How would you model booked hotel room to guests relationship (in PostgreSQL, if it matters)? A room can have several guests, but at least one.
Sure, one can relate guests to bookings with a foreign key booking_id. But how do you enforce on the DBMS level that a room must have at least one guest?
May be it's just impossible?
Actually, if you read the question, it states booked hotel rooms. This is quite easy to do as follows:
room_id primary key not null
guest_id primary key not null
room_id primary key foreign key (Rooms:room_id)
primary_guest_id foreign key (Guests:guest_id)
room_id foreign key (BookedRooms:room_id)
guest_id foreign key (Guests:guest_id)
That way, you can enforce a booked room having at least one guest while the OtherGuests is a 0-or-more relationship. You can't create a booked room without a guest and you can't add other guests without the booked room.
It's the same sort of logic you follow if you want an n-to-n relationship, which should be normalized to a separate table containing a 1-to-n and an n-to-1 with the two tables.
In this context I suggest that the entity you are modeling is in fact a BOOKING - a single entity - rather than two entities of room and guest.
So the table would be something like
booking id
room id
guest id (FK to table of guests for booking)
first date of occupancy
last date of occupancy
Where guest id is not nullable,
and you have another table to hold guests per booking...
guest id
customer id (FK to customer table)
You could designate one of the guests as the "primary" guest and have it map to a column on the Rooms table. Of course, this is a ridiculous rule for a hotel, where it's perfectly valid to have a room with 0 guests (I very well could pay for a room and not stay there)...
I think what you mean is that a room BOOKING is for at least one guest. ANSI standard SQL would allow you to express the constraint as an ASSERTION something like:
create assertion x as check
(not exists (select * from booking b
where not exists
(select * from booking_guest bg
where bg.booking_id = b.booking_id)));
However, I don't suppose Postgres supports that (I'm not sure any current DBMS does).
There is a way using materialized views and check constraints, but I've never seen this done in practice:
1) Create a materialised view as
select booking_id from booking b
where not exists
(select * from booking_guest bg
where bg.booking_id = b.booking_id);
2) Add a check constraint to the materialized view:
check (boooking_id is null)
This constraint will fail if ever the materialized view is not empty, i.e. if there is a booking with no associated guest. However, you would need to be careful about the performance of this approach.
What about a room which has not been rented out? What you're looking for are reservations and a reservation presumably needs at least one guest on it.
I think what you're asking is whether you can guarantee that a reservation record is not added unless you have at least one guest for and you can't add a guest without a reservation. It's a bit of a Catch-22 for most DBMSs systems.
I'd say you should create a bookings table with three primary keys. But instead of referring to bookings rooms, you can refer to a beds table.
bed_id: foreign_key primary
guest_id: foreign_key primary
day: date primary
bill_id: foreign_key not null
room_id: foreign_key primary
Since being the primary implies being required, and since this is the only way a guest and a room can be related, it makes sure that there cannot be a booking without a guest.
Notice that there is only one day field. This requires that you create a booking for every day a guest will stay in a room, but also ensures that nothing will be accidentally booked twice. A bed can be booked by only one customer on any given day(which is not true for rooms)
The bill_id is there so that you can refer a booking to a specific record for a bill, which can also be referenced by other things such as minibar expenses.
I have a system that lets members rent equipment and the system should have a history of each item that was rented and by who. The system should also track who has what equipment rented/checked out and should also sort the equipment by type, status, name, etc. Lastly it should also send out notification email on equipment that are overdue.
I'm trying to understand the relationships and how I should model this. As of now my current tables and thinking is something like this:
Member Table:
Id (PK)
EquipmentItem Table:
Id (PK)
EquipmentType (FK)
EquipmentStatus (FK)
EquipmentStatus Table:
Id (PK)
EquipmentType Table:
Id (PK)
EquipmentRentalHistory Table:
Id (PK)
MemberId (FK)
EquipmentId (FK)
1) I want to know the relationships between these would the rental history be a many to many relationship between the Member table and EquipmentItem table?
2) Would EquipmentItem table have a one to many relationship between the status and type, the way I see it is EquipmentItems can have many statuses or types but each status or each type can only belong to one EquipmentItem.
3) Does it make sense to have a quantity field in the EquipmentItem, I used to work in a grocery store so I'm basing the logic on barcodes where same products would usually have the same barcode e.g. (Cheetos Puff chips) all Cheetos Puff chips would have the same barcode but would have a quantity value on it. Or would it be better to have each item unique regardless if it's the same product/model?
My logic would be:
member rents out item
system logs it into the history table
system then checks how many of the same item has been checked out so far, if say we have total quantity of 4 on that item and 3 members has checked it out
we update the remaining quantity field to the difference so in this case to 1
system can then track who has what checked out by returning all records with a returned date of null
system will then check all records with a returned date of null and then do a date range on the checked out date to determine if the equipment is overdue
send notification to member emails associated with said records from step 6
I would just like some help better understanding the relationship between these and if I have modelled my tables correctly, if not, it would be great if someone can point me in the right direction of improving upon this.
To answer your questions
With respect to modelling in an ERD, I don't think that qualifies as a many-to-many relationship, but rather, EquipmentRentalHistory is its own entity that has a many-to-many relationship with both Member and EquipmentItem.
A many-to-many would be more like, "a Member has access to 0...n EquipmentItems, and each EquipmentItem can be accessed by 0...n Members".
I would disagree that they are a one-to-many relationships.
An oxygen tank and a pair of flippers can both be classified as 'Scuba Gear' and have the status 'Checked Out'.
You could have multiple 'Scuba Gear' tags and assign each unique 'Scuba Gear' tag to its very own EquipmentItem, but then you'll just be creating new tags for every new EquipmentItem, rather than reusing existing ones.
That really depends on whether you want to identify exactly which piece of equipment a member rented (maybe something is damaged you can track down everyone who rented that specific one?). If you do differentiate, then every item will just be its own row. You should also add a new column as an external identifier, but there would be no need to keep a tally.
If it's all the same to you, then I would only keep the total but not the available. If you kept the available column, then you would constantly have to update it whenever something is logged in EquipmentRentalHistory. This would be annoying if the tables fall out of sync. You could just query EquipmentRentalHistory for the Id of the equipment, and count up the entries where returnedDate IS NULL for the number of equipment that is currently in use
Additional Note
It might be good to have a 'due date' column in the rental history rather than hard code the date calculation in case you want to varying due dates. This way you can also grant extensions.
I have two tables in my database, Department and Academic_staff. the primary key in the Department table is depId and the primary key in the Academic_staff table is aNo.
Each department is managed by only one member of academic staff, so the relation between the two tables is one-to-one.
I need to record the date when someone of the academic staff starts managing a department, so the relation must have it's own attribute(mStartDate).
How can I implement this new attribute?
At first I was thinking to create a new table with three attributes (depId, aNo, mStartDate) and make two relations between the new table and the other two tables, but I then realized that it's not many-to-many relationship.
So how can I add the attribute mStartDate to the one-to-one relation between the two tables?
There's more than one relation between the two tables, and some of those relations are one-to-many (the department employs more than one academic staff), so I can't merge the two tables.
Your proposed new table (which I shall refer to as DepartmentManagement) could in principle record the history of managers for each department, in which case it would be a many-to-many (temporal) relationship between Department and Academic.
However, if you want to record only the current manager, it's reasonable to "absorb" DepartmentManager into the Department table, giving two columns there (Manager_aNo and Manager_StartDate). Conceptually the object "DepartmentManagement" still exists, but it's absorbed, it doesn't have its own table.
You could also absorb it in the other direction (into Academic) but that wouldn't allow an Academic ever to manage more than one department. You might not need that now, but in principle it's more likely than having a Department with two managers.
fk_aNo (Unique )
*****- Primary key (depId, fk_aNo)*****
aNo (PK)
depId --- Important "Both depId,aNo are from Departments, be sure"
aNo ---
- Primary key (depId, aNo)
Constraints--> a academicStuff can't start to manage a department more
than one time. If this structure proper for you and you want to enable
a aacademic stuff manage a department more than one time inform me.
A company is hired by another company for helping in a certain field.
So I created the following tables:
Companies: id, company name, company address
Administrators: (in relation with companies) id, company_id, username, email, password, fullname
Then, each company has some workers in it, I store data about workers.
Hence, workers has a profession, Agreement Type signed and some other common things.
Now, the parent tables and data in it for workers (Agreement Types, Professions, Other Common Things) are going to be the same for each company.
Should I create 1 new database for each company? Or store All data into the same database?
Since "Agreement Types", "Professions" are going to be same for each company, I would suggest to have a lookup table like "AgreementTypes" with columns such as "ID", "Type" and refer "ID" column in "Workers" table. I don't think new database is required, relational databases are used to eliminate data redundancy and create appropriate relationships between entities.
By imagining having one database for one company, it ends up with having one record in "Company" table in each database. "Administrators" & "Workers" are associated with that single record. And other common entities such as "AgreementTypes" will be in other tables.
So, if there is any addition/modification to agreement type, it is difficult to do it in all databases. Similarly, if there is any new entity to be linked to "Company" entity, again all databases needs to be revisited based on assumption that these entities belong to ONE application.
You should have one single database, with a structure something like this (this is somewhat over-simplified, but you get the idea):
CompanyID PK
WorkerID PK
CompanyID FK
AgreementTypeID FK
ProfessionID FK
UserID FK - A worker may need more than one user account
Other UserSpecificData
ProfessionID PK
AgreementTypeID PK
UserID PK -- A Worker may need more than 1 user account
WorkerID FK
GroupID PK
UserGroups --Composite Key with UserID and GroupID
GroupID PK
Obviously, things will grow a little more complex, and I don't know your requirements or business model. For example, if companies can have different departments, you may wish to create a CompanyDepartment table, and then be able to assign workers to various departments.
And so on.
The more atomic you can make your data structures, the more flexible your database will be as it grows. Google the term Database Normalization, and specifically the Third Normal Form (3NF) for a database (Considered the minimum for efficient database design).
Hope that helps. Feel free to elaborate if you are stuck - there is a lot of great help here on SO.
I am building a database using SQL Server 2008 to store prices of securities that are traded on multiple markets.
For a given market, all the securities have the same holiday calendar. However, the holiday calendars are different from market to market.
I want the following four tables: Market, GoodBusinessDay, Security, and SecurityPriceHistory, and I want to enforce that SecurityPriceHistory does not have rows for business days when the market on which a security was traded was closed.
The fields in the tables are as follows:
Market: MarketID (PK), MarketName
GoodBusinessDay: MarketID (FK),
SettlementDate (the pair is the PK)
Security: SecurityID (PK), MarketID
(FK), SecurityName
SecurityPriceHistory: This is the
question - my preference is
SecurityID, SettlementDate,
How can I define the tables this way and guarantee that for every row in SecurityPriceHistory, there is a corresponding row in GoodBusinessDay?
If I added a column for MarketID to SecurityPriceHistory. I could see how I could do this with two foreign keys (one pointing back to Security and one pointing to GoodBusinessDay), but that doesn't seem like the right way to do it.
This model should do. The relationship between Market and BusinessDay is identifying, that is, a businessday does not exist outside the context of the market to which it belongs.
Similarly, the relationship between BusinessDay and SecurityPriceHistory is identifying, as it the relationship between Security and SecurityPriceHistory.
This means that the primary key of SecurityPriceHistory is composite: security_id,market_id and settlement_date.
This will enforce the constraint that each security may be have no more than one row in SecurityPriceHistory for a given market/business day. It does, however, allow for the same security to trade in multiple markets, despite the security's relationship to a particular market: to restrict that, the relationship between Market and Security needs to be identifying, thus:
SecurityPriceHistory could have a FK to GoodBusinessDay and NO FK to Market. You could figure out the market by joining to the GoodBusinessDay table. I don't really like this option, but it's a possibility.
You could also use a trigger to check and make sure that there's a proper GoodBusinessDay record on insert/update, otherwise reject the transaction.
I think you're going to need the marketID field in your securityPriceHistory table, assuming the same securityID could be sold in different markets on the same goodBusinessDay.
Setting it up the way you're thinking is fine. You have a parent, two related children, then a grandchild that has relationships with both children.
Even if a security can only be sold on one market, I'd still include the marketID in the securityPriceHistory table, with two compound FKs, MarketDay and MarketSecurity. Clearer that way, IMO.
For example, lets say I have an entity called user and an entity called profile_picture. A user may have none or one profile picture.
So I thought, I would just create a table called "user" with this fields:
user: user_id, profile_picture_id
(I left all other attributes like name, email, etc. away, to simplify this)
Ok, so if an user would have no profile_picture, it's id would be NULL in my relational model. Now someone told me that I have to avoid setting anything to NULL, because NULL is "bad".
What do you think about this? Do I have to take off that profile_picture_id from the user table and create a link-table like user__profile_picture with user_id, profile_picture_id?
Which would be considered to be "better practice" in database design?
This is a perfectly reasonable model. True, you can take the approach of creating a join table for a 1:1 relationship (or, somewhat better, you could put user_id in the profile_picture table), but unless you think that very few users will have profile pictures then that's likely a needless complication.
Readability is an important component in relational design. Do you consider the profile picture to be an attribute of the user, or the user to be an attribute of the profile picture? You start from what makes logical sense, then optimize away the intuitive design as you find it necessary through performance testing. Don't prematurely optimize.
NULL isn't "bad". It means "I don't know." It's not wrong for you or your schema to admit it.
"NULL is bad" is a rather poor excuse for a reason to do (or not do) something.
That said, you may want to model this as a dependent table, where the user_id is both the primary key and a foreign key to the existing table.
Something like this:
Users UserPicture Picture
---------------- -------------------- -------------------
| User_Id (PK) |__________| User_Id (PK, FK) |__________| Picture_Id (PK) |
| ... | | Picture_Id (FK) | | ... |
---------------- -------------------- -------------------
Or, if pictures are dependent objects (don't have a meaningful lifetime independent of users) merge the UserPicture and Picture tables, with User_Id as the PK and discard the Picture_Id.
Actually, looking at it again, this really doesn't gain you anything - you have to do a left join vs. having a null column, so the other scenario (put the User_Id in the Picture table) or just leave the Picture_Id right in the Users table both make just as much sense.
Your user table should not have a nullable field called profile_picture_id. It would be better to have a user_id column in the profile_picture table. It should of course be a foreign key to the user table.
Since when is a nullable foreign key relationship "bad?" Honestly introducing another table here seems kind of silly since there's no possibility to have more than one profile picture. Your current schema is more than acceptable. The "null is bad" argument doesn't hold any water in my book.
If you're looking for a slightly better schema, then you could do something like drop the "profile_picture_id" column from the users table, and then make a "user_id" column in the pictures table with a foreign key relationship back to users. Then you could even enforce a UNIQUE constraint on the user_id foreign key column so that you can't have more than one instance of a user_id in that table.
EDIT: It's also worth noting that this alternate schema could be a little bit more future-proof should you decide to allow users to have more than one profile picture in the future. You can simply drop the UNIQUE constraint on the foreign key and you're done.
It is true that having many columns with null values is not recommended. I would suggest you make the picture table a weak entity of user table and have an identifying relationship between the two. Picture table entries would depend on user id.
Make the profile picture a nullable field on the user table and be done with it. Sometimes people normalize just for normalization sake. Null is perfectly fine, and in DB2, NULL is a first class citizen of values with NULL being included in indices.
I agree that NULL is bad. It is not relational-database-style.
Null is avoided by introducing an extra table named UserPictureIds. It would have two columns, UserId and PictureId. If there's none, it simply would not have the respective line, while user is still there in Users table.
Edit due to peer pressure
This answer focuses not on why NULL is bad - but, on how to avoid using NULLs in your database design.
For evaluating (NULL==NULL)==(NULL!=NULL), please refer to comments and google.