When and why are database joins expensive? - database

I'm doing some research into databases and I'm looking at some limitations of relational DBs.
I'm getting that joins of large tables is very expensive, but I'm not completely sure why. What does the DBMS need to do to execute a join operation, where is the bottleneck?
How can denormalization help to overcome this expense? How do other optimization techniques (indexing, for example) help?
Personal experiences are welcome! If you're going to post links to resources, please avoid Wikipedia. I know where to find that already.
In relation to this, I'm wondering about the denormalized approaches used by cloud service databases like BigTable and SimpleDB. See this question.

Denormalising to improve performance? It sounds convincing, but it doesn't hold water.
Chris Date, who in company with Dr Ted Codd was the original proponent of the relational data model, ran out of patience with misinformed arguments against normalisation and systematically demolished them using scientific method: he got large databases and tested these assertions.
I think he wrote it up in Relational Database Writings 1988-1991 but this book was later rolled into edition six of Introduction to Database Systems, which is the definitive text on database theory and design, in its eighth edition as I write and likely to remain in print for decades to come. Chris Date was an expert in this field when most of us were still running around barefoot.
He found that:
Some of them hold for special cases
All of them fail to pay off for general use
All of them are significantly worse for other special cases
It all comes back to mitigating the size of the working set. Joins involving properly selected keys with correctly set up indexes are cheap, not expensive, because they allow significant pruning of the result before the rows are materialised.
Materialising the result involves bulk disk reads which are the most expensive aspect of the exercise by an order of magnitude. Performing a join, by contrast, logically requires retrieval of only the keys. In practice, not even the key values are fetched: the key hash values are used for join comparisons, mitigating the cost of multi-column joins and radically reducing the cost of joins involving string comparisons. Not only will vastly more fit in cache, there's a lot less disk reading to do.
Moreover, a good optimiser will choose the most restrictive condition and apply it before it performs a join, very effectively leveraging the high selectivity of joins on indexes with high cardinality.
Admittedly this type of optimisation can also be applied to denormalised databases, but the sort of people who want to denormalise a schema typically don't think about cardinality when (if) they set up indexes.
It is important to understand that table scans (examination of every row in a table in the course of producing a join) are rare in practice. A query optimiser will choose a table scan only when one or more of the following holds.
There are fewer than 200 rows in the relation (in this case a scan will be cheaper)
There are no suitable indexes on the join columns (if it's meaningful to join on these columns then why aren't they indexed? fix it)
A type coercion is required before the columns can be compared (WTF?! fix it or go home) SEE END NOTES FOR ADO.NET ISSUE
One of the arguments of the comparison is an expression (no index)
Performing an operation is more expensive than not performing it. However, performing the wrong operation, being forced into pointless disk I/O and then discarding the dross prior to performing the join you really need, is much more expensive. Even when the "wrong" operation is precomputed and indexes have been sensibly applied, there remains significant penalty. Denormalising to precompute a join - notwithstanding the update anomalies entailed - is a commitment to a particular join. If you need a different join, that commitment is going to cost you big.
If anyone wants to remind me that it's a changing world, I think you'll find that bigger datasets on gruntier hardware just exaggerates the spread of Date's findings.
For all of you who work on billing systems or junk mail generators (shame on you) and are indignantly setting hand to keyboard to tell me that you know for a fact that denormalisation is faster, sorry but you're living in one of the special cases - specifically, the case where you process all of the data, in-order. It's not a general case, and you are justified in your strategy.
You are not justified in falsely generalising it. See the end of the notes section for more information on appropriate use of denormalisation in data warehousing scenarios.
I'd also like to respond to
Joins are just cartesian products with some lipgloss
What a load of bollocks. Restrictions are applied as early as possible, most restrictive first. You've read the theory, but you haven't understood it. Joins are treated as "cartesian products to which predicates apply" only by the query optimiser. This is a symbolic representation (a normalisation, in fact) to facilitate symbolic decomposition so the optimiser can produce all the equivalent transformations and rank them by cost and selectivity so that it can select the best query plan.
The only way you will ever get the optimiser to produce a cartesian product is to fail to supply a predicate: SELECT * FROM A,B
David Aldridge provides some important additional information.
There is indeed a variety of other strategies besides indexes and table scans, and a modern optimiser will cost them all before producing an execution plan.
A practical piece of advice: if it can be used as a foreign key then index it, so that an index strategy is available to the optimiser.
I used to be smarter than the MSSQL optimiser. That changed two versions ago. Now it generally teaches me. It is, in a very real sense, an expert system, codifying all the wisdom of many very clever people in a domain sufficiently closed that a rule-based system is effective.
"Bollocks" may have been tactless. I am asked to be less haughty and reminded that math doesn't lie. This is true, but not all of the implications of mathematical models should necessarily be taken literally. Square roots of negative numbers are very handy if you carefully avoid examining their absurdity (pun there) and make damn sure you cancel them all out before you try to interpret your equation.
The reason that I responded so savagely was that the statement as worded says that
Joins are cartesian products...
This may not be what was meant but it is what was written, and it's categorically untrue. A cartesian product is a relation. A join is a function. More specifically, a join is a relation-valued function. With an empty predicate it will produce a cartesian product, and checking that it does so is one correctness check for a database query engine, but nobody writes unconstrained joins in practice because they have no practical value outside a classroom.
I called this out because I don't want readers falling into the ancient trap of confusing the model with the thing modelled. A model is an approximation, deliberately simplified for convenient manipulation.
The cut-off for selection of a table-scan join strategy may vary between database engines. It is affected by a number of implementation decisions such as tree-node fill-factor, key-value size and subtleties of algorithm, but broadly speaking high-performance indexing has an execution time of k log n + c. The C term is a fixed overhead mostly made of setup time, and the shape of the curve means you don't get a payoff (compared to a linear search) until n is in the hundreds.
Sometimes denormalisation is a good idea
Denormalisation is a commitment to a particular join strategy. As mentioned earlier, this interferes with other join strategies. But if you have buckets of disk space, predictable patterns of access, and a tendency to process much or all of it, then precomputing a join can be very worthwhile.
You can also figure out the access paths your operation typically uses and precompute all the joins for those access paths. This is the premise behind data warehouses, or at least it is when they're built by people who know why they're doing what they're doing, and not just for the sake of buzzword compliance.
A properly designed data warehouse is produced periodically by a bulk transformation out of a normalised transaction processing system. This separation of the operations and reporting databases has the very desirable effect of eliminating the clash between OLTP and OLAP (online transaction processing ie data entry, and online analytical processing ie reporting).
An important point here is that apart from the periodic updates, the data warehouse is read only. This renders moot the question of update anomalies.
Don't make the mistake of denormalising your OLTP database (the database on which data entry happens). It might be faster for billing runs but if you do that you will get update anomalies. Ever tried to get Reader's Digest to stop sending you stuff?
Disk space is cheap these days, so knock yourself out. But denormalising is only part of the story for data warehouses. Much bigger performance gains are derived from precomputed rolled-up values: monthly totals, that sort of thing. It's always about reducing the working set.
ADO.NET problem with type mismatches
Suppose you have a SQL Server table containing an indexed column of type varchar, and you use AddWithValue to pass a parameter constraining a query on this column. C# strings are Unicode, so the inferred parameter type will be NVARCHAR, which doesn't match VARCHAR.
VARCHAR to NVARCHAR is a widening conversion so it happens implicitly - but say goodbye to indexing, and good luck working out why.
"Count the disk hits" (Rick James)
If everything is cached in RAM, JOINs are rather cheap. That is, normalization does not have much performance penalty.
If a "normalized" schema causes JOINs to hit the disk a lot, but the equivalent "denormalized" schema would not have to hit the disk, then denormalization wins a performance competition.
Comment from original author: Modern database engines are very good at organising access sequencing to minimise cache misses during join operations. The above, while true, might be miscontrued as implying that joins are necessarily problematically expensive on large data. This would lead to cause poor decision-making on the part of inexperienced developers.

What most commenters fail to note is the wide range of join methodologies available in a complex RDBMS, and the denormalisers invariably gloss over the higher cost of maintaining denormalised data. Not every join is based on indexes, and databases have a lot of optimised algotithms and methodologies for joining that are intended to reduce join costs.
In any case, the cost of a join depends on its type and a few other factors. It needn't be expensive at all - some examples.
A hash join, in which bulk data is equijoined, is very cheap indeed, and the cost only become significant if the hash table cannot be cached in memory. No index required. Equi-partitioning between the joined data sets can be a great help.
The cost of a sort-merge join is driven by the cost of the sort rather than the merge -- an index-based access method can virtually eliminate the cost of the sort.
The cost of a nested loop join on an index is driven by the height of the b-tree index and the access of the table block itself. It's fast, but not suitable for bulk joins.
A nested loop join based on a cluster is much cheaper, with fewer logicAL IO'S required per join row -- if the joined tables are both in the same cluster then the join becomes very cheap through the colocation of joined rows.
Databases are designed to join, and they're very flexible in how they do it and generally very performant unless they get the join mechanism wrong.

I think the whole question is based on a false premise. Joins on large tables are not necessarily expensive. In fact, doing joins efficiently is one of the main reasons relational databases exist at all. Joins on large sets often are expensive, but very rarely do you want to join the entire contents of large table A with the entire contents of large table B. Instead, you write the query such that only the important rows of each table are used and the actual set kept by the join remains smaller.
Additionally, you have the efficiencies mentioned by Peter Wone, such that only the important parts of each record need be in memory until the final result set is materialized. Also, in large queries with many joins you typically want to start with the smaller table sets and work your way up to the large ones, so that the set kept in memory remains as small as possible as long as possible.
When done properly, joins are generally the best way to compare, combine, or filter on large amounts of data.

The bottleneck is pretty much always disk I/O, and even more specifically - random disk I/O (by comparison, sequential reads are fairly fast and can be cached with read ahead strategies).
Joins can increase random seeks - if you're jumping around reading small parts of a large table. But, query optimizers look for that and will turn it into a sequential table scan (discarding the unneeded rows) if it thinks that'd be better.
A single denormalized table has a similar problem - the rows are large, and so less fit on a single data page. If you need rows that are located far from another (and the large row size makes them further apart) then you'll have more random I/O. Again, a table scan may be forced to avoid this. But, this time, your table scan has to read more data because of the large row size. Add to that the fact that you're copying data from a single location to multiple locations, and the RDBMS has that much more to read (and cache).
With 2 tables, you also get 2 clustered indexes - and can generally index more (because of less insert/update overhead) which can get you drastically increased performance (mainly, again, because indexes are (relatively) small, quick to read off disk (or cheap to cache), and lessen the amount of table rows you need to read from disk).
About the only overhead with a join comes from figuring out the matching rows. Sql Server uses 3 different types of joins, mainly based on dataset sizes, to find matching rows. If the optimizer picks the wrong join type (due to inaccurate statistics, inadequate indexes, or just an optimizer bug or edge case) it can drastically affect query times.
A loop join is farily cheap for (at least 1) small dataset.
A merge join requires a sort of both datasets first. If you join on an indexed column, though, then the index is already sorted and no further work needs to be done. Otherwise, there is some CPU and memory overhead in sorting.
The hash join requires both memory (to store the hashtable) and CPU (to build the hash). Again, this is fairly quick in relation to the disk I/O. However, if there's not enough RAM to store the hashtable, Sql Server will use tempdb to store parts of the hashtable and the found rows, and then process only parts of the hashtable at a time. As with all things disk, this is fairly slow.
In the optimal case, these cause no disk I/O - and so are negligible from a performance perspective.
All in all, at worst - it should actually be faster to read the same amount of logical data from x joined tables, as it is from a single denormalized table because of the smaller disk reads. To read the same amount of physical data, there could be some slight overhead.
Since query time is usually dominated by I/O costs, and the size of your data does not change (minus some very miniscule row overhead) with denormalization, there's not a tremendous amount of benefit to be had by just merging tables together. The type of denormalization that tends to increase performance, IME, is caching calculated values instead of reading the 10,000 rows required to calculate them.

The order in which you're joining the tables is extremely important. If you have two sets of data try to build the query in a way so the smallest will be used first to reduce the amount of data the query has to work on.
For some databases it does not matter, for example MS SQL does know the proper join order most of the time.
For some (like IBM Informix) the order makes all the difference.

Deciding on whether to denormalize or normalize is fairly a straightforward process when you consider the complexity class of the join. For instance, I tend to design my databases with normalization when the queries are O(k log n) where k is relative to the desired output magnitude.
An easy way to denormalize and optimize performance is to think about how changes to your normalize structure affect your denormalized structure. It can be problematic however as it may require transactional logic to work on a denormalized structured.
The debate for normalization and denormalization isn't going to end since the problems are vast. There are many problems where the natural solution requires both approaches.
As a general rule, I've always stored a normalized structure and denormalized caches that can be reconstructed. Eventually, these caches save my ass to solve the future normalization problems.

Elaborating what others have said,
Joins are just cartesian products with some lipgloss. {1,2,3,4}X{1,2,3} would give us 12 combinations (nXn=n^2). This computed set acts as a reference on which conditions are applied. The DBMS applies the conditions (like where both left and right are 2 or 3) to give us the matching condition(s). Actually it is more optimised but the problem is the same. The changes to size of the sets would increase the result size exponentially. The amount of memory and cpu cycles consumed all are effected in exponential terms.
When we denormalise, we avoid this computation altogether, think of having a colored sticky, attached to every page of your book. You can infer the information with out using a reference. The penalty we pay is that we are compromising the essence of DBMS (optimal organisation of data)


Anchor Database Modeling - is there anything better to store history and allow roll-back of the records?

I have red about anchor modelling from http://www.anchormodeling.com/ - there are a lot of publications that made sense to me. I am very concerned about the performance though... storing so many records in a property table and always working with the most recent one should drain memory and processor speed. The authors claim that this is not the case though.... Is there any better modelling technique to store history and allow roll-back of the records?
Normally querying data in an Anchor modeled database falls within two categories:
OLTP-like queries, retrieving a large number of attributes using high selectivity conditions
OLAP-like queries, retrieving a small number of attributes using low selectivity conditions
In (1) the high selectivity, often constraining the results to that belonging to a single instance, will quickly pinpoint the desired instance followed by a small overhead due to the joins involved. The joins are however made on declared PK/FK relations on over tables already sorted by the single integer key corresponding to the identity of the instance. In other words, in a 6NF model (which is what provides the most temporal features), it is not possible to create a physical implementation that would perform better. As a case example, the Swedish insurance company Länsförsäkringar has been running a real-time master data management system using Anchor since 2005, containing about 10 million engagements for 3 million customers, without performance issues. That being said, if extremely many queries are going to be run in parallel, the added overhead may become an issue.
In (2) since you are retrieving a small number of attributes the number of joins are reduced. In addition, the selectivity introduced by conditions make the joins behave like indexes (provided you have cost based optimizer that use column statistics). An optimal join order will be produced using the most selective condition first, so that intermediate result sets become as small as possible as early as possible with respect to the involved joins. As an additional benefit, the 6NF structure in Anchor maps directly onto distribution mechanisms in massively parallel processing relational databases, providing the best possible distribution for ad-hoc querying. As a case example, avito.ru has a 55TB data warehouse built using Anchor on a 12 node Vertica cluster, running without performance issues. In fact, this solution outperformed many of the other solutions they tested, including NoSQL alternatives.
As a conclusion, I would say that you cannot find a better modeling technique if you need to support temporality and flexibility. I have to point out though that I am one of the authors of the technique, although what I have said has been proven both in practice and theory, with scientific papers to back up the claims.

Performance of 100M Row Table (Oracle 11g)

We are designing a table for ad-hoc analysis that will capture umpteen value fields over time for claims received. The table structure is essentially (pseudo-ish-code):
table_huge (
claim_key int not null,
valuation_date_key int not null,
value_1 some_number_type,
value_2 some_number_type,
constraint pk_huge primary key (claim_key, valuation_date_key)
All value fields all numeric. The requirements are: The table shall capture a minimum of 12 recent years (hopefully more) of incepted claims. Each claim shall have a valuation date for each month-end occurring between claim inception and the current date. Typical claim inception volumes range from 50k-100k per year.
Adding all this up I project a table with a row count on the order of 100 million, and could grow to as much as 500 million over years depending on the business's needs. The table will be rebuilt each month. Consumers will select only. Other than a monthly refresh, no updates, inserts or deletes will occur.
I am coming at this from the business (consumer) side, but I have an interest in mitigating the IT cost while preserving the analytical value of this table. We are not overwhelmingly concerned about quick returns from the Table, but will occasionally need to throw a couple dozen queries at it and get all results in a day or three.
For argument's sake, let's assume the technology stack is, I dunno, in the 80th percentile of modern hardware.
The questions I have are:
Is there a point at which the cost-to-benefit of indices becomes excessive, considering a low frequency of queries against high-volume tables?
Does the SO community have experience with +100M row tables and can
offer tips on how to manage?
Do I leave the database technology problem to IT to solve or should I
seriously consider curbing the business requirements (and why?)?
I know these are somewhat soft questions, and I hope readers appreciate this is not a proposition I can test before building.
Please let me know if any clarifications are needed. Thanks for reading!
First of all: Expect this to "just work" if leaving the tech problem to IT - especially if your budget allows for an "80% current" hardware level.
I do have experience with 200M+ rows in MySQL on entry-level and outdated hardware, and I was allways positivly suprised.
Some Hints:
On monthly refresh, load the table without non-primary indices, then create them. Search for the sweet point, how many index creations in parallell work best. In a project with much less date (ca. 10M) this reduced load time compared to the naive "create table, then load data" approach by 70%
Try to get a grip on the number and complexity of concurrent queries: This has influence on your hardware decisions (less concurrency=less IO, more CPU)
Assuming you have 20 numeric fields of 64 bits each, times 200M rows: If I can calculate correctly, ths is a payload of 32GB. Trade cheap disks against 64G RAM and never ever have an IO bottleneck.
Make sure, you set the tablespace to read only
You could consider anchor modeling approach to store changes only.
Considering that there are so many expected repeated rows, ~ 95% --
bringing row count from 100M to only 5M, removes most of your concerns.
At this point it is mostly cache consideration, if the whole table
can somehow fit into cache, things happen fairly fast.
For "low" data volumes, the following structure is slower to query than a plain table; at one point (as data volume grows) it becomes faster. That point depends on several factors, but it may be easy to test. Take a look at this white-paper about anchor modeling -- see graphs on page 10.
In terms of anchor-modeling, it is equivalent to
The modeling tool has automatic code generation, but it seems that it currenty fully supports only MS SQL server, though there is ORACLE in drop-down too. It can still be used as a code-helper.
In terms of supporting code, you will need (minimum)
Latest perspective view (auto-generated)
Point in time function (auto-generated)
Staging table from which this structure will be loaded (see tutorial for data-warehouse-loading)
Loading function, from staging table to the structure
Pruning functions for each attribute, to remove any repeating values
It is easy to create all this by following auto-generated-code patterns.
With no ongoing updates/inserts, an index NEVER has negative performance consequences, only positive (by MANY orders of magnitude for tables of this size).
More critically, the schema is seriously flawed. What you want is
claim_key (fk->Claim.claim_key)
This is much more space-efficient as it stores only the values you actually have, and does not require schema changes when the number of values for a single row exceeds the number of columns you have allocated.
Using partition concept & apply partition key on every query that you perform will save give the more performance improvements.
In our company we solved huge number of performance issues with the partition concept.
One more design solutions is if we know that the table is going to be very very big, try not to apply more constraints on the table & handle in the logic before u perform & don't have many columns on the table to avoid row chaining issues.

Should OLAP databases be denormalized for read performance? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I always thought that databases should be denormalized for read performance, as it is done for OLAP database design, and not exaggerated much further 3NF for OLTP design.
PerformanceDBA in various posts, for ex., in Performance of different aproaches to time-based data defends the paradigm that database should be always well-designed by normalization to 5NF and 6NF (Normal Form).
Have I understood it correctly (and what had I understood correctly)?
What's wrong with the traditional denormalization approach/paradigm design of OLAP databases (below 3NF) and the advice that 3NF is enough for most practical cases of OLTP databases?
For example:
"The simple truth ... is that 6NF, executed properly, is the data warehouse" (PerformanceDBA)
I should confess that I could never grasp the theories that denormalization facilitates read performance. Can anybody give me references with good logical explanations of this and of the contrary beliefs?
What are sources to which I can refer when trying to convince my stakeholders that OLAP/Data Warehousing databases should be normalized?
To improve visibility I copied here from comments:
"It would be nice if participants would
add (disclose) how many real-life (no
science projects included)
data-warehouse implementations in 6NF
they have seen or participated in.
Kind of a quick-pool. Me = 0." – Damir
Wikipedia's Data Warehouse article tells:
"The normalized approach [vs. dimensional one by Ralph Kimball], also
called the 3NF model (Third Normal Form) whose supporters are
referred to as “Inmonites”, believe in Bill Inmon's approach in which
it is stated that the data warehouse should be modeled using an E-R
model/normalized model."
It looks like the normalized data warehousing approach (by Bill Inmon) is perceived as not exceeding 3NF (?)
I just want to understand what is the origin of the myth (or ubiquitous axiomatic belief) that data warehousing/OLAP is synonym of denormalization?
Damir Sudarevic answered that they are well-paved approach. Let me return to the question: Why is denormalization believed to facilitate reading?
I always thought that databases should be denormalized for reading, as it is done for OLAP database design, and not exaggerated much further 3NF for OLTP design.
There's a myth to that effect. In the Relational Database context, I have re-implemented six very large so-called "de-normalised" "databases"; and executed over eighty assignments correcting problems on others, simply by Normalising them, applying Standards and engineering principles. I have never seen any evidence for the myth. Only people repeating the mantra as if it were some sort of magical prayer.
Normalisation vs Un-normalised
("De-normalisation" is a fraudulent term I refuse to use it.)
This is a scientific industry (at least the bit that delivers software that does not break; that put people on the Moon; that runs banking systems; etc). It is governed by the laws of physics, not magic. Computers and software are all finite, tangible, physical objects that are subject to the laws of physics. According to the secondary and tertiary education I received:
it is not possible for a bigger, fatter, less organised object to perform better than a smaller, thinner, more organised object.
Normalisation yields more tables, yes, but each table is much smaller. And even though there are more tables, there are in fact (a) fewer joins and (b) the joins are faster because the sets are smaller. Fewer Indices are required overall, because each smaller table needs fewer indices. Normalised tables also yield much shorter row sizes.
for any given set of resources, Normalised tables:
fit more rows into the same page size
therefore fit more rows into the same cache space, therefore overall throughput is increased)
therefore fit more rows into the same disk space, therefore the no of I/Os is reduced; and when I/O is called for, each I/O is more efficient.
it is not possible for an object that is heavily duplicated to perform better than an object that is stored as a single version of the truth. Eg. when I removed the 5 x duplication at the table and column level, all the transactions were reduced in size; the locking reduced; the Update Anomalies disappeared. That substantially reduced contention and therefore increased concurrent use.
The overall result was therefore much, much higher performance.
In my experience, which is delivering both OLTP and OLAP from the same database, there has never been a need to "de-normalise" my Normalised structures, to obtain higher speed for read-only (OLAP) queries. That is a myth as well.
No, the "de-normalisation" requested by others reduced speed, and it was eliminated. No surprise to me, but again, the requesters were surprised.
Many books have been written by people, selling the myth. It needs to be recognised that these are non-technical people; since they are selling magic, the magic they sell has no scientific basis, and they conveniently avoid the laws of physics in their sales pitch.
(For anyone who wishes to dispute the above physical science, merely repeating the mantra will no have any effect, please supply specific evidence supporting the mantra.)
Why is the Myth Prevalent ?
Well, first, it is not prevalent among scientific types, who do not seek ways of overcoming the laws of physics.
From my experience, I have identified three major reasons for the prevalence:
For those people who cannot Normalise their data, it is a convenient justification for not doing so. They can refer to the magic book and without any evidence for the magic, they can reverently say "see a famous writer validates what I have done". Not Done, most accurately.
Many SQL coders can write only simple, single-level SQL. Normalised structures require a bit of SQL capability. If they do not have that; if they cannot produce SELECTs without using temporary tables; if they cannot write Sub-queries, they will be psychologically glued to the hip to flat files (which is what "de-normalised" structures are), which they can process.
People love to read books, and to discuss theories. Without experience. Especially re magic. It is a tonic, a substitute for actual experience. Anyone who has actually Normalised a database correctly has never stated that "de-normalised is faster than normalised". To anyone stating the mantra, I simply say "show me the evidence", and they have never produced any. So the reality is, people repeat the mythology for these reasons, without any experience of Normalisation. We are herd animals, and the unknown is one of our biggest fears.
That is why I always include "advanced" SQL and mentoring on any project.
My Answer
This Answer is going to be ridiculously long if I answer every part of your question or if I respond to the incorrect elements in some of the other answers. Eg. the above has answered just one item. Therefore I will answer your question in total without addressing the specific components, and take a different approach. I will deal only in the science related to your question, that I am qualified in, and very experienced with.
Let me present the science to you in manageable segments.
The typical model of the six large scale full implementation assignments.
These were the closed "databases" commonly found in small firms, and the organisations were large banks
very nice for a first generation, get-the-app-running mindset, but a complete failure in terms of performance, integrity and quality
they were designed for each app, separately
reporting was not possible, they could only report via each app
since "de-normalised" is a myth, the accurate technical definition is, they were un-normalised
In order to "de-normalise" one must Normalise first; then reverse the process a little
in every instance where people showed me their "de-normalised" data models, the simple fact was, they had not Normalised at all; so "de-normalisation" was not possible; it was simply un-normalised
since they did not have much Relational technology, or the structures and control of Databases, but they were passed off as "databases", I have placed those words in quotation marks
as is scientifically guaranteed for un-normalised structures, they suffered multiple versions of the truth (data duplication) and therefore high contention and low concurrency, within each of them
they had an additional problem of data duplication across the "databases"
the organisation was trying to keep all those duplicates synchronised, so they implemented replication; which of course meant an additional server; ETL and synching scripts to be developed; and maintained; etc
needless to say, the synching was never quite enough and they were forever changing it
with all that contention and low throughput, it was no problem at all justifying a separate server for each "database". It did not help much.
So we contemplated the laws of physics, and we applied a little science.
We implemented the Standard concept that the data belongs to the corporation (not the departments) and the corporation wanted one version of the truth. The Database was pure Relational, Normalised to 5NF. Pure Open Architecture, so that any app or report tool could access it. All transactions in stored procs (as opposed to uncontrolled strings of SQL all over the network). The same developers for each app coded the new apps, after our "advanced" education.
Evidently the science worked. Well, it wasn't my private science or magic, it was ordinary engineering and the laws of physics. All of it ran on one database server platform; two pairs (production & DR) of servers were decommissioned and given to another department. The 5 "databases" totalling 720GB were Normalised into one Database totalling 450GB. About 700 tables (many duplicates and duplicated columns) were normalised into 500 unduplicated tables. It performed much faster, as in 10 times faster overall, and more than 100 times faster in some functions. That did not surprise me, because that was my intention, and the science predicted it, but it surprised the people with the mantra.
More Normalisation
Well, having had success with Normalisation in every project, and confidence with the science involved, it has been a natural progression to Normalise more, not less. In the old days 3NF was good enough, and later NFs were not yet identified. In the last 20 years, I have only delivered databases that had zero update anomalies, so it turns out by todays definitions of NFs, I have always delivered 5NF.
Likewise, 5NF is great but it has its limitations. Eg. Pivoting large tables (not small result sets as per the MS PIVOT Extension) was slow. So I (and others) developed a way of providing Normalised tables such that Pivoting was (a) easy and (b) very fast. It turns out, now that 6NF has been defined, that those tables are 6NF.
Since I provide OLAP and OLTP from the same database, I have found that, consistent with the science, the more Normalised the structures are:
the faster they perform
and they can be used in more ways (eg Pivots)
So yes, I have consistent and unvarying experience, that not only is Normalised much, much faster than un-normalised or "de-normalised"; more Normalised is even faster than less normalised.
One sign of success is growth in functionality (the sign of failure is growth in size without growth in functionality). Which meant they immediately asked us for more reporting functionality, which meant we Normalised even more, and provided more of those specialised tables (which turned out years later, to be 6NF).
Progressing on that theme. I was always a Database specialist, not a data warehouse specialist, so my first few projects with warehouses were not full-blown implementations, but rather, they were substantial performance tuning assignments. They were in my ambit, on products that I specialised in.
Let's not worry about the exact level of normalisation, etc, because we are looking at the typical case. We can take it as given that the OLTP database was reasonably normalised, but not capable of OLAP, and the organisation had purchased a completely separate OLAP platform, hardware; invested in developing and maintaining masses of ETL code; etc. And following implementation then spent half their life managing the duplicates they had created. Here the book writers and vendors need to be blamed, for the massive waste of hardware and separate platform software licences they cause organisations to purchase.
If you have not observed it yet, I would ask you to notice the similarities between the Typical First Generation "database" and the Typical Data Warehouse
Meanwhile, back at the farm (the 5NF Databases above) we just kept adding more and more OLAP functionality. Sure the app functionality grew, but that was little, the business had not changed. They would ask for more 6NF and it was easy to provide (5NF to 6NF is a small step; 0NF to anything, let alone 5NF, is a big step; an organised architecture is easy to extend).
One major difference between OLTP and OLAP, the basic justification of separate OLAP platform software, is that the OLTP is row-oriented, it needs transactionally secure rows, and fast; and the OLAP doesn't care about the transactional issues, it needs columns, and fast. That is the reason all the high end BI or OLAP platforms are column-oriented, and that is why the OLAP models (Star Schema, Dimension-Fact) are column-oriented.
But with the 6NF tables:
there are no rows, only columns; we serve up rows and columns at same blinding speed
the tables (ie. the 5NF view of the 6NF structures) are already organised into Dimension-Facts. In fact they are organised into more Dimensions than any OLAP model would ever identify, because they are all Dimensions.
Pivoting entire tables with aggregation on the fly (as opposed to the PIVOT of a small number of derived columns) is (a) effortless, simple code and (b) very fast
What we have been supplying for many years, by definition, is Relational Databases with at least 5NF for OLTP use, and 6NF for OLAP requirements.
Notice that it is the very same science that we have used from the outset; to move from Typical un-normalised "databases" to 5NF Corporate Database. We are simply applying more of the proven science, and obtaining higher orders of functionality and performance.
Notice the similarity between 5NF Corporate Database and 6NF Corporate Database
The entire cost of separate OLAP hardware, platform software, ETL, administration, maintenance, are all eliminated.
There is only one version of the data, no update anomalies or maintenance thereof; the same data served up for OLTP as rows, and for OLAP as columns
The only thing we have not done, is to start off on a new project, and declare pure 6NF from the start. That is what I have lined up next.
What is Sixth Normal Form ?
Assuming you have a handle on Normalisation (I am not going to not define it here), the non-academic definitions relevant to this thread are as follows. Note that it applies at the table level, hence you can have a mix of 5NF and 6NF tables in the same database:
Fifth Normal Form: all Functional Dependencies resolved across the database
in addition to 4NF/BCNF
every non-PK column is 1::1 with its PK
and to no other PK
No Update Anomalies
Sixth Normal Form: is the irreducible NF, the point at which the data cannot be further reduced or Normalised (there will not be a 7NF)
in addition to 5NF
the row consists of a Primary Key, and at most, one non-key column
eliminates The Null Problem
What Does 6NF Look Like ?
The Data Models belong to the customers, and our Intellectual Property is not available for free publication. But I do attend this web-site, and provide specific answers to questions. You do need a real world example, so I will publish the Data Model for one of our internal utilities.
This one is for the collection of server monitoring data (enterprise class database server and OS) for any no of customers, for any period. We use this to analyse performance issues remotely, and to verify any performance tuning that we do. The structure has not changed in over ten years (added to, with no change to the existing structures), it is typical of the specialised 5NF that many years later was identified as 6NF. Allows full pivoting; any chart or graph to be drawn, on any Dimension (22 Pivots are provided but that is not a limit); slice and dice; mix and match. Notice they are all Dimensions.
The monitoring data or Metrics or vectors can change (server version changes; we want to pick up something more) without affecting the model (you may recall in another post I stated EAV is the bastard son of 6NF; well this is full 6NF, the undiluted father, and therefore provides all features of EAV, without sacrificing any Standards, integrity or Relational power); you merely add rows.
▶Monitor Statistics Data Model◀. (too large for inline; some browsers cannot load inline; click the link)
It allows me to produce these ▶Charts Like This◀, six keystrokes after receiving a raw monitoring stats file from the customer. Notice the mix-and-match; OS and server on the same chart; a variety of Pivots. (Used with permission.)
Readers who are unfamiliar with the Standard for Modelling Relational Databases may find the ▶IDEF1X Notation◀ helpful.
6NF Data Warehouse
This has been recently validated by Anchor Modeling, in that they are now presenting 6NF as the "next generation" OLAP model for data warehouses. (They do not provide the OLTP and OLAP from the single version of the data, that is ours alone).
Data Warehouse (Only) Experience
My experience with Data Warehouses only (not the above 6NF OLTP-OLAP Databases), has been several major assignments, as opposed to full implementation projects. The results were, no surprise:
consistent with the science, Normalised structures perform much faster; are easier to maintain; and require less data synching. Inmon, not Kimball.
consistent with the magic, after I Normalise a bunch of tables, and deliver substantially improved performance via application of the laws of physics, the only people surprised are the magicians with their mantras.
Scientifically minded people do not do that; they do not believe in, or rely upon, silver bullets and magic; they use and hard work science to resolve their problems.
Valid Data Warehouse Justification
That is why I have stated in other posts, the only valid justification for a separate Data Warehouse platform, hardware, ETL, maintenance, etc, is where there are many Databases or "databases", all being merged into a central warehouse, for reporting and OLAP.
A word on Kimball is necessary, as he is the main proponent of "de-normalised for performance" in data warehouses. As per my definitions above, he is one of those people who have evidently never Normalised in their lives; his starting point was un-normalised (camouflaged as "de-normalised") and he simply implemented that in a Dimension-Fact model.
Of course, to obtain any performance, he had to "de-normalise" even more, and create further duplicates, and justify all that.
So therefore it is true, in a schizophrenic sort of way, that "de-normalising" un-normalised structures, by making more specialised copies, "improves read performance". It is not true when the whole is taking into account; it is true only inside that little asylum, not outside.
Likewise it is true, in that crazy way, that where all the "tables" are monsters, that "joins are expensive" and something to be avoided. They have never had the experience of joining smaller tables and sets, so they cannot believe the scientific fact that more, smaller tables are faster.
they have experience that creating duplicate "tables" is faster, so they cannot believe that eliminating duplicates is even faster than that.
his Dimensions are added to the un-normalised data. Well the data is not Normalised, so no Dimensions are exposed. Whereas in a Normalised model, the Dimensions are already exposed, as an integral part of the data, no addition is required.
that well-paved path of Kimball's leads to the cliff, where more lemmings fall to their deaths, faster. Lemmings are herd animals, as long as they are walking the path together, and dying together, they die happy. Lemmings do not look for other paths.
All just stories, parts of the one mythology that hang out together and support each other.
Your Mission
Should you choose to accept it. I am asking you to think for yourself, and to stop entertaining any thoughts that contradict science and the laws of physics. No matter how common or mystical or mythological they are. Seek evidence for anything before trusting it. Be scientific, verify new beliefs for yourself. Repeating the mantra "de-normalised for performance" won't make your database faster, it will just make you feel better about it. Like the fat kid sitting in the sidelines telling himself that he can run faster than all the kids in the race.
on that basis, even the concept "normalise for OLTP" but do the opposite, "de-normalise for OLAP" is a contradiction. How can the laws of physics work as stated on one computer, but work in reverse on another computer ? The mind boggles. It is simply not possible, the work that same way on every computer.
Questions ?
Denormalization and aggregation are the two main strategies used to achieve performance in a data warehouse. It's just silly to suggest that it doesn't improve read performance! Surely I must have missunderstood something here?
Consider a table holding 1 billion purchases.
Contrast it with a table holding one row with the sum of the purchases.
Now, which is faster? Select sum(amount) from the one-billion-row table or a select amount from the one-row-table? It's a stupid example of course, but it illustrates the principle of aggregation quite clearly. Why is it faster? Because regardless of what magical model/hardware/software/religion we use, reading 100 bytes is faster than reading 100 gigabytes. Simple as that.
A typical product dimension in a retail data warehouse has shitloads of columns. Some columns are easy stuff like "Name" or "Color", but it also has some complicated stuff, like hierarchies. Multiple hierarchies (The product range (5 levels), the intended buyer (3 levels), raw materials (8 levels), way of production (8 levels) along with several computed numbers such as average lead time (since start of the year), weight/packaging measures etcetera etcetera. I've maintained a product dimension table with 200+ columns that was constructed from ~70 tables from 5 different source systems. It is just plain silly to debate whether a query on the normalized model (below)
select product_id
from table1
join table2 on(keys)
join (select average(..)
from one_billion_row_table
where lastyear = ...) on(keys)
join ...table70
where function_with_fuzzy_matching(table1.cola, table37.colb) > 0.7
and exists(select ... from )
and not exists(select ...)
and table20.version_id = (select max(v_id from product_ver where ...)
and average_price between 10 and 20
and product_range = 'High-Profile'
...is faster than the equivalent query on the denormalized model:
select product_id
from product_denormalized
where average_price between 10 and 20
and product_range = 'High-Profile';
Why? Partly for the same reason as the aggregated scenario. But also because the queries are just "complicated". They are so disgustingly complicated that the optimizer (and now I'm going Oracle specifics) gets confused and screws up the execution plans. Suboptimal execution plans may not be such a big deal if the query deals with small amounts of data. But as soon as we start to join in the Big Tables it is crucial that the database gets the execution plan right. Having denormalized the data in one table with a single syntetic key (heck, why don't I add more fuel to this ongoing fire), the filters become simple range/equality filters on pre-cooked columns. Having duplicated the data into new columns enables us to gather statistics on the columns which will help the optimizer in estimating the selectivities and thus providing us with a proper execution plan (well, ...).
Obviously, using denormalization and aggregation makes it harder to accomodate schema changes which is a bad thing. On the other hand they provides read performance, which is a good thing.
So, should you denormalize your database in order to achieve read-performance?
Hell no! It adds so many complexities to your system that there is no end to how many ways it will screw you over before you have delivered. Is it worth it? Yes, sometimes you need to do it to meet a specific performance requirement.
Update 1
PerformanceDBA: 1 row would get updated a billion times a day
That would imply a (near) realtime requirement (which in turn would generate a completely different set of technical requirements). Many (if not most) data warehouses does not have that requirement. I picked an unrealistic aggregation example just to make it clear why aggregation works. I didn't want to have to explain rollup strategies too :)
Also, one has to contrast the needs of the typical user of a data warehouse and the typical user of the underlaying OLTP system. A user looking to understand what factors drive transport costs, couldn't care less if 50% of todays data is missing or if 10 trucks exploded and killed the drivers. Performing the analysis over 2 years worth of data would still come to the same conclusion even if he had to-the-second up-to-date information at his disposal.
Contrast this to the needs of the drivers of that truck (the ones who survived). They can't wait 5 hours at some transit point just because some stupid aggregation process has to finnish. Having two separate copies of the data solves both needs.
Another major hurdle with sharing the same set of data for operational systems and reporting systems is that the release cycles, Q&A, deployment, SLA and what have you, are very different. Again, having two separate copies makes this easier to handle.
By "OLAP" I understand you to mean a subject-oriented relational / SQL database used for decision support - AKA a Data Warehouse.
Normal Form (typically 5th / 6th Normal Form) is generally the best model for a Data Warehouse. The reasons for normalizing a Data Warehouse are exactly the same as any other database: it reduces redundancy and avoids potential update anomalies; it avoids built-in bias and is therefore the easiest way to support schema change and new requirements. Using Normal Form in a data warehouse also helps keep the data load process simple and consistent.
There is no "traditional" denormalization approach. Good data warehouses have always been normalized.
Should not a database be denormalized for reading performance?
Okay, here goes a total "Your Mileage May Vary", "It Depends", "Use The Proper Tool For Every Job", "One Size Does Not Fit All" answer, with a bit of "Don't Fix It If It Ain't Broken" thrown in:
Denormalization is one way to improve query performance in certain situations. In other situations it may actually reduce performance (because of the increased disk use). It certainly makes updates more difficult.
It should only be considered when you hit a performance problem (because you are giving the benefits of normalization and introduce complexity).
The drawbacks of denormalization are less of an issue with data that is never updated, or only updated in batch jobs, i.e. not OLTP data.
If denormalization solves a performance problem that you need solved, and that less invasive techniques (like indexes or caches or buying a bigger server) do not solve, then yes, you should do it.
First my opinions, then some analysis
Denormalisation is perceived to help reading data because common use of the word denormalisation often include not only breaking normal forms, but also introducing any insertion, update and deletion dependencies into the system.
This, strictly speaking, is false, see this question/answer, Denormalisation in strict sense mean to break any of the normal forms from 1NF-6NF, other insertion, update and deletion dependencies are addressed with Principle of Orthogonal Design.
So what happens is that people take the Space vs Time tradeoff principle and remember the term redundancy (associated with denormalisation, still not equal to it) and conclude that you should have benefits. This is faulty implication, but false implications do not allow you to conclude the reverse.
Breaking normal forms may indeed speed up some data retrieval (details in analysis below), but as a rule it will also at the same time:
favour only specific type of queries and slow down all other access paths
increase complexity of the system (which influences not only maintenance of the database itself, but also increases the complexity of applications that consume the data)
obfuscate and weaken semantic clarity of the database
main point of database systems, as central data representing the problem space is to be unbiased in recording the facts, so that when requirements change you don't have to redesign the parts of the system (data and applications) that are independent in reality. to be able to do this artificial dependencies should be minimised - today's 'critical' requirement to speed up one query quite often become only marginally important.
So, I made a claim that sometimes breaking normal forms can help retrieval. Time to give some arguments
1) Breaking 1NF
Assume you have financial records in 6NF. From such database you can surely get a report on what is a balance for each account for each month.
Assuming that a query that would have to calculate such report would need to go through n records you could make a table
account_balances(month, report)
which would hold XML structured balances for each account. This breaks 1NF (see notes later), but allows one specific query to execute with minimum I/O.
At the same time, assuming it is possible to update any month with inserts, updates or deletes of financial records, the performance of the update queries on the system might be slowed down by time proportional to some function of n for each update.
(the above case illustrates a principle, in reality you would have better options and the benefit of getting minimum I/O bring such penalties that for realistic system that actually updates data often you would get bad performance on even for your targeted query depending on the type of actual workload; can explain this in more detail if you want)
This is actually trivial example and there is one problem with it - the definition of 1NF. Assumption that the above model breaks 1NF is according to requirement that values of an attribute 'contain exactly one value from the applicable domain'.
This allows you to say that the domain of the attribute report is a set of all possible reports and that from all of them there is exactly one value and claim that 1NF is not broken (similar to argument that storing words does not break 1NF even though you might have letters relation somewhere in your model).
On the other hand there are much better ways to model this table, which would be more useful for wider range of queries (such as to retrieve balances for single account for all months in a year). In this case you would justify that improvement by saying that this field is not in 1NF.
Anyway it explains why people claim that breaking NFs might improve performance.
2) Breaking 3NF
Assuming tables in 3NF
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`member_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`status` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
`amount` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL,
`opening` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `member_id` (`member_id`),
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
with sample data (1M rows in t, 100k in m)
Assume a common query that you want to improve
mysql> select sql_no_cache m.name, count(*)
from t join m on t.member_id = m.id
where t.id between 100000 and 500000 group by m.name;
| name | count(*) |
| omega | 11 |
| test | 8 |
| test3 | 399982 |
3 rows in set (1.08 sec)
you could find suggestions to move attribute name into table m which breaks 3NF (it has a FD: member_id -> name and member_id is not a key of t)
alter table t add column varchar(255);
update t inner join m on t.member_id = t.id set t.name = m.name;
mysql> select sql_no_cache name, count(*)
from t where id
between 100000 and 500000
group by name;
| name | count(*) |
| omega | 11 |
| test | 8 |
| test3 | 399982 |
3 rows in set (0.41 sec)
The above query execution time is cut in half, but
the table was not in 5NF/6NF to begin with
the test was done with no_sql_cache so most cache mechanisms were avoided (and in real situations they play a role in system's performance)
space consumption is increased by approx 9x size of the column name x 100k rows
there should be triggers on t to keep the integrity of data, which would significantly slow down all updates to name and add additional checks that inserts in t would need to go through
probably better results could be achieved by dropping surrogate keys and switching to natural keys, and/or indexing, or redesigning to higher NFs
Normalising is the proper way in the long run. But you don't always have an option to redesign company's ERP (which is for example already only mostly 3NF) - sometimes you must achieve certain task within given resources. Of course doing this is only short term 'solution'.
Bottom line
I think that the most pertinent answer to your question is that you will find the industry and education using the term 'denormalisation' in
strict sense, for breaking NFs
loosely, for introducing any insertion, update and deletion dependencies (original Codd's quote comments on normalisation saying: 'undesirable(!) insertion, update and deletion dependencies', see some details here)
So, under strict definition, the aggregation (summary tables) are not considered denormalisation and they can help a lot in terms of performance (as will any cache, which is not perceived as denormalisation).
The loose usage encompasses both breaking normal forms and the principle of orthogonal design, as said before.
Another thing that might shed some light is that there is a very important difference between the logical model and the physical model.
For example indexes store redundant data, but no one considers them denormalization, not even people who use the term loosely and there are two (connected) reasons for this
they are not part of the logical model
they are transparent and guaranteed not to break integrity of your model
If you fail to properly model your logical model you will end up with inconsistent database - wrong types of relationships between your entities (inability to represent problem space), conflicting facts (ability to loose information) and you should employ whatever methods you can to get a correct logical model, it is a foundation for all applications that will be built on top of it.
Normalisation, orthogonal and clear semantics of your predicates, well defined attributes, correctly identified functional dependencies all play a factor in avoiding pitfalls.
When it comes to physical implementation things get more relaxed in a sense that ok, materialised computed column that is dependent on non key might be breaking 3NF, but if there are mechanisms that guarantee consistency it is allowed in physical model in the same way as indexes are allowed, but you have to very carefully justify it because usually normalising will yield same or better improvements across the board and will have no or less negative impact and will keep the design clear (which reduces the application development and maintenance costs) resulting in savings that you can easily spend on upgrading hardware to improve the speed even more then what is achieved with breaking NFs.
The two most popular methodologies for building a data warehouse (DW) seem to be Bill Inmon's and Ralph Kimball's.
Inmon's methodology uses normalized approach, while Kimball's uses dimensional modelling -- de-normalized star schema.
Both are well documented down to small details and both have many successful implementations. Both present a "wide, well-paved road" to a DW destination.
I can not comment on the 6NF approach nor on Anchor Modelling because I have never seen nor participated in a DW project using that methodology. When it comes to implementations, I like to travel down well tested paths -- but, that's just me.
So, to summarize, should DW be normalized or de-normalized? Depends on the methodology you pick -- simply pick one and stick to it, at least till the end of the project.
EDIT - An Example
At the place I currently work for, we had a legacy report which has been running since ever on the production server. Not a plain report, but a collection of 30 sub-reports emailed to everybody and his ant every day.
Recently, we implemented a DW. With two report servers and bunch of reports in place, I was hoping that we can forget about the legacy thing. But not, legacy is legacy, we always had it, so we want it, need it, can't live without it, etc.
The thing is that the mess-up of a python script and SQL took eight hours (yes, e-i-g-h-t hours) to run every single day. Needless to say, the database and the application were built over years by few batches of developers -- so, not exactly your 5NF.
It was time to re-create the legacy thing from the DW. Ok, to keep it short it's done and it takes 3 minutes (t-h-r-e-e minutes) to produce it, six seconds per sub-report. And I was in the hurry to deliver, so was not even optimizing all the queries. This is factor of 8 * 60 / 3 = 160 times faster -- not to mention benefits of removing an eight hour job from a production server. I think I can still shave of a minute or so, but right now no one cares.
As a point of interest, I have used Kimball's method (dimensional modelling) for the DW and everything used in this story is open-source.
This is what all this (data-warehouse) is supposed to be about, I think. Does it even matter which methodology (normalized or de-normalized) was used?
As a point of interest, Bill Inmon has a nicely written paper on his website -- A Tale of Two Architectures.
The problem with the word "denormalized" is that it doesn't specify what direction to go in. It's about like trying to get to San Francisco from Chicago by driving away from New York.
A star schema or a snowflake schema is certainly not normalized. And it certainly performs better than a normalized schema in certain usage patterns. But there are cases of denormalization where the designer wasn't following any discipline at all, but just composing tables by intuition. Sometimes those efforts don't pan out.
In short, don't just denormalize. Do follow a different design discipline if you are confident of its benefits, and even if it doesn't agree with normalized design. But don't use denormalization as an excuse for haphazard design.
The short answer is don't fix a performance problem you have not got!
As for time based tables the generally accepted pardigm is to have valid_from and valid_to dates in every row. This is still basically 3NF as it only changes the semantics from "this is the one and only verision of this entity" to "this is the one and only version of this entity at this time "
An OLTP database should be normalised (as far as makes sense).
An OLAP data warehouse should be denormalised into Fact and Dimension tables (to minimise joins).

SQL Server wide indexes with many include columns

Should I be careful adding too many include columns to a non-cluster index?
I understand that this will prevent bookmark look-ups on fully covered queries, but the counter I assume is there's the additional cost of maintaining the index if the columns aren't static and the additional overall size of the index causing additional physical reads.
You said it in the question: the risk with having many indexes and/or many columns in indexes is that the cost of maintaining the indexes may become significant in databases which receive a lot of CUD (Create/Update/Delete) operations.
Selecting the right indexes, is an art of sort which involves balancing the most common use cases, along with storage concerns (typically a low priority issue, but important in some contexts), and performance issues with CUD ops.
I agree with mjv - there's no real easy and quick answer to this - it's a balancing act.
In general, fewer but wider indices are preferable over lots of narrower ones, and covering indices (with include fields) are preferable over having to do a bookmark lookup - but that's just generalizations, and those are generally speaking wrong :-)
You really can't do much more than test and measure:
measure your performance in the areas of interest
then add your wide and covering index
measure again and see if you a) get a speedup on certain operations, and b) the remaining performance doesn't suffer too much
All the guessing and trying to figure out really doesn't help - measure, do it, measure again, compare the results. That's really all you can do.
I agree with both answers so far, just want to add 2 things:
For covering indexes, SQL Server 2005 introduced the INCLUDE clause which made storage and usage more efficient. For earlier versions, included columns were part of the tree, part of the 900 byte width and made the index larger.
It's also typical for your indexes to be larger than the table when using sp_spaceused. Databases are mostly reads (I saw "85% read" somewhere), even when write heavy (eg INSERT looks for duplicates, DELETE checks FKs, UPDATE with WHERE etc).

Is it really better to use normalized tables?

I heard my team leader say that in some past projects they had to do away with normalization to make the queries faster.
I think it may have something to do with table unions.
Is having more lean tables really less efficient than having few fat tables?
It depends ... joining tables is inherently slower than having one big table that is 'pre-joined' ie de-normalised. However, by denormalising you're going to create data duplication and your tables are going to be larger. Normalisation is seen as a good thing, because it creates databases that can answer 'any' question, if it is properly done you can build a select to get to your data. This is not the case in some other forms of DB, and those are now (mostly) historic irrelevancies, the normalised/relation DB won that battle.
Back to your question, using de-normalisation to make things go faster is a well accepted technique. It's normally best to run your DB for a while so you know what to de-normalise and what to leave alone, and it's also common to leave the data in its 'correct' normalised form and pull data into a set of de-normalised reporting tables on a regular basis. If that process is done as part of the report run itself then the data is always up to date too.
As an example of over-normalisation I've seen DBs in the past where the days of the week, and months of the year were pulled out into separate tables - dates themselves were normalised - you can go too far.
You should do some research on the differences between OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) databases.
In short, database systems which are concerned primarily with recording transactions (OLTP) are usually structured in a more normalized fashion, reducing data duplication and easing the creation and updating of records at the expense of optimized data retrieval.
Database systems which are more concerned with data retrieval and analysis (OLAP) are usually structured in a less normalized fashion, sacrificing data storage optimization so to maximize querying and analysis speed.
Database normalization and Denormalization are at the heart of this trade off.
Jeff wrote about this, followed by a heated discussion.
It is also subject of much discussion on SO, e.g. whats the better database design more tables or more columns. As others have pointed, use common sense and do not over-normalize.
In my long experience with Oracle OLTP databases, some of them very large and busy, I can honestly say I can't remember ever having come across a case where "denormalisation for performance" was truly required. I have, however, seen many cases where someone has decided in advance that denormalisation should be applied because of their fear, uncertainty and doubt about potential performance issues. This has usually been done without any benchmarking, and invariably I find that no performance improvement has been achieved in fact - but the data maintenance code has become far more complex than it would have been.
OLAP is a very different animal, and I'm not in a position to comment about that.
This question recurs altogether too often. The primary reason is that SQL, the most popular database language by a huge margin, and all of its most popular implementations, conflate logical table design with physical table design.
The eternal answer is that you should always normalize your logical tables, but the pragmatic answer is complicated by the fact that the only way to implement certain optimizations under existing SQL implementations is to denormalize your physical table design (itself not a bad thing) which, in those implementations, requires denormalizing your logical table design.
In short, it depends. Sometimes denormalization is important for performance, but like everything else performance-related you should measure, measure, measure before you even consider going down this route.
Performance is inverse to the amount of normalization done on RDBMS. That being said, the more normal the tables are, the less likelihood there is for errors. There is a point to where a RDBMS performance can be hurt by denormalization, at the point to where all of the data is held in one table.
The reason why normalization has been known to hurt performance is because joins are fairly expensive. If there are N records in table X and M records in table Y, then a join of X and Y creates a temporary table with as many as N*M records. Though there are optimization tricks that the database uses to not generate the entire table if it's not needed, it nevertheless has to process all the records.
Denormalization is the process whereby you put data often used together in a single table to increase performance, at the sake of some database purity. Most find it to be an acceptable trade, even going so far as to design the schema intentionally denormalized to skip the intermediary step.
