Auto update for WinForms application - winforms

When creating an auto updating feature for a .NET WinForms application, how does it update the DLLs and not affect the currently running application?
Since the application is running during the update process, won't there be a lock on the DLLs (because those DLLs will have to be overwritten during the update).

Usually you would download the new files into a separate area. Then shutdown and restart and at startup you look for and use the new files if found. Always keeping a last known working version on the side so that the user can revert to something that definitely works if the download causes problems.
ClickOnce is a good technology from Microsoft that does this for you and you can use it directly from Visual Studio 2008.

You'll have to shutdown your application and restart it, as other people have already commented.
I wrote an open-source code to do just that in a transparent mode - including an external update application to do the actual cold update. See
The code is at (Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license)

I have a seperate 'launcher' application that checks for updates via a web service. If there are updates, it downloads them and then executes my application, which is in a seperate assembly.
The other alternatives are using things like ClickOnce, or downloading the files to a seperate area and restarting the app, as someone else mentioned.
Be warned about ClickOnce, though - it's not as flexible as it sounds. And if you deploy to a system that requires elevating your program to a higer security level to run, you might run into problems if you don't have a certificate for your app installed. I found it very difficult to get straight answers on the Internet to things like certificate management when it comes to ClickOnce. If you have a complex app, you may want to just roll your own updater, which is what I ended up having to do.

If you publish via ClickOnce, all of that tends to be handled for you. It has it's own pro's and con's but usually easier than trying to code it all yourself.
Both Wikipedia and 15seconds have decent info on using ClickOnce, how it works, etc.
As others have stated, ClickOnce isn't as flexible as rolling your own solution but it is a LOT less complicated. It has a small learning curve at first, but with pretty much everything bundled into Visual Studio and the use of Wizards, it usually doesn't take long to stumble onto a working solution.
As deployments get more complex (i.e. beyond than just having prerequisites or application code that needs updating) and you need to do a lot of post-install or pre-install tasks, there are things like WiX which give you somewhat of a hybrid solution between Windows Installer and ClickOnce, with the cost of flexibility being a much steeper learning curve.
The only reason I try to avoid custom installers is that you end up spending way too much time trying to get it just right to handle a bunch of different "What If" scenarios...

These days Windows can do such updates automatically for you with AppInstaller if your app is packaged in the MSIX package.
It downloads the new version of the app in another folder inside ProgramFiles\WindowsApps, then when a user runs the app via the start menu, the system knows what folder it should use. The previous version gets deleted when not in use.
If you want to know how to package your app this way I collected my findings in this answer.


clickonce deployement strategy update for specific users for beta testing

Question is plain and simple:
I want to publish my latest version to selected users for beta testing. Is there any quick and dirty way to do the same.
Here is the link that I found in MSDN which is bit old and suggesting an approach but I dont think i need to put this much effort. Rather I will just use a different installer for beta testing.[^]
I think you should create a new site with a different publish URL. It is the most manageable option I can think of. Users connect to that site and download the beta version and could run it in parallel with another version for comparison purposes.
You are going to have two versions of the client application so you are going to have two installers; I don't think you can get around that. Having multiple publish URLs means people don't have to uninstall/re-install the app to get the "right version".
Embrace MAGE and script it out.

version control/maintaining development local copies and working live copies and databases

This is a subject of common discussion, but through all my research I have not actually found a sound answer to this.
I develop my websites offline, and then launch them live through my hosting account.
I utilize codeigniter, and on that basis there are some fundamental differences between my offline and online copies, namely base urls and database configurations. As such I cannot simply develop and test my websites offline and then upload them as it requires small configuration changes which are easy to overlook and good lead to a none working live website.
The other factor is that when I am developing offline, I might add a database table or a column whilst creating some functionality. When I upload my local developments to my host, they often do not work as I have forgotten to upload the new database structure. Obviously this cannot happen - there cannot be any opportunity for a damaged or broken live website.
Further to this, I'd like to be able to have logs of my development - version control of sorts such that if i develop a feature, and then something else stops working I can easily look backwards to at least see the code changes which could have caused the change.
My fourth requirement is as follows: if i go away on holiday for a week without my development laptop, and then get a bug report, I have no way of fixing it. If i fix it on the live copy, not only is it dangerous, but i'll inevitably not update it on my local copy - as such when i update my live copy next time, that change will be lost. Is there a way that on any computer i can access my development setup, edit and test, launch to the live site, whilst also committing it such that my laptop local copy is up to date.
So yes.. in general im looking for a solution to make my development processes more efficient/suitable. Any ideas?
Don't deploy by simply copying. Deploy by using a script (I use Apache Ant) that will automate the copy of specific files for each environment, the replacement of some values, etc.
This just needs rigor. Make a todo list while developing, and check that every modification on the server is done. You might also test the deploy procedure on a pre-production server which has an similar configuration as the production server, make sure everything is OK, and then apply the same, tested procedure on the production server
Just use a version control system. SVN or Git are two free candidates.
Make your version control server available from anywhere. If it's an open-source project, free hosting solutions exist. Of course, if you don't have a development computer wvailable, you'll have to checkout the whole project, and probably install some tools to be able to develop, test and deploy. Just try to make it as easy as possible, or always have your laptop available. If you plan to work, have your toolbox with you. If you don't plan to work, then don't work. When you have finished some development, commit to the server. When you go back to your laptop, update your working copy from the server.
Small additions and clarifications to JB
Use any VCS, which can work (in a good way) with branches - your local and prod systems are good candidates for separate branches, where you share common code but have branch-specific config. It'll require some changes in your everyday workflow (code in "test", merge finished with "prod", deploy /by tools, not hand/ only after merge...), but it's fair price
Changing of workflow, again. As JB noted - don't deploy by hand, don't deploy wrong branch, don't deploy "prod" before finished merge. But now build-tools are rather smart, you can check such pre-condition inside builder
Just use VCS, maybe DVCS will be somehow better. I say strong "No-no" for Git as first VCS, but you have wide choice even without it - SVN (poor branch|merge comparing to DVCS), Bazaar (not a tool of my dream, but, who knows), Mercurial, Fossil SCM, Monotone
Don't work on live, never do anyting outside your SCM. One source of changes is a rule of happy developer. Or don't work at all at free-time, or have codebase always reacheable for you (free code-hosting /GoogleCode, SourceForge, BitBucket, Github, Assembla, LaunchPad/ or own server), get it as needed, change, save, deploy

push deployment with test automation

We are developing some testing infrastructure and I have hit a coders block (lack of sleep?)...this seems like it would be a solved problem but I haven't found what I'm looking for via google.
I would like to automatically push builds from our CI server (TeamCity) to a number of machines (growing, but currently 30). These are several WinForms apps and a number of dlls. Once deployed, I would like to kick off tests (NUnit, for both unit and integration tests) and report all results (back to CI? or somewhere else? Not sure).
The target machines are a number of platforms (Win7,Vista, XP, Server 2k8, Server 2k3, Ubuntu, Fedora, Suse, x64, x86, maybe macs down the line)
This gets me part way there (the actual push). But I can't find existing solutions for 'push starting' the tests and reporting back. So far I am thinking of combining the link (or similar) with custom code running on each client machine that watches the deploy directory, runs the tests and reports the results.
Does anyone know of existing solutions?
Done something similar and care to share?
If possible, we prefer .net based solutions, but it isn't strictly necessary. I would have tagged the question as such, but ran out of tags :)
You could use KwateeSDCM to both push and start on all the platforms you mention, including mac. However, you'll have to do some coding to get reports out. I'm not familiar with TeamCity but maybe you could push a script along with your application which could then transfer the test results via ftp to a server accessible by TeamCity.
Have a look at: STAF (Software test Automation Framework)
The Software Testing Automation Framework (STAF) is an open source, multi-platform, multi-language framework designed around the idea of reusable components, called services (such as process invocation, resource management, logging, and monitoring).
Which includes STAX:
STAX is an execution engine which can help you thoroughly automate the distribution, execution, and results analysis of your testcases.
And there's an article here:
Assuming you have the push part done already, and you don't mind using a TeamCity license, you can create a TeamCity Command Line Runner build configuration or NUnit test configuration that kicks off the tests on a properly configured agent. The build trigger for this test config would be successful completion of the application build.
So far I have ended up using a seperate build step in TeamCity that executes a bat script that in turn fires of tasks to the list of machines using PsExec. So far my trial runs it is working ok, though I now need to parallelize the copying of build output...
Thanks for the input to those who have provided it.

how to deploy an application automatically

In the office here we have a startup script that runs on the server which will update via copy/paste the software in house if there's a newer version on the server or not. This was simple, easy and fast to implement.
There is now a problem, many of our users are off-site and they use laptops/tables which don't connect to the domain to run the startup scripts - which means that these have to be manually deployed. This was fine for the one user that I've had for a good while. Now that I've got 10 - it's a no go. I've got to figure out a better solution.
Without developing something homegrown, are there any solutions out there that make auto-deploying/updating easier?
Note: This is a winforms app.
Is ClickOnce an option?
There's a lot to read at the link I am pointing you to, but it's really pretty simple. You would have to publish the app to a live web server, though. Something that can be accessed from off the domain. That could pose some security concerns. It's one avenue to explore, though.

What's the best way to create ClickOnce deployments

Our team develops distributed winform apps. We use ClickOnce for deployment and are very pleased with it.
However, we've found the pain point with ClickOnce is in creating the deployments. We have the standard dev/test/production environments and need to be able to create deployments for each of these that install and update separate from one another. Also, we want control over what assemblies get deployed. Just because an assembly was compiled doesn't mean we want it deployed.
The obvious first choice for creating deployments is Visual Studio. However, VS really doesn't address the issues stated. The next in line is the SDK tool, Mage. Mage works OK but creating deployments is rather tedious and we don't want every developer having our code signing certificate and password.
What we ended up doing was rolling our own deployment app that uses the command line version of Mage to create the ClickOnce manifest files.
I'm satisfied with our current solution but is seems like there would be an industry-wide, accepted approach to this problem. Is there?
I would look at using msbuild. It has built in tasks for handling clickonce deployments. I included some references which will help you get started, if you want to go down this path. It is what I use and I have found it to fit my needs. With a good build process using msbuild, you should be able to accomplish squashing the pains you have felt.
Here is detailed post on how ClickOnce manifest generation works with MsBuild.
I've used nAnt to run the overall build strategy, but pass parameters into MSBuild to compile and create the deployment package.
Basically, nAnt calls into MSBuild for each environment you need to deploy to, and generates a separate deployment output for each. You end up with a folder and all ClickOnce files you need for every environment, which you can just copy out to the server.
This is how we handled multiple production environments as well -- we had separate instances of our application for the US, Canada, and Europe, so each build would end up creating nine deployments, three each for dev, qa, and prod.
