Inventory database design [closed] - database

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This is a question not really about "programming" (is not specific to any language or database), but more of design and architecture. It's also a question of the type "What the best way to do X". I hope does no cause to much "religious" controversy.
In the past I have developed systems that in one way or another, keep some form of inventory of items (not relevant what items). Some using languages/DB's that do not support transactions. In those cases I opted not to save item quantity on hand in a field in the item record. Instead the quantity on hand is calculated totaling inventory received - total of inventory sold. This has resulted in almost no discrepancies in inventory because of software. The tables are properly indexed and the performance is good. There is a archiving process in case the amount of record start to affect performance.
Now, few years ago I started working in this company, and I inherited a system that tracks inventory. But the quantity is saved in a field. When an entry is registered, the quantity received is added to the quantity field for the item. When an item is sold, the quantity is subtracted. This has resulted in discrepancies. In my opinion this is not the right approach, but the previous programmers here swear by it.
I would like to know if there is a consensus on what's the right way is to design such system. Also what resources are available, printed or online, to seek guidance on this.

I have seen both approaches at my current company and would definitely lean towards the first (calculating totals based on stock transactions).
If you are only storing a total quantity in a field somewhere, you have no idea how you arrived at that number. There is no transactional history and you can end up with problems.
The last system I wrote tracks stock by storing each transaction as a record with a positive or negative quantity. I have found it works very well.

The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 1: A Library of Universal Data Models for All Enterprises
The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 2: A Library of Data Models for Specific Industries
The Data Model Resource Book: Universal Patterns for Data Modeling
I have Vol 1 and Vol 2 and these have been pretty helpful in the past.

It depends, inventory systems are about far more than just counting items. For example, for accounting purposes, you might need to know accounting value of inventory based on FIFO (First-in-First-out) model. That can't be calculated by simple "totaling inventory received - total of inventory sold" formula. But their model might calculate this easily, because they modify accounting value as they go. I don't want to go into details because this is not programming issue but if they swear by it, maybe you didn't understand fully all their requirements they have to accommodate.

both are valid, depending on the circumstances. The former is best when the following conditions hold:
the number of items to sum is relatively small
there are few or no exceptional cases to consider (returns, adjustments, et al)
the inventory item quantity is not needed very often
on the other hand, if you have a large number of items, several exceptional cases, and frequent access, it will be more efficient to maintain the item quantity
also note that if your system has discrepancies then it has bugs which should be tracked down and eliminated
i have done systems both ways, and both ways can work just fine - as long as you don't ignore the bugs!

It's important to consider the existing system and the cost and risk of changing it. I work with a database that stores inventory kind of like yours does, but it includes audit cycles and stores adjustments just like receipts. It seems to work well, but everyone involved is well trained, and the warehouse staff aren't exactly quick to learn new procedures.
In your case, if you're looking for a little more tracking without changing the whole db structure then I'd suggest adding a tracking table (kind of like from your 'transaction' solution) and then log changes to the inventory level. It shouldn't be too hard to update most changes to the inventory level so that they also leave a transaction record. You could also add a periodic task to backup the inventory level to the transaction table every couple hours or so so that even if you miss a transaction you can discover when the change happened or roll back to a previous state.
If you want to see how a large application does it take a look at SugarCRM, they have and inventory management module though I'm not sure how it stores the data.

I think this is actually a general best-practices question about doing a (relatively) expensive count every time you need a total vs. doing that count every time something changes, then storing the count in a field and reading that field whenever you need a total.
If I couldn't use transactions, I would go with the live count every time I needed a total. If transactions are available, it would be safe to perform the inventory update operations and the saving of the re-counted total within the same transaction, which would ensure the accuracy of the count (although I'm not sure this would work with multiple users hitting the database).
But if performance is not really a huge problem (and modern databases are good enough at counting rows that I would rarely even worry about this) I'd just stick with the live count each time.

I would opt for the first way, where
the quantity on hand is calculated
totaling inventory received - total of
inventory sold
The Right Way, IMO.
EDIT: I would also want to factor in any stock losses/damages into the system, but I'm sure you have that covered.

I've worked on systems that solve this problem before. I think the ideal solution is a precomputed column, which gets you the best of both worlds. Your total would be a field somewhere, thus no expensive lookups, but it can't get out of sync with the rest of your data (the database maintains the integrity). I don't remember which RDMSs support precomputed columns, but if you don't have transactions, that might not be available either.
You could potentially fake precomputed columns (very effectively... I see no downside) using triggers. You'd probably need transactions though. IMHO, keeping data integrity when you're doing this sort of controlled denormalization is the only legitimate use for a trigger.

Django-inventory geared more to fixed assets, but might give you some ideas.
IE: ItemTemplate (class) -> ItemsOnHand (instance)
ItemsOnHand can be linked to more ItemTemplates; Example Printer & the ink cartridges is requires. This also allows to set Reorder points for each ItemOnHand.
Each ItemsOnHand is linked to InventoryTransactions, this allows for easy auditing.
To avoid calculating actual on hand items from thousand of invetory transactions, checkpoints are used which are just a balance + a date. To calculate items on hand query to find the most recent checkpoint and start adding or substracting items to find the current balance of items. Define new checkpoints periodically.

I can see some benefit to having the two columns, but I'm not following the part about discrepancies - you seem to be implying that having the two columns (in and out) is less prone to discrepancy than a single column (current). Why is that?

Is not having one or two columns, what I meant with "totaling inventory received - total of inventory sold" is something like this:
Select sum(quantity) as inventory_received from Inventory_entry
Select sum(quantity) as inventory_sold from Sales_items
Qunatity_on_hand = inventory_received - inventory_sold
Please keep in mind that I oversimplified this and my initial explanation. I know there is much more to inventory that just keeping track of quantities, but in this case that's were the problem lies and what we want to fix. At this point the reason to change it is preciselly the cost of supporting the problems caused by the current design.
Also I wanted to mention that although this is not a "coding" question is related to algoritms and design which IMHO are very important topics.
Thanks everybody for your answers so far.
Nelson Marmol

We solve different problems, but our approach to some of them might be interesting to you.
We allow the system to make a "best guess", and give the users regular feedback about any of those guesses that look wrong.
To apply this to inventory, you could have 3 fields:
Then, you could run a process (daily?) along the lines of:
FROM Inventory
WHERE estimated_on_hand != inventory_received - inventory_sold
Of course, this relies on users looking at this alert, and doing something about it.
Also, you could have a function to reset inventory some how, either by updating inventory_sold/received, or perhaps adding another field "inventory_adjustment", which could be positive or negative.
... just some thoughts. Hope it's helpful.


db design: efficiency consideration when adding an intermediate class into a Many-Many relationship

I understand an intermediate class is often introduced to capture information in a situation where for example, a team has many players, and a player plays for many teams over the years. The intermediate class introduced is contract with cardinality as shown:
Team -1----N- Contract -N----1- Player
Let's say however that 98% of all queries only want current information and don't care about historical information. Given the name of a player, they want to know information about his current team, and perhaps current contract.
Given the above relationship, should all the contracts always be looked through to find the current one first, and then from there access information about the team? Or should an optimization be made with direct linkage between the player and his current team?
If it is assured that there is only one team for each player at given time, you just add
currentTeam column to the Player table and that's it. But remember you must update it every time you update the Contracts table! And it must be done within the transaction, so that the database is kept consistent at any time.
You violate some normal form this way, but you know what and why you are doing that - for efficiency and optimization. I do this trick many times.
This seems to be under the context of some kind of ORM, so I'll run with that. (Even if it isn't, keep reading.)
Objects are useful for modeling complex operations. For example, adding a new Contract causes all sorts of crazy things to happen to both the Team, the Players, and various PayChecks (I made the last one up, but you get the point). This is the perfect kind of thing to be handled in code than in, say, a hideously complex T-SQL stored procedure.
But when it comes to querying, I find that it often makes sense to write a view/SQL statement/projection that is shamelessly tailored to the set of information that you need to perform a function. As long as you do this for reading data, and not for writing it, then you're not really subverting your object model; you are just looking at it a different way, and you're just making a pragmatic observation that most of the time, you only need the information from a IPlayerCurrentContractQuery and not the whole list of Contracts within the Player. Since it is a method that is called a bajillion times, you've written an integration test to make sure that the SQL produces correct results, and you've looked closely at its query plan to make sure that it's not doing awful things like table scans to the database. This commonly-used screen in your app is fast and everyone is happy.
One could make the case that creating such a separate query is a premature optimization, but it probably isn't. I mean, if a player usually only has a few Contracts, then it might not be worth separating out the query and interface. Sucking down all of the Contracts from the database to loop through them and pluck out the current one is going to perform worse than selecting the right one from the database first, but if it's just a handful of Contracts, then a "yeah I'm fully aware it's kinda dumb but it's fast enough" approach is probably good enough, just move on. But if these Contracts stretch back years or are large objects, then separating out the query becomes a no-brainer.
If that starts performing badly because of the joins (which is unlikely unless you start seeing significant traffic), then you add a cache. And if that doesn't work due to lots of writes, then you can start denormalizing your database by adding a direct reference. But unless you are writing the next Facebook of baseball then YAGNI, and at that point you're sharding across servers and throwing away most of the benefits of the relational model anyway so who cares.
A similar situation is posed in my answer to this question.
(If this question isn't about ORM, and really is just about modeling how the tables are designed, then you make sure that you have an index that covers the query that selects the current contract--such as start and stop dates--and you are pretty much done unless you have really exceptional scaling requirements as mentioned above. If you're writing a particular set of joins very often, then you might write a function or stored procedure to remove the boilerplate.)
That's my brain dump. Hope this helps!
Given the above relationship, should all the contracts always be
looked through to find the current one first, and then from there
access information about the team?
A modern query optimizer will use the most selective index first. Assuming that player_id is in that index in a usable position, the optimizer will probably find all the rows for that player first--and there won't be many, right?--then do another index scan on the contract dates to find the current contract.
If I were you, I'd create a view that returns only the "current" rows. Let application code run against that view.

Designing a database with periodic sensor data

I'm designing a PostgreSQL database that takes in readings from many sensor sources. I've done a lot of research into the design and I'm looking for some fresh input to help get me out of a rut here.
To be clear, I am not looking for help describing the sources of data or any related metadata. I am specifically trying to figure out how to best store data values (eventually of various types).
The basic structure of the data coming in is as follows:
For each data logging device, there are several channels.
For each channel, the logger reads data and attaches it to a record with a timestamp
Different channels may have different data types, but generally a float4 will suffice.
Users should (through database functions) be able to add different value types, but this concern is secondary.
Loggers and channels will also be added through functions.
The distinguishing characteristic of this data layout is that I've got many channels associating data points to a single record with a timestamp and index number.
Now, to describe the data volume and common access patterns:
Data will be coming in for about 5 loggers, each with 48 channels, for every minute.
The total data volume in this case will be 345,600 readings per day, 126 million per year, and this data needs to be continually read for the next 10 years at least.
More loggers & channels will be added in the future, possibly from physically different types of devices but hopefully with similar storage representation.
Common access will include querying similar channel types across all loggers and joining across logger timestamps. For example, get channel1 from logger1, channel4 from logger2, and do a full outer join on logger1.time = logger2.time.
I should also mention that each logger timestamp is something that is subject to change due to time adjustment, and will be described in a different table showing the server's time reading, the logger's time reading, transmission latency, clock adjustment, and resulting adjusted clock value. This will happen for a set of logger records/timestamps depending on retrieval. This is my motivation for RecordTable below but otherwise isn't of much concern for now as long as I can reference a (logger, time, record) row from somewhere that will change the timestamps for associated data.
I have considered quite a few schema options, the most simple resembling a hybrid EAV approach where the table itself describes the attribute, since most attributes will just be a real value called "value". Here's a basic layout:
RecordTable DataValueTable
---------- --------------
[PK] id <-- [FK] record_id
[FK] logger_id [FK] channel_id
record_number value
Considering that logger_id, record_number, and logger_time are unique, I suppose I am making use of surrogate keys here but hopefully my justification of saving space is meaningful here. I have also considered adding a PK id to DataValueTable (rather than the PK being record_id and channel_id) in order to reference data values from other tables, but I am trying to resist the urge to make this model "too flexible" for now. I do, however, want to start getting data flowing soon and not have to change this part when extra features or differently-structured-data need to be added later.
At first, I was creating record tables for each logger and then value tables for each channel and describing them elsewhere (in one place), with views to connect them all, but that just felt "wrong" because I was repeating the same thing so many times. I guess I'm trying to find a happy medium between too many tables and too many rows, but partitioning the bigger data (DataValueTable) seems strange because I'd most likely be partitioning on channel_id, so each partition would have the same value for every row. Also, partitioning in that regard would require a bit of work in re-defining the check conditions in the main table every time a channel is added. Partitioning by date is only applicable to the RecordTable, which isn't really necessary considering how relatively small it will be (7200 rows per day with the 5 loggers).
I also considered using the above with partial indexes on channel_id since DataValueTable will grow very large but the set of channel ids will remain small-ish, but I am really not certain that this will scale well after many years. I have done some basic testing with mock data and the performance is only so-so, and I want it to remain exceptional as data volume grows. Also, some express concern with vacuuming and analyzing a large table, and dealing with a large number of indexes (up to 250 in this case).
On a very small side note, I will also be tracking changes to this data and allowing for annotations (e.g. a bird crapped on the sensor, so these values were adjusted/marked etc), so keep that in the back of your mind when considering the design here but it is a separate concern for now.
Some background on my experience/technical level, if it helps to see where I'm coming from: I am a CS PhD student, and I work with data/databases on a regular basis as part of my research. However, my practical experience in designing a robust database for clients (this is part of a business) that has exceptional longevity and flexible data representation is somewhat limited. I think my main problem now is I am considering all the angles of approach to this problem instead of focusing on getting it done, and I don't see a "right" solution in front of me at all.
So In conclusion, I guess these are my primary queries for you: if you've done something like this, what has worked for you? What are the benefits/drawbacks I'm not seeing of the various designs I've proposed here? How might you design something like this, given these parameters and access patterns?
I'll be happy to provide clarification/details where needed, and thanks in advance for being awesome.
It is no problem at all to provide all this in a Relational database. PostgreSQL is not enterprise class, but it is certainly one of the better freeware SQLs.
To be clear, I am not looking for help describing the sources of data or any related metadata. I am specifically trying to figure out how to best store data values (eventually of various types).
That is your biggest obstacle. Contrary to program design, which allows decomposition and isolated analysis/design of components, databases need to be designed as a single unit. Normalisation and other design techniques need to consider both the whole, and the component in context. The data, the descriptions, the metadata have to be evaluated together, not as separate parts.
Second, when you start off with surrogate keys, implying that you know the data, and how it relates to other data, it prevents you from genuine modelling of the data.
I have answered a very similar set of questions, coincidentally re very similar data. If you could read those answers first, it would save us both a lot of typing time on your question/answer.
Answer One/ID Obstacle
Answer Two/Main
Answer Three/Historical
I did something like this with seismic data for a petroleum exploration company.
My suggestion would be to store the meta-data in a database, and keep the sensor data in flat files, whatever that means for your computer's operating system.
You would have to write your own access routines if you want to modify the sensor data. Actually, you should never modify the sensor data. You should make a copy of the sensor data with the modifications so that you can show later what changes were made to the sensor data.

Serializing data into a single text field - denormalization gone too far?

I'd love some opinions on whether this database design I'm currently pursuing is sound or not.
Lets assume I'm building a table called "Home", this table has a text field called "rooms". In this field is the serialized data for a set of rooms that this house has. My first instinct was to, of course, normalize this data into a separate "Rooms" table. However, due to some frustrating experiences with overly normalized databases in the past, I stopped to ask myself a few questions:
Will I ever need to find a specific room?
Will I ever need to update an individual room?
Will any Home records ever share Room records?
The answer to each of these questions is "no". Room records are all unique to each Home. Queries will never need to be performed to find out how many Homes in the database have bathrooms, for instance. Data will always be pulled from the perspective of the Home. The number of bedrooms and bathrooms will be explicitly stored on the Home record for searching.
So instead of having to constantly join Rooms, I wondered what would be the harm in serializing this data and just popping it into a text field.
This makes a lot of sense to me, but I'm hoping for a sanity check. Thanks for any input!
A pragmatic answer...
a) probability that you might want to decompose it in the future
b) benefit of not doing so now
c) cost of changing the schema later on.
If a * c > b then you should decompose now.
Well, you might not have a need TODAY to query to find out things like:
What is the average number of bathrooms in a home in Ohio?
Where do homes have more bedrooms? The East Coast or the West Coast?
How does house price correlate with the size of the master bedroom? What would be the average dollar value return of increasing the master bedroom size by 30%?
etc, etc.
You will be in a much better position in the future if you design your foundation correctly to begin with... no matter how enticing the short-cut may seem right now.
Plus, with a separate ROOMS table, you will be able to add additional room fields that make sense later (like width/height, color, floor level, etc.) which would all be very hard if the data were just globbed into a single field.
People will want to query in unexpected ways, like:
I have bad knees. Can you list houses with the master bedroom and master bathroom on the first floor?
In general, having a ROOMS table will just make your application more powerful, and easier to use.
Hey, I get what you're saying about "overly normalized data". We've all been there, and it DOES bite. However, having a ROOMS table in a database with housing info isn't being "overly normalized". It's just building the app the right way.
In addition to what others have said about doing the right thing, I would like to add a comment about performance.
Since you will be storing the serialized room data as a column in table Home, the row size will increase significantly. This will result in worse performance for all other queries.
Well, you say that room records are unique, but you can't enforce that. So you have no way to know this for sure in your current design: all your code should be perfect in representing this.
"constantly joining" isn't that hard to do, but if it is, you can always make a View for that, and you're done.

Designing tables for storing various requirements and stats for multiplayer game

Original Question:
I am creating very simple hobby project - browser based multiplayer game. I am stuck at designing tables for storing information about quest / skill requirements.
For now, I designed my tables in following way:
table user (basic information about users)
table stat (variety of stats)
table user_stats (connecting each user with stats)
Another example:
table monsters (basic information about npc enemies)
table monster_stats (connecting monsters with stats, using the same stat table from above)
Those were the simple cases. I must admit, that I am stuck while designing requirements for different things, e.g quests. Sample quest A might have only minimum character level requirement (and that is easy to implement) - but another one, quest B has multitude of other reqs (finished quests, gained skills, possessing specific items, etc) - what is a good way of designing tables for storing this kind of information?
In a similar manner - what is an efficient way of storing information about skill requirements? (specific character class, min level, etc).
I would be grateful for any help or information about creating database driven games.
Thank You for the answers, yet I would like to receive more. As I am having some problems designing an rather complicated database layout for craftable items, I am starting a max bounty for this question.
I would like to receive links to articles / code snippets / anything connected with best practices of designing databases for storing game data (an good example of this kind of information is availibe on
I would be grateful for any help.
I'll edit this to add as many other pertinent issues as I can, although I wish the OP would address my comment above. I speak from several years as a professional online game developer and many more years as a hobbyist online game developer, for what it's worth.
Online games imply some sort of persistence, which means that you have broadly two types of data - one is designed by you, the other is created by the players in the course of play. Most likely you are going to store both in your database. Make sure you have different tables for these and cross-reference them properly via the usual database normalisation rules. (eg. If your player crafts a broadsword, you don't create an entire new row with all the properties of a sword. You create a new row in the player_items table with the per-instance properties, and refer to the broadsword row in the item_types table which holds the per-itemtype properties.) If you find a row of data is holding some things that you designed and some things that the player is changing during play, you need to normalise it out into two tables.
This is really the typical class/instance separation issue, and applies to many things in such games: a goblin instance doesn't need to store all the details of what it means to be a goblin (eg. green skin), only things pertinent to that instance (eg. location, current health). Some times there is a subtlety to the act of construction, in that instance data needs to be created based on class data. (Eg. setting a goblin instance's starting health based upon a goblin type's max health.) My advice is to hard-code these into your code that creates the instances and inserts the row for it. This information only changes rarely since there are few such values in practice. (Initial scores of depletable resources like health, stamina, mana... that's about it.)
Try and find a consistent terminology to separate instance data from type data - this will make life easier later when you're patching a live game and trying not to trash the hard work of your players by editing the wrong tables. This also makes caching a lot easier - you can typically cache your class/type data with impunity because it only ever changes when you, the designer, pushes new data up there. You can run it through memcached, or consider loading it all at start up time if your game has a continuous process (ie. is not PHP/ASP/CGI/etc), etc.
Remember that deleting anything from your design-side data is risky once you go live, since player-generated data may refer back to it. Test everything thoroughly locally before deploying to the live server because once it's up there, it's hard to take it down. Consider ways to be able to mark rows of such data as removed in a safe fashion - maybe a boolean 'live' column which, if set to false, means it just won't show up in the typical query. Think about the impact on players if you disable items they earned (and doubly if these are items they paid for).
The actual crafting side can't really be answered without knowing how you want to design your game. The database design must follow the game design. But I'll run through a trivial idea. Maybe you will want to be able to create a basic object and then augment it with runes or crystals or whatever. For that, you just need a one-to-many relationship between item instance and augmentation instance. (Remember, you might have item type and augmentation type tables too.) Each augmentation can specify a property of an item (eg. durability, max damage done in combat, weight) and a modifier (typically as a multiplier, eg. 1.1 to add a 10% bonus). You can see my explanation for how to implement these modifying effects here and here - the same principles apply for temporary skill and spell effects as apply for permanent item modification.
For character stats in a database driven game, I would generally advise to stick with the naïve approach of one column (integer or float) per statistic. Adding columns later is not a difficult operation and since you're going to be reading these values a lot, you might not want to be performing joins on them all the time. However, if you really do need the flexibility, then your method is fine. This strongly resembles the skill level table I suggest below: lots of game data can be modelled in this way - map a class or instance of one thing to a class or instance of other things, often with some additional data to describe the mapping (in this case, the value of the statistic).
Once you have these basic joins set up - and indeed any other complex queries that result from the separation of class/instance data in a way that may not be convenient for your code - consider creating a view or a stored procedure to perform them behind the scenes so that your application code doesn't have to worry about it any more.
Other good database practices apply, of course - use transactions when you need to ensure multiple actions happen atomically (eg. trading), put indices on the fields you search most often, use VACUUM/OPTIMIZE TABLE/whatever during quiet periods to keep performance up, etc.
(Original answer below this point.)
To be honest I wouldn't store the quest requirement information in the relational database, but in some sort of script. Ultimately your idea of a 'requirement' takes on several varying forms which could draw on different sorts of data (eg. level, class, prior quests completed, item possession) and operators (a level might be a minimum or a maximum, some quests may require an item whereas others may require its absence, etc) not to mention a combination of conjunctions and disjunctions (some quests require all requirements to be met, whereas others may only require 1 of several to be met). This sort of thing is much more easily specified in an imperative language. That's not to say you don't have a quest table in the DB, just that you don't try and encode the sometimes arbitrary requirements into the schema. I'd have a requirement_script_id column to reference an external script. I suppose you could put the actual script into the DB as a text field if it suits, too.
Skill requirements are suited to the DB though, and quite trivial given the typical game system of learning skills as you progress through levels in a certain class:
table skill_levels
int skill_id FOREIGN KEY;
int class_id FOREIGN KEY;
int min_level;
myPotentialSkillList = SELECT * FROM skill_levels INNER JOIN
skill ON skill_levels.skill_id =
WHERE class_id = my_skill
ORDER BY skill_levels.min_level ASC;
Need a skill tree? Add a column prerequisite_skill_id. And so on.
Judging by the comments, it looks like a lot of people have a problem with XML. I know it's cool to bash it now and it does have its problems, but in this case I think it works. One of the other reasons that I chose it is that there are a ton of libraries for parsing it, so that can make life easier.
The other key concept is that the information is really non-relational. So yes, you could store the data in any particular example in a bunch of different tables with lots of joins, but that's a pain. But if I kept giving you a slightly different examples I bet you'd have to modify your design ad infinitum. I don't think adding tables and modifying complicated SQL statements is very much fun. So it's a little frustrating that #scheibk's comment has been voted up.
Original Post:
I think the problem you might have with storing quest information in the database is that it isn't really relational (that is, it doesn't really fit easily into a table). That might be why you're having trouble designing tables for the data.
On the other hand, if you put your quest information directly into code, that means you'll have to edit the code and recompile each time you want to add a quest. Lame.
So if I was you I might consider storing my quest information in an XML file or something similar. I know that's the generic solution for just about anything, but in this case it sounds right to me. XML is really made for storing non-relation and/or hierarchical data, just like the stuff you need to store for your quest.
Summary: You could come up with your own schema, create your XML file, and then load it at run time somehow (or even store the XML in the database).
Example XML:
<quest name="Return Ring to Mordor">
<quest name="Get Double Cheeseburger" />
<quest name="Go to Vegas for the Weekend" />
<skill name="nunchuks" />
<skill name="plundering" />
<item name="genie's lamp" />
<item name="noise cancelling headphones for robin williams' voice />
<step number="1">Get to Mordor</step>
<step number="2">Throw Ring into Lava</step>
<step number="3">...</step>
<step number="4">Profit</step>
It sounds like you're ready for general object oriented design (OOD) principles. I'm going to purposefully ignore the context (gaming, MMO, etc) because that really doesn't matter to how you do a design process. And me giving you links is less useful than explaining what terms will be most helpful to look up yourself, IMO; I'll put those in bold.
In OOD, the database schema comes directly from your system design, not the other way around. Your design will tell you what your base object classes are and which properties can live in the same table (the ones in 1:1 relationship with the object) versus which to make mapping tables for (anything with 1:n or n:m relationships - for exmaple, one user has multiple stats, so it's 1:n). In fact, if you do the OOD correctly, you will have zero decisions to make regarding the final DB layout.
The "correct" way to do any OO mapping is learned as a multi-step process called "Database Normalization". The basics of which is just as I described: find the "arity" of the object relationships (1:1, 1:n,...) and make mapping tables for the 1:n's and n:m's. For 1:n's you end up with two tables, the "base" table and a "base_subobjects" table (eg. your "users" and "user_stats" is a good example) with the "foreign key" (the Id of the base object) as a column in the subobject mapping table. For n:m's, you end up with three tables: "base", "subobjects", and "base_subobjects_map" where the map has one column for the base Id and one for the subobject Id. This might be necessary in your example for N quests that can each have M requirements (so the requirement conditions can be shared among quests).
That's 85% of what you need to know. The rest is how to handle inheritance, which I advise you to just skip unless you're masochistic. Now just go figure out how you want it to work before you start coding stuff up and the rest is cake.
The thread in #Shea Daniel's answer is on the right track: the specification for a quest is non-relational, and also includes logic as well as data.
Using XML or Lua are examples, but the more general idea is to develop your own Domain-Specific Language to encode quests. Here are a few articles about this concept, related to game design:
The Whimsy Of Domain-Specific Languages
Using a Domain Specific Language for Behaviors
Using Domain-Specific Modeling towards Computer Games Development Industrialization
You can store the block of code for a given quest into a TEXT field in your database, but you won't have much flexibility to use SQL to query specific parts of it. For instance, given the skills a character currently has, which quests are open to him? This won't be easy to query in SQL, if the quest prerequisites are encoded in your DSL in a TEXT field.
You can try to encode individual prerequisites in a relational manner, but it quickly gets out of hand. Relational and object-oriented just don't go well together. You can try to model it this way:
Chars <--- CharAttributes --> AllAttributes <-- QuestPrereqs --> Quests
And then do a LEFT JOIN looking for any quests for which no prereqs are missing in the character's attributes. Here's pseudo-code:
SELECT quest_id
FROM QuestPrereqs
JOIN AllAttributes
LEFT JOIN CharAttributes
GROUP BY quest_id
HAVING COUNT(AllAttributes) = COUNT(CharAttributes);
But the problem with this is that now you have to model every aspect of your character that could be a prerequisite (stats, skills, level, possessions, quests completed) as some kind of abstract "Attribute" that fits into this structure.
This solves this problem of tracking quest prerequisites, but it leaves you with another problem: the character is modeled in a non-relational way, essentially an Entity-Attribute-Value architecture which breaks a bunch of relational rules and makes other types of queries incredibly difficult.
Not directly related to the design of your database, but a similar question was asked a few weeks back about class diagram examples for an RPG
I'm sure you can find something useful in there :)
Regarding your basic structure, you may (depending on the nature of your game) want to consider driving toward convergence of representation between player character and non-player characters, so that code that would naturally operate the same on either doesn't have to worry about the distinction. This would suggest, instead of having user and monster tables, having a character table that represents everything PCs and NPCs have in common, and then a user table for information unique to PCs and/or user accounts. The user table would have a character_id foreign key, and you could tell a player character row by the fact that a user row exists corresponding to it.
For representing quests in a model like yours, the way I would do it would look like:
name ['Quest for the Holy Grail', 'You Killed My Father', etc.]
name ['Minimum Level', 'Skill', 'Equipment', etc.]
value [10 (for Minimum Level), 'Horseback Riding' (for Skill), etc.]
So a quest_model is the core definition of the quest structure; each quest_model can have 0..n associated quest_model_req rows, which are requirements specific to that quest model. Every quest_model_req is associated with a quest_model_req_type, which defines the general type of requirement: achieving a Minimum Level, having a Skill, possessing a piece of Equipment, and so on. The quest_model_req also has a value, which configures the requirement for this specific quest; for example, a Minimum Level type requirement might have a value of 20, meaning you must be at least level 20.
The quest table, then, is individual instances of quests that players are undertaking or have undertaken. The quest is associated with a quest_model and a user (or perhaps character, if you ever want NPCs to be able to do quests!), and has a status indicating where the progress of the quest stands, and whatever other tracking turns out useful.
This is a bare-bones structure that would, of course, have to be built out to accomodate the needs of particular games, but it should illustrate the direction I'd recommend.
Oh, and since someone else threw around their credentials, mine are that I've been a hobbyist game developer on live, public-facing projects for 16 years now.
I'd be extremely careful of what you actually store in a DB, especially for an MMORPG. Keep in mind, these things are designed to be MASSIVE with thousands of users, and game code has to execute excessively quickly and send a crap-ton of data over the network, not only to the players on their home connections but also between servers on the back-end. You're also going to have to scale out eventually and databases and scaling out are not two things that I feel mix particularly well, particularly when you start sharding into different regions and then adding instance servers to your shards and so on. You end up with a whole lot of servers talking to databases and passing a lot of data, some of which isn't even relevant to the game at all (SQL text going to a SQL server is useless network traffic that you should cut down on).
Here's a suggestion: Limit your SQL database to storing only things that will change as players play the game. Monsters and monster stats will not change. Items and item stats will not change. Quest goals will not change. Don't store these things in a SQL database, instead store them in the code somewhere.
Doing this means that every server that ever lives will always know all of this information without ever having to query a database. Now, you don't store quests at all, you just store accomplishments of the player and the game programatically determines the affects of those quests being completed. You don't waste data transferring information between servers because you're only sending event ID's or something of that nature (you can optimize the data you pass by only using just enough bits to represent all the event ID's and this will cut down on network traffic. May seem insignificant but nothing is insignificant in massive network apps).
Do the same thing for monster stats and item stats. These things don't change during gameplay so there's no need to keep them in a DB at all and therefore this information NEVER needs to travel over the network. The only thing you store is the ID of the items or monster kills or anything like that which is non-deterministic (i.e. it can change during gameplay in a way which you can't predict). You can have dedicated item servers or monster stat servers or something like that and you can add those to your shards if you end up having huge numbers of these things that occupy too much memory, then just pass the data that's necessary for a particular quest or area to the instance server that is handling that thing to cut down further on space, but keep in mind that this will up the amount of data you need to pass down the network to spool up a new instance server so it's a trade-off. As long as you're aware of the consequences of this trade-off, you can use good judgement and decide what you want to do. Another possibility is to limit instance servers to a particular quest/region/event/whatever and only equip it with enough information to the thing it's responsible for, but this is more complex and potentially limits your scaling out since resource allocation will become static instead of dynamic (if you have 50 servers of each quest and suddenly everyone goes on the same quest, you'll have 49 idle servers and one really swamped server). Again, it's a trade-off so be sure you understand it and make good choices for your application.
Once you've identified exactly what information in your game is non-deterministic, then you can design a database around that information. That becomes a bit easier: players have stats, players have items, players have skills, players have accomplishments, etc, all fairly easy to map out. You don't need descriptions for things like skills, accomplishments, items, etc, or even their effects or names or anything since the server can determine all that stuff for you from the ID's of those things at runtime without needing a database query.
Now, a lot of this probably sounds like overkill to you. After all, a good database can do queries very rapidly. However, your bandwidth is extremely precious, even in the data center, so you need to limit your use of it to only what is absolutely necessary to send and only send that data when it's absolutely necessary that it be sent.
Now, for representing quests in code, I would consider the specification pattern ( This will allow you to easily build up quest goals in terms of what events are needed to ensure that the specification for completing that quest is met. You can then use LUA (or something) to define your quests as you build the game so that you don't have to make massive code changes and rebuild the whole damn thing to make it so that you have to kill 11 monsters instead of 10 to get the Sword of 1000 truths in a particular quest. How to actually do something like that I think is beyond the scope of this answer and starts to hit the edge of my knowledge of game programming so maybe someone else on here can help you out if you choose to go that route.
Also, I know I used a lot of terms in this answer, please ask if there are any that you are unfamiliar with and I can explain them.
Edit: didn't notice your addition about craftable items. I'm going to assume that these are things that a player can create specifically in the game, like custom items. If a player can continually change these items, then you can just combine the attributes of what they're crafted as at runtime but you'll need to store the ID of each attribute in the DB somewhere. If you make a finite number of things you can add on (like gems in Diablo II) then you can eliminate a join by just adding that number of columns to the table. If there are a finite number of items that can be crafted and a finite number of ways that differnet things can be joined together into new items, then when certain items are combined, you needn't store the combined attributes; it just becomes a new item which has been defined at some point by you already. Then, they just have that item instead of its components. If you clarify the behavior your game is to have I can add additional suggestions if that would be useful.
I would approach this from an Object Oriented point of view, rather than a Data Centric point of view. It looks like you might have quite a lot of (poss complex) objects - I would recommend getting them modeled (with their relationships) first, and relying on an ORM for persistence.
When you have a data-centric problem, the database is your friend. What you have done so far seems to be quite right.
On the other hand, the other problems you mention seem to be behaviour-centric. In this case, an object-oriented analisys and solution will work better.
For example:
Create a quest class with specificQuest child classes. Each child should implement a bool HasRequirements(Player player) method.
Another option is some sort of rules engine (Drools, for example if you are using Java).
If i was designing a database for such a situation, i might do something like this:
[quest properties like name and description]
In this, the ID's map to the respective tables then you retrieve all entries under that ID to get the list of required items, skills, what have you. If you allow dynamic creation of items then you should have a mapping to another table that contains all possible items.
Another thing to keep in mind is normalization. There's a long article here but i've condensed the first three levels into the following more or less:
first normal form means that there are no database entries where a specific field has more than one item in it
second normal form means that if you have a composite primary key all other fields are fully dependent on the entire key not just parts of it in each table
third normal is where you have no non-key fields that are dependent on other non-key fields in any table
[Disclaimer: i have very little experience with SQL databases, and am new to this field. I just hope i'm of help.]
I've done something sort of similar and my general solution was to use a lot of meta data. I'm using the term loosely to mean that any time I needed new data to make a given decision(allow a quest, allow using an item etc.) I would create a new attribute. This was basically just a table with an arbitrary number of values and descriptions. Then each character would have a list of these types of attributes.
Ex: List of Kills, Level, Regions visited, etc.
The two things this does to your dev process are:
1) Every time there's an event in the game you need to have a big old switch block that checks all these attribute types to see if something needs updating
2) Everytime you need some data, check all your attribute tables BEFORE you add a new one.
I found this to be a good rapid development strategy for a game that grows organically(not completely planned out on paper ahead of time) - but it's one big limitation is that your past/current content(levels/events etc) will not be compatible with future attributes - i.e. that map won't give you a region badge because there were no region badges when you coded it. This of course requires you to update past content when new attributes are added to the system.
just some little points for your consideration :
1) Always Try to make your "get quest" requirements simple.. and "Finish quest" requirements complicated..
Part1 can be done by "trying to make your quests in a Hierarchical order":
example :
QuestA : (Kill Raven the demon) (quest req: Lvl1)
QuestA.1 : Save "unkown" in the forest to obtain some info.. (quest req : QuestA)
QuestA.2 : Craft the sword of Crystal ... etc.. (quest req : QuestA.1 == Done)
QuestA.3 : ... etc.. (quest req : QuestA.2 == Done)
QuestA.4 : ... etc.. (quest req : QuestA.3 == Done)
QuestB (Find the lost tomb) (quest req : ( QuestA.statues == Done) )
QuestC (Go To the demons Hypermarket) ( Quest req: ( QuestA.statues == Done && player.level== 10)
Doing this would save you lots of data fields/table joints.
if you use the above system, u can add an extra Reward field to ur quest table called "enableQuests" and add the name of the quests that needs to be enabled..
Logically.. you'd have an "enabled" field assigned to each quest..
2) A minor solution for Your crafting problem, create crafting recipes, Items that contains To-be-Crafted-item crafting requirements stored in them..
so when a player tries to craft an item.. he needs to buy a recipe 1st.. then try crafting..
a simple example of such item Desc would be:
ItemName: "Legendary Sword of the dead"
Craftevel req. : 75
Items required:
Item_1 : Blade of the dead
Item_2 : A cursed seal
item_3 : Holy Gemstone of the dead
and when he presses the "craft" Action, you can parse it and compare against his inventory/craft box...
so Your Crafting DB will have only 1 field (or 2 if u want to add a crafting LvL req. , though it will already be included in the recipe.
Such items, can be stored in xml format in the table .. which would make it much easier to parse...
3) A similar XML System can be applied to Your quest system.. to implement quest-ending requirements..

What is the life span of data?

Recently I’ve found myself in a database tangle where management wants the ability to remove data from the database, but still wants that data to appear in other places. Example: They want to remove all instances of the product whizbang, but they still want whizbang to appear in sales reports. (if they ran one for a previous date).
Now I can add a field, say is_deleted, that will track whether that product has been deleted and thus still keep all my references, but over a period of time, I have the potential of housing a lot of dead data. (data that is never accessed again). How to handle this is not my question.
I’m curious to find out, in your experience what is the average life span of data? That is, on average how long is data alive or good for before it gets either replaced or deleted? I understand that this is relative to the type of data you are housing, but certainly all data has some sort of life span?
Data lives forever...or often it should. One common practice is to have end and/or start dates for a record. So for your whizbang, you have a start date (so that it won't appear on sales reports before it's official launch), and an end date (so that it drops off of reports after it's been end-of-lifed). Using the proper dates as criteria for your reporting as well as your applications, you won't see the whizbang except for when you should, and the data still exists (which it should, theoretically infinitely).
As Koistya Navin mentions, moving data to a data warehouse at a certain point is also an option, but this depends in large part on how large your 'old' data is, and how long you need to keep it readily available for access.
Many of our customers keep data online for 2 years. After that it's moved to backup disks, but it can be put online if needed.
Consider adding a column "expiration" or "effective date". This will allow you mark a product as obsolete, but reports will return that product if the time range is satisfied.
Usually it's better to move such data into seporate database (database warehouse) and keep working database clean. At data warehouse your data can be kept for many years without impacting your application.
Reference: Data Warehouse at Wikipedia
I've always gone by what is the ruling body looking for. Example the IRS wants you to keep 7 years of history or for security reasons we keep 3 years of log information, etc. So I guess you could do 2 things, determine what the life span of your data is I would say 3 years would be enough and then you could add the is_deleted flag along with a date that way you would be able to flag some data to delete sooner than later.
Yes, all data has a lifespan. And yes, it is relative to the type of data you have.
Some data has a lifespan measured in seconds (authentication tokens, for instance), some other data virtual eternity (more than the medium and formats it is stored into, like for instance ownership records).
You will have to either be more specific as to the type of data you are envisioning, or do a census in your own organization as to the usual lifespan of stuff.
Our particular flavor varies. We have some data (a vast majority) which goes stale after 3 months (hard product limit) but can be revived at any later date.
We have other data that is effectively immortal.
In practice, most of the data we serve up is fresh and frequently requested for a few weeks, at most a month, before falling to sporadic use.
How much is "a lot of dead data"?
With processing power and data storage so cheap, I wouldn't purge old data unless there's a really good reason to. You also need to consider the legal implications. Large (and even small) companies may have incredibly long retention policies for old data, to save themselves millions down the road when they are subpoenaed for it by a judge.
I would check with whatever legal department you have and find out how long the data needs to be stored. That's the safest bet.
Also, ask yourself what the benefit of removing the old data is. Is the only benefit a tidier database? If so, I wouldn't do it. Are you going to see a 10X performance increase? If so, I'd do it. This really is a complex question though, and it's tough for us to have all the information required to give you good advice.
I have a few projects where the customer wants all the historical data (going back over 19 years). Quite a bit of the really old data is malformed and is going to be a nightmare to import into the new system. We convinced them that they won't need records going back any further than 10 years, but like you said it's all relative to the type of data you're housing.
On a side note, data storage is extremely cheap right now, and if it isn't affecting the performance of your application, I would just leave it where it is.
[...] but certainly all data has some sort of life span?
Not any kind of life span we can talk about meaningfully. A lot of data is useless as soon as it's created or recorded. Such data could be discarded immediately with no effect. On the other hand, some data has enough value that it will outlive the current system that hosts it. If Amazon were to completely replace their current infrastructure, the customer histories they have stored would still be immensely valuable.
As you said, it's relative. Each type of data has its own life span that has no relation to another type of data's life span. There's no meaningful "average life span of data".
I have the potential of housing a lot of dead data. (data that is never accessed again).
But they will when they perform those reports then they are accessing that data.
Until then you'll need to keep the data in some form. Move to another table or have a switch like you mentioned. the risk of sounds like using DateDeleted instead of a bit would solve your how-long-to-keep issue.
