Alternative to Esper? [closed] - licensing

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am really interested in Complex Event Processing and have been looking at Esper. However my company has an anti-GPL stance and I was wondering if there are non-GPL alternatives out there under a more business friendly license like Apache or BSD?

Quite late, but here you can find an overview, too. CEP vendor overview

FWIW, Esper has a non-GPL license if that's what you're after. Go to their website at - otherwise the community license is just GPL.

SiddhiCEP is an Apache License v2 software. You can use that as a library or even as a CEP Server. If you are going for production you can also get production support for SiddhiCEP from the open source product company called WSO2

Drools Fusion has an ASL-style license ( Pion is another open-source system with an AGPL license. If you prefer a normal commercial license there's Aleri, Streambase and ruleCore. Aleri and streambase are "normal" software and ruleCore is a CEP cloud.

There is book coming up on CEP; chapter 1 available here for free (no login required) lists a number of systems, but no license information:

You might want to take a look at OpenESB's Intelligent Event Processor. I have not looked at it in any detail, but I did find it difficult to determine exactly what the underlying API was. Rather, it talks a lot about a NetBeans IDE that allows you define an event processing work-flow, which is ok, but what I would like to understand better is what the real API is underlying the IDE. In contrast, Esper is all about the API and much lighter on the assistive tools.
I am also not sure what the license is, but I assume that as part of the Sun GlassFish initiative, it would be CDDL (correct acronym ?)

You can look at ERMA (Extremely Reusable Monitoring API). It was developed by Orbitz for internal use, and they have open sourced it a while ago. It uses the Apache License.

FYI Esper Enterprise Edition does not use the GPL. I.e. no copy left problem...
Can I freely use Esper in my application?
Esper is licensed under the
open source GPL GNU Public License v2.0 license. You may check this
license depending on your application and how you redistribute it.
Restrictions may apply. You should consider Esper Enterprise Edition
for any production use. Esper Enterprise Edition is not made available
under a viral copyleft license and combines Esper, EsperJMX, EsperJDBC
and Esper Studio in one single certified and supported package for
maximal productivity, interoperability and manageability.

The rulecore cep server has a non-gpl (closed) source code license. If you purchase a license from ruleCore, you are allowed to modify the source and distribute your own version without showing your modifies source code to anyone. Might be a good idea for a commercial project with all kinds of IP issues.

You can also check with Siddhi


Activesync Licensing

I am looking into Activesync for a project we may working on later later this year and am not clear now these technology is both licensed currently and how it will be licensed in the future.
Some documentation seems to be available on Microsoft Open Specification Support Team Blog and other places yet there is no SDK for AS at least publicly. Also there is mention of companies like HTC and Apple licensing AS. Does that also infer that they are paying for the license?
What you are looking for is the document Exchange_Server_2010_License_Agreement.pdf which can be found on this page:
There you can see, that you have to pay for every sold piece of software that implements the Exchange ActiveSync protocol.

Do I need to open my source code if I use OpenJDK as JVM? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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With the current developments regarding Oracle announcing its intention to charge for a pro (or whatever you call it) version of JVM, and IBM announcing its intention to support OpenJDK, things are getting quite complicated for a large set of Java developers.
We have a large piece of work in Java, and we did not have any issues in choosing our licensing terms up until now. It appears that we'll have to switch to OpenJDK where IBM will be putting their support. But OpenJDK is GPL V2, and as far as I know, any code linking to GPL V2 must be GPL V2.
We also have some JNI code, which is going to get even larger. Given these facts, does it mean that if we use OpenJDK to run our software, we'll have to switch to GPL for our licensing?
Needless to say, this would blow away our whole licensing & business model setup.
The license for OpenJDK is not "GPL v2", it's "GPL v2 with the Classpath Exception". Quote:
As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules,
and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your
choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module,
the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An independent
module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library.
Do I need to open my source code if I use OpenJDK as JVM?
Absolutely not.
There are many commercial, closed-source Java applications out there that use OpenJDK-based JVMs. The "Classpath exception" that #Chris Lercher mentions specifically makes this legal.
Incidentally, the "Classpath exception" was invented by FSF's lawyers specifically to allow the GNU Classpath libraries (a cleanroom reimplementation of the Java SE libraries) to be used to run proprietary / closed source applications. Hence, the name ...
The only cases where you would need to worry are things like:
Closed source JVMs that make use of the OpenJDK code base in their implementation.
Closed source applications that contain modified copies of OpenJDK classes without including source code for the modifications.
Closed source applications that link to certain OpenJDK GPLv2 classes that are not marked as with the Classpath exception.
In OpenJDK 11, the last category seems to consist of a large number of "test" classes that are not included in an OpenJDK distro anyway, and internal classes that you shouldn't (and probably can't) link to in an application. These classes are easy to identify. Search for Java source files in the OpenJDK source tree that contain the word "GNU" and not the word "Classpath"
It is worth noting that a significant proportion of the OpenJDK Java code base is 3rd-party code with permissive open source licenses. Linking to those classes is permitted.
Bundling OpenJDK with closed-source is not a problem. The GPL permits you to distribute binaries for GPL software together with binaries for closed source software.
Please read the lines at the beginning of the classpath exception. The classpath exception doesn't seem to apply to the entire library.
Certain source files distributed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. are subject to the following clarification and special exception to the GPL, but only where Sun has expressly included in the particular source file's header the words "Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code."

licensing open source software [duplicate]

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How do you choose an open-source license? [closed]
(10 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
As a newbie, I am quite confused how open source software is can/be licensed. I know of licenses like GNU public, Apache, and others.
What is the procedure to license a open source software by developer? What considerations should be made? What choices do I have?
As the developer you are free to license your software (provided you aren't developing the software for someone else) in whatever way you wish. You have all the choice in the world and you should choose a license that meets your needs. Beyond that, any advice is rhetoric.
Technically most open source software aren't 'licenced'. You don't buy a licence to use it. You just use it. The "GNU General Public Licence" is not really a software licence that you accept or decline, it's a copyright licence
Books are copyrighted, you can't go photocopying a whole book, and sell it yourself. However you don't 'buy' book licences. Open Source software is like that.
There's no big scary procedure. :) All you have to do is drop a file named LICENSE with your license of choice inside of it into your project's root directory and make it obvious that that file is the license for the entire project, either through comments in the source code or a notice in the README.
Choose any license you want. A quick google search can get you on your way.
One of the most commonly used ones in open source is the GPL.

Mobile Development Tools [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm researching various tools available for developing and deploying an app to mobile devices. The existing app is available in two versions: as a traditional desktop application and as a browser-based "Lite" version. We're building out the features of the "Lite" version to make it a full implementation of the flagship software, but thinking about mobile development as well.
What are the best tools available for cross-platform deployment of an Internet-enabled application to mobile devices? Which is the better way to go, native applications developed on a cross-platform API or a mobile-ready website? What tools are available for each?
One person suggested looking into "Agile" as a solution. I'm not quite sure what he meant, or even if that was the right reference ... does it ring a bell for anyone (I'm familiar with "agile development," but he was referring to "Agile" as a mobile development tool ...)?
It turned out "Agile" was a misstep. At the time, he was referring to tools like Mobify that automate the development and deployment of simple mobile websites. For our situation (a membership-based RIA), though, this wouldn't work.
The best tools I did find, though, for anyone interested:
Sencha Touch
A fantastic JS library for building RIA system for the iPhone and Android
GPL licensed for free software
Commercial licenses are also available
Uses HTML5 and CSS3 to deliver smooth animations and an incredibly "squishy" UI
Another great JS library (Sencha is actually based on this one).
Built on jQuery, so it's an easy framework to learn
MIT licensed - more versatile than GPL licensing when it comes to JS libraries
Also uses HTML5 and CSS3
A great library for interactive/animated SVG displays (I need to graph data, so this is important
Also MIT licensed
In reality, Sencha Touch is based on both jQTouch and Raphael, so if you're looking for an all-in-one solution, I'd recommend you go that direction. Unfortunately, it doesn't work well in situations where your server-side applications are closed-source (which is a necessary security requirement for medical or financial web applications). Though Sencha does offer a corporate license, it's currently a "beta" license and they may or may not charge $199/developer in September (they're unsure of the schedule). Their interpretation of the GPL is also more viral than most, so I would not recommend using their GPL license if there's any code on your site (even on the back-end) that would even remotely fall into non-compliance.

Free cross-platform tools for web development [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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This question is geared towards a group of newly hired developers that need to adopt into a minimal learning curve, maximum development/programming/management effort. Some of the developers have senior level experience and will be mentoring the junior developers. My question is I would like a solid set of tools that can run on any system (as they can choose what they like) but be the same for the entire group. The focus is on Mobile web (Not App) Development but are looking to venture into the Application market once the team gets up to speed with the web development.
Categories of software I need,
Web Development:
IDE (I think I'm set on Aptana stand alone version, unless someone sees something better)
Database GUI (I like DBVisualizer but I'm open to suggestions. MySQL and PostgreSQL are my options)
Code Repository (SVN, GIT, CVS ???)
Debugging tools (need server side as well as client side)
Frameworks (PHP, Ruby, Perl, jQuery, CSS framwork???)
Development Methodology (Agile, Scrum, etc...)
Workflow Documentation (Something like Visio but free)
Mobile Browser set (Firefox, Multi IE, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome) Why/Why Not???
Missing anything from the list???
App Development:
Application SDK's (iPhone,Android, Pre if it still exists)
Handset device
Anything else I might need to plan for???
For communication we are using Google Hosted Apps as well as Wave.
Code Repository: Add Mercurial - Its the only free, distributed version control system that easily runs on windows, mac, linux, etc. SVN will be the only one of those that has a friendly interface.
You'll need to plan for how to make your UI cross platform compatible. As of this writing, its quite difficult to perform a write-once interface in HTML/JS. Although state-of-compatibility is getting better, I would plan to very carefully separate your UI from your business logic because I think you'll likely need to either deploy separate versions of the UI for each device or to have unified, but very simplified, UI that works on many devices (assuming a web app).
Plan on unit test your business code to make sure it works on all of your devices. The JS engines differ, and you need to know that early in your dev process.
Plan ahead as to how to handle user input. If your users have a physical keypad, for example, they'll expect to use it. You may want a very different layout for a site targeting Blackberries with trackballs, then an iPhone or Storm that uses finger taps.
Know ahead of time which platforms you will target, and then buy those phones. If its worth doing, its worth buying the phone. As an example, my first iPhone app talked to the database. It worked fine on the simulator but I was waiting for my developer key before I could test on the device. Once on the device, I discovered that what I thought would be a 1/2 second delay was more like a 40 second delay, which forced me to totally revamp the project.
Hope this helps.
IDE - I think Eclipse (Aptana is a custom version of Eclipse) is a good choice for a cross platform and cross-language IDE. You could also look into NetBeans.
Database GUI - I haven't used many DB Visualizer's myself, so I'll pass on that one.
Source Control - I would go with GIT even if your developers haven't used it before. They will learn to like it quickly and the client tools have improved considerably in the last year or so. Check out Git Extensions for Windows and GitX for Mac.
Web Framework - This should be based on your team's experience and the requirements of your project. I would pick whatever your team feels the most comfortable with. Personally, I'm a fan of Ruby on Rails and ASP.Net MVC, but Asp.Net MVC is microsoft platform, and it seems like you want to stay open source.
Dev Methodology - Whatever your team feels comfortable with. I would say look into Agile and TDD (test driven development)
Workflow Documentation - Not sure about this one
Browser Set - Use them all. Test your applications in as many places as possible. For testing multiple versions of IE, I use IETester. Safari and some extensions for Firefox allow you to change your browser's user agent, which can be useful.
