Using SO_REUSEADDR - What happens to previously open socket? - c

In network programming in unix, I have always set the SO_REUSEADDR option on the socket being used by server to listen to connections on. This basically says that another socket can be opened on the same port on the machine. This is useful when recovering from a crash and the socket was not properly closed - the app can be restarted and it will simply open another socket on the same port and continue listening.
My question is, what happens to the old socket? Without a doubt, all data/connections will still be received on the old socket. Does it get closed automatically by the OS?

A socket is considered closed when the program that was using it dies. That much is handled by the OS, and the OS will refuse to accept any further communication from the dead conversation. However, if the socket was closed unexpectedly, the computer on the other end might not know that the conversation is over, and may still be attempting to communicate.
That is why there is, designed into the TCP spec, a waiting period before that same port number can be reused. Because in theory, however unlikely, it may be possible for a packet from the old conversation to arrive with the appropriate IP address, port numbers, and sequence numbers such that the receiving server mistakenly inserts it into the wrong TCP stream by accident.
The SO_REUSEADDR option overrides that behavior, allowing you to reuse the port immediately. Effectively, you're saying: "I understand the risks and would like to use the port anyway."

Yes, the OS automatically closes the previous socket when the old process ends. The reason you can't normally listen on the same port right away is because the socket, though closed, remains in the 2MSL state for some amount of time (generally a few minutes). The OS automatically transitions the old socket out of this state when the timeout expires.


detecting connection state in epoll linux

There are many threads regarding how to detect if a socket is connected or not using various methods like getpeername / getsockopt w/ SO_ERROR. would be a good way for me to detect if a socket is connected or not. The problem is, it does not say anything about if the connection is in progress... So if i call connect, it is in progress, then i call getpeername, will it say it is an error (-1) even though the connection is still in progress?
If it does, I can implement a counter-like system that will eventually kill the socket if it is still in progress after x seconds.
Short Answer
I think that, if getpeername() returns ENOTCONN, that simply means that the tcp connection request has not yet succeeded. For it to not return ENOTCONN, I think the client end needs to have received the syn+ack from the server and sent its own ack, and the server end needs to have received the client's ack.
Thereafter all bets are off. The connection might subsequently be interrupted, but getpeername() has no way of knowing this has happened.
Long Answer
A lot of it depends on how fussy and short-term one wants to be about knowing if the connection is up.
Strictly Speaking...
Strictly speaking with maximum fussiness, one cannot know. In a packet switched network there is nothing in the network that knows (at any single point in time) for sure that there is a possible connection between peers. It's a "try it and see" thing.
This contrasts to a circuit switched network (e.g. a plain old telephone call), where there is a live circuit for exclusive use between peers (telephones); provided current is flowing, you know the circuit is complete even if the person at the other end of the phone call is silent.
Note that if the two computers were connected by a single Ethernet cable (no router, no switches, just a cable between NICs), that is effectively a fixed circuit (not even a circuit-switched network).
Relaxing a Little...
Focusing on what one can know about a connection in a packet switched network. As others have already said, the answer is that, really, one has to send and receive packets constantly to know if the network can still connect the two peers.
Such an exchange of packets occurs with a tcp socket connect() - the connecting peer sends a special packet to say "please can I connect to you", and the serving peer replies "yes", the client then says "thank you!" (syn->, <-syn+ack, ack->). But thereafter the packets flow between peers only if the applications send and receive data, or elects to close the connection (fin).
Calling something like getpeername() I think is somewhat misleading, depending on your requirements. It's fine, if you trust the network infrastructure and remote computer and its application to not break, and not crash.
It's possible for the connect() to succeed, then something breaks somewhere in the network (e.g. the peer's network connection is unplugged, or the peer crashes), and there is no knowledge at your end of the network that that has happened.
The first thing you can know about it is if you send some traffic and fail to get a response. The response is, initially, the tcp acks (which allows your network stack to clear out some of its buffers), and then possibly an actual message back from the peer application. If you keep sending data out into the void, the network will quite happily route packets as far as it can, but your tcp stack's buffers will fill up due to the lack of acks coming back from the peer. Eventually, your network socket blocks on a call to write(), because the local buffers are full.
Various Options...
If you're writing both applications (server and client), you can write the application to "ping pong" the connection periodically; just send a message that means nothing other than "tell me you heard this". Successful ping-ponging means that, at least within the last few seconds, the connection was OK.
Use a library like ZeroMQ. This library solves many issues with using network connections, and also includes (in modern version) socket heartbeats (i.e. a ping pong). It's neat, because ZeroMQ looks after the messy business of making, restoring and monitoring connections with a heartbeat, and can notify the application whenever the connection state changes. Again, you need to be writing both client and server applications, because ZeroMQ has it's own protocol on top of tcp that is not compatible with just a plain old socket. If you're interested in this approach, the words to look for in the API documentation is socket monitor and ZMQ_HEARTBEAT_IVL;
If, really, only one end needs to know the connection is still available, that can be accomplished by having the other end just sending out "pings". That might fit a situation where you're not writing the software at both ends. For example, a server application might be configured (rather than re-written) to stream out data regardless of whether the client wants it or not, and the client ignores most of it. However, the client knows that if it is receiving data it then also knows there is a connection. The server does not know (it's just blindly sending out data, up until its writes() eventually block), but may not need to know.
Ping ponging is also good in that it gives some indication of the performance of the network. If one end is expecting a pong within 5 seconds of sending a ping but doesn't get it, that indicates that all is not as expected (even if packets are eventually turning up).
This allows discrimination between networks that are usefully working, and networks that are delivering packets but too slowly to be useful. The latter is still technically "connected" and is probably represented as connected by other tests (e.g. calling getpeername()), but it may as well not be.
Limited Local Knowledge...
There is limited things one can do locally to a peer. A peer can know whether its connection to the network exists (e.g. the NIC reports a live connection), but that's about it.
My Opinion
Personally speaking, I default to ZeroMQ these days if at all possible. Even if it means a software re-write, that's not so bad as it seems. This is because one is generally replacing code such as connect() with zmq_connect(), and recv() with zmq_revc(), etc. There's often a lot of code removal too. ZeroMQ is message orientated, a tcp socket is stream orientated. Quite a lot of applications have to adapt tcp into a message orientation, and ZeroMQ replaces all the code that does that.
ZeroMQ is also well supported across numerous languages, either in bindings and / or re-implementations.
man connect
If the initiating socket is connection-mode, .... If the connection cannot be established immediately and O_NONBLOCK is not set for the file descriptor for the socket, connect() shall block for up to an unspecified timeout interval until the connection is established. If the timeout interval expires before the connection is established, connect() shall fail and the connection attempt shall be aborted.
If connect() is interrupted by a signal that is caught while blocked waiting to establish a connection, connect() shall fail and set errno to [EINTR], but the connection request shall not be aborted, and the connection shall be established asynchronously.
If the connection cannot be established immediately and O_NONBLOCK is set for the file descriptor for the socket, connect() shall fail and set errno to [EINPROGRESS], but the connection request shall not be aborted, and the connection shall be established asynchronously.
When the connection has been established asynchronously, select() and poll() shall indicate that the file descriptor for the socket is ready for writing.
If the socket is in blocking mode, connect will block while the connection is in progress. After connect returns, you'll know if a connection has been established (or not).
A signal could interrupt the (blocking/waiting) process, the connection routine will then switch to asynchronous mode.
If the socket is in non blocking mode (O_NONBLOCK) and the connection cannot be established immediately, connect will fail with the error EINPROGRESS and like above switching to asynchronous mode, that means, you'll have to use select or poll to figure out if the socket is ready for writing (indicates established connection).

Server continues to function in Client/Server C application even after closing sockets

I am making a Tic Tac Toe application, with client/server. When pressing CTRL+C I have a custom handler that closes the sockets (the listening one as well), and then exits. However, if I try to run the program again, sometimes it gives an error that the port is used so it cannot bind, which lasts from several minutes (or until restart), to some seconds and sometimes it doesn't happen at all. I suspect this is a normal process, however I would like a second opinion. Also, any suggestions on how to avoid this would be appreciated!
EDIT: forgot to mention that, again SOMETIMES, killing the terminal works.
There is a connection (identified by IP address and port number) still in TIME_WAIT state. This state exists because there might be some IP packages around in the net that were sent to this connection. You probably get an error EADDRINUSE when you try to bind the socket.
You can check this with netstat.
Read about socket option SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT.
Socket options SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT, how do they differ? Do they mean the same across all major operating systems?

Graceful Shutdown Server Socket in Linux

I want to be able to stop listening on a server socket in linux and ensure that all connections that are open from a client's point of view are correctly handled and not abruptly closed (ie: receive ECONNRESET).
sock = create_socket();
listen(sock, non_zero_backlog);
if thought calling close() and handling already accept'd sockets would be enough but there can be connections that are open in the kernel backlog which will be abruptly closed if you call close() on the server socket.
The only working way to do that (that I have found) is to:
prevent accept() from adding more clients
have a list of the open sockets somewhere and to wait until they are all properly closed which means:
using shutdown() to tell the client that you will no longer work on that socket
call read() for a while to make sure that all the client has sent in
the meantime has been pulled
then using close() to free each client socket.
THEN, you can safely close() the listening socket.
You can (and should) use a timeout to make sure that idle connections will not last forever.
You are looking at a limitation of the TCP socket API. You can look at ECONNRESET as the socket version of EOF or, you can implement a higher level protocol over TCP which informs the client of an impending disconnection.
However, if you attempt the latter alternative, be aware of the intractable Two Armies Problem which makes graceful shutdown impossible in the general case; this is part of the motivation for the TCP connection reset mechanism as it stands. Even if you could write graceful_close() in a way that worked most of the time, you'd probably still have to deal with ECONNRESET unless the server process can wait forever to receive a graceful_close_ack from the client.

crash network and consequent state of socket

I would like to know how do the state of a socket become when the network on which it work crashes. My problem is when I simulate the collapse of this network the select() function, that controls all socket, returns me some socket that theoretically should not be set. It's possible that the operating system set a crashed socket both in writing and in reading?
The first thing to keep in mind is that your computer typically will not know when the "network crashes" per se. All the computer will know is whether or not it is receiving packets from the network, or not. (Some computers might also know if the electrical signal on their local Ethernet port has gone away, but since it is possible for more distant parts of the network to go down without affecting the signal on the local Ethernet cable, that information is only occasionally useful).
In practice, if the network between your computer and (the computer it was talking to) stops working, you'll see the following effects:
(1) Any UDP packets you send will be dropped without a trace, and usually without any error indication. And of course you won't receive any UDP packets from the remote peer either.
(2) Data traffic on any TCP connection between your computer and the remote peer will grind quickly to a halt. After a certain timeout period (usually several minutes) has elapsed without the OS receiving any responses from the remote peer, the operating system will "give up" and mark the TCP connection as closed; at which point you will see behavior identical to what you would get if the remote peer had deliberately closed the connection: that is, select() will return ready-for-read (and possibly ready-for-write also, I forget), and then when you try to actually do a recv() or read() on the socket, you will get an EOF (i.e. recv() on a blocking socket will return 0; recv() on a non-blocking socket will return -1). (if the network recovers before the timeout completes, then TCP traffic on your socket will resume, although it will start resuming slowly and gradually speed up again over time)
Your description is unclear, but it is possible that the select() is signalling an EOS on the socket concerned, which wouldn't represent a network 'crash' but an orderly close by the peer, possibly unexpected by you.

How to use SO_KEEPALIVE option properly to detect that the client at the other end is down?

I was trying to learn the usage of option SO_KEEPALIVE in socket programming in C language under Linux environment.
I created a server socket and used my browser to connect to it. It was successful and I was able to read the GET request, but I got stuck on the usage of SO_KEEPALIVE.
I checked this link but I could not find any example which shows how to use it.
As soon as I detect the client's request on accept() function I set the SO_KEEPALIVE option value 1 on the client socket. Now I don't know, how to check if the client is down, how to change the time interval between the probes sent etc.
I mean, how will I get the signal that the client is down? (Without reading or writing at the client - I thought I will get some signal when probes are not replied back from client), how should I program it after setting the option SO_KEEPALIVE on).
Also if suppose the probes are sent every 3 secs and the client goes down in between I will not get to know that client is down and I may get SIGPIPE.
Anyways importantly I wanna know how to use SO_KEEPALIVE in the code.
To modify the number of probes or the probe intervals, you write values to the /proc filesystem like
echo 600 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time
echo 60 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_intvl
echo 20 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_probes
Note that these values are global for all keepalive enabled sockets on the system, You can also override these settings on a per socket basis when you set the setsockopt, see section 4.2 of the document you linked.
You can't "check" the status of the socket from userspace with keepalive. Instead, the kernel is simply more aggressive about forcing the remote end to acknowledge packets, and determining if the socket has gone bad. When you attempt to write to the socket, you will get a SIGPIPE if keepalive has determined remote end is down.
You'll get the same result if you enable SO_KEEPALIVE, as if you don't enable SO_KEEPALIVE - typically you'll find the socket ready and get an error when you read from it.
You can set the keepalive timeout on a per-socket basis under Linux (this may be a Linux-specific feature). I'd recommend this rather than changing the system-wide setting. See the man page for tcp for more info.
Finally, if your client is a web browser, it's quite likely that it will close the socket fairly quickly anyway - most of them will only hold keepalive (HTTP 1.1) connections open for a relatively short time (30s, 1 min etc). Of course if the client machine has disappeared or network down (which is what SO_KEEPALIVE is really useful for detecting), then it won't be able to actively close the socket.
As already discussed, SO_KEEPALIVE makes the kernel more aggressive about continually verifying the connection even when you're not doing anything, but does not change or enhance the way the information is delivered to you. You'll find out when you try to actually do something (for example "write"), and you'll find out right away since the kernel is now just reporting the status of a previously set flag, rather than having to wait a few seconds (or much longer in some cases) for network activity to fail. The exact same code logic you had for handling the "other side went away unexpectedly" condition will still be used; what changes is the timing (not the method).
Virtually every "practical" sockets program in some way provides non-blocking access to the sockets during the data phase (maybe with select()/poll(), or maybe with fcntl()/O_NONBLOCK/EINPROGRESS&EWOULDBLOCK, or if your kernel supports it maybe with MSG_DONTWAIT). Assuming this is already done for other reasons, it's trivial (sometimes requiring no code at all) to in addition find out right away about a connection dropping. But if the data phase does not already somehow provide non-blocking access to the sockets, you won't find out about the connection dropping until the next time you try to do something.
(A TCP socket connection without some sort of non-blocking behaviour during the data phase is notoriously fragile, as if the wrong packet encounters a network problem it's very easy for the program to then "hang" indefinitely, and there's not a whole lot you can do about it.)
Short answer, add
int flags =1;
if (setsockopt(sfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (void *)&flags, sizeof(flags))) { perror("ERROR: setsocketopt(), SO_KEEPALIVE"); exit(0); };
on the server side, and read() will be unblocked when the client is down.
A full explanation can be found here.
