How to create real-life robots? - artificial-intelligence

Even before I learnt programming I've been fascinated with how robots could work. Now I know how the underlying programming instructions would be written, but what I don't understand is how those intructions are followed by the robot.
For example, if I wrote this code:
if (Objects.isEatable(object))
How would this program be followed by the CPU in a way that would make the robot do the physical action of looking to the left, moving his arm, and such? Is it done primarily in binary language/ASM?
Lastly, where would i go if I wanted to learn how to create a robot?

In the end, something has to break down the high level commands into very low level commands. Something has to translate "Pick up the cup" to how to move the arm (what angles the joints should be at) to the hardware commands which actually turn the motors.
There are frameworks which try to provide some amount of this translation, including (but not limited to):
Microsoft Robotics Studio
Lego Mindstorms
However, since robotics research is interested in every layer of the system, there aren't many systems which provide the entire translation stack. If you're looking into getting into robotics, there are several systems which attempt to make this easier (again, a random sample):
Lego Mindstorms
VEX Robotics
Failing that, sites such as Make even provide guides to building robot projects to start from. The challenge is find a project which you are excited about, and go to town!

You should check out Microsoft Robotics Studio (MRS). They have many videos/screencasts, and written tutorials. Additionally, Channel9 has many videos, interviews, etc, on the robitics subject. Including demonstrations, and interviews with developers of MRS.

In most modern robots you would have an Inverse Kinematic model of the mechanism, in this case the arm, that converts the spatial coordinates into positions for the joints of the arm. These joints are usually moved by servo motors. To smoothly move the arm, you need a series of intermediate joint positions defining the path you want the arm to follow. You also have to worry about the velocities of the joints, which together control the speed of the "hand" at the end of the arm.
While the arm is moving your servo system will be getting feedback about its actual position. Simple servo systems may use a basic PID feedback loop to adjust the motors. More complex systems will include feed-forward parameters which compensate for inertia, gravity, friction, and so on. These can become very sophisticated.
The real fun starts when you have to allow for obstacles in the space around the robot. You have to sense the obstacle and figure out how to avoid it and still reach the destination.

I just have to add something about Arduino projects to this because I dont see it mentioned above.
There is a very low bar for entry into the Arduino based robotics projects. The "sketch" programs that you write for the hardware are very easy to pick up and similar to C syntax. If you dont know your transistors from resistors these boards still allow you to do alot with plug-in hardware and additional "shields" that extend the base computer board.
Its very fun, very flexible and something to get your code interacting with the real world. Plus its "Open Hardware" very along the lines of open source software.

Robots will work by interacting with hardware. The bridge from your code is often done through different type of I/O ports. It could simply be a RS232 cable for example (you know those old COM1 ports). Hardware parts will be composed by motors (such as servo motors) and sensors (such as ultrasound to feel obstacles, lasers to get distance or switches).
You don't need to use assembler to do that, there are lots of languages (if not most) that can do it but it requires knowledge on how to interact with hardware. Like writing a driver. It requires at least basic electronics also if you want to build the robot yourself.
If you're interested, I suggest you have a look at this book which is a good primer.
Also, you could try out programming a Basic stamp, it's pretty easy following the tutorials and it will give you a good start on how to build robots. It's not too expensive and you'll be interacting with hardware in no time.
Good luck and have fun!

If you get good enough at programming, you may discover that you don't even actually need a robot to test much of the hardest code you'll need to write... (IE, making a robot see and recognize a scene always fascinated me... But at some point, I realized that the physical robot required for this problem is the easy part... The software is the hard part!)...

Is probably easier to get a more high-level language to describe the robot's behaviors and intelligence and let the low level language to the actions (move arm, walk, stop). There is a lot of research in what is called BDI architecture for intelligent agents, google for it.
You can find more about at this site, it's a DSL for describing agent behavior made in Java. It's called Jason interpreter and the language is AgentSpeak(L).

Find a local FIRST robotics team and volunteer to be a mentor. FIRST is a robotics competition for middle and high school kids. The goal is that the kids do all of the work to build, program, test, and run the robot, but you still will have lots of opportunities to dig in and really learn the software. They are using LabView by National Instruments, and, as of Feb 8, have just begun regional competition for this year. LabView is a graphical programming environment that interfaces with NI hardware to let you program motors, actuators, and sensors. The NI stuff is pretty slick and is pretty easy to use, plus it's provided free to each team, so you don't have to buy the hardware and software yourself (at least to get started.) Plus, you get the added bonus of helping a new generation of engineers get their start.

You would have to have a driver that interfaced with the hardware (most likely a STAMP or FPGA with motors etc...). You would then call the function me.moveLeftArm(x,y); and the driver would know that moveLeftArm() means to move an actuator for X seconds/milliseconds/degrees.
I'm sure that you could find a kit that does robot programming.

If you want a Java alternative, I can recommend the book Linux Robotics. It has a lot of good information about where to get kits, parts, and sensors, as well as complete source code listings in Java.

I share the same itch .. I'm about to buy my first Beagle Board and some sensors / servos that can use the I2C bus. I'm going to be using an event driven design and a crude implementation of fibers (fibrils, if you will) which are userspace threads.
Basically my design calls for one process, which launches one thread per group of servos. Each group manager thread will launch x # of fibrils, 2 per servo (likely). One fibril is used to control the servo, the other fibril handles events from that servo (i.e., an object is just too heavy to pick up, an object was dropped, etc).
The main process has the task of listening for events from everything else and making sure the 'right hand knows what the left hand is doing' while moving forward and negotiating obstacles.
Its going to take me the better part of two years to get something working to the point that I'm proud of it .. but I anticipate many enjoyable evenings getting it to that point.
I will very likely be using a Microkernel, not Linux.
I'm doing this as much to sharpen myself with event driven methods as well as my desire to make my own R2 :)

Start with Phidets if you are familiar with .Net. You can checkout for parts.
The Phidgets interface kit is a good place to start. From there you can get a servo controller and start building things that move.
The Trossen forums are also a good place to review other people's projects. They have a new Data Center with code/project samples too. I don't work for them...just a happy customer.

lots of good answers here. your piece of fantasy code is not far from how you'd do in a higher level language such as C# over MS Robotics Studio. Just keep in mind that even simple things (like "move arm left") are very loaded with "information bias".
down to the metal, a robotic arm is a set of links and [possibly] motorized joints. Therefore "move arm left" (or any point in coordinate) is already a very complex task to compute (look for D&H Table, forward and inverse kinematics for manipulators).
There's also the concept that move arm left assumes there's nothing in that space and a collision won't occur. If the environment is unconstrained, then you need to implement a collision detection system, often based on some sort of sensor (camera) and machine vision algorithms.
In summary, the language and the hardware interfacing are often trivial compared to modeling the system to achieve the desired behavior.

Regarding the last question "how to create a robot", I find starting from looking for a related project in online communities like [Adafruit][1], [][2], or even [glitch][3], or looking for blog posts of someone who have built a robot from scratch, e.g.,, or a product that provides documentations & tutorials for both hardware and software e.g.,


Which ARM Cortex M product line to use?

I am trying to select a particular companies line of ARM Cortex M microprocessors to work with for a project I want to do. Since all the companies license the architecture from ARM Holdings I am wondering how much difference there can be in the hardware between brands? I am thinking the documentation and software productivity and overall experience may be the deciding factor?
I have tried one company and their documentation was lacking! Thousands of pages of fluff about what wonderful stuff they make but very little info on how to use the things.
Mostly I am looking for good documentation. I don't need endless obsolete sample programs that don't compile and use mystery macros and functions! A line that includes a microprocessor with 2 ADC not just multiplexing channels to 1 ADC would be good but I may end up using external ADC.
Would anybody care to say what they recommend and why.
BTW: My history is programming C++, C# in MS Visual Studio for machine tool HMI as well as motion controllers.
Thanks In Advance
Most of your application has nothing to do with ARM and the cortex-m. Each chip vendor adds its own peripherals (or sometimes purchased) around the arm core. Most of your code is talking to peripherals. The processor core doesnt make the chip, the things other than the processor core make the chip.
You need to go do your research, stackoverflow is not about doing it for you. You should be able to find a list of parts with the number of peripherals you want, independent of processor core used. While a particular chip vendor may have different uarts across their product line or different gpios, adcs, etc, you can still get a feel for a vendor without having to look at every part on that list as you narrow in.
No vendor has great docs, some do have bad docs, that is part of the exercise. All of them provide libraries, same deal nobody has great libraries, some have bad ones, but the point of the libraries is to hide the details. You need to do your homework and look at the docs, look at that code, can you live with it can you replace it or repair it, or is it better to move on to another vendor or same vendor and an alternate library.
1% of the job is writing the application the other 99% is reading docs and doing experiments to make the peripherals do what you want them to do.
Same brand or different brands with the same name of processor core doesnt mean anything with respect to portability. If you read the arm docs as you should read any of the processor core docs for whatever parts you are evaluating or choosing, you will see that even if 7 vendors have products with the cortex-m0, that core has compile time and runtime options that each vendor could choose from making either the code or the performance incompatible with other chips using a cortex-m0. But the amount of code that would port anyway is a very very small percentage of your project. Most of your project is the not-processor-core stuff.
Note ARM makes a number of cortex-m cores that are not 100% compatible with each other. If you feel the need to go with an ARM core, then narrow in on the one you want, that will narrow your choices as far as available chips goes.
Built in ADCs are there to save on chips, depending on the specs you want, accuracy or performance, you may very well end up with an external ADC which makes the specific microcontroller less important if the ADC and its specs are your primary requirement.
Software productivity, also has little to nothing to do with the processor core. The vendors are going to cobble together an IDE with a compiler and libraries because folks expect that, doesnt make any of them any good nor productive. The text editor alone goes the way of religion and politics with developers, there is no single editor or environment that is perfect for every developer, developers have their ways of doing things and some are compatible and some are not. Some developers can bend some cant. Very rarely do you have to use the tools they provide.
It is not possible for us to choose your part for you nor is it possible for us to choose your development environment. That is not the purpose of stackoverflow.
The time it took to write your question and wait for an answer thus far you could have looked at all the major vendors docs several times over. I hope you didnt stop after the first one.

how to code for an arm processor

Hey I'm fairly new to coding, I joined a coding club because I have an interest for the growing world of technology. The topics lately have been about computer architecture and in the group we have been talking about ARM processor.
Our club captain notified us of the following:
"Develop a software product for an ARM processor to do a task of your choice. However, before you start the task, you need to send me a paragraph to let me know what you are trying to solve."
Does anyone know of any reference or code examples I could look up? Or any other helpful links
The question does not make a lot of sense. The Arm architecture spans a wide range from fairly small microcontrollers aimed at low power or fast response tasks, mid range devices which are good for set-top-box, camera or router embedded applications, smartphones, right up to server class products.
There are also variants which are designed for safety critical systems, or high reliability.
Each specific application will require different features, but at the level that you are writing code, you are unlikely to appreciate the factors which would help you to chose a device. Is it something portable, or needing a long battery life, or providing secure communication? If you had a specific device which you needed to use, the application would be more obvious (but still very wide).
I am going to give an answer to a generic question- How to code for an arm processor/any processor-
So, the first step is to understand what ISA is! ISA is a manual(for beginners) which the company releases which acts an information source for those who wish to code for their specific processor.(In architecture world, ISA has lot more implications. What I have given is somewhat an oversimplification). Now, I would recommend that you start looking at the ARM ISA. Go through the instructions that ARM supports, understand all the features in ARM, understand the state of the machine,registers, addressing modes, etc. Get a good understanding of what your version of ARM specifically supports(NEON, Thumb, Vectors(?)).
Once you have a hang of the ISA, the next step is to decide what you want to build since now you are aware what all your processor is capable of doing. You know your limitations as well. So, now will be a good time to come up with an idea.
Now, the next step is setting up your environment. Read the specs of the board which you will be using. Set up the environment. Know the compilers/assembler. Know what flags they support.
Finally, write a simple basic assembly code. Write a code to add two numbers. I usually follow this convention- For Assembly, I write addition of two numbers as my first code. For High Level(C,C++, Java), I write HelloWorld. Execute your code and observe the output. I recommend that for the first code, you step into your debugger and observe the state of the machine after every instruction. (Keep the ISA handy).
Slowly, up your game. Write codes with functions, strings,etc. Finally, get yourself some fun stuff and learn to interface them.(LEDs, LCDs, Sensors, Camera).

Are there any ARM based systems/emulators with a graphical frame buffer that allow for (relatively) legacy-free Assembly programming?

I am looking for a modern system to do some bare bones Assembly programming (for fun/learning) that does not have the legacy burden of x86 platforms (where you still have to deal with BIOS, switching to protected mode, VESA horrors to be able to output pixels to the screen in modern resolutions/colordepths etc.). Do such systems even exist? I suspect it is not even possible today to do low-level graphics programming without dealing with proprietary hardware.
qemu is likely what you want if you dont want to have to build that stuff in. You wont get as much visibility as to what is going on in the guts of it.
For hardware, beagleboard (dont get the old one get the new one with reasonable connectors, etc), or the open-rd board. I was disappointed with the plug computer thing. The hawkboard I like better than the beagleboard, but am concerned about the big banner about a pcb design problem. The raspberry pi will be out at some point and will also provide what you are looking for. Note that for beagleboard, etc, you dont have to run linux or anything like that, you can write your own binary and xmodem it over or use the network and then just run it, not a problem at all.
The stellaris eval boards all/most have oled displays, monochrome and small but graphics, not sure how much you were after.
earth-lcd used to have an arm based board with a decent sized panel on it.
there is of course the gameboy advance and the nintendo ds. flash/developer cartridges are under $20. the gba is better to start with IMO, as the nds is like two gbas competing for shared resources and a little confusing. with a ez flash cartridge (open source software to program), was easy to put a bootloader on the gba and for like another $20 create a serial cable, I have a serial based bootloader for loading the programs. If you have an interest in this path start with the visual boy advance emulator to get your feet wet and see how you feel about the platform.
If you go to there are likely a number of boards that either already have lcd connectors that you would mate up with a display or definitely displays and breakout boards that you could connect to a number of microcontroller development boards. Other than the insanely painful blue leds, and the implication that there is 64KB (there is but non-linear 32KB+16+16) the mbed board is nice, up to 100mhz, cortex-m3. I have some mbed samples at github as well that walk you through building an arm binary too boot an arm from flash for those that have not done it (and want to learn that rather than call some apis in a sandbox).
the armmite pro and the maple (sparkfun) are arm based arduino footprint platforms, so for example you can get the color lcd shield or the gameduino
There is the open pandora project. I was quite dissappointed with the experience, after over a year paid another fee to get the unit and it failed within a few minutes. Sent it back and I need to check my credit card statement, maybe we took the return and give it to someone who wants it path. I have used the gamepark gp32 and gpx2, but not the wiz, the gpx2 was fine other than some memory I/O problem in the chip that caused chaotic timing. the thing would run just fine but memory performance was all over the map and non-deterministic. the gp32 is not what you are looking for but the gpx2 might be, finding connectors for a serial cable might be more difficult now that the cell phone cable folks used to cut up is not as readily available.
gen 1 ipod nanos can still be had easily, as well as the older gen ipod classics. easy to homebrew, the lcd panels are easy to get at. grayscale only, maybe only black and white I dont remember. All the programming info is had from the ipodlinux folks.
I have not tried it yet but the barns and noble folks are homebrew friendly or as friendly as anyone on that scale has been so far. the nook color can easily be turned into a generic android device, so I assume that also means you could develop homebrew on the metal, not sure though, have not studied it.
You might look at always innovating, my experience with them was similar to the open pandora folks. These folks started with a modified beagleboard in a box with a display and batteries, then added a couple more products, any one of them should be very open, and homebrew friendly so you can write whatever level you want, boot and run on the metal, no problem. For the original product it was one of those wait for several months things.
I am hoping the raspberry pi becomes the next beagleboard but better.
BTW all hardware is proprietary, it is just a matter of whether they choose to provide programming information or not. vesa came about because no two vendors did it the same way, and that has not changed, you have to still read the dataseets and programmers reference manuals. But as you can see above I have only scratched the surface, and covered the sub or close to $100 items. If you are willing to pay in the thousands of dollars that greatly opens the door to graphics based development platforms that are well documented and relatively sandbox free. many are arm based since arm is the choice for phones, etc and these are phone-like, tablet-like, eval platforms.
The Android emulator is such a beast; it runs a linux kernel and driver stack (including /dev/fb) that one can log into via the android debugger bridge, and run (statically linked) arm-linux-eabi applications. Framebuffer access is possible; see example.
The meta-question rather is, what do you mean by "low-level" graphics programming; no emulator is going to expose all the register and chip state complexity that's behind a modern graphics chip pipeline. But simple framebuffer contents manipulation (pixel buffer access) is surely simple enough, as is experimenting with software rendering in ARM assembly.
Of course, things that you can do with the Android emulator you can also do with cheap physical ARM hardware, like the beagleboard and similar. Real complexity only begins when you want to access "advanced" things - that's anything accelerated functionality beyond just reading/writing framebuffer contents.
New Answer
I recently came across this while looking for emulators to run NetBSD on, but there's a project called GXemul that provides a full-system computer architecture emulation with support for a variety of virtual devices and CPUs. The primary and most up-to-date core looks to be MIPS-based, but it also lists support for emulating the ARM architecture. It even includes an integrated debugger and it sounds like you can just assemble your code into a raw binary with some bootstrapping code and boot it as a kernel inside the emulator from the commandline.
Previous Answer
This isn't an emulator, but if you're interested in having a complete, ARM-based computer that you can develop whatever you want on that doesn't cost much, you should keep an eye on the Raspberry Pi project. They're very close to selling a complete, tiny, low-power ARM-based computer for $25 a piece. It has USB ports, ethernet, video out, and an SD card reader, and can boot Linux, although in your case you'd probably want to boot your own code and access the hardware directly.
EDIT: Looks like Erik already mentioned it.

Place to get software for embedded components?

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a place on the web that I can purchase or download software modules, written in C or C++, for the interaction between microprocessors and other components, like DACs, ADCs, or UARTs. Sort of like a git-hub for embedded C software. Does this place exist?
You're possibly looking for something called a 'board support package' or BSP. For a given operating system it will have a collection of drivers / libraries to help you communicate with the hardware component.
Saying that, some standard hardware interfaces for e.g. 16550 Uart might have drivers that come with the OS.
You might also want to take a look at Jean Labrosse's "Embedded Systems Building Blocks" book. It has some straight C libraries for dealing with UARTs, Analog I/O, timers, etc.
Of course, you do still need to wire them up to the actual chip's hardware implementation (as other answers have indicated, you can usually get libs to help with that from the chip vendors), but they can be a convenient wrapper to let you more easily move your higher level software from one device to another. There's no earth-shattering stuff that would be particularly difficult to do on your own, but it's there for the taking, so why not? Even if it's not exactly what you might want, it's a leg up.
Normally the device manufacturer will supply you with a libc that you can use for all the low-level stuff.
first, decide which chip manufacturer to go for... next, go to their official site or contact them, you would get the libs for the supported IO's and other communication stuffs.
Ok what about for TI? BSPs are something I'm aware of, but they dont' really exist for software that exists below the O/S level.
2nd, lets say I wanted to wanted software to make the TI MSP430 Microcontroller talk to DAC7565. I realy can't find software that relates those two in any reliable way.
I'm talking about a complete software package, something equivalent to a gem in Ruby, where I could call functions like "OutputVoltage(unsigned int voltage, unsinged int channel)" and be oblivious to the hardware implementation.
#nobugz Yes, I agree, but that is awfully restraining. C should be like Ruby where you can only focus on what you want to do, not having to spend time restricting yourself because of the availability of software...
I'm not, I am a software engineer with an engineering firm who custom design their own boards. I just can't believe that across the entire world and the entire history of software engineering that I am the first person who needs to interface this microcontroller and this DAC. SO therefore it must exist someplace. Maybe I can't get my hands on it but someone, somewhere has done it before.
I'm a very young engineer, but it just seems like there are hundreds or thousands of guys who end up writing the same software again and again. And on top of that, since there are plenty of software engineers who are terribly good at abstraction and reuse, I'm willing to bet there are plenty of engineers who end up re-writing the same software time and time again because the software they write is way too tightly coupled to that specific application.
Just seems like a giant waste of engineering hours.
Did you check the application notes on the A/D vendor's web site? They very often have C code. The problem with assembly language code is that there are so many different ADC and microprocessor vendors and so many different ways to wire up the chip that they can't provide a general purpose library. Also, a programmer may want to poll the end-of-conversion flag or allow the chip to interrupt when the conversion is complete. It is very application specific. Your best hope is that the vendor has some example code that will serve as a guide for how to use the chip. The good news is that user's manuals for these peripherals are a lot better than they were 20 years ago.
Also, the vendor probably has application engineers who will help you with your design.

Programming on a Nintendo DS

I was reading this answer previously and it got me interested in purchasing a Nintendo DS Lite for learning to program embedded devices. Before I go out and splurge on a DS I had a few questions:
Are there any restrictions on what you can program? The post I indicated earlier seemed to say there weren't, but clarification would be nice.
Would I be better off buying an arduino (or similar) and going that route? I like the DS because it already has a lot of hardware built in.
I'm thinking of getting a CycloDS Evo card, is there a better option for homebrew?
What are the best resources to learn about DS development?
Thanks for your time, If you have a DS and program on it, I'd love you hear your opinion, or alternatively if you have a better idea, I'd like to hear it too.
Thanks =]
No, there really isn't much of a
limitation beyond that of the
hardware, and even that can be
overcome with enough effort. Quake
has been ported to DS, for example,
and particle games that utilize both
processors have been made. There
has also been discussion on how to
make higher quality 3D scenes using
a double pass renderer. There are
multiple resources on the Nintendo
DS section of the GBADev
would say that the DS is an
excellent route to embedded systems
development; there is a large and
active community that is willing to
answer questions and give support,
and there is so much hardware built
straight into the thing. It saves
you the time of building a system to
test on.
The CycloDS Evolution is a
good card and is fairly common, so
it shouldn't be difficult - if
necessary at all - to make your homebrew compatable with
other cards. However, be aware that
other popular choices are the M3
line and the R4 line, which are
pretty much the same thing. I have
a TTDS, and it works well, but not
out of the box. I would reccommend
the other three mentioned.
As for
beginning DS devving, I would
reccommend looking at the basic
examples found in the examples folder of devkitPro and reading the GBA
which covers many of the concepts
that are used in both GBA and DS
development. A more DS oriented
tutorial, Patater's
Introduction to Nintendo DS
will help beginners get on their way
in the DS world. There is also a very comprehensive documentation
spec for the GBA and DS known as
I've done a little programming on the DS Lite about 1 year ago. The major hardware limitation that I had was working with the WiFi hardware. I found that DS-DS communication was not possible with the homebrew libraries at the time. I am not sure if that has changed. I also found that you could not form an Ad-Hoc connection to another device. I had to connect to an 802.11b network in infrastructure mode and the SSID had to be broadcast.
For developing I used
PALib (helper libraries):
DevKitPro (toolchain):
no$gba (DS Emulator) -
Supercard Lite (hardware to run homebrew applications) -
I don't recommend the Supercard Lite as it required use of the GBA and DS slot of the DS. At the time this was the only option. There are now DS slot only solutions such as the R4. I have a friend who is using the R4 and has pretty good success with it, though I have not used it myself.
I haven't done any programming on the DS, but I have done some development on the GBA (Game Boy Advanced). If what you're looking to do is learn how to program embedded devices, that might be a good option for you (and certainly a cheaper one). There's even a free book you can get online: Programming the Nintendo Gameboy Advanced. I suggest the GBA because, as I've seen, there are a lot more resources online for learning how to program for it. One drawback is that it doesn't have wifi, which means you won't be able to do as many cool things as you would for the DS, but it's certainly a start!
Can't say anything about 1,2, or 3. but the resource I use for GBA programming also has DS info: (and this is a deep down technical spec document, but I like it for that)
Also: for the compilers and stuff.
The restrictions are hardware restrictions - there's 4Mb of RAM, the 3D hardware can handle X polys per frame and so on. Aside from that, it's just a bunch of hardware that you can do what you want with. The toolchain supports C/C++ and assembler (ARM).
The variety of hardware is why I like it too. Getting to grips with each piece of the puzzle is what makes the DS a fun - each bit of hardware has it's own set of tricks for getting the most out of it.
Don't have one myself, so I guess just check here. Looks nice though. Edit: The only nit I would pick with it is that you'll be swapping the SD card between PC and NDS a lot, whereas a cart with an onboard USB socket would give you slightly faster turnaround.
The best resources are the libnds examples, and then the gbadev forums.
I just got a CycloDS Evolution the other day, and I am loving it! DSOrganize is like a mini-OS which adds a bunch of stuff I was wishing the DS came with, like an actual calendar app!
To address Mike F's #3, there is actually an FTP server for DS, which you can use to transfer files to your DS wirelessly. I haven't tried it myself though, since my network uses WPA and the DS only seems to support WEP.
Honestly, I found the Nintendo DS and the homebrew community while I was attending an Embedded Systems course in college, and I realized the similarities between the ATmega32-based kit I was programming for the class and the hardware-level development of the Nintendo DS via libnds, and I was hooked.
Personally, I've come from a strong C++ background, but being able to walk around with something in my pocket that I've programmed has been a goal of mine since I first got my hands on a TI-83 Plus calculator... I'm now able to realize that goal due to the Nintendo DS.
Anyway, I hope you have as much fun getting into DS development as I have over the past months, and I wish you luck on your endeavors.
I have done both, more GBA than DS. I would recommend GBA first then moving up to DS because it doubles the complication. The ezflash V gba sized 3 in 1 is a good card. I have a bootloader for the gba that I wrote to the card using an NDS and a program that I downloaded that I cant remember the name of off hand. Once the bootloader was working a serial cable and lets me debug programs as well as load them into ram. that card also allows you to load into ram on the card and run from there taking advantage of the prefetch buffer and a bigger program. For the NDS I have tried many of the cards. The cyclods is good for day to day use, but for development not so much. I think I liked the Acekard 2 better, or the R4. think about the number of times you pull the card out and pull the sd card out and load it into a computer. Very painful you want a card with an sd card slot you can get at without having to pull the slot0 card out. the cyclods is not it. A very good card though for the NDS. I dont think it works on the NDSi where the acekard 2 does. For both nds and gba you can get your feet wet with simulators like visualboyadvance, they are not completely accurate and very common that programs that work on the simulator will not work on real hardware, programs that work on real hardware will usually work on the simulator though. removing the development card, reprogramming, and replacing is very painful, bootloaders, wifi, or any other way you can avoid that is well worth it.
Arduinos are fun and interesting, the lilypad and the usb to serial thing is the one I recommend, no soldering required and you can start using for not a big investment. I like the armmite pro better, arduino like footprint but arm based (the only lpc I would buy, not an lpc fan right now). And you dont need to buy the serial thing, just a normal usb cable and a jumper (well maybe a paper clip until you solder on a jumper). I just ordered two more and so far my code that erased the as-shipped flash and allowed me to load whatever I want isnt working, gotta go figure that out. I continue to be very pleased with the olimex sam7-h64 and h256 (header board at91sam7s256), as with the avr atmel is very developer friendly with good docs. Sparkfun is a good place to find all of the above in the USA. Sam-ba now has a linux version if you use linux as I do, the windows version had been there for a while, fairly easy to erase and reprogram, much easier than a ds or gba, on par with the arduino or armmite pro or similar.
Formerly luminary micro now ti stellaris has some good boards. like the gba/nds but unlike the other boards I mentioned there are displays and other peripherals to play with, usb is all you need to program. thumb mode only though. GBA prefers thumb mode for performance but can go either way. nds, I dont remember, never got so far as to understand the width of the busses and their timing. Knowing Nintendo and their cheapness thumb is probably better/faster. the lm3s811 eval board was too easy to brick, the 1968 is not a bad one. I dont like that they were pushing developers away from the source and into pre-built libraries tailored to the rtos and specific compiler suite.
