DataModel for Workflow/Business Process Application [closed] - sql-server

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What should be the data model for a work flow application? Currently we are using an Entity Attribute Value based model in SQL Server 2000 with the user having the ability to create dynamic forms (on, but as the data grows performance is getting down and hard to generate report and worse if too many users concurrently query the data (EAV).

As you have probably realized, the problem with an EAV model is that tables grow very large and queries grow very complex very quickly. For example, EAV-based queries typically require lots of subqueries just to get at the same data that would be trivial to select if you were using more traditionally-structured tables.
Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to move to a traditionally-structured relational model while simultaneously leaving old forms open to modification.
Thus, my suggestion: consider closing changes on well-established forms and moving their data to standard, normalized tables. For example, if you have a set of shipping forms that are not likely to change (or whose change you could manage by changing the app because it happens so rarely), then you could create a fixed table and then copy the existing data out of your EAV table(s). This would A) improve your ability to do reporting, B) reduce the amount of data in your existing EAV table(s) and C) improve your ability to support concurrent users / improve performance because you could build more appropriate indices into your data.
In short, think of the dynamic EAV-based system as a way to collect user's needs (they tell you by building their forms) and NOT as the permanent storage. As the forms evolve into their final form, you transition to fixed tables in order to gain the benefits discussed above.
One last thing. If all of this isn't possible, have you considered segmenting your EAV table into multiple, category-specific tables? For example, have all of your shipping forms in one table, personnel forms in a second, etc. It won't solve the querying structure problem (needing subqueries) but it will help shrink your tables and improve performance.
I hope this helps - I do sympathize with your plight as I've been in a similar situation myself!

Typically, when your database schema becomes very large and multiple users are trying to access the same information in many different ways, Data Warehousing, is applied in order to reduce major load on the database server. Unlike your traditional schema where you are more than likely using Normalization to keep data integrity, data warehousing is optimized for speed and multiple copies of your data are stored.

Try using the relational model of data. It works.


What is RDBMS and database engine? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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It's kinda a noob question but what is the difference between Relational Database Management System and database engine?
The original idea of an RDBMS differs from what is called an RDBMS these days. SQL DBMSs are commonly called RDBMSs, but it's more correct to say they can be used mostly relationally, if one has the knowledge and discipline. It's also possible to use them in the style of a network data model or even inconsistently, which seems like the more common attitude in the field.
The essence of the relational model is not about tables, but about first-order logic. Tables are simply a general-purpose data structure which can be used to represent relations. For example, a graph can be viewed in a relational way - as a set of ordered pairs - and can be represented as a table (with some rules to ensure the table is interpreted or manipulated correctly). By describing all data using domains, relations, dependencies and constraints, we can develop declarative consistency guarantees and allow any reasonable question to be answered correctly from the data.
A database engine is software that handles the data structure and physical storage and management of data. Different storage engines have different features and performance characteristics, so a single DBMS could use multiple engines. Ideally, they should not affect the logical view of data presented to users of the DBMS.
How easily you can migrate to another DBMS / engine depends on how much they differ. Unfortunately, every DBMS implements somewhat different subsets of the SQL standard, and different engines support different features. Trying to stick to the lowest common denominator tends to produce inefficient solutions. Object-relational mappers reintroduce the network data model and its associated problems which the relational model was meant to address. Other data access middleware generally don't provide a complete or effective data sublanguage.
Whatever approach you choose, changing it is going to be difficult. At least there's some degree of overlap between SQL implementations, and queries are shorter and more declarative than the equivalent imperative code, so I tend to stick to simple queries and result sets rather than using data access libraries or mappers.
A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a database management system (DBMS) that is based on the relational model where in you can create many tables and have relations between them. While database engine is the underlying software component that a database management system (DBMS) uses to perform the operations from a database

Database schema for Partners [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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We have an application to manage company, teams, branches,employee etc and have different tables for that. Now we have a requirement that we have to give access of same system to our technology partners so that they can also do the same thing which we are doing. But at the same time we need to supervise these partners in our system.
So in terms of DB schema what will be the best way to manage them:
1)To duplicate the entire schema for partners, and for that we have to duplicate around 50-60 tables and many more in future as system will grows.
2)To create some flag in each table which will tell it is internal or external entity.
Please suggest if anyone has any experience.
Consider the following points before finalizing any of the approaches.
Do you want a holistic view of the data
By this I mean that do you want to view the data your partner creates and which you create in a single report / form. If the answer is yes then it would make sense to store the database in the same set of tables and differentiate them based on some set of columns.
Is your application functionality going to vary significantly
If the answer to this question is NO then it would make sense to keep the data in the same set of tables. This way any changes you do to your system will automatically reflect to all the users and you won't have to replicate your code bits across schemas / databases.
Are you and your partner going to use the same master / reference data
If the answer to this question is yes then again it makes sense to use the same set of tables since you will do away with unnecessary redundant data.
Rather than creating a flag I would recommend creating a master table known as user_master. The key of this table should be made available in every transaction table. This way if you want to include a second partner down the line you can make a new entry in your user_master table and make necessary modifications to your application code. Your application code should manage the security. Needless to say that you need to implement as much security as possible at the database level too.
Other Suggestions
To physical separate data of these entities you can either implement
partitioning or sharding depending upon the db you are using.
Perform thorough regression testing and check that your data is not
visible in partner reports or forms. Also, check that partner is not
able to update or insert your data.
Since the data in your system will increase significantly it would
make sense to performance test your reports, forms and programs.
If you are using indexes then you will need to revisit those since
your where conditions would change.
Also, revisit your keys and relationships.
None of your asked suggestion is advisable. You need to follow given guideline to secure your whole system and audit your technology partner as well.
[1]You should create a module on Admin side which will show you existing tables as well table which will be added in future.
[2]Create user for your technology partner and provide permission on those objects.
[3]Keep one audit-trail table, and insert entry of user name/IP it. So you will have complete tracking of activity carried out by your technology partner.

Strategies to building a database of 30m images [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am facing the task of building a searchable database of about 30 million images (of different sizes) associated with their metadata. I have no real experience with databases so far.
There will be only a few users, the database will be almost read-only, (if things get written then by a controlled automatic process), downtime for maintenance should be no big issue. We will probably perform more or less complex queries on the metadata.
My Thoughts
My current idea is to save the images in a folder structure and build a relational database on the side that contains the metadata as well as links to the images themselves. I have read about document based databases. I am sure they are reliable, but probably the images would only be accessible through a database query, is that true? In that case I am worried that future users of the data might be faced with the problem of learning how to query the database before actually getting things done.
What database could/should I use?
Storing big fields that are not used in queries outside the "lookup table" is recommended for certain database systems, so it does not seem unusual to store the 30m images in the file system.
As to "which database", that depends on the frameworks you intend to work with, how complicated your queries usually are, and what resources you have available.
I had some complicated queries run for minutes on MySQL that were done in seconds on PostgreSQL and vice versa. Didn't do the tests with SQL Server, which is the third RDBMS that I have readily available.
One thing I can tell you: Whatever you can do in the DB, do it in the DB. You won't even nearly get the same performance if you pull all the data from the database and then do the matching in the framework code.
A second thing I can tell you: Indexes, indexes, indexes!
It doesn't sound like the data is very relational so a non-relational DBMS like MongoDB might be the way to go. With any DBMS you will have to use queries to get information from it. However, if your worried about future users, you could put a software layer between the user and DB that makes querying easier.
Storing images in the filesystem and metadata in the DB is a much better idea than storing large Blobs in the DB (IMHO). I would also note that the filesystem performance will be better if you have many folders and subfolders rather than 30M images in one big folder (citation needed)

Should I be tracking slowly changing dimensions in a Relational/transational database? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Let's use the example of a Human Resources database. The transactional database that the HR personnel use on a day-to-day basis handles all of the hiring and firing that takes place on a daily basis. There is also a Dimensional Data Warehouse that pulls from that transactional database.
assuming that latency is sufficiently low, which of the following arguments would be considered "best practice"?
1) the Transactional database should only have to keep track of how that data currently is. it shouldn't have to keep track of slowly changing data (For example, the history of which managers a specific employee has had, how his salary has evolved over time, etc.). The ETL Process should detect changes in the transitional database, and update slowly changing dimensions in the data warehouse.
2) The transactional database is more than capable of tracking it's own historical information. If something were to ever change twice in between ETL sessions, you would lose the first change forever. The main purpose of the Dimensional database is for efficient query performance in reports, so it is still doing it's job. This also allows the ETL process to be faster and simpler.
I feel like both arguments have merits, and if they are both valid arguments, I am happy to simply choose between them.
Am I missing something that isn't being taken into consideration?
Are one of the arguments flat out wrong?
I think what #marek-grzenkowicz said is correct. If the business requirements of the HR transactional/operational system state that a history of changes are required, then they belong in the transactional/operational system. Likewise, if the business requirements state that this history (or perhaps a history at a different level of granularity) are required, the warehouse would store that as well. It is possible that the histories may be stored in both systems.
I too recommend "The Data Warehouse Toolkit". I'm reading it now and it seems to have a lot of time- and field-tested design patterns for modeling your data. The 3rd edition of this book just came out a couple weeks ago.

Best way to archive sql data and show in web application whenever required [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have around 10 tables containing millions of rows. Now I want to archive 40% of data due to size and performance problem.
What would be best way to archive the old data and let the web application run? And in the near future if I need to show up the old data along with existing.
Thanks in advance.
There is no single solution for any case. It depends much on your data structure and application requirements. Most general cases seemed to be as follows:
If your application can't be redesigned and instant access is required to all your data, you need to use more powerful hardware/software solution.
If your application can't be redesigned but some of your data could be count as obsolete because it's requested relatively rearely you can split data and configure two applications to access different data.
If your application can't be redesigned but some of your data could be count as insensitive and could be minimized (consolidated, packed, etc.) you can perform some data transformation as well as keeping full data in another place for special requests.
If it's possible to redesign your application there are many ways to solve the problem.In general you will implement some kind of archive subsystem and in general it's complex problem especially if not only your data changes in time but data structure changes too.
If it's possible to redesign your application you can optimize you data structure using new supporting tables, indexes and other database objects and algorythms.
Create archive database if possible maintain different archive server because this data wont be much necessary but still need to be archived for future purposes, hence this reduces load on server and space.
Move all the table's data to that location. Later You can retrieve back in number of ways:
Changing the path of application
or updating live table with archive table
