Can I use the standard C library in a Palm OS application? - c

The published code for Palm OS applications doesn't include standard headers, but instead uses Palm OS APIs for things like StrCopy and MemMove. Can I use standard headers and functions or do I need to convert my code to use the Palm OS versions?

From a program size point of view its better to use the Palm OS API whenever possible, since that means you don't have to include the code from the library in the generated 'executable'. If you use functions from the compiler provided libraries the code of that functions will be added to each of your programs increasing their sizes.

It depends on the compiler and what version of the tools you're using. In general, if you can use Palm OS APIs, you'll probably work better on the platform, but both CodeWarrior and prc-tools had some library functions implemented.
In CW for Palm OS V9, there's a pretty full version of the Metrowerks Standard Library (MSL). Most of MSL C++ is there giving you access to STL and other constructs. On the C front, you've got most of the standard C headers for memory management and string functions. However, it omits implementations for locales, math, signals, and standard I/O.
To use the library, you need to make sure you link with the MSL C/C++ libraries. This can be set when you create your project in the wizard or added later by modifying the access paths and adding the appropriate static libraries for your targets.


Are C standard library structures compatible between compilers and library versions on macOS or Linux?

My host application took over the ownership of e.g. a FILE object which came from a dynamic library. Can I call fclose() on this object safely even though my host application and the dynamic library are compiled with different versions of clang / gcc?
On Windows (with different VS runtimes) it would be illegal and I have to first extract the fclose() function from the runtime library which is used by the dynamic library since all runtimes have their own pools and internal structures for file or memory objects.
An illustration for the situation in Windows would look like this:
Does this restriction apply for Linux and macOS as well?
The issue is not whether your application and the dynamic libraries were compiled with different versions of clang and/or gcc. The issue is whether, ultimately, there's one underlying C library that manipulates one kind of FILE * object and has one, compatible implementation of fclose().
Under MacOS and Linux, at least, the answer to all these questions is likely to be "yes". In my experience it's hard to get two different, incompatible C libraries into the mix; you'd have to really work at it.
Addendum: I suppose I should admit, however, that my experience may be getting dated. In my experience, on any Unix-like system, there's exactly one C library, generally /lib/libc.{a,so}. But I gather that "modern" compilers are tending to access their own compiler- and version-specific libraries off in special places, meaning that the scenario you're worried about could be a problem. To me, it seems, this way lies madness, but then again, it seems that more and more of the world seems to be embracing dependency hell, rather than trying to eliminate it.
It is not generally safe to use a library designed for one compiler with code compiled by a different compiler. A compiler may generate code that implements the nominal functions in the standard library using internal routines or interfaces, and those routines or interfaces may be different or missing in the library designed for another compiler.
Nor is it safe to take any pointer to some internal data structure from one library and use it with another library.
If the sources are just compiled with different versions of one compiler (e.g., clang 73 and clang 89), not different compilers (e.g., Apple clang versus GCC), the compiler might offer some guarantee about library compatibility. You would have to check its documentation. Or, if the compiler is intended to use the library provided with the operating system, that could work. Again, you would have to check its documentation.
On Linux, if both your code and the other library dynamically link to the same library (such as, both will get the same version and implementation of that library at runtime. You can check which libraries a given dynamic library links to with ldd.
If you were linking to a library that statically linked in a supporting library, you would need to be careful to pass any structures to or from it against the same version of the library. But this is more likely to come up in practice with libc++ and libstdc++ than with libc.
So, don't statically link your library to another and then pass a data structure that requires client code to separately link to the same library.

Newlib: embedded vs desktop

I'm compiling a Linux toolchain based on Newlib for a toy project.
Newlib's official page reports:
Newlib is a C library intended for use on embedded systems.
but without providing any particular reason.
What I'm trying to figure out is:
Why newlib consider itself embedded "only"?
What are the downsides to use it on desktop or server environments?
Unlike Glibc, which has very specific code to make sure that it is replaceable with later API compatible versions, the Newlib isn't so; nor does it support dynamic linking anyway. And it doesn't make much sense to statically link in the C library in every possible executable in a desktop environment. Therefore, Newlib is mostly suitable for embedded targets with small number of statically linked executables.
Newlib also fulfils only the parts of the C standard library and a a minimal part of the POSIX C library extensions. Specifically it doesn't concern itself with networking at all. It is somewhat debatable if anyone in their right mind, would want to build a desktop system without any networking at all, in 2017.
Another thing to note is the non-technical aspect of licensing. Glibc uses the LGPL license, which does allow linking against proprietary programs, provided that (note that IANAL) the user is able to replace the LGPL-licenced library with another one. In practice this means that either the library is dynamically linked in, or, in case of a statically linked library, the user is provided with object files that they can use to link against the replacement library to produce an executable. This means that the license itself might not be suitable for small embedded systems with proprietary software. Newlib doesn't contain any LGPL code, unless it is built for Linux targets.

C Code is too heavily compiler dependent

I'm writing an OS that should run on a variety of SoCs (e.g: Xilinx Zync, Freescale QorIQ).
My problem, not all of the provided IDEs (given by Xilinx, Freescale, etc.) provide the same libraries (standard C & POSIX libraries).
For instance, the CodeWarrior IDE has the timespec structure, while Xilinx's doesn't.
Also, sleep is implemented in some of the provided libs, but I have my own implementation.
I want my code to be independent of the compiler (some manufacturers provide more than one IDE and with a different compiler).
Any suggestions?
My suggestion: Code to POSIX standards. Where the vendor library falls short of POSIX, implement a POSIX layer yourself.
Leave the core OS generally #ifdef-free, and put the mess in a conditionally-compiled compatibility layer.
The simple (though longer-to-implement) solution is to not depend on the library provided by the vendor. Write your own library. Probably this can be done with a little bit of layering. All of them provide strlen(), for example.

C libraries are distributed along with compilers or directly by the OS?

As per my understanding, C libraries must be distributed along with compilers. For example, GCC must be distributing it's own C library and Forte must be distributing it's own C library. Is my understanding correct?
But, can a user library compiled with GCC work with Forte C library? If both the C libraries are present in a system, which one will get invoked during run time?
Also, if an application is linking to multiple libraries some compiled with GCC and some with Forte, will libraries compiled with GCC automatically link to the GCC C library and will it behave likewise for Forte.
GCC comes with libgcc which includes helper functions to do things like long division (or even simpler things like multiplication on CPUs with no multiply instruction). It does not require a specific libc implementation. FreeBSD uses a BSD derived one, glibc is very popular on Linux and there are special ones for embedded systems like avr-libc.
Systems can have many libraries installed (libc and other) and the rules for selecting them vary by OS. If you link statically it's entirely determined at compile time. If you link dynamically there are versioning and path rules which come into play. Generally you cannot mix and match at runtime because of bits of the library (from headers) that got compiled into the executable.
The compile products of two compilers should be compatible if they both follow the ABI for the platform. That's the purpose of defining specific register and calling conventions.
As far as Solaris is concerned, you assumption is incorrect. Being the interface between the kernel and the userland, the standard C library is provided with the operating system. That means whatever C compiler you use (Forte/studio or gcc), the same libc is always used. In any case, the rare ports of the Gnu standard C library (glibc) to Solaris are quite limited and probably lacking too much features to be usable.
None of the other answers (yet) mentions an important feature that promotes interworking between compilers and libraries - the ABI or Application Binary Interface. On Unix-like machines, there is a well documented ABI, and the C compilers on the system all follow the ABI. This allows a great deal of mix'n'match. Normally, you use the system-provided C library, but you can use a replacement version provided with a compiler, or created separately. And normally, you can use a library compiled by one compiler with programs compiled by other compilers.
Sometimes, one compiler uses a runtime support library for some operations - perhaps 64-bit arithmetic routines on a 32-bit machine. If you use a library built with this compiler as part of a program built with another compiler, you may need to link this library. However, I've not seen that as a problem for a long time - with pure C.
Linking C++ is a different matter. There isn't the same degree of interworking between different C++ compilers - they disagree on details of class layout (vtables, etc) and on how exception handling is done, and so on. You have to work harder to create libraries built with one C++ compiler that can be used by others.
Only few things of the C library are mandatory in the sense that they are not needed for a freestanding environment. It only has to provide what is necessary for the headers
<float.h>, <iso646.h>, <limits.h>, <stdarg.h>, <stdbool.h>, <stddef.h>, and <stdint.h>
These usually don't implement a lot of functions that must be provided.
The other type of environments are called "hosted" environments. As the name indicated they suppose that there is some entity that "hosts" the running program, usually the OS. So usually the C library is provided by that "hosting environment", but as Ben said, on different systems there may even be alternative implementations.
Forte? That's really old.
The preferred compilers and developer tools for Solaris are all contained in Oracle Solaris Studio.
C/C++/Fortran with a debugger, performance analyzer, and IDE based on NetBeans, and lots of libraries.
It's (still) free, too.
I think there a is a bit of confusion about terms: a library is NOT DLL's or .so: in the real sense of programming languages, Libraries are compiled code the LINKER will merge with our binary (.o). So the linker (or the compiler via some directives...) can manage them, but OS can't, simply is NOT a concept related to OS.
We are used to think OSes are written in C and we can rebuild the OS using gcc/libraries or similar, but C is NOT linux / unix.
We can also have an OS written in Pascal (Mac OS was in this manner many years ago..) AND use libraries with our favorite C compiler, OR have an OS written in ASM (even if not all, as in first Windows version), but we must have C libraries to build an exe.

Operating system agnostic C library

Is there a C library available for operations such as file operations, getting system information and the like which is generic, which can be used when compiled in different platforms and which behaves in a similar way?
Edit: Something like Java or .NET platform abstracting the hardware.
Have you tried the standard library? It should be implemented on any system that has an ISO compliant C runtime.
Yes; the ISO Standard C library. It may not cover all the functionality you want, but that is exactly because it is generic, and as such is also lowest common denominator. It only supports features that can reasonably be expected to exist on most hardware, including embedded systems.
The way to approach this is perhaps to specify the range of target platforms you need to support, and then the application domains (e.g. GUI, networking, multi-threading, image processing, file handling etc.), and then select the individual cross-platform libraries that suit your needs. There is probably no one library to fulfil all your needs, and in some cases no common library at all.
That said, you will always be better served in this respect by embracing C++ where you can use any C library as well as C++ libraries. Not only is the C++ standard library larger, but libraries such as Boost, wxWidgets, ACE cover a broader domain spectrum too. Another approach is to use a cross-platform language such as Java, which solves the problem by abstracting the hardware to a virtual machine. Similarly .NET/Mono and C# may provide a solution for suitably limited set of target platforms.
Added following comment:
Hardware abstraction in a real-machine targeted language (as opposed to a VM language such as Java or CLR based languages) is provided by the operating system, so what you perhaps need is a common operating system API. POSIX is probably the closest you will get to that, being supported on Linux, Unix, OSX (which is Unix), QNX, VxWorks, BeOS and many others; but not importantly Windows. One way of using POSIX on Windows is to use Cygwin. Another is to use a VM to host a POSIX OS such as Linux.
For anything not found in the standard library, GLib is a good first place to look along with other libraries built to interact with it. It offers for example threads, mutexes and IPC that you won't be able to write portably using plain standard libraries, and you can use many more GNU libraries that follow the same conventions up to a full GUI in GTK+. GLib supports the usual popular operating systems.
If the C standard library is not sufficient for your needs, a minimal hyperportable subset of POSIX might be the target you want to code to. For example, the main non-POSIX operating system Windows still has a number of functions with the same names as POSIX functions which behave reasonably closely - open, read, write, etc.
Documenting what exactly a "hyperportable subset of POSIX" includes, and which non-POSIX operating systems would conform to such a subset, is a moderately difficult task, which would be quite useful in and of itself for the sake of avoiding the plague of "MyCompanyName portable runtime" products which appear again and again every few years and unnecessarily bloat popular software like Firefox and Apache.
If you need facilities beyond what the Standard C library provides, take a look at the Apache Portable Runtime (APR). You should also review whether POSIX provides the functionality you are after, though that comes with its own bag of worms.
If you want to get into graphics and the like, then you are into a different world - GTK, Glib and Qt spring to mind, though I've not used any of them.
