What's a good API for creating music via programming? - procedural-music

I'm looking into playing around with procedurally generating music. I'm hoping to find a really a simple API where I can just call out instrument, note, duration and string together a song (I'll take anything of course, but that would be my preference). Is there any library that does this?

Your best bet is a music programming environment, of which there are several.
Csound is one of the best known ones. Here is their website.
Max MSP is also another widely used option, and it provides a visual programming interface too. It is, however, commercial.
Another well known option (and widely used by experimental electronic musicians) is SuperCollider. This is its webpage.
Here's a Wikipedia article describing similar languages/environments.
You can also use a general programming language with the right libraries to do audio/music work. Java, for one, provides the Java Sound API.

JFugue was developed specifically to support procedural generation of music. It's a free, open-source (LGPL) Java API.

It's hard to give specific recommendations, since you didn't specify a language. Most languages have a decent MIDI library though, that would be the first place I would look, unless you need something heavier than the MIDI format allows.

Maybe Generative music is a good start.
Googling leads a couple interesting links, too. Brian Eno created procedurally generated music for Spore.

You might want to look at Common Music.
It's a music composition system that transforms high-level algorithmic representations of musical processes and structure into a variety of control protocols for sound synthesis and display


Simple C audio library

I'm looking for a simple-ish library for outputting audio. I'd like it to meet these criteria:
Licensed under LPGL/zlib/MIT or something similar – i'm going to use it in an indie commercial application and i don't have the money for a license.
Written in C, but C++ is fine.
Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, maybe OSX)
Able to read from some sort of audio file (i'd prefer WAV or OGG but i will gladly use less popular formats if need be) in memory (i've seen the use of a memfile struct and user-defined I/O callbacks). I need the file to be in memory because i put all my resources into a .zip archive, and i use another library to load those archived files into memory.
Supports playing multiple sounds at the same time, having a max of 8 or so is ok.
I'd really like to either have the source code or a static library (MinGW/GCC lib???.a), but if nothing else is available i will use a shared library.
I must have come accross two dozen different audio libraries in my search, all of which haven't quite met these criteria...
I would recommend PortAudio + libsndfile. Very popular combo, meets your requirements. Used by many other software applications including audacity.
Some of the candidates that immediately spring to my mind are:
SDL (there is a tutorial that demonstrates how to play a .wav format sound)
OpenAL Soft
Jack Audio
You may have already looked at these and eliminated them, though. Can you give some more detail about the libraries that you have eliminated from consideration and why? This will help narrow down our recommendations.
You might want to look into SDL and SDL_mixer. Here is a good tutorial.
I've used SDL_mixer and it makes it easy to play background sounds or music and play multiple simultaneous sounds without having a need to write your own sound sample mixer.
I ended up using PortAudio (very low-level, flexible license) and wrote a mixer myself. See this topic i made on the C++ forums for some other people's tips on writing a custom mixer. It's not hard at all, really; i'm surprised that there are so many mixer libraries out there. For a breakdown of the WAV format (ready-to-stream raw audio data with a 44-byte header) see this.

Programming Linux application to play multiple sounds simultaneously

I've got a need to write a Linux application that does the following:
1- Continuously play a WAV file in the background. So the entire
time the application is running this background music plays.
2- Be able to play short sounds when certain events happen while the background music continues to play.
What is required to mix in the additional event sounds when they happen with the background music so that both are heard at the same time?
I've never written Linux sound code, so this is ALL new to me. I'm assuming that I will need to write to the ALSA API? Or some other library that will facilitate this?
If somebody could provide sample code to get me started I would greatly appreciate it. After a few days I will create a bounty and provide a good deal of reputation for sample code that does what is needed.
You usually don't want to use ALSA API directly. It's hard to use, and not really portable (since ALSA is specific to Linux).
If you are using some specific libraries in your application (like Qt or something like that), there may be already a counter-part sound library for playing sounds.
If you are looking for a good, general-use sound library, I suggest you take a look at SDL. It's quite nice, small and portable; very popular for games. They have quite a nice example code on their site to get you started.
For the part of playing sounds, one library that I used which is easy to learn, use and has a good example in its documentation is fmod. The documentation that comes with the download has a very easy to understand example which you can modify and get your sounds played very quickly.

SoX vs OpenAL performance/overhead

Both has bindings for C, both can play various formats.
Which one is more superior? in terms of simplicity, performance, overhead and memory footprint.
Also which one is better at handling multiple streams?
I have not programmed with either of those, but I believe that OpenAL has been designed to render and output multiple-channel audio for games, with real-time performance as a requirement.
libSoX is more for input and output from audio files, as well as for format conversions. There are lots of plugins but AFAIK it has not been designed for real-time audio output. It seems significantly simpler to use, though.
You might also want to have a look at libsndfile.
What exactly is it that you want to do?
While I have never used OpenAL, I've heard a lot of bad things about it that make it sound unprofessional and basically a dead end. From Wikipedia:
OpenAL was originally developed by Loki Software in order to help them in their business of porting Windows games to Linux. After the demise of Loki, the project was maintained for a time by the free software/open source community, and implemented on NVIDIA nForce sound cards and motherboards. It is now hosted (and largely developed) by Creative Technology with on-going support from Apple, Blue Ripple Sound, and free software/open source enthusiasts.
While the OpenAL charter says that there will be an "Architecture Review Board" (ARB) modeled on the OpenGL ARB, no such organization has ever been formed and the OpenAL specification is generally handled and discussed via email on its public mailing list.
Since 1.1, the implementation by Creative has turned proprietary, with the last releases in free licenses still accessible through the project's subversion. However, OpenAL Soft is a widespread Open Source alternative.
There was also an issue with it messing up the state of the calling application; I believe just linking it caused some global constructors to run before the invocation of main in a way that altered the program's initial environment, and broke some programs (MPlayer perhaps?). It's unclear to me whether this issue was ever fixed, but it screams bad library and I would be skeptical of ever trusting a library historically contained such abuses.

What language should we use to let people extend our terminal/sniffer program?

We have a very versatile terminal/sniffer application which can do all sorts of things with TCP, UDP and serial connections.
We are looking to make it extensible -- i.e, allow people to write their own protocol parsers, highlighters, etc.
We created a C-like language for extending the product, and then discovered that for some coders, this presents a steep learning curve.
We are now pondering the question: Should we stick to C or go with something like Ruby or Lua?
C is beautiful for low-level stuff (like parsing binary data), because it supports pointers. But for exactly that reason, it can be tough to learn.
Ruby (etc) are easy to learn, but don't have pointers, so anything that has to do with parsing binary data gets ugly very fast.
What do you think? For extending a product that parses binary data -- Ruby/Lua or C/C++?
Would be great if you could give some background when you respond -- especially if you've done something similar.
Wireshark, the "world's foremost network protocol analyzer", is also a packet sniffer/analyzer, formerly also called Ethereal. It uses Lua to enable writing custom dissectors and taps, see the manual.
However, note that I have not used it, so I cannot tell how nice/effective/easy to learn the API is.
Like TCL, Lua was designed to be tightly integrated with an application. Personally, I find Lua's syntax and idioms to be much easier to deal with than TCL.
Lua is easy to integrate with an existing system, and easy to extend. It is also fairly easy to create safe sandboxes in which user-supplied code can run without full access to the innards of your product.
If you have an API written does it make a difference? The person using the C-like API would only have to understand the difference between passing by value or reference.
Your core does one thing very good, so fine. Let it be that way. I think you should create an API based on std in/out, just like the way of good unix design. Then anyone can extend it in any language of choice.
Tcl was designed with the goal to allow scripting for C programs, so it would be much easier to implement.
I second Johan's idea. Although in past when I had to do something like this I stuck to
C language APIs and people were restricted to use C language only. But now I look at it,
I realize that it would have been more efficient if we would have done the way Johan describes
PS: And by coincidence it was a protocol testing app using packet sniffer
perl, sed, awk, lex, antler, ... These are languages I'm somewhat familiar with that I'd like to write something like this in. It depends on the data flow, though.
It's really hard to say what the correct thing to use is. Something that I don't think anyone else has mentioned is to keep in mind that the scripts will have bugs. It's very easy to design something like this in such a way that bugs in the scripts (especially run time errors) either just show up a "error in script" or kill the whole system.
You should keep that the scripts should be unit testable and that failures should be reproducible.
I don't think it matters what you do as long as you do one thing, drop the in-house language. It sounds like you choose to make C into a scripting language. One issue I see with this is it will look familiar to C programmers, but not be the same. I can't imagine you have mimicked the semantics of C that would make existing C programmers comfortable. And as you have mentioned, others will find it hard to learn.
The company I am working at have developed their own language. It uses XML for structure so parsing is easy. The language grows "as needed." Meaning if a feature is missing then it will be added. I'm pretty sure it went from an XML database to something that needed control flow. But my point is that if you aren't thinking about building it as a language, then you'll be limiting what users can do with it unintentionally.
Personally I've been looking at how I can get the company to start taking advantage of Lua. And specifically Lua for several reasons. Lua was developed as an extension language that was general purpose. It easily interfaces with the language, including Python and Ruby. It is small and simple for use by non-programmers (not really needed in your case). It is simple enough to replace XML, INI... for configuration settings and powerful enough to replace the need for another programming language.

Is C good for any projects beyond the command-line and learning?

This is not meant to be inflammatory or anything like that, but I am in the midst of learning C, and (think) I have a good handle on most of the basics. I've done all of the various book exercises: primes generators, Fibonacci generators, string manipulation, yadda yadda, but none of this is cool.
What is the "bridge" between command line programs and something -cool-? I've heard of various games being written in C, but how?
Forgive my exasperation, but it feels like I've been learning lots but can still only do relatively little. Thanks for any insight on what to do with C.
Relevant information: OS X leopard, PHP and web development experience (which is so great because projects are immediately in a context where you recognize how they can be powerful)
C is the concrete and the steel of modern tech
There was a time when almost everything was written in C, or in something much worse.
These days, many of the advanced languages and systems are actually implemented in C or C++, and then those things implement more systems. It is standing on the shoulders of giants, as the expression goes. Almost every OS kernel, browser, and heavy-duty-web-server is written in C/C++.
So sure, you don't see the steel in the high rise, you see the beautiful interior furnishings and the sleek glass windows. You don't want a steel or concrete desk, and if you did, it would be too expensive to build for you.
Back to your GUI question: your first C graphics program should probably use the original X Window System directly. Don't spend too much time there, but then move on to one of the more advanced Widget toolkits such as GTK+ or (the C++) Qt. Be sure to investigate your OS X system, as it has one of the most advanced of them all.
I try love to write things in Ruby these days, but I happen to know there are over 100,000 200,000 lines of C code implementing that cool Ruby language system. :-)
Ok, this post got really big, so here's a quick summary before you read it: to program GUIs, there are a number of good C/C++ libraries (for example, QT). What most people do, on Windows systems at least, is to use a .NET language (like C#) when they want GUIs, and C/C++ when they want more control/speed. It's also very common to use both in combination, i.e. make a GUI in C# and speed-critical parts in C.
I still encourage you to read the longer answer, it contains a lot more information on your options.
Longer answer
I'll start with the big question, then answer (as best I can) your specific question about creating a GUI. I think you're kind of suffering from the fact that C is used to teach programming, and it's much easier to do so only using command line programs (after all, they're much simpler to write). This doesn't mean that C can't do all of the stuff you want, like GUIs specifically. It does. I don't think there's any type of software that hasn't been done in C, usually before it was done in other languages.
All right, some answers:
Is C Useful?
C, and its very close relative C++, are responsible for a huge portion of the world's code. I don't know if more code is written in C than any other language, but I'm guessing it's not far off.
Most of the really important programs you use are actually written in C/C++. Just for one example, Windows.
Where is C used today?
C/C++ are still used a lot. They're especially useful for developing low-level stuff (i.e. stuff like Operating Systems, which need a lot of speed, a lot of ability to control exactly what your code does, etc.).
But don't think it's all low level for C programmers. Even today, with many other languages available (which are arguably much better, and certainly much easier to program), C is still used to create practically everything. GUI applications, which you specifically asked about, are very often made with C, even though nowadays, lots of people are switching to other languages. Note I say switching: C used to be the standard language for writing, well, everything, really.
How do I develop GUIs with C
Alright, you specifically wanted to know how to create a GUI with C (I'm hoping C++ is ok too).
First of all, it depends on a number of factors:
What Operating System are you writing for? (Windows, Mac, and Linux are the most common).
Do you want the GUI to work on other systems as well?
The most common case is writing software to work on Windows. In that case, the "natural" solution is to write things that work with the Win32 API. That's basically the library that "comes" with Windows, letting you do any GUI work you want to do.
The big problem with this is, it's kinda hard. As in, a lot hard. This is the reason most people don't do that kind of work anymore.
So what are your other options?
The most natural is going with what's called a .NET language. Those are a bunch of languages, together with libraries, that Microsoft created. They're probably the easiest way to get a GUI on Windows. The problem is, you can't really use them from C (since it's not a .NET language).
Assuming you want to stay in C/C++ land, you can use some kind of library which makes working with the Windows API easier (since it hides all the ugly details):
One of the most common is what's called MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes), which are a bunch of C++ classes which make it "easier" to create Windows stuff. Unfortunately, this library is very old, and is really not that easy to use.
The other way to go if you want to program in C++ is to use some kind of third-party library. This is a library that someone other than Microsoft created, which makes it easier to create a GUI.
Another option is to create only the GUI part of your software in a .NET language, and use C/C++ for the other parts (or use the .NET language to do almost everything, and use C/C++ only when you really need it, for example when you need things to go really fast). This is a very popular option.
The advantage of a third party library is that, if you pick the right one, you can use the same code to create a GUI for all the Operating Systems at the same time.
I think the most famous of these libraries is QT, and also WxWidgets, but there are a bunch of other ones. I would personally pick QT since it seems to get the most fame, but I haven't worked with either.
Every major operating system has all of its low-level libraries implemented in C. Mac OS X is a Unix-like system under the hood, which is a wonderful world if you're a C programmer.
Check out The Art of Unix Programming for some great ideas.
As for GUI stuff, you'll probably want to use X11. There is plenty of good documentation out there -- most Unix programming stuff and most deep system-level stuff just assumes you're working in C, since that's what everybody uses for it.
Well, that depends. If you want to build desktop applications, a multiplatform GUI library whose main language is C is GTK+:
For games, check out SDL:
Which provides you with thinks like direct input from keyboard, 2D graphics, some audio and even threads and stuff like that. It can also open an OpenGL context if you want to get into the 3D world (however it's hard to do it in raw OpenGl). Did I mention that SDL is multiplatform?
However the real strength of C is in systems programming. For desktop applications/games maybe you are best suited with C++. Now that you have command of C, learning the basic C++ should be easy ;).
Cool stuff do with C?
Operating Systems, device drivers, and python modules for starters.
Games typically will use C++ if they're C-Based, in my experience / what I've seen.
There are many libraries for C under Unix, such as X lib, which accesses X11.
If you wanted to get into robotics you may find C to be very useful, as you will have to write low-level code with very small memory footprints, so even C++ may not be the best choice.
C and C++ are very good at writing small, fast code, but OOP is not always the best choice, so at times you will find that C is a better choice, for example if you are writing a compiler or OS.
Sure there are some impressive programs made in C !
GNOME for example, arguably the most used desktop environment used in modern unix systems is written in C (the major parts at least) and is mostly based on GTK+ gui toolkit, itself done in C.
For game, OpenGL is a C api and is the standard for 3D graphic programming in multi-platform development (not uniquely microsoft platform), and Quake 3, which the engine, Id Tech 3, is available in GPL, is also writen in C. There also is many 2D games written using SDL library.
SDL is a good library for graphics and sound, and I've seen some cool stuff done with it. If you do it in C, it'll take longer to make, but from a performance point of view, it'll be much better.
If your idea of cool is GUI apps and you want to write native GUI apps on the Mac, you'll want to look at
Carbon. This is the official C API into the Mac GUI and OS. They keep threatening to kill it, but it survives.
Personally I think GUI apps are a very narrow definition of cool. What I think is cool is implementing parallelized math algorithms using opencl.
GTK-server is REALLY easy to get started with, in C or any other language. Just click that link.
For a "cool" application that goes beyond simple GUI's, check out the OpenCV computer vision library. It provides fast real-time image processing and face recognition.
Now you can access a webcam and start writing real-time computer vision games. For applications like these that are processor intensive, C is the ideal choice.
Last I checked more Open Source projects are started in C than in any other language.
The fact that C is used by so many large and successful projects doesn't particularly make it "good". The reason C is so commonly used is because of a few factors, it's been around a long time, it's fast, it lets you access both low level and high level interfaces as needed, and it's better than the other old languages (FORTRAN etc). The "cool" thing about C is that you can make it do absolutely anything: inject itself into the kernel and add some new features or bug fixes that you couldn't convince Microsoft to do, etc.
Yes, C can be and is easily used for things beyond the command line, but it's extremely dangerous due to pointers... Not to mention development in other more modern languages is faster (and safer) by magnitudes. I never use C unless it's the last resort, ie: need to implement something low level or needs that extra performance.
By the way, when I say C, I really mean C++. I'd never choose C over C++ unless I was forced to.

