Canceling SelectedIndexChanged in WinForm ListView - winforms

The winform ListView doesn't seem to have an easy way to cancel the SelectedIndexChanged event. I don't see a SelectedIndexChanging event either.
The code is my attempt. However the hightlight is gone and I was wondering if I need to color the selection also or if there's a better way to cancel. _prevSelectedIndex is the index from the last selection. I want the highlight to go back to the previous selection.
lvSearchResults.SelectedIndexChanged -= new EventHandler(lvSearchResults_SelectedIndexChanged);
lvSearchResults.Items[_prevSelectedIndex].Selected = true;
lvSearchResults.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lvSearchResults_SelectedIndexChanged);

The best and easy way is to have a boolean property which you set to say, true when you dont want the event to fire. In the SelectedIndexChange event, you test to see if you should allow the event to continue firing else you return. Check my code out. The code below behaves the same.
//somewhere on top
private bool dontFireEvent = false;
//somewhere else
dontFireEvent = true;
treeView1.SelectedNode = treeView1.Nod.... bla bla //event won't fire
dontFireEvent = false;
//within the event code
private void treeView1_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
if (!dontFireEvent)

As long as you have multiselect turned off you shouldn't have to call
SelectedIndices.Clear() Selectedndices.Add(..)
as well as:
Items[_prevSelectedIndex].Selected = true;
The latter will accomplish the same result.
I believe you're also adding a continually growing list of event handlers. To remove an event handler you have to store an instance of the delegate then remove that instance;-= new EventHandler(...) isn't going to remove the handler.


Silverlight DataGrid MouseLeftButtonDown event not raised when clicking on rows

Note: I have found a solution to my problem so I am posting this for reference purposes, although I would be happy to be educated with a better solution.
I'm trying to provide double click functionality on a Silverlight DataGrid by hooking into the UIElement.MouseLeftButtonDown but when I subscribe to the DataGrid.MouseLeftButtonDown using XAML or the DataGrid.MouseLeftButtonDown += syntax, my event handler is not called when I click on the rows within the DataGrid. If I click on the Header, the event is raised.
If I subscribe to the same event at the parent UserControl level, the event handler is called successfully as you would expect based on Silverlight RoutedEvents but then I have to detect whether the click occurred on the DataGrid or somewhere else.
If I subscribe to the event using this UIElement.AddHandler syntax, as shown below, then it works as expected based on the handledEventsToo: true parameter.
new MouseButtonEventHandler(dataGrid_MouseLeftButtonDown)
, handledEventsToo: true);
It seems that the DataGrid implementation is marking these events as handled, prevent event bubbling, by default in one of the child UIElements, which is not what I expected initially. With more thought I can see that the click behaviour drives all sorts of things (select item, edit field etc.) so perhaps the implementation makes sense.
I had the same problem and I used MouseLeftButtonUp which fires the event but the clickcount value is always 1.
Here is the fix for that:
private const int MOUSE_SENSITIVITY = 300;
private DateTime _previousClick;
private void exceptionsDataGrid_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
DataGrid dg = (sender as DataGrid);
DateTime current=DateTime.Now;
LoggerService.Exception exception = (LoggerService.Exception)dg.SelectedItem;
if (_previousClick != null)
TimeSpan clickSpan = current - _previousClick;
if (clickSpan.TotalMilliseconds < MOUSE_SENSITIVITY)
MessageBox.Show("You double clicked!");
_previousClick = current;

Is there a way to cancel TabControl.Items.CurrentChanging?

There is unfortunately no TabControl.SelectionChanging event (Selector.SelectionChanging), I am struggling to implement this behavior so I can cancel the changing request.
I tried to handle the TabControl.Items.CurrentChanging (the Items property is and ItemCollection) event setting e.Cancel (of the CurrentChangingEventArgs) to true, but the UI is is updated with the new tab although the item is not changed in the collection.
Is there any way to prevent user from switching to a different TabItem when a condition is dissatisfied?
I don't know the exact reason why this happens, and it annoys me greatly.
But here's my workaround for it:
In the sample below, checkbox is "locking" the current tab. So checked means user can't change tab.
void Items_CurrentChanging(object sender, CurrentChangingEventArgs e)
if (checkBox1.IsChecked.Value)
var item = ((ICollectionView)sender).CurrentItem;
e.Cancel = true;
tabControl1.SelectedItem = item;
Basically, what happens is (if I understand this correctly) the visual tree gets updated, but the logical tree does not. The above way forces the visual to sync with the logical tree.
You can also handle the PreviewLostKeyboardFocus event on each TabItem, and set the Handled property of the event arguments to true to prevent switching to another tab:
protected void tabItem_PreviewLostKeyboardFocus(object sender,
KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
if (!ValidateTabItem((TabItem) sender)) {
e.Handled = true;

WPF - Detect when UserControl is not visible anymore and prompt user

So, I have a class, which goes as follows:
public class EditorUserControl : UserControl
public EditorUserControl()
: base()
this.IsVisibleChanged += new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(
void EditorUserControl_IsVisibleChanged(
object sender,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (IsEditing && !((bool)e.NewValue))
PressedButton pressedButton = PromptUser(new Buttons[] {
"Save changes to the object you just edited?",
Buttons.Cancel });
if(pressedButton == Buttons.Cancel)
In words - this class is a base for all entity editing controls and when it goes invisible (e.g. window is closed, tab changed etc.) I need to check if the user has made changes and prompt the user whether to save/discard/cancel. The save/discard are easy. The problem is with the third option (and it must be there) - I cannot figure out a way how could I cancel the source event that caused the visibility to change (as there is no way to get to that actual event). Is there a better way to do this functionality (that would not require signing up for all of the possible sources of events)?
I don't think it is possible to cancel the source (event) as you want to.
Consider this line of code - EditorUserControl.Visibility = Visisibility.Hidden;
This will also cause the IsVisibleChanged event to fire, but there is no way to cancel a single line of code.
Your only option is to move the logic inside the IsVisibleChanged event handler to a method that will be called as appropriate by the application. For instance if you close the window then in the window_closing event handler you call the method and if the result is Button.Cancel then you cancel the closing event. If you change tabs then you handle a SelectionChanged event and again call the method and if you need to cancel then you set the selected tab index back to the previous value etc.

Stop comboBox's selectedIndexChanged event from firing when the form loads

I have a form with a ComboBox that provides a dropdownlist. On the comboBox's SelectedIndexChanged event, am running some code, but I don't want that code to run when the form loads. Unfortunately, when I load the form (before I make a selection in the combobox), SelectedIndexChanged of the combobox fires (I think when the combobox is databinding). Is there a way of avoiding such behaviour?
If you want to react only when the user change the selected item in the combo box, then it is better to subscribe to SelectionChangeCommitted.
You can simply unbind the SelectedIndexChanged event, call your fill function and bind the SelectedIndexChanged event again. Unfortunately, this doesn't work with a grid.
For example:
this.cmb.SelectionChanged -= new System.EventHandler(this.cmb_SelectionChanged);
cmb.fill(); //Your function
this.cmb.SelectionChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.cmb_SelectionChanged);
Be sure to set the DataSource property in your onload() function after assigning the ValueMember and Datamember properties.
This will help you to solve your problem!
Why not have a boolean flag that indicates when your Form has finished loading?
In your SelectionChanged event, check if the boolean flag is true. If it is true then handle the event, otherwise ignore it.
RemoveHandler lbxNomes.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf lbxNomes_SelectedIndexChanged
lbxNomes.DataSource = dst
Label1.Text = String.Format("Encontrados {0} Sócios nesta pesquisa", dst.Rows.Count)
Label1.Visible = True
AddHandler lbxNomes.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf lbxNomes_SelectedIndexChanged
Here is a simple solution that leaves your code almost untouched:
In the SelectedIndexChanged event, check if the myComboBox handle is created using the (IsHandleCreated) method. Another added check is to check if the user is actually focusing your combobox control to change selected index.
private void myComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (myComboBox.IsHandleCreated && myComboBox.Focused)
// Do something here
It worked for me in a way with the following code:
private void ddlChapter_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ddlChapter.SelectedValue != null)
// Do something here

WPF: Textbox not firing onTextInput event

So basically, I have a bunch of TextBoxes that the user gets to fill out. I've got a button that I want to keep disabled until all the TextBoxes have had text entered in them. Here is a sample XAML TextBox that I'm using:
<TextBox Name="DelayedRecallScore" TextInput="CheckTextBoxFilled" Width="24" />
And here is the function that I'm trying to trigger:
//Disables the OK button until all score textboxes have content
private void CheckTextBoxFilled(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
foreach (TextBox scorebox in TextBoxList)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scorebox.Text))
Ok_Button.IsEnabled = false;
Ok_Button.IsEnabled = true;
MessageBox.Show("THIS MAKES NO SENSE");
The MessageBox is not showing up when TextInput should be getting triggered. As an experiment I tried triggering CheckTextBoxFilled() on PreviewTextInput, and it worked fine then, meaning that for whatever reason, the function just isn't getting called. I also have a validation function that is triggered by PreviewTextInput, which works as it should. At first I thought PreviewTextInput might somehow be interfering with TextInput, so I took PreviewTextInput off the TextBox, but that hasn't managed to fix anything. I'm completely befuddled by why this might happen, so any help would be appreciated.
Your handler for the TextInput event is not fired because the TextBox is handling the event. You could try using the TextChanged event instead, since really you just want to know when characters were added or removed from the TextBox.
new TextCompositionEventHandler(TextBox_TextInput_1),
Use "PreviewTextInput" instead, it will work.
Create a new class derived from TextBox. In the new class override the OnTextInput method. Your OnTextInput method will get called before the TextBox gets it.
