Cannot delete, a file with that name may already exist - file

This is starting to vex me. I recently decided to clear out my FTP, and stumbled across an old Wordpress install I forgot I had (oh yes, very security conscious me). Anyway, for some reason deleting the directory failed so I investigated to see what was causing the blockage and I've narrowed it down to a file in wp-content.
Now when I try to delete this file I can get two errors. I've tried in Windowx Explorer (FTP) and the Web Control Panel's File Manager. Here's some error shots:
As you can see my File manager thinks the file is a Symbolic Link. While it scares me that
my web server is host to an obviously religoious artifact I'm also heavily confused by the situation.
I've tried renaming the file.
I've refreshed the FTP view.
I've tried moving the file to another dir (which worked, no success on deletion though).
I've tried editing the file and then deletion.
And I'm at a loss. Is there a special way to delete SymLinks? I've never heard of them, until now.
Oho Windows you really are a magician of sorts. I decided to take a look at my FTP via command prompt and guess what? The file doesn't exist. Whether ftp ignores symlinks I don't know but I'm about to give up :P

First of all, try emailing your webhost either for SSH-access or to remove the symlink for you.
If you get SSH-access, use:
unlink index.php
Or if neither works: Create a PHP file there (for instance remove.php) that contains:
<?php unlink("./index.php") ?>
Then open that file in your browser, afterwards remove the remove.php file.


TYPO3 RealURL does not work after Backup

My RealURL path segments do not work anymore since a Backup.
I had TYPO3 7.6.10 on my Windows PC.
Then i installed TYPO3 7.6.11 on my new Mac.
I made a dump file of the database and copied all files of my TYPO3 Project.
After finishing, I could successfully login into the backend.
The only problem I have is, that my RealURL does not rewrite my paths anymore.
Actually my first page is called localhost/project/home/ instead of localhost/project/index.php?id=2.
However, the first one always ends up in a 404 - Error.
I don't know why that happens, since i also copied the _.htacces file in the project folder too. Or is that not the right way to back up?
Hope someone can help me.
Problem solved: Since OSX is hiding some sepcial files like the .htaccess, i had to make them visible so i could copy them. Now everything is working as it shall!
Problem solved:
Since OSX is hiding some sepcial files like the .htaccess, i had to make them visible so i could copy them.
Now everything is working as it shall!

psftp.exe get files from the server and delete

I'm using psftp.exe to download files from the server. Is there an easy way to delete these files once I have downloaded them but leave the new ones that might have appeared on the server when I was downloading to be downloaded next time?
Here's my command line:
psftp.exe -i keys\private.ppk
get *.xml
Edit: I want to download the files from a Linux box to a Windows PC.
There's no easy way to do this with psftp. You would have to parse its output to find files that were successfully downloaded.
Though you can do this easily with WinSCP. Just use get -delete *.xml command.
Full WinSCP script would be:
open s -privatekey=keys\private.ppk -hostkey=...
get -delete *.xml
See an introduction to WinSCP scripting.
See also a guide for converting PSFTP script to WinSCP.
You can also have WinSCP GUI generate script like this for you.
(I'm the author of WinSCP)
Martin's answer is good. The below is more industrial.
Moving them to a staging area before the download may be prudent.
Generally you would move/rename the files on the server as a starting point. They are going to be deleted anyway so nothing should miss them? nor would you want to fall back over a recent file.
(so restart after this point in the event of a subsequent failure)
Then perform the download.
Then perform the delete.
I would approach the issue differently. Instead of deleting the file from the server, add the downloaded filename to a local table of "Already downloaded files". Then when you scan the FTP again for new files, ignore any that are in that table.
That way the next time you run your download script you only get the new files, but the old files remain on the server.
You could have another script that runs periodically and deletes all files over a certain age.
WINSCP is alright, and Martin (the author) drops in to practically every PuTTy thread to recommend it, but it's a fully GUI-based app and not for me. If you really need everything to be done on the commandline then WINSCP is often not an option.

Lost code lines when Notepad++ crashed

I was working on a .js file this morning on Notepad++, as usual, when the program just crashed. So I ended it, and re-opened it to see that all my code lines in my .js file, had disappeared, and now all I have left is the file with a size of 0kb because there's nothing left in it. How the hell is that even possible ? It erased everything I typed and saved the file as if there's nothing in it.
Do you know a way to get my code back ? Or did something like this ever happened to someone ? :/ I'm kinda worried because there was a lot of work there and I don't feel like re-typing it all...
When that option is enabled (and it is by default), Notepad++ keeps a backup copy of files you edit.
You can find the backups in the directory %APPDATA%\Notepad++\backup under the format filename#datetime.
I lost four unsaved files when my Notepad++ crashed, I searched through net and found another way to retrieve unsaved files other than backup folder
Hope it can help others who face the same problem as me. You can try to locate the dump files at
There will be .dump file inside, this is where I found my unsaved files. You can open the dump file with Notepad++, and see your unsaved works.
This has happened to me a few times lately and I've found a few solutions that make it possible to recover the lost code.
For Windows 7 and probably other modern Windows versions:
Find the file in File Explorer. The size will be 0KB. Right click on it and then choose Properties from the context menu.
Choose the Previous Versions tab. There's a good chance you will find a fairly recent version saved during the latest Restore point. If it's a bit old, it's still probably better than the current 0KB.
Click the Restore button.
My personal optimal solution:
Since this happened to me a few times and the Windows Previous Version was not always up to date, I looked for a different solution that could always give me the latest, most up-to-date version before the 0KB crash.
I discovered that I already had the solution installed on my computer. I have a SugarSync account that always backs up my work files to the cloud. The great part of the service is that SugarSync always keeps the last 5 versions in the cloud, so while the current version will be 0KB, you can download the next to last version and update your file on your computer.
If you have some other backup program, you can check if that service also keeps different versions that you can recover.
I've used notepad++ without any backup for years. One day this happen to me, too.
Here is what I've found as possible solutions:
(similar to Indrajit answer) - not much help. I didn't find my file there.
I have recovered my file one week ago as per answer of Hvck
Same problem here. Same answers:
One lesson learned: Use the backup!
use a plugin:
use notepad++ backup
** UPDATE **
It happened to me again!!! Another way to recover my file: View source on my browser and resave the file to other location. If you are lucky enough to have the file loaded in your browser :) It worked for me for a css file and for a js file.
Comparing the files: what N++ backed-up and the file from browser and files are matching. OMG!
GO to Taskbar click and run %APPDATA%, click to Notepad++ click to backup.
Your files saved by filename.extensionname#year-month-date_time
I know it's too late to answer this, but maybe my answer will help others.
I've encountered the same problem recently. Then it became regular. I did not find a solution to the problem itself, plus it may be caused by many different reasons, so probably no universal solution exists.
However, there is a way to save your files while notepad++ is not closed. Even if the backups folder is empty.
First of all, do not close notepad++. Open a taskmanager, find the notepad++ process and locate the Dump or Create dump file option. Click it. This will create a whole memory dump of the process. This dump will contain the documents you had opened. However you may need to find this data, plus it may be in a different encoding. I guess it is in UTF8 most of the time, but I am not completely sure.
The dump file can be examined with simple programs like notepad++ itself or with a hex editor.
Notepad doesn't auto-save its open file so unfortunately you have lost your work.
On next time you can use Notepad++ it retrieves file automatically
Refer this link may it help you Notepad++ recovery
I tried all the above solutions but nothing was working for me.
But luckily I have opened files one day earlier in eclipse as well. Eclipse and all other IDEs maintain a cache of all the files. You can get the copy of the file from that cache. To get copy from the eclipse.
Right Click on the file Name
Go to Replace With - Previous from the Local History
This answer applies to more recent versions of NotePad++:
Go to the folder of the file, see if there is a subfolder called nppBackup. Recently I've found sometimes the backup wasn't created in %AppData%/Notepad++/backup but it always seems to get created here, with the following file name format [original file name][date stamp]_[time stamp].bak

Failed to update database becase the database is read only

I have created a winform application and programmatically trying to attach the database when an application runs first time. Unfortunately in windows 7 i always got an error. Please view the screenshot below it tells the whole story. Now my question is that how can i get rid from this error, is there any way to automatically give required rights on the folder where the application installs?. I want to permanently resolve this error and need smooth attachment. Anyone please help.
Please view the error below. Thanks in advance
More informations here on This forum
This was asked by someone else
If you put your database in your own subdirectory of the directory returned by Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData then the user will have read/write access to it.
See Environment.SpecialFolder Enumeration to determine if a different location would be more suitable, e.g. ApplicationData if you need it to roam or CommonApplicationData if you need all users of the computer to use it.
Edit: I found a slightly more extensive version of this answer: Where Should I Store my Data and Configuration Files if I Target Multiple OS Versions?, please also see the articles it links to.
I know this answer is somehow late, but I believe people always face the same problems so my case is worth to be shared.
tl;dr = Change the permission of deployed files manually or using icacls command.
Actually I use InstallForge for packing and deploying my application(s).
No matter what setup creator is used, when the application is installed to a non-system folder ( e.g. D:\ ) the program works perfectly and the database is readable/writable.
Whereas when the application is installed in [Program Files] folder or [Program Files (X86)] folder, Windows takes a preventive security measurement and sets file permission to be only [Read] and [Read & Execute].
I think Windows Vista and later versions of Windows have this behavior.
You can check that by right-clicking the installed file and going to properties then Security tab.
The files I installed on D:\ had Full-Control permission while, as I mentioned, the ones on C:\ had only Read & Execute permissions.
You won't notice the difference when you install a normal program on C:\ because you might not be writing data on a file or a database. But in case of database deployment, the file has to be writable.
Finally, the solution for this case was telling InstallForge to change file permissions at the end of the installation using icacls commands :
icacls "C:\MyApp\MyDB.mdf" /Grant Everyone:F
icacls "C:\MyApp\MyDB_log.ldf" /Grant Everyone:F
In my case, it is okay to give everyone full-control on the database files, but you might need a customized solution for your case so please refer to :
You can tell your setup creator to run those commands, or you can put them together in a batch file and run it after the installation.

Trying to find information on how to build a simple file version controll system

Im want to build a file system for non-tecks( dont care about old versions of the file so no merging or svn/git). The thougt is that a user should be able to download a file, in the same instance the file should be locked for other users. When the first user is done editing the, the file should then automaticaly upload to the server. When he closes the file, the lock should den be opend.
Is this even possible? Im thingking a sort of browser plugin, but I cant find anywone that has done the same thing. (besides microsoft, but who want to go down that road)
That would be: Sharepoint, Alfresco, (almost every WIKI), ...
Actually that is a basic feature of most document management systems. Even SVN has that already and IIRC you can set that up with mod_dav_svn without a line of code (considering configuration is not code).
Also the interesting question is, IMHO, not TheHappyCase where the described unit of work goes well but what about this*:
I Checkout 50 random documents you need
(get some popcorn and wait for your stresslevel to go up)
I get bored and forget about it (everything still being checked out)
*: Points (1) and (2) may change order
