How to outline a UIElement in Partial-Trust? - wpf

I asked a similar question about this previously, but I did not specify that this needs to work in Partial-Trust mode. Unfortunately both correct answers (using UIElement.BitmapEffect or UIElement.Effect) are not allowed in Partial-Trust, because it requires UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows.
Does anyone know of a way to do something similar to the OuterGlowBitmapEffect in a Partial-Trust app?

If you need a rectangle outline, you can attach an Adorner with a simple rectangle in it. It's not going to have the glow effect you are looking for, though.
If you need a non-rectangle outline, you can still use Adorner, but you also need to specify opacity mask, based on a visualBrush on your object. You will also have to make the adorner a little bit bigger than the source visual, to make it look like it surrounds the object instead of overlapping it.
If you want to go fancy, you can encapsulate attaching the adorner in an attached dependency property and just attach it to any visual you need to outline.
If you don't want to bother with adorners, you could have two separate templates for you visual - one with the outline pre-created and one without and switch them as needed. However, this requires you to know upfront what cvisuals you would need to outline and what is their style. Granted, you can make it quite flexible with data binding, but still it's not a generic solution to your problem.


Benefits of Custom WPF Controls

I've thoroughly checked the custom controls topic, spent several hours looking into custom controls written by other people. I've written my own custom button, to feel it better. I've read all the google answers around the "why custom controls", "advanced custom controls examples" and such.
My question is, WHY?
Why would I (or anybody) go through 9 circles of hell to create his own custom control, when one can just adjust an existing control to his needs (using styles and templates). I actually didn't find any explanation on google, just tons of examples, mostly from people who sound even less educated than me.
I imagine there IS such need, when talking about some complicated DataGrid with, I don't know, every cell being a button or something (and still I believe I could do it with a regular DataGrid)... But I've not found anything more complex than a beautiful button. Is there nobody sharing a complicated code on the topic?
There are different levels of element customization in WPF, depending what class you extend from. Each has its own uses and is implemented differently. It is not clear from your question if you are asking about a specific type of control or about all of them in general. So, I will tell you what I think about different ones.
UIElement or FrameworkElement
Extending UIElement gives you the lowest level custom control where you have complete control over the layout and rendering. FrameworkElement is slightly higher level as it does most of the common layout stuff for you while also allowing you to override key parts of it. The main idea with these is that they do their own rendering rather than composing other elements together.
I have made a number of custom FrameworkElements over the years. One example is a ruler similar to one you might find in a program like Photoshop. It has a bunch of properties providing customization for how it is displayed as well as showing markers indicating mouse position relative to the ruler (and a number of other little optional features). I have used it in two different professional projects. I think the main benefit is that it is extremely easy to drop in and set properties/bindings on wherever desired. Build it once, use it over and over.
Extending Control introduces the concept of compositing multiple elements/controls into one reusable component via control templates.
I have used this one less often, but still find it very valuable in the right circumstances. Again, the main benefit here is reusability. You create a control with properties that make sense for what you want to do, then hook up those properties to the properties of the controls in it's control template. Really, this is the same as applying a new template to an existing control, with the added feature of being able to define your own dependency properties. You also have the ability to perform custom logic in the control's code if you need to.
I may be misreading some of your text, but you seem to imply that making a custom control is considerably more difficult than making a control template for an existing control. I have found that the two are nearly identical in most cases using this approach, the only difference being whether you have a code behind you can use.
User Control
A user control is really only slightly different from a custom control practically speaking. Only, instead of defining a control template, you define the visual content directly.
This is probably the most common type of custom control. It is basically the standard method for making XAML based content in a WPF application. These can be reused like other controls, but are more suited for single use such as the content of a dialog or window or something else that is specific to a single application.
Some Other Control
You can also extend an existing control to add additional functionality to it. This way, you still get all the features the control offers and only have to implement the additional bit.
For example, I have a custom control called an AutoScrollRichTextBox that extends RichTextBox. So, it does everything a RichTextBox can do. It also has the ability to automatically scroll to the bottom when content is added to the text box (which it only does if the text box was already scrolled to the bottom before the addition content was added).
I could have implemented that feature as an attached property instead of an extension of the control (and maybe I should have), but it works, and I have used it in three different applications (as an output window and as a chat log). So, I am happy with it.
In the end, it really is just a matter of how self-contained, reusable, and easy to drop in you want a control to be. If there is already a control that does what you want, and you just want it to look different, then you should definitely use styles and templates to achieve that. However, if you want to make something that doesn't already exist, limiting yourself to using only styles and templates will make the implementation work harder and make the end result less reusable and more difficult to set up additional instances (unless all instances are identical).
The examples of making things like buttons that look different are not examples of what you should use a custom control for. They are just examples of how someone would go about making a custom control for the purpose of teaching the details of the process. If you actually want a customized button, just customize a button.

WPF, Control. Stack of values for dependency property

I've stuck with one pretty trivial problem (at first look).
Simplified version of my situation looks like this:
I want multiple Background(for example) colors to be applied to SAME Control and to be able to clear only some of them (by condition). WPF does not offer such capability, I can set only one value for each DP.
So, I want to apply Yellow then Green then Red colors successively to Control object and then be able to reset Red so that Control will be with Green background (on the other hand, reseting Green leaves background Red). Looks pretty simple, have you ever created such Decorator for Control? I believe DP internally use such behavior, but there are no public APIs for it.
Please, do not suggest using triggers or any other kinds of conditional DP setting, I really need to set multiple values for single DP and to be able to manage them
Its not a good idea to say "do not suggest" ... Anyway, Well its not possible, and WPF does not do this, what you might meant is the value precendence but this List is fixed, you can't just add another layer in between, for good reasons. The whole system relys on that. Otherwise you could not set one value and use triggers to override it and don't need to take care of resetting the value. Also animations, Style inheritence etc. wouldn't be possible if people start to mess with this list.
So you don't like the trigger idea ... Why? Its exactly for that.
Ok, if you don't like it, how about adding an attached property for Background1, Background2 etc. You also could make Background as an attached property and make it inheritable. You could make an attached behavior, listen to property changes and modify your Background color. You could use a MultiBinding or PriorityBinding.
Well alot of stuff is possible if the obvious solution is not desired :)

WPF - Which one is better? Style or User Control?

I wanted to know which one amongst Style and UserControl would be better to use in WPF?
For example:
I have created an image button in two different ways.
One uses Style and ContentTemplate property is set.
It uses one other class with dependency properties.
The other way is I have created a UserControl which has a button and its content property is set.
The file UserControl.xaml.cs also contains the dependency properties.
For Code details see the answers of this question:
Custom button template in WPF
Which one would be better to use? In which scenario should one go for Style or UserControl or any CustomControl?
Styles are limited to setting default properties on XAML elements. For example, when I set the BorderBrush , I can specify the brush but not the width of the border. For complete freedom of a control’s appearance, use templates. To do this, create a style and specify the Template property.
Styles and templates still only allow you to change the appearance of a control. To add behavior and other features, you’ll need to create a custom control.
For example,
To create a button like a play button use styles and templates, but to create a a play button which will change its appearance after pausing it use UserControl.
For this type of thing I would go with Style, even though I'm not really adept with graphical tools. I tend to produce a basic, boring style that I can get started with and then prettify it once the application functionality has been verified.
The nicest thing about WPF is being able to distance much of the graphical look, feel and behaviour away from the code.
This allows you to change the style of your application without revisiting the code and indeed means that you can change styles on the fly at runtime.
There is an awkward line to tread with regards to how much behaviour is placed within the XAML and how much is placed within the code. A rough guide would be to decide on what behaviour must always be present within the UI and place that in the code, everything else place within the XAML.
Think of the code as being an abstract class with defined interfaces and the XAML Styles as being classes based on that class and you'll get an idea of what I mean.
Conversely, I know that people who are far more adept at the GUI work prefer to put more functionality in the XAML and others who prefer the code side, because they find the GUI work slow or difficult.
When thought of that way you'll see that there's never really a right or wrong answer, just better solutions that suit your skills.

Can I partially apply a ControlTemplate in WPF?

I'm pretty green when it comes to WPF, so forgive me if this is an obvious question.
I'm trying to modify an existing code base that is using the Divelements SandRibbon libraries, but am finding that the GalleryButton control doesn't behave quite how I'd like. What I'd like to do is change the way GalleryButton arranges the image and label, but keep the default 'look' for all triggers such as mouse over etc.
Is it possible to apply a ControlTemplate to some parts of a control but not others? I want to specify that the GalleryButton displays its 'Image' and 'Text' properties differently than the defaults, but not touch anything else.
Unfortunately no -- it's all or nothing. However, one solution I've used before is to simply sublass the control and alter the layout in code behind in OnApplyTemplate.

WPF - Creating simple controls to be used on a Canvas

I'm developing a simple WPF UI for image post-processing.
I'd like to create a draggable WPF control to be used on a Canvas which would look roughly like this:
Both end points ellipses would be draggable and the line joining them would follow as the end points move.
Now, I know how to implement this by simply adding these elements into a Canvas and then implementing the necessary event handling to make the elements move as they're dragged. But that's hard to maintain if I ever want to add other types of draggable controls.
What I'd like to do would be to isolate all the handling into its own class (say DragLine), derived either from FrameworkElement or UIElement. To add this draggable UI element into a Canvas, I'd create an instance of DragLine and just add it to Canvas.Children. The rest of my program would only see DragLine instances and wouldn't need to worry about the lines or ellipses used to draw the new element.
I'd like to implement the line end points using standard shapes such as the Ellipse rather than drawing all of the UI element myself. That's because I'd like to re-use the event handling and hit testing these shapes already implement.
Question: is deriving from FrameworkElement the right way to go about this? The line and end point ellipses would then be just be visual and logical children of in my new class.
If deriving from FrameworkElement is not the recommended way, how would you go about this instead?
If it is, is there a way to simplify its implementation given that the new class would only ever be used on a Canvas (and doesn't need to work well for things like a Grid or a StackPanel)?
Ah, yes, trying to reinvent things that already exist in the framework because you don't know about them. Its been a hobby of mine for quite some time.
What you are doing here is trying to create a special type of adorner. These are relatively easy to do using the bits that already exist in the framework. I suggest you start here.
Another thing you might want to look at are Decorators. Do pretty much the same thing but I think they are more visual. Which one to use depends on your requirements.
