Silverlight WebPart in SharePoint - silverlight

I'm making a WebPart for SharePoint that will instantiate a Silverlight UserControl and feed it some data. My problem is that when I have created my sample-WebPart and just instantiate a Silverlight control, the webpart, when added to a page or displayed in the webpart gallery, instead of rendering blank, renders an error page saying "File Not Found". No clue in the logfiles to what file was not found or why this error is thrown. Here is my code:
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.SilverlightControls;
namespace TestSLWP {
public class CustomWebPart1 : WebPart {
protected override void CreateChildControls() {
Label lblHello = new Label();
lblHello.Text = "Hello";
Silverlight sl = new Silverlight();
I've added references to System.Web.Extensions and System.Web.Silverlight to the project. They are in the GAC, and the webpart is written and compiled on the same computer that SharePoint resides. If I change the CreateChildControls() to be:
protected override void CreateChildControls() {
Silverlight sl = new Silverlight();
sl.ID = "CustomWebPart1SL";
sl.Source = "/Silverlight/CustomWebPart.xap";
I get the same error. Also if I remove the first slash in sl.Source I get the same error, even though the file is present in a virtual directory in the same application pool as SharePoint. I therefore, and because the error comes with just instantiating the Silverlight object, believe that the file that cannot be found is not my XAP.
What file can't SharePoint find and what can I do about it?
Here's the error message:

Hi I found a complete walk through on how to get Silverlight web parts get running on your application:
As you can see there are added some more things to the web.config beside your assembly registration.

Enabling SilverLight requires a lagre amount of web config modifications. Did you add those?

There could be the problem with your storage folder with silverlight control. You must register path to this storage as safe in web.config (for example find in web.config line with "~/controltemplates").


Changing Silverlight Application name dynamically

I'm creating a deployable module where some parts are written in Silverlight, and I'm making the SL application deployable for OOB usage. However, I want to make Silverlight take the name of the website that it's deployed from, such as, when a user installs it from, I want to have " application" with the site's own icon in the shortcut. Is there any "supported" method of doing this, or will I be going with locating the XAP file and manually changing AppManifest.xaml inside it?
You will need to find out your URL of your application:
string appURL = Application.Current.Host.Source.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0, Application.Current.Host.Source.AbsoluteUri.IndexOf(#"ClientBin/"));
So this will solve the title problem, next is the icon. You could load the image from the page:
Uri uri = new Uri(String.Format("{0}/favicon.png", appURL));
IconImage.Source = new BitmapImage(uri);
It's not perfect, you will have to manipulate appURL to get the domain name only.

How can I reference resx files in a Silverlight RIA Services Library? [duplicate]

I'm working on a Silverlight project with the WCF RIA Services beta. I'm using the BlahDomainService.metadata.cs file to validate a field by adding validation attributes, e.g. [RegularExpression]. It was working so I'm trying to put the Error message in a resource file and now it isn't working. The RegEx validation isn't being run on the client, though it is being run on the server.
Any idea what might be causing this?
In the generated code file on the client, I see this error:
// Unable to generate the following attribute due to the following error(s):
// - The validation attribute 'System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RegularExpressionAttribute' declared ErrorMessageResourceName='RegExError' which was not found on declared ErrorMessageResourceType 'Blah.Web.Resources.SharedResources'.
// [RegularExpressionAttribute("yawn", ErrorMessageResourceName = "RegExError", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Blah.Web.Resources.SharedResources))]
How I got where I am
I created the SharedResources.resx (and Vs created SharedResources.Designer.cs) file in the .Web project in a folder called Resources. In the Silverlight project, I created a Web folder and in that a Resources folder. To this Resources folder, I did Add > Existing Item and then added the SharedResources.resx and .Designer.cs using the Add as Link option. The idea was that this would keep the namespaces the same for the two resources classes. I then edited the .csproj file to make the .Designer.cs file a dependency of the .resx file, using the Silverlight Business Application template as a reference.
I built the solution and tested it and the RegEx validation throws no error, which is bad. Then I found the message above. To verify that my linking was working, in Home.xaml.cs, I typed:
and saw the error in the Output window in VS. I also submitted the changes to the service and in the EntitiesInError, on the VaidationErrors, I can see the error message, so I know it's working server-side. It's just the client-side that isn't. Any idea why it's not working?
You also have add a resources (.resx) as a link in the client silverlight project for the web project.
See template Silverlight Bussiness Application in VS 2010. It has a very good sample.
Everything was okay except that I hadn't set the AccessModifier for the .resx to Public. Once I'd done that and Rebuilt All, it worked.

Silverlight Asp.Net project integration

I added a Silverlight application to my ASP.NET website. Visual Studio made a new silverlight project and added its xap to the ClientBin folder under the project of my website. So both the projects are under one solution.
My Silverlight app is supposed to read an xml file and I was unable to make it access the file from the client bin folder under the website project. Adding a reference to that project does not work since it says only references to other silverlight applications can be added. Right now its working when the file is under the silverlight project but not when it is under the website project.
how can I make it read the file from website project?
The project structure is
WEBSITE1 (solution)
-WEBSITE1 (project)
I can access file1.xml using
XDocument document = XDocument.Load("file1.xml");
I want to access file0.xml but no path works for me, for e.g,
XDocument document = XDocument.Load("~/ClientBin/file0.xml");
and WEBSITE1 is the startup project
You should be able to read a file from the ClientBin folder simply enough without needing to do anything special. At a guess I would say the you have accidentally set the Silverlight application as the startup project. In this scenario you want the website to be the startup project then either have the Silverlight apps test page marked as the start page or to navigate to the silverlight page once the browser has started.
The problem you have is that the Load method is synchronous but Silverlight does not support synchronous access to web resources. Hence passing a Uri to the Load method will only work if the that Uri can be fulfilled by content in the Xap. Thats why an Xml file in the silverlight project works because it ends up in the Xap.
To fetch Xml from the site you need to do this:-
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.DownloadStringCompleted += (s, args) =>
XDocument document = XDocument.Load(args.result);
client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("file0.xml", UriKind.Relative);
// code exits here but _document won't be loaded yet

Localization of error message in Validation silverlight

I want to use localization feature for Validation messages, for eg-
[Required(ErrorMessageResourceName = "RequiredField", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof( ))]
public string someText
{ get... set...}
I'm using MVVM pattern so this property is in my model(its a differnt project inside same solution of silverlight) and all my localization resources are in the App.current.Resources. How can I set the ErrorMessageResourceType to my App resources?
Please suggest.
Thanks in advance
Well apparently Localization of error messages isnt as straightforward. You are supposed to add a resource file to the MyApp.Web project, that is the site that hosts your silverlight app, then add that resource to the silverlight app, then you will be able todo the code you stated in your question after some tweaks, follow the instructions below
This section explores how error
messages can be localized by storing
them in resource files and sharing
them across tiers.
The example uses .NET RIA Services
walkthrough project as the base
project and builds on top of it.
Let's say we want to add a validation
error as a resource for LoginID field.
Create a new ‘Resources' folder in the HRApp.Web project
(server project)
Add a new resource file to this folder and name it
Double click on the .RESX file to bring up resource designer
Add a new string resource with Name= LoginIDValidationError and
Value= "LoginID field is required"
Change the access modifier to ‘Public' by clicking on the ‘Access
Modifier' drop down UI and selecting
‘Public' and save the project. This
generates a ValidationErrorResources
class in the HRApp.Web.Resources
Open ‘OrganizationService.metadata.cs' file
and add the following ‘Required' field
validation to LoginID member. Specify
the error message resource name and
resource type values by setting the
corresponding attribute members as
shown below.
[Required(ErrorMessageResourceName =
ErrorMessageResourceType =
public string LoginID;
Now we want to share this resource
file in the Silverlight project
(client project). To do this,
Create a folder Web\Resources in the HRApp project
(folder structure must match the
resource file namespace on the server
Select Resources folder and bring up Add Existing file dialog,
browse to the server side resource
file folder location
Select ValidationErrorResources.resx and
files, and add them as link files to
the Silverlight project. Save the
project file
Open HRApp.csproj file in notepad , locate the section where
.designer.cs file is included and add
the highlighted 3 lines to this
Save the project file and reload the project in Visual Studio
Build the solution and run
Now whenever the validation fails for
the LoginID field the error message
from the resource file is shown to the
user. The resource file can now be
customized to store locale specific
error messages.
This solution almost worked for me. I had to made some arrangements to work with a data model (edmx) located in one project, DataDomainService (Ria) in other and the Silverlight access layer in other project.
When i compile the HRApp equivalent in my situation, the metadata containing the validation info for some property is not generated. It says that the client has no access to the ValidationErrorResources type. But after following all the instructions mentioned above plus some others to get a correct resource namespace, the client CAN access ValidationErrorResources.
It works if i write it myself to the generated Silverlight class.
So seems like this kind of project separation is not quite supported by the class generator...
But thanks anyway, this post was quite helpful and maybe i'll make it all work in a couple of days.
When I did this recently this thred helped alot:
In particular "...the resource file must be converter to a class before being able to reference it in the typeof of the ErrorMessageResourceType in the data annotation..."
Also there are a few other useful hits from the main search engines:

Why isn't my shared resource file working in my Silverlight RIA project?

I'm working on a Silverlight project with the WCF RIA Services beta. I'm using the BlahDomainService.metadata.cs file to validate a field by adding validation attributes, e.g. [RegularExpression]. It was working so I'm trying to put the Error message in a resource file and now it isn't working. The RegEx validation isn't being run on the client, though it is being run on the server.
Any idea what might be causing this?
In the generated code file on the client, I see this error:
// Unable to generate the following attribute due to the following error(s):
// - The validation attribute 'System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RegularExpressionAttribute' declared ErrorMessageResourceName='RegExError' which was not found on declared ErrorMessageResourceType 'Blah.Web.Resources.SharedResources'.
// [RegularExpressionAttribute("yawn", ErrorMessageResourceName = "RegExError", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Blah.Web.Resources.SharedResources))]
How I got where I am
I created the SharedResources.resx (and Vs created SharedResources.Designer.cs) file in the .Web project in a folder called Resources. In the Silverlight project, I created a Web folder and in that a Resources folder. To this Resources folder, I did Add > Existing Item and then added the SharedResources.resx and .Designer.cs using the Add as Link option. The idea was that this would keep the namespaces the same for the two resources classes. I then edited the .csproj file to make the .Designer.cs file a dependency of the .resx file, using the Silverlight Business Application template as a reference.
I built the solution and tested it and the RegEx validation throws no error, which is bad. Then I found the message above. To verify that my linking was working, in Home.xaml.cs, I typed:
and saw the error in the Output window in VS. I also submitted the changes to the service and in the EntitiesInError, on the VaidationErrors, I can see the error message, so I know it's working server-side. It's just the client-side that isn't. Any idea why it's not working?
You also have add a resources (.resx) as a link in the client silverlight project for the web project.
See template Silverlight Bussiness Application in VS 2010. It has a very good sample.
Everything was okay except that I hadn't set the AccessModifier for the .resx to Public. Once I'd done that and Rebuilt All, it worked.
