Combobox doesn't bind correctly to SelectedItem - wpf

I have two projects. One is working and the other isn't however the differences between them is nothing that I think "should" be of any importance. The first project is the one that is broken and it is the one I am trying to fix. The second project is a little sample project that I created when the first project just won't work at all. Of course the sample works perfectly.
Here is the view for the first project. I have removed a bunch of the "MainWindowTabControlStyle" because it is just the combo box that is broken. I am reasonable certain that the issue is not in the style because it is a copy and paste from the project that is working.
<TabControl Style="{DynamicResource MainWindowTabControlStyle}">
<TabItem Header="Tab 1"/>
<TabItem Header="Tab 2"/>
<Style x:Key="MainWindowTabControlStyle" TargetType="{x:Type TabControl}">
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Subscriptions, Mode=Default}"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedSubscription, Mode=OneWayToSource}"
ItemTemplate="{DynamicResource SubscriptionsItemTemplate}"/>
<DataTemplate x:Key="SubscriptionsItemTemplate">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=DisplayName, Mode=Default}"/>
Here is the view model that is set to the DataContext of the MainWindow. The ViewModelBase class is the exact same code that Josh Smith wrote in this months MSDN article.
public sealed class MainWindowViewModel : ViewModelBase
public MainWindowViewModel()
private ObservableCollection<Subscription> subscriptions;
public ObservableCollection<Subscription> Subscriptions
if (subscriptions == null)
subscriptions = new ObservableCollection<Subscription>();
subscriptions.Add(new Subscription() { DisplayName = "ABC" });
subscriptions.Add(new Subscription() { DisplayName = "XYZ" });
subscriptions.Add(new Subscription() { DisplayName = "PDQ" });
return subscriptions;
set { subscriptions = value; }
private Subscription selectedSubscription;
public Subscription SelectedSubscription
get { return selectedSubscription; }
set { selectedSubscription = value; }
When I run the project from the debugger the first think that is called is the getter for the Subscriptions collection. Then the setter is called on the SelectedSubscription (it is null). After that I can change the selected item in the combobox till I am blue in the face and the setter for the SelectedSubscription property doesn't get changed again. It is important to note that the combobox does contain the correct values.
In the second project the code is identical but the first thing that is called is the setter for the SelectedSubscription property (it is null) then the getter for the Subscriptions collection is called and finally the setter for the SelectedSubscription is called a second time and it has a value that matches the first item in the Subscriptions collection.
This little jewel has cost me about 5 hours if you have any ideas at all I am willing to try it.

Possibly change
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedSubscription, Mode=OneWayToSource}"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedSubscription, Mode=TwoWay}"

Sorry about the delay in getting an answer posted. There was some kind of issue with getting an Open ID up and running.
This is a seriously weird issue.
The resolution to this problem didn't come from the window at all. Prior to the window's show method being called there was another window that was opened as a dialog. In this dialog there was the following resource
<DropShadowBitmapEffect x:Key="DropShadowEffect" Noise="0" Opacity="0.45" ShadowDepth="5" Softness="0.25"/>
It was was being referenced by two textblocks in the same window as a "DynamicResource". After turning off the dialog and making the application start with the windows that was having the problem it was discovered that the issue was being caused by the dialog window. While I was researching the issue a coworker suggest that I turn the DynamicResource into a StaticResource because there was no reason for it to be dynamic.
This change in a dialog window using an resource that was only available within the scope of the dialog window fixed the binding issue described above in the "Main Window". I guess stranger things can happen.

The correct way to debug this is to take the working project and to alternately (modify it to match broken code/confirm it works) until it is either identical to the broken project or it breaks. The point at which it breaks tells you where the problem is. Modifying the broken project is typically a lost cause.
As a secondary point, I'd recommend adding the System.Diagnostics namespace to your XAML. It will make errors show up in the Visual Studio Output window.
As a possibly related point (in that it's not really clear what the problem in the broken project is), you might have a look at this StackOverflow question ("Combobox controling Tabcontrol") that relates to:
TabControls, and
binding between them using SelectedIndex.
There isn't yet a solution to this question, but it is a simpler problem.
Lastly, Josh Smith's MSDN code is pretty large. It's hard to figure out what you changed to add your ComboBox without seeing all the code.


Where should the crud logic be implemented in mvvm?

In my MVVM Light application I do a search in a customer list. The search narrows the customer list which are displayed in a master/detail view with a datagrid (the master CustomerSearchResultView) and a separately defined usercontrol with FirstName, Lastname, Address etc, etc (the detail - CustomerSearchDetailView). Here are the main content of the master/detail view:
<StackPanel MinWidth="150" >
<TextBlock Text="Customer Search Result List" />
<DataGrid Name="CustomerList" ItemsSource="{Binding SearchResult}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedRow, Mode=TwoWay}" >
<Grid Grid.Column="2">
<TextBlock Text="Customer Details" Style="{StaticResource Heading2}" Margin="30,-23,0,0"/>
<content:CustomerSearchDetail DataContext="{Binding SelectedRow}" />
Both have their corresponding ViewModels. Please remark the DC for the CustomerSearchDetail, SelectedRow - it is a property on the CustomerSearchResultViewModel and is defined like this:
private Customer _selectedRow;
public Customer SelectedRow
get { return _selectedRow; }
_selectedRow = value;
Because of this I have not defined any DC on the CustomerSearchDetailView - it is set in the Binding on the "Master" view (as shown above) and it seems to work ok.
In my Model folder I have created the Customer class that is in use here. It implements ObservableObject and IDataErrorInfo and have public properties that raisepropertychanged events.
I run the application and everything seems to be ok. Note: the ViewModel for the CustomerSearchDetailView (that is CustomerSearchDetailViewModel.cs) is at this stage just an empty shell and not in use (as far as I can see ... the constructor is never accessed)
Now I want to add Save/Update functionality to my customer in the detail view. Ok, I add a Save button to the CustomerSearchDetailView like this:
<Button Content="Save" Command="{Binding Path = SaveCommand}" Width="80" Margin="0,0,15,0"/>
I create my "SaveCommand" RelayCommand property in my CustomerSearchDetailViewModel - but it is never accessed.
Hmmmmm ... well after some googling back and forth I come up with this:
<Button Content="Save" Command="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyCustDetails}, Path = SaveCommand}" Width="80" Margin="0,0,15,0"/>
I defined the "MyCustDetails" as a resource in this view pointing to the CustomerSearchDetailViewModel. And voila! I now hit the method when debugging ... but alas, my customer was of course "null". (In fact I spent 2 hours implementing the CommandParameter here and binding it to the "SelectedRow" Property on the master view - but the customer was still "null").
More googling and searching for mvvm examples, and I implemented my "SaveCommand" on the Customer class (the model object). And guess what? The edited customer got passed along - I could send it to my EF layer and everything seems to be ok ....
And - If you are still with me - here comes my questions:
1.) I would like - and thought that was the "proper MVVM way" of doing things - to have my CRUD/Repository accessing in the ViewModel. How can I do that in my scenario?
2.) Now that I have my CRUD in place via the Model class (Customer) - should i bother with question 1? In fact I have deleted the CustomerSearchDetailViewModel and everything runs ok. I feel I have invented the View - Model (MV) framework ... :-P
I would very much like feedback on this - and I apologize for this "wall of text".
Assuming DC means DataContext
Just my opinion:
First question is are you doing anything special with SelectedRow in CustomerSearchResultViewModel?
If the answer is no, just get rid of that property and have your CustomSearchDetailView bind directly to the DataGrid using {Binding ElementName=CustomerList, Path=SelectedItem}
Now your Save / update Commands need to be used by Button's in CustomerSearchDetailView. So instantly I'd be inclined to using a separate VM for that View and have these Command's defined there.
Now you mentioned these Commands were not accessed. Well the answer for that is because in your program you're never actually creating the CustomerSearchDetailViewModel.
Normal operation is your View's DataContext is it's VM(If it requires one. In your case you do imo cos you need it to hold your Commands)
looking at your code I'd guess your using MVVM Light. So in ViewModelLocator you have your Main property and in your Main View, you got the DataContext set using that Main property and Source={StaticResource Locator} where Locator is the ViewModelLocator created in App.xaml Resources. This thereby creates that ViewModel for that view defining that DataContext. You can ofcourse do the same in code-behind but let's not go off topic.
So in your case you got the DataContext set as SelectedRow which is of type Customer and Binding's are resolved using DataContext and that's why when your command's are defined in Customer it works fine but when it's in the VM it did not.
So why did it work when you had the commands in your VM and used
<Button Content="Save" Command="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyCustDetails}, Path = SaveCommand}" Width="80" Margin="0,0,15,0"/>
^^ That worked because the DataContext was not used since Source has been specified explicitly. and where-ever MyCustDetails was defined in resources, there the VM got created.
So it worked what's wrong with that?
Well it's quite a big mess. Also just like you mentioned Customer details in that VM was null. Well I hope you can guess why that was by now. It's because your VM was created in resources via x:Key="MyCustDetails" but nothing in it was ever used or set apart from when the Binding's referred to it explicitly
In this system we got commands that refer either to the Model which is plain wrong or the VM which is created as a resource just for this purpose. The DataContext is heavily linked to the "SearchResults" view making it not so easy for future extensions or layout updates.
If we keep the View <-> VM a 1 <-> 1 relattion we can avoid all this confusion. So in summary we can answer both your question's together. While this works, please don't let your code be like this and tweak it to better help expansion for future and comply with some basic guidelines.
So how do we do that?
Approach 1:
In your CustomerSearchDetail View, add a DependencyProperty of type Customer lets call this say SelectedCustomer.
Now replace DataContext="{Binding SelectedRow}" with SelectedCustomer="{Binding SelectedRow}" in CustomerSearchResultView
Now set the DataContext of your CustomerSerachDetailView as it's VM similar to how CustomerSerachResultsView links to it's VM(guessing through DataContext Binding in xaml using the ViewModelLocator)
Now you can have your commands in Button's of CustomerSerachDetailView just as <Button Command="{Binding SaveCommand}" ...
Finally because SelectedRow is no longer the DataContext of the CustomerSerachDetailsView, your Bindings for FirstName, Lastname, Address will all appear to stop working.
We got plenty of options to address this.
First is to in each Binding use a RelativeSource FindAncestor binding pointing to CustomerSerachDetailsView and there via the CurrentCustomer DP(DependencyProperty) we created before get the appropriate field.
<TextBlock Text={Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type local:CustomerDetailsView}}, Path=CurrentCustomer.FirstName}" />
now if you have multiple properties this is gonna soon start getting annoying to type. So then pick a common ancestor(say 3 of these TextBlocks are grouped under a StackPanel) and apply it's DataContext as the CurrentCustomer element via a similar binding to ^^. Now the StackPanel's children DataContext will be the Customer element so in each of their binding's you don't have to do the whole RelativeSource thing and can just mention {Binding Path=FirstName} and so on.
That's it. Now you got two view's with their own respective VM and a Model(Customer) and each have their respective tasks.
Great, we done? err not quite yet.
While Approach 1 is better than what we started with it's still just "meh". We could do better.
Approach 2
MVVMLight has a Messenger class that will allow you to communicate between different classes in a weak dependent format. You need to look into this if you haven't already.
So what do we do with Messenger?
pretty simple:
In the setter of SelectedRow in CustomerSearchResultsViewModel we'll send a message with the new incoming value to CustomerSearchDetailsViewModel.
Now in CustomerSearchResultsViewModel we'll add a property CurrentCustomer and assign it this incoming value.
In the CustomerSerachDetailsView we no longer create a DP. Which means we no longer set SelectedRow to anything(DataContext or DP) in the CustomerSerachDetailsView from CustomerSearchResultsView ( sweet less work :) )
As for the way we assign DataContext of CustomerSerachDetailsView or way we bind the Button.Command - They remain same as Approach 1
Finally the actual "FirstName" and so Binding's. Well now CurrentCustomer is a property of the CustomerSearchDetailsViewModel. So binding to it just like how the Button bind's to it's commands
^^ this works fine now cos DataContext for the TextBlock is the VM and the property CurrentCustomer exists in it.

MahApps panoram control not displaying photo's

I want use the MahApps PanoramaControl to display a bunch of photo's. However I see only the string paths appear in the control, which will be correct if you look at my code.
But I can't figure out howto get it working to show the images instead of the links.
<Controls:Panorama Grid.Row="2"
ItemsSource="{Binding PhotoCollection, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(#"D:\Google Drive\Images\Backgrounds");
test = new PanoramaGroup("My Photo's", filePaths);
PhotoCollection = new ObservableCollection<PanoramaGroup> { test };
Anyone an idea on how to make it show the images? The control is load as I can scroll sideways on the text.
There is not much documentation on their site on how to get it working...
Or are you using some other Metro style lib for the 4.0 framework?
In order to get MahApps Panorama control i would offer the follow solution below. As to other frameworks that provide this level of detailed MODERN UI experience I have not come across any but interested to know if you do.
Hope the solutions works for you.
You need to add a Data Template the represent the object you're showing.
Start off by defining the object in a POCO class (as illustrated below). Then in the population of the items ensure you translate them to the newly created POCO object instead of leaving them as string values.
public class Photo {
public string Path { get; set; }
Next in the definition of you XAML window you need to create a reference to the namespace where the POCO object resides.
Last, but not least, you want to then create a DataTemplate to represent the object. This is added to the window resources.
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type model:Photo}">
<Image Source="{Binding Path}"/>
This should then let the render take place in the interface where it belongs. Hope this works for you.

KeyboardNavigation.ControlTabNavigation Application Wide?

I have an issue I've been trying to deal with - the following:
doesn't seem to work anyplace in my application despite my best efforts...I'm not entirely sure why but regardless of what I do, the CTRL+TAB functionality always works, and in my case the behavior is detrimental to how I'd like my tab controls to operate. Ideally, rather than placing the above tag in every container in my application (which I can't get to work anyway), I'd like to disable ControlTabNavigation across the entire application. Is there a way to do this without having to go container by container, and is there any obvious "gotchas" that normally keep the above from working properly?
Thank you!
I find that the KeyboardNavigation does not work as I would expect as it pertains to Ctrl-Tab and a TabControl. I put together a simple prototype and KeyboardNavigation.ControlTabNavigation="None" just does not seem to have the expected impact on the switching of Tabs using Ctrl-Tab, once I left-click a tab and the keyboard focus is within the TabControl.
However, using InputBindings with a Command can override the unwanted Ctrl-Tab default behavior. From there, I found that KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigation="Cycle", as well as the other the other options for TabNavigation seem to behave reasonably. Using The FocusManager and other techniques described in the resource links below should allow one to obtain desired keyboard navigation, albeit using somewhat counter-intuitive techniques.
The InputBindings do have to be set for each control that has the unwanted default behavior, although a more sophisticated solution might walk the visual tree to set the InputBindings for all controls of a certain type, for example. I found having the Command simply do nothing neutralizes the key sequence adequately. In my example, I display a dialog box for testing.
Note, below Command binding requires you target WPF 4.0; please see resources at end of post for resource on how to target WPF 3.5 or earlier
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedTabItem}"
ItemsSource="{Binding TabItemViewModels}"
<KeyBinding Modifiers="Control"
Command="{Binding ShowDialogCommand}" />
Note, in above XAML, KeyboardNavigation.ControlTabNavigation="None" is of no effect and can be eliminated.
In backing DataContext, typically a ViewModel:
Declare your binding property:
public RelayCommand ShowDialogCommand
private set;
Initialize the property; for example, can be in the constructor of the ViewModel (Note, RelayCommand is from MVVM-Light library.):
ShowDialogCommand = new RelayCommand(() =>
MessageBox.Show("Show dialog box command executed", "Show Dialog Box Command", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
Helpful StackOverflow post on KeyBindings
More detail on KeyBinding to a Command; describes special CommandReference technique needed if targeting WPF framewrok 3.5 or earlier
Microsoft's Focus Overview
I hadn't looked at this issue in a while, but since Bill asked it sparked a renewed interest. Rather than going control by control, I used an empty command as Bill suggested, but applied it to a TabControl Bill pointed out, somewhat of a counter-intuitive solution, but it works (I also accounted for Ctrl+Shift+Tab which is just the opposite direction of Ctrl+Tab):
public static readonly RoutedCommand CancelTabChangeCommand = new RoutedCommand() { };
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TabControl}">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type TabControl}">
<Grid ClipToBounds="true" SnapsToDevicePixels="true" KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigation="Local">
<KeyBinding Command="{x:Static local:myClass.CancelTabChangeCommand}" Key="Tab" Modifiers="Control" />
<KeyBinding Command="{x:Static star:Startup.CancelTabChangeCommand}" Key="Tab" Modifiers="Shift+Control"/>
I left off the rest of my class and XAML as it wasn't pertinent to the example, but I'm happy to provide more if anyone needs it. On a related note, I also found that create a control template for the TabItem and setting the IsTabStop property to false also keeps my users from tabbing across and changing tabs in that fashion as case anyone was having this issue as I was.
Hope it helps!

Two-way databinding to ObservableCollection on Silverlight TreeView using DragDropTarget

Here's the question at its most basic: how do I listen for an update of what is changing in a TreeView control modified via a DragDropTarget?
So here's my deal: I have a TreeView that holds agenda items. All are of the same data type (WCFAgendaItem), and are loaded into a hierarchy with children expressed as a property ChildItems. The whole thing is wrapped up in an ObservableCollection and bound to the TreeView using MVVM Light. Works great to view. I also want users to be able to use drag and drop to reorder, reorganize and add new items to this agenda coming from a variety of other sources (one example is a ListView of image slides). All new items would also have the same data type of WCFAgendaItem, for consistency's sake and easy serialization.
Here's my issue: dragging and dropping works beautifully on the UI using the Toolkit's drag drop functionality. But I have no idea how to get the ViewModel to understand changes to the contents of the TreeView.
Code from the view (Agenda.xaml):
(up top)
<AHHSTeam_SLClassroomManagerMVVM_Helpers_Converters:BooleanVisibilityConverter x:Key="BooleanVisibilityConverter"/>
<sdk:HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="hdtAgenda" ItemsSource="{Binding ChildItems, Mode=TwoWay}" >
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Left">
<ColumnDefinition Width="{Binding ImageThumbnailWidth}" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="250" />
<Image Grid.Column="0" Source="{Binding ThumbnailURL}" Width="{Binding ImageThumbnailWidth}" Height="{Binding ImageThumbnailHeight}" Visibility="{Binding HasImage, Converter={StaticResource BooleanVisibilityConverter}}" >
<Image Source="{Binding ResizedImageURL}" />
<TextBlock Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding Title}" TextWrapping="Wrap" />
<Style TargetType="sdk:TreeViewItem" >
<Setter Property="IsExpanded" Value="True" />
(later on)
<controlsToolkit:TreeViewDragDropTarget Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" x:Name="ddtAgenda" AllowDrop="True"
HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" >
<sdk:TreeView Width="375" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"
ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" ItemsSource="{Binding DailyAgenda, Mode=TwoWay}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource hdtAgenda}">
ViewModel code (AgendaViewModel.cs) --> I tried listening for CollectionChanged, so far that doesn't seem to work
(in constructor)
//add notification of agenda changes
DailyAgenda.CollectionChanged += new System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(DailyAgenda_CollectionChanged);
void DailyAgenda_CollectionChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Daily agenda updated, now has " + e.NewItems.Count.ToString() + " top-level elements.");
Code from model (WCFAgendaItem.cs)
public partial class WCFAgendaItem: INotifyPropertyChanged
private ObservableCollection<WCFAgendaItem> _childItems = new ObservableCollection<WCFAgendaItem>();
public ObservableCollection<WCFAgendaItem> ChildItems
return _childItems;
_childItems = value;
I am pretty sure that I get that listening for CollectionChanged isn't right in any case, given that this data doesn't just change at the top level. I looked at EventToCommand in Blend (MVVM Light, remember) but the only TreeView-specific event appears to be SelectionChanged, which doesn't seem right either. I looked at putting an EventToCommand trigger on the TreeViewDragDropTarget, but aren't those methods about overriding how the UI interactions happen? I don't think INotifyPropertyChanged on WCFAgendaItem is right for this either: although I'm going to want that later for editing item titles, it doesn't seem like it'll help me when items get moved around.
Maybe what I'm looking for is a stretch, but what I really want to have happen is for Silverlight to understand that the databinding works both ways on the ordering and contents of the WCFAgendaItem collection, and do all the collection reworking itself based on UI interactions. Then I could just listen for an update event after the collection is reworked - after that I can just crawl the modified ObservableCollection bound to the TreeView, and flatten/serialize/update via WCF.
Failing the ideal situation: I'm willing to crawl TreeViewItems if need be, but even if that's what I need to do I'm stuck on when to do it. Plus I need a way to pass all that back to the ViewModel so I'm not writing code behind. Do I need to attach to Drop() and rework the dropping logic? I found several old articles about custom drag drop implementations starting from the Toolkit, but nobody mentions how to save out the modified TreeView, especially in an MVVM situation.
finally {
While typing this out I found this article which may be useful, though that's a fair amount of work in the ViewModel. This is promising and I'll investigate, but I'm still holding out hope for something simpler. Also it looks like the Toolkit events have changed a little since the article was written.
I also had issues implementing this type of DragDrop functionality. The root cause seemed to be that neither the ItemDragCompleted event (EventHandler) nor ItemDroppedOnSource (DragEventHandler) pass the index at which the item was dropped.
I ended up subclassing the DragDropTarget in order to expose the protected method:
int GetDropTargetInsertionIndex(TItemsControlType dropTarget, DragEventArgs args)
I then used an attached behavior to assume responsibility for inserting items at the specified index into to the underlying collections.
I'm afraid the underlying code is too expansive to include in a StackOverflow answer (mainly due to extensive decoupling) but it's on my list of subjects to blog about. In the mean time, I hope the information above helps, it was certainly the key to the solution for me.

Giving event control back to xaml/callee to access check/uncheck

I've scoured the Internet but my search-foo must not work if it's out there cause I just can't find the proper search terms to get me the answer I am looking for. So I turn to the experts here as a last resort to point me in the right direction.
What I'm trying to do is create a composite control of a text box and a list box but I want to allow the control consumer to decide what to do when say the checkbox is checked/unchecked and I just can't figure it out... Maybe i'm going about it all wrong.
What I've done thus far is to:
create a custom control that extends ListBox
expose a custom DP named "Text" (for the Text box but it's not the important part)
craft the generic.xaml so that the list items have a default ItemTemplate/DataTemplate
inside the DataTemplate I'm trying to set the "Checked" or "Unchecked" events
expose 'wrapper' events as DPs in the custom control that would get 'set' via the template when instatiated
As soon as I try something like the following (inside generic.xaml):
<CheckBox Checked="{TemplateBinding MyCheckedDP}"/>
I get runtime exceptions, the designer - vs2010 - pukes out a LONG list of errors that are all very similar and nothing I do can make it work.
I went so far as to try using the VisualTreeHelper but no magic combination I could find would work nor would it allow me to traverse the tree because when the OnApplyTemplate method fires the listbox items don't exist yet and aren't in the tree.
So hopefully this all makes sense but if not please let me know and I'll edit the post for clarifications.
Thanks to all for any pointers or thoughts... Like I said maybe I'm heading about it in the wrong way from the start...
EDIT (Request for xaml)
generic.xaml datatemplate:
<DataTemplate >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" >
<local:FilterCheckbox x:Name="chk">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Display}" />
usercontrol.xaml (invocation of custom control)
<local:MyControl FancyName="This is the fancy name"
ItemChecked="DoThisWhenACheckboxIsChecked" <-- this is where the consumer "ties" to the checkbox events
ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource someDataSource}}"
Assuiming that you want to fire the event from your Custom Control, while clicking on the checkBox , and handling it in your implementing class,
the following should work.
First of all try to remove the template binding with event, though we expect it may work as it works templateBinding DependencyProperty
So your XAML will look something as below:
<CheckBox x:Name="myCheckBox" />
Now You have to access your checkBox from generic.cs as below:
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
CheckBox myCheckBox= GetTemplateChild("myCheckBox") as CheckBox;
Now You just need to add a event to your Control.
public event EventHandler checkBoxChecked;
Now this are typically implemented like this:-
protected virtual void onCheckBoxChecked(EventArgs e)
var handler = checkBoxChecked;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, e);
Now in your existing checked events:-
myCheckBox.Checked+= (obj, Args) =>
Now in your consuming code or Implementing Application you can do this sort of thing(Assuming your CustomControl Name is myCustomControl):-
myCustomControl.checkBoxChecked+=(s, args) => { /* Your Code Here*/ };
Hope this is what you were trying to acomlish. If need anything esle , letz discuss here.
Well there is detailed discussion about onApplyTemplate and loading the controls and accessing the events outside that class:
Have a look:
How to Access a Button present inside a Custom Control, from the implementing page?
Well I dislike answering my own question but the answer above doesn't work for me nor does the link referenced do what i'm looking for.
I'm posting this only answer so that i can maintain the 100% answer rate...
