How to create And / Or relations in a database? - database

I have a Coupon table. A Coupon can be applicable to certain items only or to a whole category of items.
For example: a 5$ coupon for a Pizza 12" AND (1L Pepsi OR French fries)
The best I could come up with is to make a CouponMenuItems table containing a coupon_id and bit fields such as IsOr and IsAnd. It doesn't work because I have 2 groups of items in this example. The second one being a OR relation between 2 items.
Any idea of how I could do it so the logic to implement is as simple as possible?
Any help or cue appreciated!

Often, you can simplify this kind of thing by using Disjunctive Normal Form.
You normalize your logic into a series disjunctions -- "or clauses". Each disjunct is set of "and clauses".
So your rules become the following long disjunction.
Pizza AND Pepsi
Pizza AND french fries
(You can always do this, BTW, with any logic. The problem is that some things can be really complicated. The good news is that no marketing person will try bafflingly hard logic on you. Further, the rewrite from any-old-form to disjunctive normal form is an easy piece of algebra.)
This, you'll note, is always two layers deep: always a top-level list of the disjunctions (any one of which could be true) and a a lower-level list of conjuncts (all of which must be true).
So, you have a "Conditions" table with columns like id and product name. This defines a simple comparison between line item and product.
You have a Conjuncts ("mid-level and clause") table with columns like conjunct ID and condition ID. A join between conjunct and condition will produce all conditions for the conjunct. If all of these conditions are true, the conjunct is true.
The have a Disjuncts ("top-level or clause") table with columns like disjunct Id and conjunct ID. If one of these disjuncts is true, the disjunction is true.
A join between disjuncts, conjuncts and conditions produces the complete set of conditions you need to test.

One possible approach to consider. Assuming you created the following classes:
+----------+ 1 +---------------+ *
| Coupon |<#>------>| <<interface>> |<--------------+
+----------+ | CouponItem | |
| +value | +---------------+ |
+----------+ | +cost() | |
+---------------+ |
/|\ |
| |
+--------------------------------+ |
| | | |
LeafCouponItem AndCouponItem OrCouponItem |
<#> <#> |
| | |
class Coupon {
Money value;
CouponItem item;
interface CouponItem {
Money cost();
class AndCouponItem implements CouponItem {
List<CouponItem> items;
Money cost() {
Money cost = new Money(0);
for (CouponItem item : items) {
cost = cost.add(item.cost());
return cost;
class OrCouponItem implements CouponItem {
List<CouponItem> items;
Money cost() {
Money max = new Money(0);
for (CouponItem item : items) {
max = Money.max(max, item.cost);
return max;
class LeafCouponItem implements CouponItem {
Money cost;
Money cost() {
return cost;
And map to 2 tables:
------ -----------
So for your example you would have:
ID 100
201 100 LEAF 200 PIZZA 10
202 100 OR 200 NULL NULL
203 100 LEAF 202 PEPSI 2
204 100 LEAF 202 FRIES 3
This single table approach is highly denormalised, and some would prefer to have separate tables for each CouponItem implementation.
Most ORM frameworks will be able to take care of the persitence of such a domain of classes.

You will need to group all your relationships together, define how they are grouped, and then assign coupons to those relationships. Essentially you need database entities to represent the parenthesis in your example, though you will need one more outer parenthesis:
(Pizza 12" AND (1L Pepsi OR French fries))
IsOr : bit -- (default 0 means and)
IsOr : bit -- (default 0 means and)
After brainstorming that structure out it looks like something that could be solved with a nodal parent/child relationship hierarchy. The ItemAssociation/GroupAssociation tables smell to me, I think a general Association table that could handle either may be desirable so you could write general purpose code to handle all relationships (though you'd lose referential integrity unless you also generalize Item and Group into a single entity).
Note: also naming an entity Group can create problems. :)

You could treat individual items as their own group (1 member) and just implement pure logic to map coupons to groups.

My suggestion:
primary key
= = = = =
item_id, group_id
coupon_id, group_id
coupon_id, item_id
In the COUPON_ITEM_ASSOC table, have a field indicating how many items the coupon may apply to at once, with some special value indicating "infinite".


Salesforce(apex) Query return values with toLowerCase

I using Salesforce (apex), i need Query that will select values from table and return them in toLowerCase.
some think like this:
//only example (not working code)
for(Users user:[select Name.toLowerCase(),LastName.toLowerCase() from Users ] )
For example if i have table Users with
Name | LastName
Boby | Testovich1
Dany | Testovich2
Ron | Testovich3
Query need to return me all values with toLowerCase:
boby testovich1,dany testovich2,ron testovich3
I can do this like this
for(Users user:[select Name,LastName from Users ] )
string UserName=user.Name.toLowerCase();
but is there a way to to this with querying?
Is there a way to do this in Salesforce (apex) Query ?
No you can't transform the return value to lower case in the query, you'll need to do it after you've gotten the query results.
One alternative is to add a formula field that returns the lower case value and query that instead.

Returning BigQuery data filtered on nested objects

I'm trying to create a query which returns data which is filtered on 2 nested objects. I've added (1) and (2) to the code to indicate that I want results from two different nested objects (I know that this isn't a valid query). I've been looking at WITHIN RECORD but I can't get my head around it.
SELECT externalIds.value(1) AS appName, externalIds.value(2) AS driverRef, SUM(quantity)/ 60 FROM [billing.tempBilling]
WHERE callTo = 'example' AND externalIds.type(1) = 'driverRef' AND externalIds.type(2) = 'applicationName'
GROUP BY appName, driverRef ORDER BY appName, driverRef;
The data loaded into BigQuery looks like this:
"callTo": "example",
"quantity": 120,
"externalIds": [
{"type": "applicationName", "value": "Example App"},
{"type": "driverRef", "value": 234}
The result I'm after is this:
| appName | driverRef | quantity |
| Example App | 123 | 12.3 |
| Example App | 234 | 132.7 |
| Test App | 142 | 14.1 |
| Test App | 234 | 17.4 |
| Test App | 347 | 327.5 |
If all of the quantities that you need to sum are within the same record, then you can use WITHIN RECORD for this query. Use NTH() WITHIN RECORD to get the first and second values for a field in the record. Then use HAVING to perform the filtering because it requires a value computed by an aggregation function.
SELECT callTo,
NTH(1, externalIds.type) WITHIN RECORD AS firstType,
NTH(1, externalIds.value) WITHIN RECORD AS maybeAppName,
NTH(2, externalIds.type) WITHIN RECORD AS secondType,
NTH(2, externalIds.value) WITHIN RECORD AS maybeDriverRef,
FROM [billing.tempBilling]
HAVING callTo LIKE 'example%' AND
firstType = 'applicationName' AND
secondType = 'driverRef';
If the quantities to be summed are spread across multiple records, then you can start with this approach and then group by your keys and sum those quantities in an outer query.

Hive query, better option to self join

So I am working with a hive table that is set up as so:
id (Int), mapper (String), mapperId (Int)
Basically a single Id can have multiple mapperIds, one per mapper such as an example below:
ID (1) mapper(MAP1) mapperId(123)
ID (1) mapper(MAP2) mapperId(1234)
ID (1) mapper(MAP3) mapperId(12345)
ID (2) mapper(MAP2) mapperId(10)
ID (2) mapper(MAP3) mapperId(12)
I want to return the list of mapperIds associated to each unique ID. So for the above example I would want the below returned as a single row.
1, 123, 1234, 12345
2, null, 10, 12
The mapper Strings are known, so I was thinking of doing a self join for every mapper string I am interested in, but I was wondering if there was a more optimal solution?
If the assumption that the mapper column is distinct with respect to a given ID is correct, you could collect the mapper column and the mapperid column to a Map using brickhouse collect. You can clone the repo from that link and build the jar with Maven.
add jar /complete/path/to/jar/brickhouse-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;
create temporary function collect as 'brickhouse.udf.collect.CollectUDAF';
select id
,id_map['MAP1'] as mapper1
,id_map['MAP2'] as mapper2
,id_map['MAP3'] as mapper3
from (
select id
,collect(mapper, mapperid) as id_map
from some_table
group by id
) x
| id | mapper1 | mapper2 | mapper3 |
1 123 1234 12345
2 10 12

Conditionally return different description text for different quantity values?

I'm making a "search inventory" webpage and need some help.
This query works great:
SELECT TOP (20) [FederalStockNum], [Quant1]
FROM [FederalStockCards-Detail]
It searches an inventory bringing up similar results based on the SEARCH-KEYWORD and returns something like this:
| Federal Stock Number......|Quantity.|
| 5305-00-060-9995..........|.......24|
| 5305-00-060-9996..........|.....5500|
| MS15795-543...............|.......50|
| MS21098-83................|........0|
So far so good, but this is inappropriate to expose this corporation's exact inventory. Can I change the SQL statement to return something like this?
| Federal Stock Number......|Quantity.|
| 5305-00-060-9995..........|IN STOCK |
| 5305-00-060-9996..........|IN STOCK |
| MS15795-543...............|IN STOCK |
| MS21098-83................|SOLD OUT |
You can use a CASE expression for that:
SELECT TOP (20) [FederalStockNum],
(case when [Quant1]>0 then 'IN STOCK' else 'OUT OF STOCK' end) as Quant1
FROM [FederalStockCards-Detail]
This would also work if you wanted to work with aggregate functions (GROUP BY and SUM for example).

Grouping results to get unique rows after multiple joins

disclaimer : I don't have full control over the db schema don't judge the data structure or the naming conventions :)
I am doing this large query with multiple joins :
iss.iss_lKey as IssueId,
iss.iss_sName as IssueName,
con.con_lKey as ContainerId,
con.con_sName as ContainerName,
sto.sto_lKey as StoryId,
sto.sto_sName as StoryName,
sto.sto_Guid as StoryGuid,
sto.sto_sByline as Byline,
sto.sto_created_dWhen as StoryCreatedDate,
sto.sto_deadline_dWhen as StoryDeadline,
sto.sto_lType as StoryType,
sto.sto_sct_lKey as StoryCategory,
sto.sto_created_use_lKey as CreatedBy,
sfv.sfv_tValue as FieldValue,
sf.sfe_lKey as StoryFieldId,
sf.sfe_sCaption as StoryFieldCaption,
sre.sre_lIndex as RevisionIndex
FROM tStory30 sto
JOIN tContainer30 con ON sto.sto_con_lKey = con.con_lKey
JOIN tIssue30 iss ON con.con_iss_lKey = iss.iss_lKey
LEFT OUTER JOIN tStoryRevision30 sre ON sre.sre_sto_lKey = sto.sto_lKey
LEFT OUTER JOIN tStoryField30 sf ON sre.sre_lKey = sf.sfe_sre_lKey
LEFT OUTER JOIN tStoryFieldValue30 sfv ON sfv.sfv_sfe_lKey= sf.sfe_lKey
WHERE sre.sre_lIndex = 0
AND (sto.sto_sName LIKE '%' + #0 + '%'
OR sfv.sfv_tValue LIKE '%' + #0 + '%')";
What I need is really only one row by StoryId, that includes the FieldValue that matched if there was any. I am currently grouping in the code to produce the output, but that prevents me from paging the results.
from r in items
group r by new { r.StoryId, r.ContainerId, r.IssueId }
into storyGroup
select {
Hits = storyGroup.ToList()
Is there any way to achieve this kind of grouping in sql, so that I could then page the result properly (using ROW_NUMBER() OVER)?
Also, I am aware that this is bad practice and should use FullText search. it is planned to setup a solr instance, or use the fulltext options in sqlserver. This is a first attempt to get a smthg going.
trying to explain verbally what I try to achieve :
For the context, our app is a cms for magazine editor/publisher.
for a given magazine they have many Issues
each issue has many Container (sort of logical article group)
in each container you have several stories
a story van have 0 or many revisions
the fields of a story are stored by revision (many field per revision)
and a field has a field value.
I need to retrieve the stories that have a given text in the name or in a field value of the first revision (that's the where revisionIndex = 0).
but I also need to retrieve associated data for each story. (issueId, name, containerId and name, and so one..)
the difficult one is probably to retrieve one of the fieldvalue that matched the search. I don't need all of them, just one...
hope this helps!
EDIT Sample data searching for "test". I simplified the columns to make it easier to understand.
Row | IssueId | IssueName | ContainerId | StoryId | FieldValue
1 | 11 IssueName A 394 868 Test Marsupilami bla bla youpi
2 | 40 IssueName B 6 631 story save test
3 | 40 IssueName B 6 666 test story
4 | 4 IssueName c 30 846 test abs
5 | 4 IssueName c 30 846 absc test
6 | 4 IssueName c 30 846 hello test
I am able to get the row number in sqlserver on my query, but here, as you see, I get amultiple times the same story. In this case, I could have simple the following result:
Row | IssueId | IssueName | ContainerId | StoryId | FieldValue
1 | 11 IssueName A 394 868 Test Marsupilami bla bla youpi
2 | 40 IssueName B 6 631 story save test
3 | 4 IssueName c 30 846 test abs
if a story would have test in the story name, then I am ok with a null value in the column FieldValue which field value is selected doesn't matter much.
This is a digression but are you aware that you have converted a left join to an inner join?
LEFT OUTER JOIN tStoryRevision30 sre ON sre.sre_sto_lKey = sto.sto_lKey
LEFT OUTER JOIN tStoryField30 sf ON sre.sre_lKey = sf.sfe_sre_lKey
LEFT OUTER JOIN tStoryFieldValue30 sfv ON sfv.sfv_sfe_lKey= sf.sfe_lKey
WHERE sre.sre_lIndex = 0
try this instead
LEFT OUTER JOIN tStoryRevision30 sre ON sre.sre_sto_lKey = sto.sto_lKey
AND sre.sre_lIndex = 0
LEFT OUTER JOIN tStoryField30 sf ON sre.sre_lKey = sf.sfe_sre_lKey
LEFT OUTER JOIN tStoryFieldValue30 sfv ON sfv.sfv_sfe_lKey= sf.sfe_lKey
(I would have done this in a comment but it is easier to see the code change here.
