Using a Single system() Call to Execute Multiple Commands in C - c

In an information security lab I'm working on, I've been tasked with executing multiple commands with a single call to "system()" (written in C, running on Fedora). What is the syntax that will allow me to execute more than command through system()? (The idea being you could execute arbitrary commands through a program running on a remote computer, if the program interacts with the OS through the system() call.)
char command[] = "????? \r\n";

That depends on the shell being invoked to execute the commands, but in general most shells use ; to separate commands so something like this should work:
command1; command2; command3
As #dicroce mentioned, you can use && instead of ; which will stop execution at the first command that returns a non-zero value. This may or may not be desired (and some commands may return non-zero on success) but if you are trying to handle commands that can fail you should probably not string multiple commands together in a system() call as you don't have any way of determining where the failure occured. In this case your best bet would either be to execute one command at a time or create a shell script that performs the appropriate error handling and call that instead.

Use && between your commands. It has the advantage that it only continues executing commands as long as they return successful error codes. Example:
"cd /proc && cat cpuinfo"

One possibility comes immediately to mind. You could write all the commands to a script then run it with:
system ("cmd.exe /c \"x.cmd\"");
or, now that I've noticed you're running on Fedora:
system ("");


How can I handle _popen() errors in C?

Good morning;
Right now, I'm writing a program which makes a Montecarlo simulation of a physical process and then pipes the data generated to gnuplot to plot a graphical representation. The simulation and plotting work just fine; but I'm interested in printing an error message which informs the user that gnuplot is not installed. In order to manage this, I've tried the following code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
FILE *pipe_gnuplot;
int main()
pipe_gnuplot = _popen("gnuplot -persist", "w");
if (pipe_gnuplot==NULL)
printf("ERROR. INSTALL gnuplot FIRST!\n");
exit (1);
return 0;
But, instead of printing my error message, "gnuplot is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file" appears (the program runs on Windows). I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. According to _popen documentation, NULL should be returned if the pipe opening fails. Can you help me managing this issue? Thanks in advance and sorry if the question is very basic.
Error handling of popen (or _popen) is difficult.
popen creates a pipe and a process. If this fails, you will get a NULL result, but this occurs only in rare cases. (no more system resources to create a pipe or process or wrong second argument)
popen passes your command line to a shell (UNIX) or to the command processor (Windows). I'm not sure if you would get a NULL result if the system cannot execute the shell or command processor respectively.
The command line will be parsed by the shell or command processor and errors are handled as if you entered the command manually, e.g. resulting in an error message and/or a non-zero exit code.
A successful popen means nothing more than that the system could successfully start the shell or command processor. There is no direct way to check for errors executing the command or to get the exit code of the command.
Generally I would avoid using popen if possible.
If you want to program specifically for Windows, check if you can get better error handling from Windows API functions like CreateProcess.
Otherwise you could wrap your command in a script that checks the result and prints specific messages you can read and parse to distinguish between success and error. (I don't recommend this approach.)
Just to piggy-back on #Bodo's answer, on a POSIX-compatible system you can use wait() to wait for a single child process to return, and obtain its exit status (which would typically be 127 if the command was not found).
Since you are on Windows you have _cwait(), but this does not appear to be compatible with how _popen is implemented, as it requires a handle to the child process, which _popen does not return or give any obvious access to.
Therefore, it seems the best thing to do is to essentially manually re-implemented popen() by creating a pipe manually and spawning the process with one of the spawn[lv][p][e] functions. In fact the docs for _pipe() give an example of how one might do this (although in your case you want to redirect the child process's stdin to the write end of your pipe).
I have not tried writing an example though.

(LLDB on MacOs Catalina) Shell Expansion Failed

When trying to use the r or run commands in lldb I get an error like this: error: shell expansion failed (reason: invalid JSON). consider launching with 'process launch'.
It works when I just use process launch but I really do not feel like doing that.
Is there any way I could make either an alias or make shell expansions not fail?
The way lldb does shell expansion is to run a little tool called lldb-argdumper (it is in on macOS) with the command arguments that you passed. lldb-argdumper wraps the contents of argv as JSON, and writes that to stdout. lldb then parses the JSON back into args and inserts the args one by oneinto the argc/argv array when it launches the process.
Something in the output is not getting properly wrapped. You can probably see what it is by looking at the output of lldb-argdumper with your arguments. Whatever it is, it's a bug, so if you can reproduce it please file with your example with
(lldb) command alias run-no-shell process launch -X 0 --
will produce an alias that doesn't do shell expansion. You can also put this in your ~/.lldbinit.
I ran into this recently. TL;DR: make sure your shell does not echo anything during initialization. Run <your-shell> -c date to confirm; only the date should be printed.
The problem was that my shell's initialization file was echoing some stuff, which was getting prepended to lldb-argdumper's JSON output. (lldb doesn't run lldb-argdumper directly; it invokes your default shell to run lldb-argdumper.)
Specifically, I use fish as my shell, which does not have separate initialization paths for interactive and non-interactive sessions. (See this issue for discussion of whether this is good.) bash and zsh have separate init files for interactive/non-interactive sessions, which makes avoiding this problem slightly easier.

Execute any command-line shell like into execve

In case this is helpful, here's my environment: debian 8, gcc (with std = gnu99).
I am facing the following situation:
In my C program, I get a string (char* via a socket).
This string represents a bash command to execute (like 'ls ls').
This command can be any bash, as it may be complex (pipelines, lists, compound commands, coprocesses, shell function definitions ...).
I can not use system or popen to execute this command, so I use currently execve.
My concern is that I have to "filter" certain command.
For example, for the rm command, I can apply it only on the "/home/test/" directory. All other destinations is prohibited.
So I have to prevent the command "rm -r /" but also "ls ls && rm -r /".
So I have to parse the command line that is given me, to find all the command and apply filters on them.
And that's when I'm begin to be really lost.
The command can be of any complexity, so if I want to make pipelines (execve execute a command at a time) or if I want to find all commands for applying my filters, I'll have to develop parser identical to that of sh.
I do not like creating the wheel again, especially if I make it square.
So I wonder if there is a feature in the C library (or that of gnu) for that.
I have heard of wordexp, but I do not see how manage pipelines, redirection or other (in fact, this does not seem made for this) and i do not see how can I retrieve all the command inside the commande.
I read the man of sh(1) to see if I can use it to "parse" but not execute a command, but so far, I find nothing.
Do I need to code a parser from the beginning?
Thank for your reading, and I apologies for my bad english : it's not my motherlanguage (thanks google translate ...).
Your problem:
I am facing the following situation: In my C program, I get a string
(char* via a socket). This string represents a bash command to execute
(like 'ls ls'). This command can be any bash, as it may be complex
(pipelines, lists, compound commands, coprocesses, shell function
definitions ...).
How do you plan on authenticating who is at the other end of the socket connection?
You need to implement a command parser, with security considerations? Apparently to run commands remotely, as implied by "I get a string (char* via a socket)"?
The real solution:
How to set up SSH without passwords
Your aim
You want to use Linux and OpenSSH to automate your tasks. Therefore
you need an automatic login from host A / user a to Host B / user b.
You don't want to enter any passwords, because you want to call ssh
from a within a shell script.
That's how you solve this problem:
I receive on a socket a string that is a shell command and I have to
execute it. But before execute it, i have to ensure that there is not
a command in conflict with all the rules (like 'rm only inside this
directory, etc etc). For executing the command, I can't use system or
popen (I use execve). The rest is up to me.
And that's when I'm begin to be really lost.
Because what you're being asked to do is implement security features and command parsing. Go look at the amount of code in SSH and bash.
Your OS comes with security features. SSH does authentication.
Don't try to reinvent those. You won't do it well - no one can. Look how long it's taken for bash and SSH to get where they are security-wise. (Hint: it's decades because there's literally decades of history and knowledge that were built into bash and SSH when they were first coded...)

How shell commands execute

I am a newbee and looking for some info.
Thanks in advance.
What is difference between echo "Hello World!" and a c-program which prints "Hello World!" using printf.
How do shell commands get executed. For example if I give ls it lists all the files in the directory. Is there executable binary which is run when we enter ls in shell.
Please let me know if you guys have any links or source to get this clear.
There are two main types of "commands" that the shell can execute. Built-in commands are executed by the shell itself - no new program is started. Simply typing echo in a shell prompt is an example of such a built-in command.
On the other hand, other commands execute external programs (also called binaries) - and ls is an example of this kind of command.
So, if you run echo in a shell, it's executed by the shell itself, but if you write a C program that performs the same action, it wil be run as an external program. As a matter of fact, most Linux systems come with such a binary, located at /bin/echo.
Why does it sometimes make sense to have both a built-in command and a program to accomplish the same task? Built-in commands are faster to execute as there is some cost involved in running an external program. But built-ins have some drawbacks, too: they can't be too complex as this would make the shell big and slow; they can not be upgraded separately from the shell and from each other; finally, there are situations where an external program which is not your shell would like to run an application: it can run external programs but it can't execute shell built-ins directly since it's not the shell. So sometimes it makes sense to have it both ways. Apart from echo, time is another example of this double approach.
The shell is just a user level way of interacting with the operating system, or the kernel. That's one of the reasons it's called a shell. The shell itself (sh, csh, tcsh, ksh, zsh, bash, etc...) is essentially just a binary the operating system executes to allow you to execute other binaries.
It generally gives a lot of other functionality though like built in functions (echo, fg, jobs, etc...), an interpreted language (for x in ..., if then, etc...), command history, and so on...
So, any text entered into the shell (like echo), the binary (or process) interprets and runs the corresponding functions in its code. Built in functions (like echo) don't need to create a new process, but if the text is interpreted as a request to execute a binary (vim, emacs, gcc, test, true, false, etc...) the shell will create a new process for it (unless you prefix it withexec), and execute it.
So, echo "Hello World! just runs code in the shell (process). A printf("Hello World!") would be in seperate binary that the shell would create a new process for (fork), and have the operating system execute (exec).

What is the purpose of the system() function if I already have access to the system?

If I ran the ssh command and logged into a server, would there be any reason to have code call system() since I can run it myself?
Edit: The code I have would be written in C
system call will execute the program (with parameters) that you want. A system() call invokes a shell. So from inside of a C program, if you want to remove a file, you can invoke system with "rm filename" as argument (this is just a use case - definitely not how you'd like to delete a file from a C program)
You should use system() only when you know what you are doing. If a user input is any part of the argument to the system call, you should make sure you are sanitizing your input lest you are opening yourself to command injections.
An example of a command injections with system call is here
Alternatives to system are popen and obviously fork+exec.
