How to install/register more than one instances in SqlServer - sql-server

Is it possible to install/register another local server instance in any SqlServer version, besides the default local instance, where only one SqlServer version is installed?

Yes, it's possible. I have several combinations in my servers. I have one server that has both SQL Server 2000 and 2005 installed side by side. My desktop at work is a Windows 2003 Server, and I have SQL Server 2005 and 2008 installed side by side.
What you want is called a named instance. There will be a screen during the install, where you will be able to give it a name.

Yes. Usually the installer will detect that you have one or more existing instances and will prompt you for a instance name. We have setup three SQL Server 2000 standard editions on a development box to emulate the three production servers at one of our clients.


(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB as Server Name for Report Server Configuration Manager

I'm doing the SSRS setup in my DEV environment. I've been using (LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB for some of my databases. Now that I want to start using SSRS, can I use (LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB as a data source for SSRS? I already tried, but I'm not able to connect it. However, if I use the server name (name of my computer) it works.
Do I have to use the actual server name? Is local database (LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB a wrong way of doing it? I'm assuming that the actual server name will be the best practice.
If I have to use the server name, that means that I will need to migrate my databases from (LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB to the instance of the server name.
What do you recommend?
LocalDb instances run in your desktop session, and are meant for desktop applications (particularly Visual Studio). So no. You should migrate your databases to a service-based SQL Server instance for SSRS (which runs as a Windows Service) to access them.

Deploying Windows application with SQL Server database

I have a WPF project and I will use SQL Server database. The instance of SQL Server IT created for me is SQL Server 13 (2016 standard version) on a remove server. When I’m deploying the application on a client’s computers, what version I need to install there as a prerequisite? Can I deploy SQL Server Express 2016 on a client’s computer and access the remove SQL Server Standard edition? I am looking for a simple solution and for a lighter version I need to install on the user’s computers. I cannot install a full SQL Server on each user.
I have searched the net and a similar question has been asked many times, but I didn’t find a clear answer before. Many people started their SQL Server experience using local type databases, like SQL Server CE or LocalDB. In this case specific DLLs and redistributables must be added with the installation program. It is hard to understand at the beginning, but when an instance of SQL Server is on a remote server, this is a different story. Everything is happening on this remote server. There is no need of any SQL Server instances on a client’s machine. Just a connection string must be added. The adapter or Entity Framework will take care of everything else.

Can I uninstall local sql server 2014 if I use SSMS to remote into main server?

I use SSMS 18 with our servers located on a Windows Server 2012 VM.
I would like to remove the local SQL Server 2014 instance that is installed on my personal PC. Is there any reason I cannot do this?
SSMS and the SQL Server Data Engine are completely separate products and are also distributed separately (the latter since 2014).
They do not share any required installation media that the other application installs, so you can install one without the other without issue, or remove one without affecting the other as well.

Running SSMS for SQL Server 2012 with multiple instances with different collation

I already have SQL Server 2012 (collation: Latin1_General_CI_AS) working happily on my machine. But I need to connect to an old database with different collation (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS).
So, I installed another instance of SQL Server 2012 with this collation. But I am not able to access this instance of SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS).
There is just one SSMS on my machine and whenever I try to connect to it, it connects to earlier instance of SQL Server 2012. How do I get SSMS connected to new instance of SQL Server?
If you are trying to connect from local and not sure of instance name..You can try selecting the browser for more option in servernames and click on local servers as shown below.This will enumerate all the instances present in machine..
The new instance is likely not the default instance. The default instance would be something like machinename\mssqlserver. You can connect by using machinename. Other instances need the name specified. machinename\nondefaultinstancename. SQL Browser service need to be running as the non default instance likely uses dynamic ports, unless you set it up to be static.
Since the instances are on the machine you are working on you do not need to worry about opening firewall ports.

Disable all SQLServer engines except LocalDB?

I am using LocalDB for DB testing but my dev PC seems to have SQLServer 2005, 2008 and 2012 installed/running - I am not sure exactly which are running as there are so many services and I have 3 versions of SQLServer Configuration Manager installed!
I want to disable all DB engines other than LocalDB and am wondering if I just turn all the SQLServer services to off, start-mode = manual, this will achieve my aim... or will also turn off LocalDB?
My suspicion is that localdb is a database that is hosted on one of the instances you're running on your machine. If you know the instance name (e.g. SQLExpress, SYSARCH, SYSARCH1, or the default [and therefore unnamed] instance) you connect to when working with localdb, yes, you can set the other database instances to either manual start or disabled so they will not auto-start after a reboot. Another approach is to use the services.msc snap-in, but know that this will list all services on the machine instead of only the SQL Server services.
