with the goal of also making it easy to add additional code types into the same process at a later date. My design conundrum is that each code type has a different set of data that needs to be configured with it, of varying complexity. So I have a few choices available:
I could give each code type it's own table(s) and build them independently. Considering we only have three codes I'm concerned about at the moment, this would be simplest. However, this concept has already failed or I wouldn't be building a new system in the first place. It's also weak in that the code involved in writing generic source code at the presentation level to display request data for any code type (even those not yet implemented) is not trivial.
Build a db schema capable of storing the data points associated with each code type: not only values, but what type they are and how they should be displayed (dropdown list from an enum of some kind). I have a decent db schema for this started, but it just feels wrong: overly complicated to query and maintain, and it ultimately requires a custom query to view full data in nice tabular for for each code type anyway.
Storing the data points for each code request as xml. This greatly simplifies the database design and will hopefully make it easier to build the interface: just set up a schema for each code type. Then have code that validates requests to their schema, transforms a schema into display widgets and maps an actual request item onto the display. What this item lacks is how to handle changes to the schema.
My questions are: how would you do it? Am I missing any big design options? Any other pros/cons to those choices?
My current inclination is to go with the xml option. Given the schema updates are expected but extremely infrequent (probably less than one per code type per 18 months), should I just build it to assume the schema never changes, but so that I can easily add support for a changing schema later? What would that look like in SQL Server 2000 (we're moving to SQL Server 2005, but that won't be ready until after this project is supposed to be completed)?
One reason I'm thinking xml is that some of the data will be complex: nested/conditional data, enumerated drop down lists, etc. But I really don't need to query any of it. So I was thinking it would be easier to define this data in xml schemas.
However, le dorfier's point about introducing a whole new technology hit very close to home. We currently use very little xml anywhere. That's slowly changing, but at the moment this would look a little out of place.
I'm also not entirely sure how to build an input form from a schema, and then merge a record that matches that schema into the form in an elegant way. It will be very common to only store a partially-completed record and so I don't want to build the form from the record itself. That's a topic for a different question, though.
Based on all the comments so far Xml is still the leading candidate. Separate tables may be as good or better, but I have the feeling that my manager would see that as not different or generic enough compared to what we're currently doing.
There is no simple, generic solution to a complex, meticulous problem. You can't have both simple storage and simple app logic at the same time. Either the database structure must be complex, or else your app must be complex as it interprets the data.
I outline five solution to this general problem in "product table, many kind of product, each product have many parameters."
For your situation, I would lean toward Concrete Table Inheritance or Serialized LOB (the XML solution).
The reason that XML might be a good solution is that:
You don't need to use SQL to pick out individual fields; you're always going to display the whole form.
Your XML can annotate fields for data type, user interface control, etc.
But of course you need to add code to parse and validate the XML. You should use an XML schema to help with this. In which case you're just replacing one technology for enforcing data organization (RDBMS) with another (XML schema).
You could also use an RDF solution instead of an RDBMS. In RDF, metadata is queriable and extensible, and you can model entities with "facts" about them. For example:
Payment code XYZ contains attribute TradeCredit (Net-30, Net-60, etc.)
Attribute TradeCredit is of type CalendarInterval
Type CalendarInterval is displayed as a drop-down
.. and so on
Re your comments: Yeah, I am wary of any solution that uses XML. To paraphrase Jamie Zawinski:
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use XML." Now they have two problems.
Another solution would be to invent a little Domain-Specific Language to describe your forms. Use that to generate the user-interface. Then use the database only to store the values for form data instances.
Why do you say "this concept has already failed or I wouldn't be building a new system in the first place"? Is it because you suspect there must be a scheme for handling them in common?
Else I'd say to continue the existing philosophy, and establish additional tables. At least it would be sharing an existing pattern and maintaining some consistency in that respect.
Do a web search on "generalized specialized relational modeling". You'll find articles on how to set up tables that store the attributes of each kind of code, and the attributes common to all codes.
If you’re interested in object modeling, just search on “generalized specialized object modeling”.
