How to gain performance when maintaining historical and current data? - database

I want to maintain last ten years of stock market data in a single table. Certain analysis need only data of the last one month data. When I do this short term analysis it takes a long time to complete the operation.
To overcome this I created another table to hold current year data alone. When I perform the analysis from this table it 20 times faster than the previous one.
Now my question is:
Is this the right way to have a separate table for this kind of problem. (Or we use separate database instead of table)
If I have separate table Is there any way to update the secondary table automatically.
Or we can use anything like dematerialized view or something like that to gain performance.
Note: I'm using Postgresql database.

You want table partitioning. This will automatically split the data between multiple tables, and will in general work much better than doing it by hand.

I'm working on near the exact same issue.
Table partitioning is definitely the way to go here. I would segment by more than year though, it would give you a greater degree of control. Just set up your partitions and then constrain them by months (or some other date). In your postgresql.conf you'll need to turn constraint_exclusion=on to really get the benefit. The additional benefit here is that you can only index the exact tables you really want to pull information from. If you're batch importing large amounts of data into this table, you may get slightly better results a Rule vs a Trigger and for partitioning, I find rules easier to maintain. But for smaller transactions, triggers are much faster. The postgresql manual has a great section on partitioning via inheritance.

I'm not sure about PostgreSQL, but I can confirm that you are on the right track. When dealing with large data volumes partitioning data into multiple tables and then using some kind of query generator to build your queries is absolutely the right way to go. This approach is well established in Data Warehousing, and specifically in your case stock market data.
However, I'm curious why do you need to update your historical data? If you're dealing with stock splits, it's common to implement that using a seperate multiplier table that is used in conjunction with the raw historical data to give an accurate price/share.

it is perfectly sensible to use separate table for historical records. It's much more problematic with separate database, as it's not simple to write cross-database queries
automatic updates - it's a tool for cronjob
you can use partial indexes for such things - they do wonderful job

Frankly, you should check your execution plans and try fixing your queries or indexing before taking more radical steps.
Indexing comes at very little cost (unless you do a lot of insertions) and your existing code will be faster (if you index properly) without modifying it.
Other measures such as partioning come after that...


SQL Server 1B+ records table - best way to handle upserts?

The company I work for is building a data mart that wants 7 years of data maintained within it. Unfortunately, one table is well over 1 billion records.
My question is this: what would be the best way to keep this table current? (Daily update or quicker)
I know the MERGE statement is quite beneficial for this but I'm hoping to not have to parse through 1 billion records for each MERGE. Table partitioning is out as we do not have the Enterprise edition of SQL Server.
Any direction would be greatly appreciated :)
there are several options here; two are explained above on the comment.
The answer depends on which operation you want to do on the records.
If you just want to modify your recent records, the best way is to keep those records on an active table and move other records to an archive table as an archive. this way you need a scheduled job to move unnecessary records to the archive table.
If you want also to have a reporting module, you may need to provide an additional table which holds some abstracts of data in such a way that you can extract the reports you want.
You will want to seriously consider splitting the table. For example, see the operational versus archive paradigm.
The first step of splitting the data up from such a massive table is to identify the clustering index (if it has one) and all the other indexes as well, because you will want to avoid operations that cause big rebuilds and data shifting.
Otherwise, if you need to keep the status quo, with good indexes (you should bite the bullet and define one if they have somehow survived this long without one), you can rely on the query optimizer to do a quick index seek (much better than a scan, especially a table scan, which is the concern you seem to have). So just write your MERGE statement and make sure to use indexes in the ON clause (and avoid using functions on indexed columns at all costs!).

improve database querying in ms sql

what's a fast way to query large amounts of data (between 10.000 - 100.000, it will get bigger in the future ... maybe 1.000.000+) spread across multiple tables (20+) that involves left joins, functions (sum, max, count,etc.)?
my solution would be to make one table that contains all the data i need and have triggers that update this table whenever one of the other tables gets updated. i know that trigger aren't really recommended, but this way i take the load off the querying. or do one big update every night.
i've also tried with views, but once it starts involving left joins and calculations it's way too slow and times out.
Since your question is too general, here's a general answer...
The path you're taking right now is optimizing a single query/single issue. Sure, it might solve the issue you have right now, but it's usually not very good in the long run (not to mention the cumulative cost of maintainance of such a thing).
The common path to take is to create an 'analytics' database - the real-time copy of your production database that you're going to query for all your reports. This analytics database can eventually be even a full blown DWH, but you're probably going to start with a simple real-time replication (or replicate nightly or whatever) and work from there...
As I said, the question/problem is too broad to be answered in a couple of paragraphs, these only some of the guidelines...
Need a bit more details, but I can already suggest this:
Use "with(nolock)", this will slightly improve the speed.
Reference: Effect of NOLOCK hint in SELECT statements
Use Indexing for your table fields for fetching data fast.
Reference: sql query to select millions record very fast

Best way to design Data WareHouse DWH

I have question about creating Data warehouse.
We have system that generate more than 50 million records per day, I do some pre-process in these records then load them to table in data base.
Now you should see the problem which is: the size of single table and the how you can manage it (after about ~15 days of load ~50M record/day) and I need to keep records from 60-days old.
Now my question is: the best way to design my data warehouse is:
to use different table for every day or for every let say week.
OR use single table with many partitions.
OR some other Approach that you find is better for my case?
I need Headline to start my designing for DWH. I'm using Oracle 11g as my database.
Use partitioning if it's available.
Partitioning gets you the best of both worlds. You can access all your data at once, in one simple table. If the query predicates or partition name syntax is used correctly the table will act like it's magically much smaller than it really is. And you can manage the data by day - bulk operations like loading and dropping data can be done in a way that only affects a single day's worth of data.
Interval partitioning makes things even easier. You don't even have to specify the partitions. Just tell Oracle, "make each day a new partition". There are a few new things to learn. But it's a small price to pay for a significant boost in performance and manageability.
If you're using Enterprise Edition and have already licensed the partitioning option then there's no reason not to use it.

Database Structure for hierarchical data with horizontal slices

We're currently looking at trying to improve performance of queries for our site, the core hierarchical data-structure has 5 levels, each type has about 20 fields.
level1: rarely added, updated infrequently, ~ 100 children
level2: rarely added, updated fairly infrequently, ~ 200 children
level3: added often, updated fairly often, ~ 1-50 children (average ~10)
level4: added often, updated quite often, ~1-50 children (average <10)
level5: added often, updated often (a single item might update once a second)
We have a single data pipeline which performs all of these updates and inserts (ie. we have full control over data going in).
The queries we need to do on this are:
fetch single items from a level + parents
fetch a slice of items across a level (either by PK, or sometimes filtering criteria)
fetch multiple items from level3 and parts of their children (usually by complex criteria)
fetch level3 and all children
We read from this datasource a lot, as-in hundreds of times a second. All of the queries we need to perform are known and optimised as well as they can be to the current data structure.
We're currently using MySQL queries behind memcached for this, and just doing additional queries to get children/parents, I'm thinking that some sort of Tree-based or Document based database might be more suitable.
My question is: what's the best way to model this data for efficient read performance?
Sounds like your data belongs in an OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) database. The way you're describing levels, slices, and performance concerns seems to lend itself to OLAP. It's probably modeled fine (not sure though), but you need a different tool to boost performance.
I currently manage a system like this. We have a standard relational database for input, and then copy the pertinent data for reporting to an OLAP server. Our combo is Microsoft SQL Server (input, raw data), Microsoft Analysis Services (pre-calculates then stores the analytical data to increase speed), and Microsoft Excel/Access Pivot Tables and/or Tableau for reporting.
OLAP servers:
Combining relational and OLAP:
*Tableau is a superb product, and can probably replace an OLAP server if your data isn't terribly large (even then it can handle a lot of data). It will make local copies as necessary to improve performance. I strongly advise giving it a look.
If I've misunderstood the issue you're having, then by all means please ignore this answer :\
UPDATE: After more discussion, an Object DB might be a solution as well. Your data sounds multi-dimensional in nature, one way or the other, but I think the difference would be whether you're doing analytic aggregate calculations and retrieval (SUMs, AVGs), or just storing and fetching categorical or relational data (shopping cart items, or friends of a family member).
ODBMS info:
InterSystem's Cache is one Object Database I know of that sounds like a more appropriate fit based on what you've said.
If conversion to a different system isn't feasible (entirely understandable), then you might have to look at normalization and the types of data your queries are processing in order to gain further improvements in speed. In fact, that's probably a good first step before jumping to a different type of system (sorry I didn't get to this sooner).
In my case, I know on MS SQL that a switch we did from having some core queries use a VARCHAR field to using an INTEGER field made a huge difference in speed. Text data is one of the THE MOST expensive types of data to process. So for instance, if you have a query doing a lot of INNER JOINs on text fields, you might consider normalizing to the point where you're using INTEGER IDs that link to the text data.
An example of high normalization could be using ID numbers for a person's First or Last Name. Most DB designs store these names directly and don't attempt to reduce duplication, but you could normalize to the point where Last Name and/or First Name have their own tables (or one table to hold both First and Last names) and IDs for each unique name.
The point in your case would be more for performance than de-duplication of data, but something like switching from VARCHAR to INTEGER might have huge gains. I'd try it with a single field first, measure the before and after cases, and make your decision carefully from there.
And of course, in general you should be sure to have appropriate indexes on your data.
Hope that helps.
Document/Tree based database is designed to perform hierarchical queries. Do you have any hierarchical queries in your design -- I fail to see any? Querying one level up and down doesn't count: it is a simple join. Please have in mind that going "Document/Tree based database" route you would compromise your general querying ability. To summarize, just hire a competent db specialist who would analyze your performance bottlenecks -- they are usually cured with mundane index addition.
there's not really enough info here to say much useful - you'd need to measure things, look at "explains", etc - but one option that goes beyond the usual indexing would be to shard by level 3 instances. that would give you better performance on parallel queries that hit different shards, at its simplest (separate disks), or you could use separate machines if you want to throw more resources at each shard.
the only reason i mention this really is that your use cases suggest sharding at that level would work quite well (it looks like it would be simple enough to do in your application layer, if you wanted - i have no idea what tools mysql has for this).
and if your data volume isn't so high then with sharding you might be able to get it down to ssds...

Limits on number of Rows in a SQL Server Table

Are there any hard limits on the number of rows in a table in a sql server table? I am under the impression the only limit is based around physical storage.
At what point does performance significantly degrade, if at all, on tables with and without an index. Are there any common practicies for very large tables?
To give a little domain knowledge, we are considering usage of an Audit table which will log changes to fields for all tables in a database and are wondering what types of walls we might run up against.
You are correct that the number of rows is limited by your available storage.
It is hard to give any numbers as it very much depends on your server hardware, configuration, and how efficient your queries are.
For example, a simple select statement will run faster and show less degradation than a Full Text or Proximity search as the number of rows grows.
BrianV is correct. It's hard to give a rule because it varies drastically based on how you will use the table, how it's indexed, the actual columns in the table, etc.
As to common practices... for very large tables you might consider partitioning. This could be especially useful if you find that for your log you typically only care about changes in the last 1 month (or 1 day, 1 week, 1 year, whatever). You could then archive off older portions of the data so that it's available if absolutely needed, but won't be in the way since you will almost never actually need it.
Another thing to consider is to have a separate change log table for each of your actual tables if you aren't already planning to do that. Using a single log table makes it VERY difficult to work with. You usually have to log the information in a free-form text field which is difficult to query and process against. Also, it's difficult to look at data if you have a row for each column that has been changed because you have to do a lot of joins to look at changes that occur at the same time side by side.
In addition to all the above, which are great reccomendations I thought I would give a bit more context on the index/performance point.
As mentioned above, it is not possible to give a performance number as depending on the quality and number of your indexes the performance will differ. It is also dependent on what operations you want to optimize. Do you need to optimize inserts? or are you more concerned about query response?
If you are truly concerned about insert speed, partitioning, as well a VERY careful index consideration is going to be key.
The separate table reccomendation of Tom H is also a good idea.
With audit tables another approach is to archive the data once a month (or week depending on how much data you put in it) or so. That way if you need to recreate some recent changes with the fresh data, it can be done against smaller tables and thus more quickly (recovering from audit tables is almost always an urgent task I've found!). But you still have the data avialable in case you ever need to go back farther in time.
