What is the use of a Dispatcher Object in WPF? - wpf

What is the use of a Dispatcher Object in WPF?

Almost every WPF element has thread affinity. This means that access to such an element should be made only from the thread that created the element.
In order to do so, every element that requires thread affinity is derived, eventually, from DispatcherObject class. This class provides a property named Dispatcher that returns the Dispatcher object associated with the WPF element.
The Dispatcher class is used to perform work on its attached thread. It has a queue of work items and it is in charge of executing the work items on the dispatcher thread.
You can find on the following link some more details on the subject:

A dispatcher is often used to invoke calls on another thread. An example would be if you have a background thread working, and you need to update the UI thread, you would need a dispatcher to do it.

In my experience we use Prism Event Aggregator. When the event happens it calls the Dispatcher.Invoke() to update the UI. This is because only the Dispatcher can update the objects in your UI from a non-UI thread.
public PaginatedObservableCollection<OrderItems> Orders { get; } = new PaginatedObservableCollection<OrderItems>(20);
_eventAggregator.GetEvent<OrderEvent>().Subscribe(orders =>
MainDispatcher.Invoke(() => AddOrders(orders));
private void AddOrders(List<OrderItems> orders)
foreach (OrderItems item in orders)


"BindingSource cannot be its own data source" - error when trying to reset the binding source from a method in another class

We are binding a DataGridview using BindingSource. So in the main thread we have given like this.
class1BindingSource = new BindingSource();
class1BindingSource.DataSource = class1List;
this.dataGridView1.DataSource = class1BindingSource;
After that i have a placed a background worker in the form and is triggering in a button click.
i.e. in the button click
In the BackgroundWorker DoWork Event i am trying to update the BindingSource and there by trying to update the DataGridview.
So the BindingSource reset is done in a method in another class.
DoWork Event
Class2 cl2 = new Class2();
UpdateBindingSource Method
public void UpdateBindingSource(BindingSource bs)
Class1 c1 = bs.Current as Class1;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
lock (bs.SyncRoot)
c1.MyProperty1 = i;
Now i am getting an exception like BindingSource cannot be its own data source. Do not set the DataSource and DataMember properties to values that refer back to BindingSource.
If i am doing this in my DoWork Event then i can reset the item in the control thread itself using BeginInvoke method.
But actually i am trying to simulate our application scenario. So i want to solve this in this format.
Can any one help me on this.
The problem is that you can't update a BindingSource within a thread other than the gui thread. This is due the fact, that the BindingSource will fire some events which will then be received by your data grid view which will then start to update itself, which will fail cause it won't be done on the gui thread.
So right before you call RunWorkerAsync() you should call class1BindingSource.SuspendBinding() and within your RunWorkerCompleted you should call class1BindingSource.ResumeBinding().
Also ensure that within your DoWork you won't call any methods on the binding source (like you did with bs.ResetItem(0)).
And also remove this lock statement. It simply doesn't make any sense (in your example) and if you really need it (in your real code) consider using some private object _Gate = new Object(); within your class to avoid any deadlocks from the outer world, cause bs.SyncRoot is publicly available.
I had the same problem:
- BindingSource that had elements with INotifyPropertyChanged
- A separate Task that updated the elements.
The suggested solutions SuspendBinding etc didn't work. BindingSource should have done something like IsInvokeRequired.
Luckily Ivan Stoev came with the brilliant idea of subclassing the BindingSource and do something similar as IsInvokeRequired. Thank you Ivan!
Link: Update BindingSource from a different Task
UpdateBindingSource() does not take much time, so no need to use backgroundworker. You can invoke UpdateBindingSource() in the main thread.
Also, keep datagridview manipulation in the main thread.

performing database operations in the background in WPF application?

In my WPF application I need to perform database operattions in the background to make the UI more responsive.
I'm making use of the BackgroungWorker class, but since it operates on different thread than that of UI, i can't pass the parameters to the database queries.These values comes from the UI controls.
Could anyone please help me with this problem or suggest some other way to do database operations,at the same time making UI responsive.
Thank You
Instead of using BackgroungWorker class you could work with Dispatcher.BeginInvoke method. In fact as specified by MSDN:
BeginInvoke is asynchronous; therefore, control returns immediately to the calling object after it is called.
In WPF, only the thread that created a DispatcherObject may access that object. For example, a background thread that is spun off from the main UI thread cannot update the contents of a Button that was created on the UI thread. In order for the background thread to access the Content property of the Button, the background thread must delegate the work to the Dispatcher associated with the UI thread. This is accomplished by using either Invoke or BeginInvoke. Invoke is synchronous and BeginInvoke is asynchronous. The operation is added to the event queue of the Dispatcher at the specified DispatcherPriority.
Here a good article that explains how to work with Dispatcher class.
I think the BackgroundWorker is the correct tool for the job. When you create a BackgroundWorker you specify an event handler for the DoWork event. The DoWorkEventArgs object has a property on it called Arguments which is the object passed in when you start the BackgroundWorker by calling RunWorkerAsync. You may need to create a helper class to handle the parameters you need to pass, but that should be quite easy. Something like
Helper Class:
public class WorkerArgs
public string Arg1 {get;set;}
public object Arg2 {get;set;}
public int Arg3 {get;set;}
Background Worker:
BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker();
// Hook up DoWork event handler
worker.DoWork += (sender, e) => {
WorkerArgs args = e.Arguments as WorkerArgs;
// ... Do the rest of your background work
// Create arguments to pass to BackgroundWorker
WorkerArgs myWorkerArgs = new WorkerArgs {Arg1 = "Foo", Arg2 = new Object(), Arg3 = 123 };
// Start BackgroundWorker with arguments
In your case, you would populate the helper class object with values from your UI controls.

How to add Usercontrol to ItemsControl using multithread?

I want to set items(UserControl) to ItemsControl using multithread. My code likes this
System.Threading.Thread thread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(SetItemsControl));
void SetItemsControl()
IDictionary<string, object> list = GetUserControlList(); // this function return list of UserControl
new Action(delegate()
mylistcontrol.ItemsSource = list;
And it breaks at my initialize function of my usercontrol
The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this.
How can i fix it??
The right way to do it is to update the collection that is bound to ItemsControl.ItemsSource. In this scenario you do not touch the visual element from another thread - you update the collection that is bound to it. The collection being updated tells the binding to refresh and that's when data comes to UI, and it happens already in UI thread so it's ok. Note that collection should implement INotifyCollectionChanged interface to be able to do that

Updating a TreeView ItemsSource in another thread

I have a function like this:
public void UpdateList()
BindList = Model.GetList();
TreeView1.ItemsSource = BindList;
UpdateList() needs to be called (and the tree view list therefore reloaded) every time the user performs some action. It currently works, it's just very slow so I want to do it in another thread.
I am quite new to WPF... on WinForms programs I used to make delegates and check if InvokeRequired, etc. But I have found this does not work in WPF.
So if I want to call UpdateList() such that it runs in another thread, and the ItemsSource is updated from that other thread, how should I do it?
Change Model.GetList() function to property of type ObservableCollection<> For example:
public ObservableCollection<DataItem> List { get; set; }
Call TreeView1.ItemsSource = Model.List only once. It gives you advantages of WPF binding.
Create a BackgroundWorker to load the data in DoWork handler. Load data to temporary collection and copy this collection to Model.List at RunWorkerCompleted handler.
If you want to update your tree while data is loading you may look at this approach: WPF update binding in a background thread
Read and learn MVVM pattern to understand the main idea of WPF developing

WPF ICollectionView Refresh

Is there any way how to do
in a separate thread?
I know I can use dispatcher, but this collection is binded to a ListView and it throws cross thread Exceptions.
The reason why I need a second thread is, that I have Control which displays a list of IMyItems. When filtering this Collection (by user text change input), I want to be able to display my animation that CollectionView is changing.
You can't!
All UI operations must happen on the user interface thread, and nearly every call inside of WPF's DispatcherObject (and all controls in that hierarchy) are regularly going to be calling CheckAccess().
You might want to consider using an ObservableCollection to help keep your data up-to-date, if you're doing processing in a background thread or BackgroundWorker.
How about using the Dispatcher to do work with background priority?
() => { CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(args.NewValue).Refresh(); }
I hacked up a quick method to invoke actions on wpf dispatchable objects (all wpf controls inherit from DispatcherObject)
public static void InvokeWpf(DispatcherObject dispatchable, Action action, bool async)
// DispatcherOperationCallback is optimized for wpf invoke calls
DispatcherOperationCallback toDo = delegate{ action(); return null; };
if (!dispatchable.CheckAccess())
if (async)
dispatchable.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(toDo, null);
dispatchable.Dispatcher.Invoke(toDo, null);
() => CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(listView).Refresh(),
