Is Windows' rand_s thread-safe? - c

Just as in title. Is suspect it is, but I couldn't find it anywhere explicitly stated. And for this property I wouldn't like to rely on speculations.

If you use the multithreaded version of the CRT, all functions are thread safe, because any thread-specific information is stored in TLS. rand_s actually doesn't use state information in the first place, since it just calls an OS API, so question of thread-safety doesn't arise for rand_s. rand(), however depends on a seed value to generate a random number.

Chris said: rand() is not thread-safe because its internal state is static, but rand_s() should be thread-safe, however.
Jeff added however that with the multithreaded version of MSVCRT, rand()'s state is held in thread-local storage, so it's okay still.

Visual Studio comes with the source to the runtime library. While some of it can be rather painful to wade through, rand_s() is pretty simple.
All rand_s() does is call SystemFunction036() in ADVAPI32.DLL to get the random value. Anything in ADVAPI32.DLL should be thread-safe.
For its part, rand_s() gets the pointer to that function in a thread-safe manner.

I don't know if rand_s is thread-safe, but it seems like it probably is, since it seems to make a round-trip to the OS for entropy. (as long as you link to the VC++ multi-thread CRT, all bets are off if you link to the single-thread one)
If it's supported by windows CRT, you can try a call to rand_r which is the posix reentrant version of rand. OR even better boost::random, if you're already using boost.
considering how pervasive multi-threading will be soon, no one should be using rand() anymore in new code - always try to use rand_r/rand_s/boost/various platform-dependent secure rands/etc.

I can't think of any reason why rand_s() or even rand() wouldn't be thread safe.


How to detect thread-safe in your API?

It's often that you need to extern some C APIs like this:
set_module_callback(module, some_func, func_args);
But the module need the some_func to be thread-safe, i.e., there maybe more than 1 threads to call this function, but I don't know whether it was thread-safe, is there some way to test that while calling set_module_callback?
Thread-safety is very complicated domain. You can get unsafety from many aspects, even well protected code can potentially have a holes in communication with another piece of codes. That is why it is better to assume that some_func is unsafe and provide (for example) critical section around shared resources.
So answer is 'no'
I see no way to automatically have some piece of code test another piece of code.
In order for you to really be sure ti is thread-safe, you will have to go in and look at it/analyze what it does and where side-effects could arise/add a mutex where needed.
If your application is a POSIX one, you could give a try to the Helgrind tool which does some concurrent access detection.
But it is based on how your software calls the APIs. So you won't have an absolute general answer if yes or no your APIs are thread safe. You will only have this answer given a specific application.

Is there a way to test whether thread safe functions are available in the C standard library?

In regards to the thread safe functions in newer versions of the C standard library, is there a cross-platform way to tell if these are available via pre-processor definition? I am referring to functions such as localtime_r().
If there is not a standard way, what is the reliable way in GCC? [EDIT] Or posix systems with unistd.h?
There is no standard way to test that, which means there is no way to test it across all platforms. Tools like autoconf will create a tiny C program that calls this function and then try to compile and link it. It this works, looks like the function exists, if not, then it may not exist (or the compiler options are wrong and the appropriate CFLAGS need to be set).
So you have basically 6 options:
Require them to exist. Your code can only work on platforms where they exist; period. If they don't exist, compilation will fail, but that is not your problem, since the platform violates your minimum requirements.
Avoid using them. If you use the non-thread safe ones, maybe protected by a global lock (e.g. a mutex), it doesn't matter if they exist or not. Of course your code will then only work on platforms with POSIX mutexes, however, if a platform has no POSIX mutexes, it won't have POSIX threads either and if it has no POSIX threads (and I guess you are probably using POSIX threads w/o supporting any alternative), why would you have to worry about thread-safety in the first place?
Decide at runtime. Depending on the platform, either do a "weak link", so you can test at runtime if the function was found or not (a pointer to the function will point to NULL if it wasn't) or alternatively resolve the symbol dynamically using something like dlsym() (which is also not really portable, but widely supported in the Linux/UNIX world). However, in that case you need a fallback if the function is not found at runtime.
Use a tool like autoconf, some other tool with similar functionality, or your own configuration script to determine this prior to start of compilation (and maybe set preprocessor macros depending on result). In that case you will also need a fallback solution.
Limit usage to well known platforms. Whether this function is available on a certain platform is usually known (and once it is available, it won't go away in the future). Most platforms expose preprocessor macros to test what kind of platform that is and sometimes even which version. E.g. if you know that GNU/Linux, Android, Free/Open/NetBSD, Solaris, iOS and MacOS X all offer this function, test if you are compiling for one of these platforms and if yes, use it. If the code is compiled for another platform (or if you cannot determine what platform that is), it may or may not offer this function, but since you cannot say for sure, better be safe and use the fallback.
Let the user decide. Either always use the fallback, unless the user has signaled support or do it the other way round (which makes probably more sense), always assume it is there and in case compilation fails, offer a way the user can force your code into "compatibility mode", by somehow specifying that thread-safe-functions are not available (e.g. by setting an environment variable or by using a different make target). Of course this is the least convenient method for the (poor) user.

C setjmp.h and ucontext.h, which is better?

Hi I'm need to jump from a place to another...
But I would like to know which is better to use, setjmp or ucontext, things like:
Are setjmp and ucontext portable?
My code is thread safe using these library?
Why use one instead another?
Which is fast and secure?
...(Someone please, can answer future question that I forgot to put here?)
Please give a little more information that I'm asking for, like examples or some docs...
I had searching on the web, but I only got exception handling in C like example of setjmp, and I got nothing about ucontex.h, I got that it was used for multitask, what's the difference of it and pthread?
Thanks a lot.
setjmp is portable (ISO C89 and C99) and ucontext (obsolescent in SUSv3 and removed from SUSv4/POSIX 2008) is not. However ucontext was considerably more powerful in specification. In practice, if you used nasty hacks with setjmp/longjmp and signal handlers and alternate signal handling stacks, you could make these just about as powerful as ucontext, but they were not "portable".
Neither should be used for multithreading. For that purpose POSIX threads (pthread functions). I have several reasons for saying this:
If you're writing threaded code, you might as well make it actually run concurrently. We're hitting the speed limits of non-parallel computing and future machines will be more and more parallel, so take advantage of that.
ucontext was removed from the standards and might not be supported in future OS's (or even some present ones?)
Rolling your own threads cannot be made transparent to library code you might want to use. It might break library code that makes reasonable assumptions about concurrency, locking, etc. As long as your multithreading is cooperative rather than async-signal-based there are probably not too many issues like this, but once you've gotten this deep into nonportable hacks things can get very fragile.
...and probably some more reasons I can't think of right now. :-)
On the portability matter, setjmp() is portable to all hosted C implementations; the <ucontext.h> functions are part of the XSI extensions to POSIX - this makes setjmp() significantly more portable.
It is possible to use setjmp() in a thread-safe manner. It doesn't make much sense to use the ucontext functions in a threaded program - you would use multiple threads rather than multiple contexts.
Use setjmp() if you want to quickly return from a deeply-nested function call (this is why you find that most examples show its use for exception handling). Use the ucontext functions for implementing user-space threads or coroutines (or don't use them at all).
The "fast and secure" question makes no sense. The implementations are typically as fast as it is practical to make them, but they perform different functions so cannot be directly compared (the ucontext functions do more work, so will typically be slightly slower).
Note that the ucontext functions are listed as obsolescent in the two most recent editions of POSIX. The pthreads threading functions should generally be used instead.
setjmp/longjmp are only intended to restore a "calling" context, so you can use it only to do a "fast exit" from a chain of subroutines. Different uses may or may not work depending on the system, but in general these functions are not intended to do this kind of things. So "ucontext" is better. Also have a look to "fibers" (native on Windows). Here a link to an article that may be helpful:
How to implement a practical fiber scheduler?

Is there something to replace the <ucontext.h> functions?

The user thread functions in <ucontext.h> are deprecated because they use a deprecated C feature (they use a function declaration with empty parentheses for an argument).
Is there a standard replacement for them? I don't feel full-fledged threads are good at implementing cooperative threading.
If you really want to do something like what the ucontext.h functions allow, I would keep using them. Anything else will be less portable. Marking them obsolescent in POSIX seems to have been a horrible mistake of pedantry by someone on the committee. POSIX itself requires function pointers and data pointers to be the same size and for function pointers to be representable cast to void *, and C itself requires a cast between function pointer types and back to be round-trip safe, so there are many ways this issue could have been solved.
There is one real problem, that converting the int argc, ... passed into makecontext into a form to pass to the function cannot be done without major assistance from the compiler unless the calling convention for variadic and non-variadic functions happens to be the same (and even then it's rather questionable whether it can be done robustly). This problem however could have been solved simply by deprecating the use of makecontext in any form other than makecontext(ucp, func, 1, (void *)arg);.
Perhaps a better question though is why you think ucontext.h functions are the best way to handle threading. If you do want to go with them, I might suggest writing a wrapper interface that you can implement either with ucontext.h or with pthreads, then comparing the performance and bloat. This will also have the advantage that, should future systems drop support for ucontext.h, you can simply switch to compiling with the pthread-based implementation and everything will simply work. (By then, the bloat might be less important, the benefit of multi-core/SMP will probably be huge, and hopefully pthread implementations will be less bloated.)
Edit (based on OP's request): To implement "cooperative threading" with pthreads, you need condition variables. Here's a decent pthreads tutorial with information on using them:
Your cooperative multitasking primitive of "hand off execution to thread X" would go something like:
self->flag = 0;
other_thread->flag = 1;
while (!self->flag)
pthread_cond_wait(self->cond, self->mutex);
Hope I got that all right; at least the general idea is correct. If anyone sees mistakes please comment so I can fix it. Half of the locking (other_thread's mutex) is probably entirely unnecessary with this sort of usage, so you could perhaps make the mutex a local variable in the task_switch function. All you'd really be doing is using pthread_cond_wait and pthread_cond_signal as "go to sleep" and "wake up other thread" primitives.
For what it's worth, there's a Boost.Context library that was recently accepted and needs only to be merged into an official Boost release. Boost.Context addresses the same use cases as the POSIX ucontext family: low-overhead cooperative context switching. The author has taken pains with performance issues.
No, there is no standard replacement for them.
You options are
continue to use <ucontext.h>even though they contain obsolete C.
switch to pthreads
write your own co-thread library
use an existing (and possibly not-so-portable) co-thread library such as , though many of such libraries are implemented on top of ucontext.h
The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6
IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition
Still lists makecontext() and swapcontext() with the same deprecated syntax. I have not seen anything more recent.

Is it possible to do hot code swapping in C?

says that VS can do it with the help of its debugger. Does gdb provide a similar functionality ?
this is the closest i could find, but doesn't seem to be ready to be used:
dlopen/dlsym/dlclose are also close, but will not work for -lmylib referenced libraries (reference count never gets to 0).
alternatives i've considered:
1) using -Wl,-wrap,foo and on __wrap_foo() { func = dlopen(); func(); }
2) making a shared library and when we need to hotswap we dlopen(RTLD_GLOBAL) to load the new code and provide updated symbols to the next call to foo();
1) doesn't work very well because it requires me to enumerate all the functions i want to hotswap, which are all of them.
2) doesn't work very well because when foo() is called, the new code is loaded, but foo has forever the reference to that symbol. calling dlopen multiple times make foo to be re evaluated.
You may be interested in Ksplice. It's a technology that came out of MIT that allows software patches to be applied to the Linux kernel without rebooting. This is most relevant for applying security updates:
You could certainly hack yourself a system where you store a list of function pointers and can change these pointers to point to whatever library you have dlopen()'d at the time.
You're right, there isn't any easy way to intercept calls to routines with fixed linkage. You can always clobber the start of the routine with an assembly jump to another routine, but that can be dangerous (and isn't C).
Maybe a symbol which is weak in your code and strong in a dlopen()'d library would work?
In any of these cases, you have to deal with the situation where the old code is currently running. That isn't easy either, unless you have points in your program where you know no thread is in the library you want to swap.
the closest i have found is solari dbx which comes with oracle developer studio,however dev studio uses dbx in both linux and solaris,only solaris version supports "edit-and-continue" or "hot code swap"
