How do you avoid adding timestamp fields to your tables? [closed] - database

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I have a question regarding the two additional columns (timeCreated, timeLastUpdated) for each record that we see in many solutions. My question: Is there a better alternative?
Scenario: You have a huge DB (in terms of tables, not records), and then the customer comes and asks you to add "timestamping" to 80% of your tables.
I believe this can be accomplished by using a separate table (TIMESTAMPS). This table would have, in addition to the obvious timestamp column, the table name and the primary key for the table being updated. (I'm assuming here that you use an int as primary key for most of your tables, but the table name would most likely have to be a string).
To picture this suppose this basic scenario. We would have two tables:
PAYMENT :- (your usual records)
TIMESTAMP :- {current timestamp} + {TABLE_UPDATED, id_of_entry_updated, timestamp_type}
Note that in this design you don't need those two "extra" columns in your native payment object (which, by the way, might make it thru your ORM solution) because you are now indexing by TABLE_UPDATED and id_of_entry_updated. In addition, timestamp_type will tell you if the entry is for insertion (e.g "1"), update (e.g "2"), and anything else you may want to add, like "deletion".
I would like to know what do you think about this design. I'm most interested in best practices, what works and scales over time. References, links, blog entries are more than welcome. I know of at least one patent (pending) that tries to address this problem, but it seems details are not public at this time.

While you're at it, also record the user who made the change.
The flaw with the separate-table design (in addition to the join performance highlighted by others) is that it makes the assumption that every table has an identity column for the key. That's not always true.
If you use SQL Server, the new 2008 version supports something they call Change Data Capture that should take away a lot of the pain you're talking about. I think Oracle may have something similar as well.
Update: Apparently Oracle calls it the same thing as SQL Server. Or rather, SQL Server calls it the same thing as Oracle, since Oracle's implementation came first ;)

I have used a design where each table to be audited had two tables:
create table NAME (
name_id int,
first_name varchar
last_name varchar
-- any other table/column constraints
create table NAME_AUDIT (
name_audit_id int
name_id int
first_name varchar
last_name varchar
update_type char(1) -- 'U', 'D', 'C'
update_date datetime
-- no table constraints really, outside of name_audit_id as PK
A database trigger is created that populates NAME_AUDIT everytime anything is done to NAME. This way you have a record of every single change made to the table, and when. The application has no real knowledge of this, since it is maintained by a database trigger.
It works reasonably well and doesn't require any changes to application code to implement.

I think I prefer adding the timestamps to the individual tables. Joining on your timestamp table on a composite key -- one of which is a string -- is going to be slower and if you have a large amount of data it will eventually be a real problem.
Also, a lot of the time when you are looking at timestamps, it's when you're debugging a problem in your application and you'll want the data right there, rather than always having to join against the other table.

One nightmare with your design is that every single insert, update or delete would have to hit that table. This can cause major performance and locking issues. It is a bad idea to generalize a table like that (not just for timestamps). It would also be a nightmare to get the data out of.
If your code would break at the GUI level from adding fields you don't want the user to see, you are incorrectly writing the code to your GUI which should specify only the minimum number of columns you need and never select *.

The advantage of the method you suggest is that it gives you the option of adding other fields to your TIMESTAMP table, like tracking the user who made the change. You can also track edits to sensitive fields, for example who repriced this contract?
Logging record changes in a separate file means you can show multiple changes to a record, like:
mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss Added by XXX
mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss Field PRICE Changed by XXX,
mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss Record deleted by XXX
One disadvantage is the extra code the will perform inserts into your TIMESTAMPS table to reflect changes in your main tables.

If you set up the time-stamp stuff to run off of triggers, than any action that can set off a trigger (Reads?) can be logged. Also there might be some locking advantages.
(Take all that with a grain of salt, I'm no DBA or SQL guru)

Yes, I like that design, and use it with some systems. Usually, some variant of:
LogID int
Action varchar(1) -- ADDED (A)/UPDATED (U)/DELETED (D)
UserID varchar(20) -- UserID of culprit :)
Timestamp datetime -- Date/Time
TableName varchar(50) -- Table Name or Stored Procedure ran
UniqueID int -- Unique ID of record acted upon
Notes varchar(1000) -- Other notes Stored Procedure or Application may provide

I think the extra joins you will have to perform to get the Timestamps will be a slight performance hit and a pain the neck. Other than that I see no problem.

We did exactly what you did. It is great for the object model and the ability to add new stamps and differant types of stamps to our model with minimal code. We were also tracking the user that made the change, and a lot of our logic was heavily based on these stamps. It woked very well.
One drawback is reporting, and/or showing a lot of differant stamps on on screen. If you are doing it the way we did it, it caused a lot of joins. Also,back ending changes was a pain.

Our solution is to maintain a "Transaction" table, in addition to our "Session" table. UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE instructions are all managed through a "Transaction" object and each of these SQL instruction is stored in the "Transaction" table once it has been successfully executed on the database. This "Transaction" table has other fields such as transactiontType (I for INSERT, D for DELETE, U for UPDATE), transactionDateTime, etc, and a foreign key "sessionId", telling us finally who sent the instruction. It is even possible, through some code, to identify who did what and when (Gus created the record on monday, Tim changed the Unit Price on tuesday, Liz added an extra discount on thursday, etc).
Pros for this solution are:
you're able to tell "what who and when", and to show it to your users! (you'll need some code to analyse SQL statements)
if your data is replicated, and replication fails, you can rebuild your database through this table
Cons are
100 000 data updates per month mean 100 000 records in Tbl_Transaction
Finally, this table tends to be 99% of your database volume
Our choice: all records older than 90 days are automatically deleted every morning

Don't simply delete those older than 90 days, move them first to a separate DB or write them to text file, do something to preserve them, just move them out of the main production DB.
If ever comes down to it, most often it is a case of "he with the most documentation wins"!


Audit fields(CreatedBy, UpdatedBy) in tables. Is it good idea?

I was working with one product where almost every table had those columns. As developers we constantly had to join to Users table to get Id of who created record and it's just a mess in a code.
I'm designing new product and thinking about this again. Does it have to be like this? Obviously, it is good to know who created record and when. But having 300+ tables reference same User table doesn't seem to be very good..
How do you handle things like this? Should I create CreatedBy column only on major entities where it's most likely needed on UI and than deal with joining? Or should I go and put it everywhere? Or maybe have another "Audit" table where I store all this and look it up only on demand(not every time entity displayed on UI)
I'm just worrying about performance aspect where every UI query will hit User table..
EDIT: This is going to be SQL Server 2008 R2 database
The problem with that approach is that you only know who created the row and who changed the row last. What if the last person to update the row was correcting the previous updater's mistake?
If you're interested in doing full auditing for compliance or accountability reasons, you should probably look into SQL Server Audit. You can dictate which tables you're auditing, can change those on the fly without having to mess with your schema, and you can write queries against this data specifically instead of mixing the auditing logic with your normal application query logic (never mind widening every row of the table itself). This will also allow you to audit SELECT queries, which other potential solutions (triggers, CDC, Change Tracking - all of which are either more work or not complete for true auditing purposes) won't let you do that.
I know that this is an older post, but one way to avoid the lookup on the user table is to de-normalize the audit fields.
So instead of a userid in the CreatedBy field you insert a username itself. This will allow for a review of the table without the user look and also allow for any changes in your user table not reflect in the audit fields. Such as deleted users.
I usually add the following to the end of a table
IsDeleted bit default 0
CreatedBy varchar(20)
CreatedOn datetime2 default getdate()
UpdatedBy varchar(20)
UpdatedOn datetime2 default getdate()

Are created and modified the two fields every database table should have?

I recently realized that I add some form of row creation timestamp and possibly a "updated on" field to most of my tables. Suddenly I started thinking that perhaps every table in the database should have a created and modified field that are set in the model behind the scenes.
Does this sound correct? Are there any types of high-load tables (like sessions) or massive sized tables that this wouldn't be a good idea for?
I wouldn't put those fields (which I generally call audit fields) on every database table. If it's a low-traffic, high-value table (like Users, for instance), it goes on, no question. I'd also add creator and modifier. If it's a table that gets hit a lot (an operation history table, say), then maybe the benefit isn't worth the cost of increased insert time and storage space.
It's a call you'll need to make separately for each table.
Obviously, there isn't a single rule.
Most of my tables have date-related things, DateCreated, DateModified, and occasionally a Revision to track changes and so on. Do whatever makes sense. Clearly, you can invent cases where it's appropriate and cases where it is not. If you're asking whether you should add them "by default" to most tables, I'd say "probably".

should i consolidate these database tables .

i have an event calendar application with a sql database behind it and right now i have 3 tables to represent the events:
Table 1: Holiday
Columns: ID, Date, Name, Location, CalendarID
Table 2: Vacation
Columns: Id, Date, Name, PersonId, WorkflowStatus
Table 3: Event
Columns: Id, Date, Name, CalendarID
So i have "generic events" which go into the event tableand special events like holidays and vacation that go into these separate tables. I am debating consolidating these into a single table and just having columns like location and personid blank for the generic events.
Table 1: Event:
Columns : Id, Date, Name, Location, PersonId, WorkflowStatus
does anyone see any strong positives or negative to each option. Obviously there will be records that have columns that dont necessarily apply but it there is overlap with these three tables.
Either way you construct it, the application will have to cope with variant types. In such a situation I recommend that you use a single representation in the DBM because the alternative is to require a multiplicity of queries.
So it becomes a question of where you stick the complexity and even in a huge organization, it's really hard to generate enough events to worry about DBMS optimization. Application code is more flexible than hardwired schemata. This is a matter of preference.
If it were my decision, i'd condense them into one table. I'd add a column called "EventType" and update that as you import the data into the new table to specify the type of event.
That way, you only need to index one table instead of three (if you feel indexes are required), the data is all in one table, and the queries to get the data out would be a little more concise because you wouldn't need to union all three tables together to see what one person has done. I don't see any downside to having it all in one table (although there will probably be one that someone will bring up that i haven't thought of).
How about sub-typing special events to an Event supertype? This way it is easy to later add any new special events.
Data integrity is the biggest downside of putting them in one table. Since these all appear to be fields that would be required, you lose the ability to require them all by default and would have to write a trigger to make sure that data integrity was maintained properly (Yes, this must be maintained in the database and not, as some people believe, by the application. Unless of course you want to have data integrity problems.)
Another issue is that these are the events you need now and there may be more and more specialized events in the future and possibly breaking code for one type of event because you added another specialized field that only applies to something else is a big risk. When you make a change to add some required vacation information, will you be sure to check that it doesn't break the application concerning holidays? Or worse not error out but show information you didn't want? Are you going to look at the actual screen everytime? Unit testing just of code may not pick up this type of thing especially if someone was foolish enough to use select * or fail to specify columns in an insert. And frankly not every organization actually has a really thorough automated test process in place (it could be less risk if you do).
I personally would tend to go with Damir Sudarevic's solution. An event table for all the common fields (making it easy to at least get a list of all events) and specialized tables for the fields not held in common, making is simpler to write code that affects only one event and allowing the database to maintain its integrity.
Keep them in 3 separate tables and do a UNION ALL in a view if you need to merge the data into one resultset for consumption. How you store the data on disk need not be identical to how you need to consume the data so long as the performance is adequate.
As you have it now there are no columns that do not apply for any of the presented entities. If you were to merge the 3 tables into one you'd have to add a field at the very least to know which columns to expect to be populated and reduce your performance. Now when you query for a holiday alone you go to a subset of the data that you would have to sift through / index to get at the same data in a merged storage table.
If you did not already have these tables defined you could consider creating one table with the following signature...
create table EventBase (
Date date,
Name varchar(50)
...and, say, the holiday table with the following signature.
create table holiday (
EventId int,
Location varchar(50),
CalendarId int
...and join the two when you needed to do so. Choosing between this and the 3 separate tables you already have depends on how you plan on using the tables and volume but I would definitely not throw all into a single table as is and make things less clear to someone looking at the table definition with no other initiation.
Or combine the common fields and separate out the unique ones:
Table 1: EventCommon
Columns: EventCommonID, Date, Name
Table 2: EventOrHoliday
Columns: EventCommonID, CalendarID, isHoliday
Table3: Vacation
Columns: EventCommonID, PersonId, WorkflowStatus
with 1->many relationships between EventCommon and the other 2.

How to improve performance when deleting entities from database?

I started an ASP.NET project with Entity Framework 4 for my DAL, using SQL Server 2008. In my database, I have a table Users that should have many rows (5.000.000 for example).
Initially I had my Users table designed like this:
Id uniqueidentifier
Name nvarchar(128)
Password nvarchar(128)
Email nvarchar(128)
Role_Id int
Status_Id int
I've modified my table, and added a MarkedForDeletion column:
Id uniqueidentifier
Name nvarchar(128)
Password nvarchar(128)
Email nvarchar(128)
Role_Id int
Status_Id int
MarkedForDeletion bit
Should I delete every entity each time, or use the MarkedForDeletion attribute. This means that I need to update the value and at some moment in time to delete all users with the value set to true with a stored procedure or something similar.
Wouldn't the update of the MarkedForDeletion attribute cost the same as a delete operation?
Depending on the requirements/needs/future needs of your system, consider moving your 'deleted' entities over to a new table. Setup an 'audit' table to hold those that are deleted. Consider the case where someone wants something 'restored'.
To your question on performance: would the update be the same cost as a delete? No. The update would be a much lighter operation, especially if you had an index on the PK (errrr, that's a guid, not an int). The point being that an update to a bit field is much less expensive. A (mass) delete would force a reshuffle of the data. Perhaps that job belongs during a downtime or a low-volume period.
Regarding performance: benchmark it to see what happens! Given your table with 5 million rows, it'd be nice to see how your SQL Server performs, in its current state of indexes, paging, etc, with both scenarios. Make a backup of your database, and restore into a new database. Here you can sandbox as you like. Run & time the scenarios:
mass delete vs.
update a bit or smalldatetime field vs.
move to an audit table
In terms of books, try:
this answer re: books
a recommendation for Adam Mechanic's book
another question on database books.
This may depend on what you want to do with the information. For instance, you may want to mark a user for deletion but not delte all his child records (say something like forum posts), inthsi case you should markfor deletion or use a delted date field. If you do this, create a view to use for all active users (called ActiveUsers) , then insist that the view beused in any query for login or where you only want to see the active users. That will help prevent query errors from when you forget to exlude the inactive ones. If your system is active, do not make this change without going through and adjusting all queries that need to use the new view.
Another reason to use the second version is to prevent slowdowns when delting large numbers of child records. They no longer need to be deleted if you use a deleted flag. This can help performance becasue less resources are needed. Additionally you can flag records for deltion and then delte them inthe inthe middle of the night (or move to a history table) to keep the main tables smaller but still not affect performance during peak hours.

schema for storing different varchar fields over time?

This app I'm working on needs to store some meta data fields about an entity. The problem is that we can already foresee that these fields are going to change a lot in the future. Right now every entity's property is translated to one column in the entity table, but altering table columns later down the road will be costly and error-prone right?
Should I go for something like this (key-value store) instead?
metaDataFieldID (PK), name
EntityID (PK, FK), metaDataFieldID (PK, FK), value [varchar(255)]
p.s. I also thought of using XML on SQL Server 05+. After talking to some ppl, seems like it is not a viable solution 'cause it will be too slow for doing certain query for reporting purposes.
You're right, you don't want to go changing your data schema any time a new parameter comes up!
I've seen two ways of doing something like this. One, just have a "meta" text field, and format the value to define both the parameter and the value. Joomla! does this, for example, to track custom article properties. It looks like this:
id name meta
1 prod-a title:'a product title',desc:'a short description'
2 prod-b title:'second product',desc:'n/a'
3 prod-c title:'3rd product',desc:'please choose sm med or large'
Another way of handling this is to use additional tables, like this:
product_id name
1 prod-a
2 prod-b
3 prod-c
meta_id name
1 title
2 desc
product_id meta_id value
1 1 a product title
1 2 a short description
2 1 second product
2 2 n/a
3 1 3rd product
3 2 please choose sm med or large
In this case, a query will need to join the tables, but you can optimize the tables better, can query for independent meta without returning all parameters, etc.
Choosing between them will depend on complexity, whether data rows ever need to have differing meta, and how the data will be consumed.
The Key Value table is a good idea and it works much faster than the SQL Server 2005 XML indexes. I started the same type of solution with XML in a project and had to change it to a indexed Key Value table to gain performance. I think SQL Server 2008 XML Indexes are faster, but have not tried them yet.
The XML speed only factors in depending on the size of the data going into the xml column. We had a project that stuffed data into and processed data from an xml column. It was very fast.. until you hit around 64kb. 63KB and less took milliseconds to get the data out or insert into. 64KB and the operations jumped to a full minute. Go figure.
Other than that the main issue we had was complexity. Working with xml data in sql server is not for the faint of heart.
Regardless, your best bet is to have a table of name / value pairs tied to the entity in question. Then it's easy to support having entities with either different properties or dynamically adding / removing properties. This too has it's caveats. For example, if you have more than say 10 properties, then it will be much faster to do pivots in code.
There is also a pattern for this to consider -- called the observation pattern.
See similar questions/answers: one, two, three.
The pattern is described in Martin Fowler's book Analysis Patterns, essentially it is an OO pattern, but can be done in DB schema too.
"altering table columns later down the road will be costly and error-prone right?"
A "table column", as you name it, has exactly two properties : its name and its data type. Therefore, "altering a table column" can refer only to two things : altering the name or altering the data type.
Wanting to alter the name is indeed a costly and error-prone operation, but fortunately there should never be a genuine business need for it. If a certain established column seems somewhat inappropriate, with afterthought, and "it might have been given a better name", then it is still not the case that the business incurs losses from that fact! Just stick with the old name, even if with afterthought, it was poorly chosen.
Wanting to alter the data type is indeed a costly operation, susceptible to breaking business operations that were running smoothly, but fortunately it is quite rare that a user comes round to tell you that "hey, I know I told you this attribute had to be a Date, but guess what, I was wrong, it has to be a Float.". And other changes of the same nature, but more likely to occur (e.g. from shortint to integer or so), can be avoided by being cautious when defining the database.
Other types of database changes (e.g. adding a new column) are usually not that dangerous and/or disruptive.
So don't let yourself be scared by those vague sloganesque phrases such as "changing a database is expensive and dangerous". They usually come from ignorants who know too little about database management to be involved in that particular field of our profession anyway.
Maintaining queries, constraints and constraint enforcement on an EAV database is very likely to turn out to be thousands of times more expensive than "regular" database structure changes.
