Determining realloc() behaviour before calling it - c

As I understand it, when asked to reserve a larger block of memory, the realloc() function will do one of three different things:
if free contiguous block exists
grow current block
else if sufficient memory
allocate new memory
copy old memory to new
free old memory
return null
Growing the current block is a very cheap operation, so this is behaviour I'd like to take advantage of. However, if I'm reallocating memory because I want to (for example) insert a char at the start of an existing string, I don't want realloc() to copy the memory. I'll end up copying the entire string with realloc(), then copying it again manually to free up the first array element.
Is it possible to determine what realloc() will do? If so, is it possible to achieve in a cross-platform way?

realloc()'s behavior is likely dependent on its specific implementation. And basing your code on that would be a terrible hack which, to say the least, violates encapsulation.
A better solution for your specific example is:
Find the size of the current buffer
Allocate a new buffer (with malloc()), greater than the previous one
Copy the prefix you want to the new buffer
Copy the string in the previous buffer to the new buffer, starting after the prefix
Release the previous buffer

As noted in the comments, case 3 in the question (no memory) is wrong; realloc() will return NULL if there is no memory available [question now fixed].
Steve McConnell in 'Code Complete' points out that if you save the return value from realloc() in the only copy of the original pointer when realloc() fails, you've just leaked memory. That is:
void *ptr = malloc(1024);
if ((ptr = realloc(ptr, 2048)) == 0)
/* Oops - cannot free original memory allocation any more! */
Different implementations of realloc() will behave differently. The only safe thing to assume is that the data will always be moved - that you will always get a new address when you realloc() memory.
As someone else pointed out, if you are concerned about this, maybe it is time to look at your algorithms.

Would storing your string backwards help?
just malloc() more space than you need, and when you run out of room, copy to a new buffer. A simple technique is to double the space each time; this works pretty well because the larger the string (i.e. the more time copying to a new buffer will takes) the less often it needs to occur.
Using this method you can also right-justify your string in the buffer, so it's easy to add characters to the start.

If obstacks are a good match for your memory allocation needs, you can use their fast growing functionality. Obstacks are a feature of glibc, but they are also available in the libiberty library, which is fairly portable.

No - and if you think about it, it can't work. Between you checking what it's going to do and actually doing it, another process could allocate memory.
In a multi-threaded application this can't work. Between you checking what it's going to do and actually doing it, another thread could allocate memory.
If you're worried about this sort of thing, it might be time to look at the data structures you're using to see if you can fix the problem there. Depending on how these strings are constructed, you can do so quite efficiently with a well designed buffer.

Why not keep some empty buffer space in the left of the string, like so:
char* buf = malloc(1024);
char* start = buf + 1024 - 3;
To add "on" to the beginning of your string to make it "onto\0":
if(start < buf)
DO_MEMORY_STUFF(start, buf);//time to reallocate!
This way, you won't have to keep copying your buffer every single time you want to do an insertion at the beginning.
If you have to do insertions at both the beginning and end, just have some space allocated at both ends; insertions in the middle will still need you to shuffle elements around, obviously.

A better approach is to use a linked list. Have each of your data objects allocated on a page, and allocate another page and have a link to it, either from the previous page or from an index page. This way you know when the next alloc fails, and you never need to copy memory.

I don't think it's possible in cross platform way.
Here is the code for ulibc implementation that might give you a clue how to do itin platform dependent way, actually it's better to find glibc source but this one was on top of google search :)


Best way to expand dynamic memory in C

I'm looking for a way to allocate additional memory (in C) at runtime, for an existing structure (that already had its memory assigned initially). I have a feeling I might be able to use memmove or something similar but that's still just a copy operation, and doesn't increase the amount of memory available to a structure at runtime. Also I don't want to have to copy the entire structure every time I need to do this, which will be many hundreds of times during the program (the structure is already huge). Can anyone help?
UPDATE: Thanks everyone for the replies. To give more detail, what I am trying to do is run an MPI-parallelised code that creates many instances of the structure (call it 'S') initially. Each instance of the structure contains an array 'T' which records the time of a particular event happening as the code is run. These events occur at runtime, and the number of events differs for each instance of S. For example, S[0] might see 100 events (and therefore need an array of 100 elements in length) but S[1] might see only 1 event (and S[2] 30 events, etc.) Therefore it would be very wasteful to allocate huge amounts of memory at the start for every instance of S (for which there are millions) since some might fill the array but others would not even come close. Indeed I have tried this and it is too much for the machine I am running it on.
I will try some of the ideas here and post my progress. Many thanks!
You could probably use realloc().
There is no way to do what you describe, because there is no way to guarantee that there will be available memory next to the one that your structure is currently occupying.
The standard thing to do is to allocate more memory and copy your data.
Of course if you can know (an estimate of) the size of the memory allocation that you need you can preallocate it and avoid copying.
Note, however, that the structures in C have a fixed size once they are declared, so it seems you don't really need to allocate more memory for an existing structure...
realloc is the only way to expand the existing dynamic memory. realloc will tries to expand the existing buffer, if it fails in expansion it will allocate new buffer for the total size required and it will copy the data from old buffer. If you dont want to do realloc every time(which internally will memmove most of the time) then you can try to reallocate more memory than actually you required.
realloc(buf_ptr, (actual_size + additional_size) * 2);
This way will reduce the frequency of calling realloc (and memmove).
Note : Implementation of realloc is different in some architecture, it will never tries to expand the memory it always tries to allocate buffer for total size. So in those platforms memmove will be called for every call to realloc.
It sounds like you are looking for the C feature called flexible array member (example). It is only well-defined for C standard C99 or later.
The last member of the struct will have to be declared as a flexible array member, which you initially malloc, and later realloc (and of course memcpy to do the actual copying).

How do I know how much memory to realloc?

I have one question regarding design of my application.
Here's the pseudo code:
char* buffer_to_be_filled = (char*) malloc(somesize);
The problem is that I don't know how much size fill_the_buffer requires.
I was thinking about the solution inside the fill_the_buffer function.
I could maybe realloc the space inside when needed; the problem is, is there any way to find out how much space I have available?
How is this usually solved? I think that the one who allocates the buffer should also realloc the buffer as well, right?
NOTE : I'm filling the buffer using fread function, so I don't know how much space will I need.
Your function can't realloc the pointer that was passed to it, because realloc isn't guaranteed to return the same pointer it was passed (the new buffer might be too big to expand in-place). The typical solution is for the function to take a second argument specifying the size of the buffer, and to return an error code if the buffer is too small. Ideally, the error code will tell the user how big the buffer needs to be, so they can reallocate it themselves and recall the function. For example, from the man page for snprintf (which has this problem):
The functions snprintf() and vsnprintf() do not write more than size bytes (including the terminating null byte ('\0')). If the output was truncated due to this limit then the return value is the number of characters (excluding the terminating null byte) which would have been written to the final string if enough space had been available. Thus, a return value of size or more means that the output was truncated.
It seems that fill_the_buffer() function is in a much better position to know...
- how to dimension the buffer initially and/or
- when to re-alloc the buffer and by how much.
Therefore it may be appropriate to change the API:
char * fill_the_buffer()
or maybe
char * fill_the_buffer(size_t max_amount_caller_wants)
The caller to fill_the_buffer() would still be responsible for disposing of the buffer returned by the function, but the allocation and dimensionning would be left to the function's logic.
This approach generally follow the idea of leaving implementation details to the lower level, making the upper levels more readable.
You must pass the buffer size into the fill_the_buffer function. If the buffer is not big enough, your function must return an error value (f/e -1). In case of success, your function can return the count of writen bytes. This method is common practice for the C language.
I've a suggestion if you have no problem in allocating free memory:
Allocate an initial size at the beginning of the program using malloc, (try to make a good guess for this initial allocation),then in the fill_the_buffer you may need to allocate more memory or may you don't need all allocated memory. In first case, you can allocate a suitable amount of memory (depends on to your application & your available ram) in some steps (e.g 10MB at each leakage) & then resume filling the buffer till you need more memory & repeat this while buffer fills.
In second case you can simply realloc to decrease size of allocated memory of your buffer.
But take care about using realloc specially when you want to increase size of buffer, because it usually causes big overhead (It has to find's a big enough part of free memory, then copy all of old data into new part & free the old section).

Is it safe to use realloc?

Some time ago a friend of mine told me not to use realloc because it's unsafe, but he couldn't tell me why, so I made some research on the subject and the nearest references to my doubt were:
I want to know if I can continue to use realloc in my code or if it's unsafe is there any other way to reallocate memory?
It's perfectly safe to use realloc. It is the way to reallocate memory in a C program.
However you should always check the return value for an error condition. Don't fall into this common trap:
p = realloc(p, new_size); // don't do this!
If this fails, realloc returns NULL and you have lost access to p. Instead do this:
new_p = realloc(p, new_size);
if (new_p == NULL)
...handle error
p = new_p;
The first of the two linked article raises two complaints above and beyond the "check the call succeeded" points already raised here.
When this is done, the old contents are discarded and left in memory somewhere. For secure memory applications where it is important to erase all traces of data, this behavior is inappropriate.
This is a valid point if you happen to be storing sensitive data (e.g. private keys, unhashed(!) passwords etc.) and want to make it harder for exploits to recover the data or other processes on the system to steal the data.
Since it moves memory around, any old pointers to that memory become invalid and could cause the program to crash or otherwise misbehave.
This point seems like nonsense to me. Their proposed solution is no better, they malloc(), copy and then free() the original which has the same net effect - the address has changed. If you wanted to avoid moving the memory you might be able to use some platform specific calls to do that, if you arranged for there to be sufficient free address space near them. If you knew a priori how much address space to reserve then you'd probably not be thinking of calling realloc() in the first place though!
If you're gambling on realloc() never moving, always growing then you've probably got bigger problems to worry about anyway and switching to malloc() + copy + free() can't possibly solve that.
Besides the "check your return value properly point", the most interesting point from the second article is a warning about:
Do not realloc your buffer by 1 byte at a time.
they warn:
This is guaranteed to churn your memory heap
This is a potentially valid point, but it's not a criticism of realloc() itself; the same would happen if you used malloc()+copy+free(). The real fix is to grow buffers sensibly regardless of how you grow them or better yet allocate in correct sized chunks up front.
They also have a point about
Using realloc to return memory to the system.
They're correct here in that using any size other than 0 might not actually make a return. It probably makes things no worse, but this usage still seems like an example of premature "optimisation". The fix again is to use sensible sized allocations to begin with.
Sort answer: it's not unsafe, but it's not a magical solution to all your problems either.
realloc is safe in itself, but using it safely is a bit tricky -- to the point that I'd say roughly 85-90% of the code I've seen that uses it does not do so safely. The problem is that realloc returns NULL to indicate failure -- but when it does so, the pointer you supplied as input is still valid (provided you didn't resize its allocation to 0).
Therefore, you have to assign the return from realloc to the pointer you supplied as input if and only if realloc returned a non-null pointer. If it returns a null pointer, your previous pointer is valid, but the allocation has not be resized.
Also note that many people assume realloc can only fail and/or move the allocation when you enlarge the allocation. In reality, it can fail (though that's unlikely) or move the data to a different location (much more likely) even when you're reducing the allocation size.
Like everything in C, as long as you know what do you do, it's fine.
(Knowing what do you do includes checking for errors, don't use the old pointer,etc)

One large malloc versus multiple smaller reallocs

Sorry if this has been asked before, I haven't been able to find just what I am looking for.
I am reading fields from a list and writing them to a block of memory. I could
Walk the whole list, find the total needed size, do one malloc and THEN walk the list again and copy each field;
Walk the whole list and realloc the block of memory as I write the values;
Right now the first seems the most efficient to me (smallest number of calls). What are the pros and cons of either approach ?
Thank you for your time.
The first approach is almost always better. A realloc() typically works by copying the entire contents of a memory block into the freshly allocated, larger block. So n reallocs can mean n copies, each one larger than the last. (If you are adding m bytes to your allocation each time, then the first realloc has to copy m bytes, the next one 2m, the next 3m, ...).
The pedantic answer would be that the internal performance implications of realloc() are implementation specific, not explicitly defined by the standard, in some implementation it could work by magic fairies that move the bytes around instantly, etc etc etc - but in any realistic implementation, realloc() means a copy.
You're probably better off allocating a decent amount of space initially, based on what you think is the most likely maximum.
Then, if you find you need more space, don't just allocate enough for the extra, allocate a big chunk extra.
This will minimise the number of re-allocations while still only processing the list once.
By way of example, initially allocate 100K. If you then find you need more, re-allocate to 200K, even if you only need 101K.
Don't reinvent the wheel and use CCAN's darray which implements an approach similar to what paxdiablo described. See darray on GitHub

Efficient memory reallocation question

Let's say I have a program(C++, for example) that allocates multiple objects, never bigger than a given size(let's call it MAX_OBJECT_SIZE).
I also have a region(I'll call it a "page") on the heap(allocated with, say, malloc(REGION_SIZE), where REGION_SIZE >= MAX_OBJECT_SIZE).
I keep reserving space in that page until the filled space equals PAGE_SIZE(or at least gets > PAGE_SIZE - MAX_OBJECT_SIZE).
Now, I want to allocate more memory. Obviously my previous "page" won't be enough. So I have at least two options:
Use realloc(page, NEW_SIZE), where NEW_SIZE > PAGE_SIZE;
Allocate a new "page"(page2) and put the new object there.
If I wanted to have a custom allocate function, then:
Using the first method, I'd see how much I had filled, and then put my new object there(and add the size of the object to my filled memory variable).
Using the second method, I'd have a list(vector? array?) of pages, then look for the current page, and then use a method similar to 1 on the selected page.
Eventually, I'd need a method to free memory too, but I can figure out that part.
So my question is: What is the most efficient way to solve a problem like this? Is it option 1, option 2 or some other option I haven't considered here? Is a small benchmark needed/enough to draw conclusions for real-world situations?
I understand that different operations may perform differently, but I'm looking for an overall metric.
In my experience option 2 is much easier to work with has minimal overhead. Realloc does not guarantee it will increase the size of existing memory. And in practice it almost never does. If you use it you will need to go back and remap all of the old objects. That would require that you remember where every object allocated was... That can be a ton over overhead.
But it's hard to qualify "most efficient" without knowing exactly what metrics you use.
This is the memory manager I always use. It works for the entire application not just one object.
for every allocation determine the size of the object allocated.
1 look at a link list of frees for objects of that size to see if anything has been freed if so take the first free
2 look for in a look up table and if not found
2.1 allocate an array of N objects of the size being allocated.
3 return the next free object of the desired size.
3.1 if the array is full add a new page.
N objects can be programmer tunned. If you know you have a million 16 byte objects you might want that N to be slightly higher.
for objects over some size X, do not keep an array simply allocate a new object.
determine the size of the object, add it to the link list of frees.
if the size of the object allocated is less than the size of a pointer the link list does not need to incur any memory overhead. simply use the already allocated memory to store the nodes.
The problem with this method is memory is never returned to the operating system until the application has exited or the programmer decides to defragment the memory. defragmenting is another post. it can be done.
It is not clear from your question why you need to allocate a big block of memory in advance rather than allocating memory for each object as needed. I'm assuming you are using it as a contiguous array. Otherwise, it would make more sense to malloc the memory of each object as it is needed.
If it is indeed acting as an array,malloc-ing another block gives you another chunk of memory that you have to access via another pointer (in your case page2). Thus it is no longer on contiguous block and you cannot use the two blocks as part of one array.
realloc, on the other hand, allocates one contiguous block of memory. You can use it as a single array and do all sorts of pointer arithmetic not possible if there are separate blocks. realloc is also useful when you actually want to shrink the block you are working with, but that is probably not what you are seeking to do here.
So, if you are using this as an array, realloc is basically the better option. Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with malloc. Actually, you might want to use malloc for each object you create rather than having to keep track of and micro-manage blocks of memory.
You have not given any details on what platform you are experimenting. There are some performance differences for realloc between Linux and Windows, for example.
Depending on the situation, realloc might have to allocate a new memory block if it can't grow the current one and copy the old memory to the new one, which is expensive.
If you don't really need a contiguous block of memory you should avoid using realloc.
My sugestion would be to use the second approach, or use a custom allocator (you could implement a simple buddy allocator [2]).
You could also use more advanced memory allocators, like
APR memory pools
Google's TCMalloc
In the worst case, option 1 could cause a "move" of the original memory, that is an extrawork to be done. If the memory is not moved, anyway the "extra" size is initialized, which is other work too. So realloc would be "defeated" by the malloc method, but to say how much, you should do tests (and I think there's a bias on how the system is when the memory requests are done).
Depending on how many times you expect the realloc/malloc have to be performed, it could be an useful idea or an unuseful one. I would use malloc anyway.
The free strategy depends on the implementation. To free all the pages as whole, it is enough to "traverse" them; instead of an array, I would use linked "pages": add sizeof(void *) to the "page" size, and you can use the extra bytes to store the pointer to the next page.
If you have to free a single object, located anywhere in one of the pages, it becomes a little bit more complex. My idea is to keep a list of non-sequential free "block"/"slot" (suitable to hold any object). When a new "block" is requested, first you pop a value from this list; if it is empty, then you get the next "slot" in the last in use page, and eventually a new page is triggered. Freeing an object, means just to put the empty slot address in a stack/list (whatever you prefer to use).
In linux (and probably other POSIX systems) there is a third possibility, that is to use a memory mapped region with shm_open. Such a region is initialized by zeroes once you access it, but AFAIK pages that you never access come with no cost, if it isn't just the address-range in virtual memory that you reserve. So you could just reserve a large chunk of memory at the beginning (more than you ever would need) of your execution and then fill it incrementally from the start.
What is the most efficient way to solve a problem like this? Is it option 1, option 2 or some other option I haven't considered here? Is a small benchmark needed/enough to draw conclusions for real-world situations?
Option 1. For it to be efficient, NEW_SIZE has to depend on old size non-linearly. Otherwise you risk running into O(n^2) performance of realloc() due to the redundant copying. I generally do new_size = old_size + old_size/4 (increase by 25% percent) as theoretically best new_size = old_size*2 might in worst case reserve too much unused memory.
Option 2. It should be more optimal as most modern OSs (thanks to C++'s STL) are already well optimized for flood of small memory allocations. And small allocations have lesser chance to cause memory fragmentation.
In the end it all depends how often you allocate the new objects and how do you handle freeing. If you allocate a lot with #1 you would have some redundant copying when expanding but freeing is dead simple since all objects are in the same page. If you would need to free/reuse the objects, with #2 you would be spending some time walking through the list of pages.
From my experience #2 is better, as moving around large memory blocks might increase rate of heap fragmentation. The #2 is also allows to use pointers as objects do not change their location in memory (though for some applications I prefer to use pool_id/index pairs instead of raw pointers). If walking through pages becomes a problem later, it can be too optimized.
In the end you should also consider option #3: libc. I think that libc's malloc() is efficient enough for many many tasks. Please test it before investing more of your time. Unless you are stuck on some backward *NIX, there should be no problem using malloc() for every smallish object. I used custom memory management only when I needed to put objects in exotic places (e.g. shm or mmap). Keep in mind the multi-threading too: malloc()/realloc()/free() generally are already optimized and MT-ready; you would have to reimplement the optimizations anew to avoid threads being constantly colliding on memory management. And if you want to have memory pools or zones, there are already bunch of libraries for that too.
