is there an alternative to the Internet Developer Toolbar for IE7? - internet-explorer-7

Does anyone know of an alternative to the Internet Developer Toolbar for IE7 that I can use for dom browsing and css debugging? I've used Firebug in the past and the IDT seemed anemic in comparison. It also seemed to crash my browser a lot.
OR: Has the IDT for IE7 improved to the point that it's almost as good as Firebug?
Update: shortly after writing this I started using the Developer Toolbar. Well, that's a strong term. I tried to use it. It's not working at all. Specifically I needed Select Element By Click and it won't do a damn thing. All the menu options are grayed out even after restarting IE7. Good thing I asked this question, looks like the IDT is just as buggy as I remember.

Debug Bar is pretty nice, and is free for personal use. You have to pay for it if using commercially though.
Update: I should add that it did crash once or twice when there was some fairly advanced javascript. Didn't kill the entire browser but the toolbar was rendered useless until I restarted IE.

Check out Firebug Lite :

IE7 hasn't. But IE8 has. The developer tools included in Beta 2 and RC1 are very, very good. Well above the level of Firebug.

Check and see if you have the latest version of the toolbar. I used to use a version prior to the one I now use, and the older version did crash IE7 quite a bit.
As far as features go, it would help to know what you feel you're missing. Having a lot of features isn't the same as having a lot of features you use.


Why the is no longer supported by

I've found when I try to make better animation on mobile devices. But as a angular developer, I still want to use ionic in my next App, so the comes to me.
When I starting to research it on github, it says
This integration library is no longer supported by
Github link : famous-angular
But I can't find any more explanation about the statement.
Can anyone give me some information about that statement? Are there any risks or issues if I still use it?
Here's what happened.
It's up to you whether you use it, but my feelings would be no. To be honest I'm sure if you hunt around you'll find something much more up to date anyway.
I know a few people have success with the Ionic framework, another could be ngFX. Personally I've been pretty happy with Angular's native ngAnimate of late, it's definitely been improved in most recent releases. Combining this with css animation and you have everything you need.

textAngular pasting in IE not working

I'm using textAngular as a WYSIWYG text editor in an angular app. It is a fantastic library that is essentially plug and play. It works perfectly in Chrome and Firefox.
The problem is when I attempt to paste some text into the textAngular window in IE it simply doesn't work. It doesn't raise any console events, throw any exceptions or anything. On the network, it calls 4 URLs, which are then all aborted. They are:,300
This network activity does not happen in Chrome and Firefox. So, I think that is where the problem is. But for the life of me I can't figure out what is going on. It doesn't look like this problem has been reported to the textAngular team or has been asked on stack overflow.
Does anyone have an I idea of how I can remedy the situation?
Here is a plunk replicating the situation. It is the demo from the github repo, almost verbatim (the link to the textAngular links were dead, and I got ride of the initial text). I'm pretty sure that it is just a problem within the 1.2.2 library and I'm going to report a bug. The version on the main page is 1.2.0. Thanks for you help!
I tested your solution on IE 8,9,10 & 11 without any issues. I did however notice it the page was not formatting correctly no IE. It could be an issue with escape characters.
If you could provide some more details about your system, for example: IE version, the code you tried to paste etc. I think I may be able to sort this one out.

tumblr mobile not working with prettify.js

So I wired in Prettify.js and Prettify.css into my new Tumblr blog. It works out great in chrome, IE, and Firefox but I was astonished when I went to my Android Phone and suddenly the code inside ... looks like an atrocity.
I was about to go digging but figured before I spend hours trying to solve a problem someone else already fixed I would see if my ol' Stack Buddies have anything to say on the matter.
Any solutions will be greatly appreciated and if none are posted I'll likely toss up a solution by the end of the weekend.
Clarification EDIT This is viewing the post through the Tumblr Android application. I don't think it has anything to do with phone version but because someone is bound to ask it's a Motorola Droid Bionic running Android 2.3.4
Alrighty, since nobody came along with this one I'll throw the answer out there. The Tumblr application after decompiling it off the APK does not use a standard web frame. This means that javascript execution is not embedded in the view for the mobile application.
Sucks I know... Another possible solution would be to use straight CSS for formatting but alas this doesn't even work in the mobile version as the CSS sheets are overridden with mobile style sheets for more compact formatting.
So this one goes down as "unsolvable" due to the mobile application not operating within the same boundaries as the web driven blog does.
If someone does by chance have a solution to this that will work however, I would be interested in hearing it but at this time I don't have a valid solution. But, it's good to know.

internet explorer 6/7

I have recently developed a couple of websites for a local vets and car valeter which look fine in internet explorer 9 and firefox but when viewed in internet explorer 6 or 7 it just goes wrong
In the car valeting all the boxes move down so they do not run as i have placed them (this only happens in IE6 not 7
in the vets website there is a lot of whitespace at the bottom of quite a few pages before you reach the footer. I know IE6 and IE7 are outdated but I would still like to fix the errors if possible.
Thank you for your help.
Dont forget the doctype on the top of your html file, otherwise the browser will
work in quirks mode instead of compatibility mode. Might solve your issue. Also no one uses IE 6 anymore, do not bother
check your site with the w3c validator and fix qny errors nd warnings, besides that there isnt much you can do
A helpful approach would be to use frameworks for JavaScript (jQuery) and CSS (BluePrint) for cross browser compatibility. It will take time to migrate to new coding, but will be worth it.
On a side note, if you do not mind redirecting the users of IE 6/7 to a page suggesting they upgrade their browsers, then you may try something like this in your JS:
var browserVer=parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var browserName=navigator.appName;
if((browserName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer" && browserVer<=6) || (browserName=="Netscape" && browserVer<=3))
Where 'Incompatible' is the page where you want to redirect. Also if you use above as a function, make sure you call it:
<body onLoad=yourFunction()>

YouTube XL in WPF WebBrowser?

I'm trying to create a simple HTPC interface and found YouTube XL ( which i thought would be cool and easy to add to my program.
I'm using WPF so i simply tried to add a System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser and navigate to that adress.
The problem is that there is no video, everything else around the actual video works fine and other pages(including normal youtube) works fine. Youtube XL also works fine in normal Internet Explorer(8).
Is there anything that differs between IEs and WPFs browser control that might cause this problem?
Edit: I am compiling the program for x86, otherwhise flash doesn't work at all. All other web pages i have tried, including normal youtube, works just like normal.
The strangest thing is that it worked once! The first time i tried it i got video, since then there is only black :(
There shouldn't be a difference. You might be subject to this bug (and workaround) if you are using an x64 version of Windows:
You need to set the project to compile for x86 processors, since on x64 systems the 64-bit webbrowser is used, which, when i last checked, didn't have a working flash plugin yet. Not sure if there is one now, though.
OP here, accidentally ate my cookies.
Deleting browser history in Internet Explorer solved the problem.
Deleting the ie history and cache only resolved the issue as a one time thing only.
