Context undefined in constructor - react - reactjs

export default class Printer extends React.PureComponent<PrinterProps> {
static contextType = PrinterContext;
constructor(props: PrinterProps, context: PrinterInterface){
super(props, context);
this.PrinterInfo = getPrinterInfo(this.context);
I need to pass context to super to be able to access it within the constructor.
Passing of context to constructor is not there in their latest documentation -
but it is there in the legacy api documentation.
Since passing context to super will be deprecated in versions 17 and above, what is a way to be able to accees context within passing it to super in constructor ?

Since passing react context to super will soon be deprecated, you won't be able to use the context in constructor. Another point would be, I've seen functional component is more preferred way of creating components (this is highly discussion topic)
I would recommend using functional component and then simply use useEffect or useContext hook if it makes sense in the overall situation.
You can follow the same approach in the class component as well for eg. using react lifecycle method componentDidMount() since context will be available once component is mounted, this lifecycle method makes sense to use context and call the method getPrinterInfo() in it.
If you are not planning to update the react to 17, you can use the code that you have written since it is working, but if you want to update the react in future and want to work with it follow the other approach.
export default class Printer extends React.PureComponent<PrinterProps, State> {
static contextType = PrinterContext;
context!: React.ContextType<typeof PrinterContext>;
constructor(props: PrinterProps){
componentDidMount() {
getPrinterInfo = () => {
// you should have access to this.context


What is the equivalent of constructor in the createReactClass approach?

Simple question: say that using React.Component I have such a code:
class CustomTextInput extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.textInput = React.createRef();
What will be the equivalent of this using the createReactClass approach?
I've read that I can use getInitialState for initial state, but is it a good place for creating refs?
What you are looking for is something like an initialize method, where you have access to component instance and is called before render.
The closest method I can think of is:
UNSAFE_componentWillMount() is invoked just before mounting occurs. It is called before render(), therefore calling setState() synchronously in this method will not trigger an extra rendering. Generally, we recommend using the constructor() instead for initializing state.
(Emphasis mine).
React docs specifically recommends using constructor instead of this life cycle hook, but if you don't have access to "constructor" itself then this is the closest thing imo.

React Redux - Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component

I want to use the useSelector() hook but I'm getting the error mentioned above. Where can I use this hook to get access to my state data?
function RetrieveDataSources() {
var dataSources = useSelector(state => state.dataSourcesReducer);
class Data extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
errorMessage: false,
isLoading: true,
resultData: propsState && propsState.resultData,
render() {
return( some return code );
export default Data;
Hooks can only be called in either a function component, or custom hooks.
You are calling it from a normal function instead hence the error.
Furthermore, it seems you want to call a hook from a class component - that's unfortunately not directly supported. If you have to use class components, consider using mapStateToProps & connect apis instead to get it from your redux store.
If you still prefer to use hooks from within class component, here is an example to use function component and React render props to share it back with the parent component. This is usually done by libraries though where people cannot dictate whether the caller is using function component or class component.

Const = () => vs Class Functions function name() {} in React Native

I'm new to react native, I'm bit confused about components.
As I created first react native app I saw App.js the components in App.js created as per following code:
export default function App() {
and as I saw tutorials many people almost all people making components as per following code:
const FirstComponents = () => {
I'm also confuse about function components and class based components which created as per following code:
export default class FirstComponents extends Components(){
What is the difference between function and class base components?
Please provide me answer with examples. Your time will be appreciated.
In javascript there are multiple ways to create a function. For example:
function myFunction () {
//some action
const myFunction = () => {
//some action
These two are functions and makes the same thing.
Now second part of your question is "What is the difference between functional and class based components?"
Class based components used for controlling your state and for lifecycle methods(ComponentDidMount and etc...) in the past. And if you are not using state in your component or lifecyle methods, you would use functional based component. Basically if you have a small component with only some UI things, it was best to use functional components. However with React version 16.8 React team intruduced hooks.
Hooks provides the same concepts with your state and component lifecyle methods and more. With hooks you can control your component even if they are funcitonal components.
The first two snippets are similar in terms of declaration. Both are functional components. These are different from class based components. There are several differences:
Hooks can be used in only functional component, class based can't.
constructor is used to initialize this in the class component but in functional you don't require this.
Lifecycle hooks are not available in the functional component, they are part of class component.
You can use useEffect hook for a lifecycle hook like componentDidMount.
For a short example:
function App(){
const [count, setCount] = useState('');
In the above example "count" is a local state property of component and setCount is a method which updates the state.
class App extends React.Component{
this.state = { count: 0 };
this.increaseCount = this.increaseCount.bind(this);
this.setState({count: this.count+1});
// lifecycle methods like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate etc.
<button onClick={this.increaseCounter}>INCR</button>
In this class component you can see state is defined in the constructor and it is been updated with the setState method.
real time example will be too much to add, rather i suggest you to take simple examples to have a grasp of the concepts.

What is the difference between React component and React component instance?

I am reading this and it says:
When a component is purely a result of props alone, no state, the
component can be written as a pure function avoiding the need to
create a React component instance.
What's the difference between a component and a component instance ?
Are they the same ?
What is the difference between Component and Component Instance ?
How do they relate to each-other ?
Conceptually ?
How are they represented in computer memory? How does the representation differ ?
What is a component and what is an instance of that component ? (In memory.) What kind of JS Object ?
Instance in what sense ? Object oriented sense ?
Is it true that every component can have (one or more) instance(s) ?
How many instances can a component have ?
Does it even make sense to say that an instance can be created for a/every react component ?
How are react component instances created and how are components created ?
Reason for asking:
I am trying to create a concept map of react to clarify the terminology and how they relate to each other.
Here is a draft:
The basic difference is, when it a Component, React will run/add all its Lifecycle methods. This will be useful when you have state in your component. When you use this component, React will create a React Component Instance which will have all the lifecycle methods and other hooks added to it.
class App extends React.Component{
In some cases, you won't use state. In those cases, adding all those lifecycle methods are unnecessary. So, React gives you an way to create an component which will have render alone. It is called PureComponent. When you use this, there is no need to create a new Component Instance because there is no lifecycle methods here. It'll just be a function which can take props and return React Elements.
class App extends React.PureComponent{
Hope this helps!
What is a Component and a Component Instance?
Technically, a Component in React is a class or a function.
class App extends React.Component{
//stateless component
const App = (props) => {
When you use that component, it'll be instantiated, more like new App(). But, React does it by itself in a different way.
For Example:
return <App/> //Instance of the component App
Instances are required because, each instance can perform individually. Instances are a copy of original class.
Simple answer is, components will be a Class and component Instance will be the copy/instance of the class and will be used in render
Hope this explains!
A "React component instance" is just an instance that was created from a previously defined class component. See the example below (es6/JSX) which contains both props and state:
class MyComponentClass extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// Set initial state
this.state = {
example: 'example'
render() {
return <div>
If you have no need for state in your component you can use a pure, stateless, functional React component like so:
function MyStatelessFunctionalComponent(props) {
return <div>{this.props.example}</div>;
Here is some more information about stateless React components when they were introduced in React v0.14. Since then you have the ability to use hooks starting in React v16.8, which allow you to define a functional component that has state or makes use of the component lifecyle.
As mentioned in some other comments, there are many performance benefits when using stateless components. These types of components are perfect for when you want something purely presentational as an example.
Since there’s no state or lifecycle methods to worry about, the React team plans to avoid unnecessary checks and memory allocations in future releases.

Is constructor needed for a ReactJS component class

I'm using ReactJS in Typescript. Do I need the "Constructor" code below? It works fine without it and I looked at the trans-piled JavaScript and it appears to add it in automatically anyway.
interface myProps {
children?: any;
class MyButton extends React.Component<myProps, {}> {
constructor(props: myProps) { //Needed ???
render() {
return (<div>
} //end render.
} //end class.
No, you don't need to.
In fact, you could write a simple component like this as a function.
const MyButton = (props) => {
return (
As mentioned in the accepted answer:
const MyButton = (props) => {
return (
This works but it's not the same - not at all. This is constructing a StatelessComponent (without state, without lifecycle-hooks, it's just a plain function, returning only the JSX or the part of the "render" function).
If you need state or lifecycle-hooks, you must extend from React.Component - like it is already done in the question.
To actually answer your question - yes constructor is needed. That's because you are extending of an existing class which is already asking for an initial property ("props") that must be given on the construct -> because it is a react class, react will call internally something like
new MyButton(props);
He will always give you the props object into the instantiated Component. Now, by extending this existing react component class, you must achieve the same - or you will end up missing your "props" object. To make it possible, that one can still pass "props" to your newly defined component, you have to define the props also on your constructor, so you have to write this:
constructor(props: myProps) { .. }
Otherwise, you can't pass anything when you call "new MyButton(props)" -> well, this will not except or bring an error, but "props" will just be "null" in your further code of "MyButton".
Last but not least - you have to call the "super" in an extended version.
Otherwise, you won't pass the given "prop" object to the basic class which you're extending from. Here, it could work too without it, but - then "props" will be "null" in any code of "React.Component" itself.
So, yes it is needed!
Basically you can answer this question yourself by simply using a debugger - just open your web-dev tools, jump to your component code, make a breakpoint in your constructor and watch closely what is happending and what is passed ;) Then, delete the property in the constructor once.. and remove the super call once... how will it except/break apart? ;)
The other question you can always ask yourself when creating new react components: do i need state? do i need lifecycleHooks?
If one of those is yes, you'll have to extend from React.Component - because only the basic class is giving you this sugar. But as can say, no, i don't need any of those - always go with a StatelessComponent:
const MyComp = (props) => (
And try to avoid local component states too - you can do much better with one global state trough react-redux and selectors ;)
Constructor and Super are no longer necessary in react. State can be defined without a constructor and lifecycle hooks also work fine. This is a result of Babel transpiling the components that way:
In traditional ES6 this is currently not the case.
Today, the constructor is needed only when you must initialize a component with a state from props.
import React from 'react'
class AChildComponent extends React.Component {
this.state = {
myState: props.myStateFromProps
export default AChildComponent
