How do the servers for Fogbugz handle load balancing? - sql-server

I remember hearing Joel say he has 2 different locations where the servers are located, each location has 2 front end servers and 1 back end server.
If a one of the hosting facilities goes down, how can he switch over to the other one? (Or is it just going to be a DNS change that will take 24-72 hours to propagate?).
How can a single SQL Server instance have so many databases on it? FB has a completely separate database per account. I can't see a single SQL Server instance having more than say 200-250 databases on it! And I'm sure they have more customers than that.

They talked about this in one of the Stack Overflow podcasts, but I can't find it in the transcripts.
1) Each of the two centers handles approximately 1/2 of the users. Fairly often (hourly, I think Joel said) they ship transaction logs to the other site. If site A goes down, they bring up the db backups on site B, and do the DNS switchover. It won't be instantaneous or automated, nor do they want it to be, because they'll be coming up with slightly stale data, and want to avoid that if it's at all possible to bring the broken site back up.
I'm not sure how they handle the DNS situation, but you can set the TTL on DNS records to mere seconds to limit caching, and have failover occur very quickly.
2) Why not? I'm not sure of the hard limit of databases per instance, but there's also nothing keeping you from running multiple instances of SQL Server on your box. I would imagine you're more limited by hardware than software. (You can also run Fogbugz with a MySQL database backend).

Got a few questions in here so I'll break these out:
If a one of the hosting facilities goes down, how can he switch over to the other one?
There's several ways to do this, including database mirroring (new in SQL Server 2005), log shipping, and replication. I've recorded a podcast on SQL Server high availability and disaster recovery options at SQLServerPedia.
(Or is it just going to be a DNS change that will take 24-72 hours to propagate?)
Like the other post mentioned, you can set your DNS time-to-live numbers very slow, but the cooler method uses database mirroring. With mirroring, you can set both the primary and secondary server names in your connection string, and your application will automatically try the second server when the first one doesn't respond.
How can a single SQL Server instance have so many databases on it? FB has a completely separate database per account. I can't see a single SQL Server instance having more than say 200-250 databases on it! And I'm sure they have more customers than that.
The largest SQL Server I've worked with had over a thousand databases, and I've talked to a couple of other DBAs who have worked on systems with more than 2,000 databases on a server. It certainly makes management much more challenging, that's for sure.


SQL Server Transactional replication of large number of databases on a server (hundreds) - Best Practices

We are getting ready to setup SQL Server Transactional replication. We will have hundreds of databases on each server being replicated to an alternative location (for reporting purposes). Are there any best practices, gotchas, things to look out for, etc. when having such large number of databases on a publisher? We do plan to have a dedicated "distributor" box and have separate distribution database for each of the publishing servers. We expect to have under 10 publishers, but total number of databases among them might approach a few thousand.
Thank you in advance for any pointers!
as suggested ask to it's better
From my experience, first of all (cause i had problem) try to know the kb/mb which will be transferred by second and following that check your connection between distributor and subscriber.
Then calculate very much the time it should cost for your publishers' server the time it will use to transfert it to the distributor.
And finaly identify very well which tables you want to replicate, try to forget nothing, it's a relational database so try to keep it relational :)
Thing about security too, if you are on different location you are probably not on same domain, the easiest way i found was to change the host's file from windows to use a logical name and not an IP (required)
After that, your problem will start.... for me replication with different locations was a lots of problem (living in europe and working for companies with bad vpn connection speed).
Good luck :)

how many datasources can coldfusion handle

We have a coldfusion enterprise server with 2 instances. Each instance has 200+ data-sources to databases on one MSSQL server. This number will keep on growing. Now it seems that requests to a single data-source are getting slower even though the database is small. It is possible that requests get slower when CF has more data-sources?
Are the datasources partitioned for a reason (e.g. different clients/customers, etc)? If this is really just a big application with a bunch of databases, you may be able reduce the number of DSNs through cross-database queries through a single CF datasource.
If the account CF is using to connect to SQL Server has read access to both databases on the server, you can do something like this:
SELECT field1, field2, field3...
FROM [databaseA].[dbo].Table1 T1
JOIN [databaseB].[dbo].Table2 T2 ON ...
I've done this with State and Country tables that are shared across multiple DBs. Set the permissions carefully to prevent damage or errant updates.
Of course it's possible, I doubt there are many people with this kind of experience so we could just guess.
Personally I'd never make that many databases in SQL server, and that many datasources in CF. IMHO using db schemas would be much better solution, easier to maintain, administer and so on.
How's situation with memory? Could happen that huge amount of JDBC connections is choking the server. I'd check memory consumption first, SQL stats after to see data through-output and maybe later even SQL Severs performance settings, CF settings to see concurent possible JDBC connections, network settings and so on.
Again, just guessing and trying to give you a hint where to look.
There's more too it than just coldfusion. Each connection is about 4k, and each datasource can use multiple connections. So 200 DSN's might equal 300 or 400 connections (or 800 or 1000 when aggregated). The DB server itself uses the "tempdb" as a work space for handling requests. It expands this workspace to handle the traffic - but it is a shared resource in a way. So one DB can have an impact on another DB on the server.
I would:
Check the total number of connections on the SQL server (perfmon has some good counters for this)
Use server monitor to get a sense of the total number of connections on each instance.
Use network monitoring to determine what capacity the network connection on each server is using...
Of course it goes without saying that your databases need to be fine tuned to perform as well (indexed and optimized - with a good schema and backstopped by good query code). Creating a scalable solution requires all of these things :)
PS - it goes without saying you can contact me for more "formal" help. I'll be glad to chat about your problem.

Simplest solution for high availability of SQL server 2008?

I have a bunch of SQL servers which I periodically performs maintainance on (Windows Update patches etc.). Now I want to the database online 24/7 and need to implement one of the high-availability solutions for SQL server.
The solutions needs to be cheap and simple to use.
I have no problems tweaking the connection strings for the clients of the database, so currently I'm looking into database mirroring with manual failovers when taking down a partner instance for patching etc.
Is this the best thing to do or are there other options which doesn't involve setting up a failover cluster?
The servers are virtualized with a fully redundant storage solution.
Any tips are appreciated, thanks in advance!
Mirroring with a PARTNER-server would probably be the cheapest solution (you can skip the PARTNER-server if you plan to switch manually).
Failover requires shared disks (NAS) aswell as cluster-capable Windows-licenses (very expensive).
I'm not sure about replication, or how it differs from mirroring, but my research I did gave the conclusion that mirroring was the one for me. However I don't mind some downtime when doing upgrades, I just keep mirrored instances of the database in case of severe hardware failure.
It might be that replication is for a complete instance of an SQL-server, whilst mirroring is done per database. In my case, I have 2 production servers, that both replicates it's databases to a third, backup-server for disaster-recovery. I think that wouldn't have been possible with replication.
The four high availability solutions I'm aware of are:
Failover cluster
Log shipping
Log shipping is probably not 24/7, so that leaves three. Serverfault is definitely a better place to ask about their relative merits.
For auto failover I would choose mirroring. You can build a 2nd database connection string into your app and whenever the preferred isnt available it will default to the backup - therefore giving your app 24/7. This has its downsides though, once 'flipped' to the mirror you have to either accept that this is the way it is until another maintenance job requires the mirror to shift back again or you have to manually swap the mirror over.
In order for this to be truly 24/7 you will need to enable auto rather than manual, maybe you will need a witness server to make the decision... There are lots of factors to include in the choice - are you working with servers on different sites, clustering, multiple web/app servers ... ?
As previous answers have suggested, will have people who have made just this choice, ready to help you in much more detail
A big benefit of mirroring is that providing the mirror server has no other activity it is license free, the live server license transfers over if the mirror takes over. Full details on SQL licensing pages at

Multipurposing a failover server?

I'm not a DBA so this may be a stupid question but I'll ask it anyway. We're upgrading our SQL Servers from 2000 to 2005 and we will probably use either database replication or database mirroring. Our DBA would like to "multipurpose" the standby server meaning that he'd like to increase our capabilities and capacity by running other database applications on the standby server since "it's just going to be sitting there anyway" (his words, not mine). Is this such a good idea? Right now, our main application server uses only one instance that contains 50+ databases. As I understand it, what we're doing now and what our DBA is proposing for a failover server is a bad idea because all of these databases are sharing memory, CPUs, and working areas. If one applications starts behaving badly, the other DBs could be affected.
Any thoughts?
It's really a business question that needs to be answered?? is a slow app better then no app if you can't afford the expense of extra hardware?
Standby and mirrored db's can be used for reporting. Using it as the failover db can work if you have enough headroom (i.e. both databases will comfortably run on the server)
Will you depend on these extra applications? Where do they run in the failover case?
You really need to understand your failure modes.
If you look at it as basic resource math, that doesn't often make sense unless the resources you have running in the failure scenarios can handle the entire expected load. Sometimes this is the case, but not always. In this case, to handle the actual load you may need yet another server to come in (like RAID - perhaps your load needs a minimum of 5 servers, but you have a farm of 6, then you need 1 standby server for ever server to fail above 1). Sometimes a farm can run degraded, but sometimes they just puke and die.
And in the case of out of normal operation, you often have accident cascading where a legitimate incident causes a cascade of issues - e.g. your backup tape is busy restoring a server from a backup (to a test environment, even - there are no real "failures"), now your sql server or exhcange server (or both) is not backed up and your log gets full.
Database Mirroring would not be the way to go here in my opinion as it provides redundancy at the database level only. So you would need to configure database mirroring for up to 50 databases based on the information you provided. The chances are that if one DB where to fail all, 50 would probably follow, as failures typically occur at the hardware level rather than a specific database.
It sounds to me like you should be using SQL Server Clustering technology. You could create an Active/Active cluster to support your requirements.
What is an Active/Active Cluster?
An Active/Active SQL Server cluster means that SQL Server is running on both nodes of a two-way cluster. Each copy of SQL Server acts independently, and users see two different SQL Servers. If one of the SQL Servers in the cluster should fail, then the failed instance of SQL Server will failover to the remaining server. This means that then both instances of SQL Server will be running on one physical server, instead of two.
Applying this to your scenario
You could then split the databases between two instances of SQL server, one active instance on each node. Should one node fail, the other node will pick up the slack and vice versa.
Further Reading
An introduction to SQL Server Clustering
I suspect that you will find the following MSDN thread useful reading also
"it's just going to be sitting there anyway"
It will be sitting there applying transactions...
Take note of John Sansom's recommendation. Keep in mind that a Active/Active cluster requires two sql server licenses and a failover cluster/mirror only needs one.
Setting up mirroring for a large number of db's could turn into a big pain. You need any jobs/maintenance to move over as well - which can be achieved with alerts on WMI failover events. There's probably more to think about that could complicate things.

Database mirroring/Replication, SQL Server 2005

I have two database servers running SQL Server 2005 Enterprise that I want to make one of them as mirror database server.
What I need is; to create an exact copy database from primary server on mirror server, so when the primary server was down, we could switch database IP on application to use mirror server.
I have examined "mirror" feature on SQL Server 2005, and based on this article:
The mirror database cannot be accessed directly; however snapshots of the mirror database can be taken for read only purposes. (Prerequisites no. 4)
So how it can be useful when I can't access it when primary server was down?
I've been thinking about creating a regular backup on primary server and restore it on mirror server on hourly basis, but that's quite inefficient (slow) especially if I want an exact copy (since hundreds data's are added once in minute).
Any other suggestion?
Maybe what I mean was a replication thing, not a mirror (thanks JP for commenting)
They are referring to the fact that you can't perform queries on the mirrored copy, but you can get around that limitation by creating a snapshot of the mirrored database. This is often done to create a read-only database copy for reporting uses. You would have full access of the mirror if the primary were to fail, but it will not failover automatically.
Log shipping is another option, which allows you to query (read-only) the standby database without having to create a snapshot.
If I understand your question correctly, you shouldn't have to do that. There are several role switching forms you can use to have your mirror take over as primary. You don't change the IP address at the application level, the cluster itself has a virtual IP address that allows access to the data at any given time (given a reasonable amount of time for the switch over to the mirror from a primary failure). The mirror stays in synch by itself. :) There are good articles here and here on clustering.
Edit: Okay, based on the comments, check out the various options for replication.
Your confusion is common - there's a lot of ways to do disaster recovery planning with SQL Server. I've recorded a 10-minute video tutorial of SQL Server disaster recovery options including log shipping, mirroring, replication and more. If you like that one, we've got a longer one at Quest called Disaster Recovery Techniques but that one requires registration.
Instead of investigating a specific technology here, what you might want to do is tell us what your needs are, and then we can help you find out what option is right for you. The videos will give you an idea of what kinds of information you need to know before selecting a particular solution.
When using only two SQL Servers, you need to do the fail-over manually. The 'backup' database will be usable after you do two things;
Disable mirroring on it
Restore the database with RECOVERY (but without a backup file, this will make the database usable).
Therefore mirroring in this manner does make scense, however it is hard to maintain;
Moving back from the backup database to the primary is a 'pain' as you have to set-up the complete mirroring again using a backup of the redundant server. This is needed to get the primary back up to speed.
My recommendation would be to get a thrid SQL Server into the picture that can act as a witness. The witness will monitor the status of the mirroring databases. Your bonus; you will get automatic failover, and will not have the fail-over (and after fail-over) issues.
If I remeber correct, the witness server can be running SQL Express so no need for the Enterprise version on all three - just the two where the actual mirroring will take place.
Let me know if you need Transact SQL for the commands to fail-over and 'anti-fail-over' in a two server scenario, and I can dig them up.
