WinForms TreeView - winforms

I am looking for a WinForms treeview control with following requirements:
Should be not so hard to write code for it (most tree/list combinations are way too complicated)
Should have some sort of easy drag and drop capabilities (including a vista-explorer style drop marker)
Should be free or at least affordable
Should provide some freedom of text/color/style/etc. of the treenodes (classic "outlook bold with blue numbers style)
Any ideas?

i would recommend !

Another interesting alternative is TreeViewAdv, as suggested in another thread.
C# replacement for standard Treeview?

I'm a big fan of SandGrid by Divelements. I use it for all my ListViews and TreeViews. It even supports both at the same time (a TreeView with columns). I find it easy to use and very fast.

I think the standard WinForms' treeview control will do everything on your list. I don't know what the second item refers to as I've not used Vista. It's declared as System.Windows.Forms.TreeView and is available in VS200*'s form designer. I can't think of any simpler way of doing tree views.


Listbox or Listview or Gridview?

I am trying to achieve this.
I have a list of records (filenames) which I want to show in a list.
Anybody has any idea as to which control to use.
The information is right at your fingertips. You should learn to use Snoop. Aside from that, you should choose whatever control works best for you, which requires you to learn the difference between each. We can't really provide a good answer because there are many different ways this control could be implemented, and that's why WPF is so powerful.
Basically, you'll want to use a mixture of a Grid and ItemsControl. You can see the layout of the controls that are being used in this screenshot:

WPF: What do you call dual windows where you select from one into the other?

OK this is a somewhat strange question but I've seen this often so I'm assuming it has a name and maybe some tutorials on how to do it.
Imagine two listboxes side by side with the first one full of items. You can select some items from the first press a button between them (often a arrow pointing towards the empty one) to select into the other. This usually is used when you are selecting a smaller SET from a larger one.
This is something you see on a regular basis and made me think it's supported in WPF in wome way.
I'm sure I could create it from scratch but don't wan't to bother if it's already available.
Anyone have any idea?
I'm not sure if this has a formal name, but I don't think it's supported in WPF as a native control, nor with the official Microsoft WPF Toolkit (which does have some interesting add-on controls, by the way). It wouldn't be too hard to build one with 2 ListBoxes and some buttons, as you say.
In our shop, we have a reusable (WinForms) control for this, and we call it a "double list". It's not a great name, but at least we know what it means.

Blend Slider Control

Is there a free implementation of the text box in Blend's property grid that allows you to change the number by clicking and dragging? Or perhaps another way to ask is what kind of control called so I can google it?
just try this
It's called a numeric UpDown control. (Terrible name, I know).
MS has a sample implementation for WPF, although I think you'll have to provide the draggable part yourself.

What is the most appropriate WPF control for showing a (color) log?

In WinForms I would use the rich text box to show the live output from msbuild. The performance wasn't that great with large amounts of text.
Does WPF have a better performing control? Any techniques to make it perform well?
Thanks in advance!
I would consider RichTextbox and FlowDocument. But it's also possible to get colored items in a ListBox.
Expected performance: better than in WinForms.
I would take a look at FlowDocument and FlowDocumentScrollViewer. Here is a nice FlowDocument overview. Also, take a look at this question for tips on optimizing the performance.
It depends on what you need.
If it needs to look and act like a textblock, you might need to stay with a document based thing.
But if your log is "record" based, where each log message is a "record", then a ListView might be a better use. You can style individual records in the listview differently using datatemplates, and the ListView supports virtualization, which could help with performance, at least in some ways. This would make it easier to show warnings and errors different than other things, you could use collectionviewsource for sorting and grouping, etc.

Silverlight ItemsControl wih ColumnHeader

How can I add column headers to a Silerlight ItemsControl? I need a fast way to display a List of items that contains also some header info.
This may seem like a simplistic question but why not use the DataGrid in readonly mode?
The downside with data grid is it doesn't use a virtualised ItemsControl so performance may suffer if you are trying to list hundreds of items with many columns.
There's nothing built into the ItemsControl itself, but there's nothing to stop you from making a custom control that has that kind of functionality. It's a little work up front for the ability to reuse it later if it's a piece of UI you need frequently.
Adding too much functionality to it might be overkill though; if you need column sorting or automatic column/header generation, you may find that a DataGrid (as Anthony pointed out already) would be a faster way of getting a lot of functionality for free.
