I am new to ReactJs and I am not sure where and how should I define Layout for components. Specifically I want my SideBar Header and Footer remain sticky and using react-router-dom I want to mount rest of the components at appropriate places whenever needed (click on sidebar item)? So should I render multiple components together or there is a another way to first define the layout and then render components at predefined places ?
For dynamic components, use css to lay them out on different pages and render them at once by calling them under render of that main big component. This would make could modular and non-redundant too.
Refer this github , I found it good for referral.
For the quick layouts you can use bootstrap templates. ( This can help you get started)
So I have a page (let's call it Page1) that use is loaded dynamically via React.lazy that uses several reusable components and another page (Page2) that uses some of those reusable components, this page being as well loaded dynamically.
My question would be, is there a way to prevent Page2 to load those reusable components again?
When I analyze the generated final bundle I see that both pages load the reusable components individually and I think ideally would be to just load them once and each new dynamically loaded page that uses those reusable components shouldn't fetch them again.
Reusable components as like simple components act as individual distinctive when used in different code files. so they will surely re-render again when used in other files.
I am building a website using React.
I am using Router from 'react-router-dom' to navigate between pages (urls).
Everything seems to work ok, but if I navigate between pages the layout style sometimes changes. For instance, the workouts page layout seems good and as I want, however, if I navigate from there to Gallery page and back, it looks different. Same goes for other pages.
I am adding a link to my Github page (the updated code is under 'main' branch). Also, you'll find beneath two pictures that demonstrate the different layout of the Workout page.
My Github repository Link.
Notice that sometimes it doesn't change the style, perhaps you will need to register, login, and logout.
Any Help will be appreciated!!
From peeking at your repo, my first guess would be that the problem is your css classes aren't scoped and are overruling each other when you render different components. When you import a css file like you do, it applies the rules globally, so depending on the order of the components you render, the rules are applied to all components in a different order. What you should do is:
Change your CSS file names to include module , for example Workouts.css should be become Workouts.module.css
Make your CSS imports act like a module, for example import styles from '../css/Workouts.module.css'
Change all your classes in the component to be from styles, for example replace <div className="row"> with <div className={styles.row}>
This way, if you have more than one component with the same class name, the rules of the class apply only to this specific component (i.e. scoped css)
That's my guess
I'm wondering if it's possible to use nested routes inside of a Gatsby layout component? I know that the react reach router supports this, but I'm not quite sure how to get it working within Gatsby...
Currently I have a layout component that contains my site header and side navigation menu. Each page loads within the body of the layout correctly.
I'm trying to now create a tabbed interface within one of my MDX pages.
Is it possible to use a nested router, nested layout component, or any other mechanism to avoid reloading the whole body content (including the tabs) when changing pages?
I'm hoping that I can define sub-pages as MDX as well, and reference those as content to load for each of the tabs without reloading my main layout component, or current surrounding page content. Just curious if this is possible or if I should try to pursue a different approach.
Current layout hierarchy
/* AppLayout is static around ALL pages and contains header, navigation, and footer */
/* PageLayout is the wrapper around each MDX page content (which I want to contain the tabs) */
{MDX page content}
Currently, <PageLayout> re-renders when I navigate to other pages (even when using <Link> component), <AppLayout> does not. This does make sense to me because each page is supposed to replace the content of <AppLayout>, but I'm curious if there is a way to either restructure this or use a different mechanism to achieve it.
I'm hoping to have <PageLayout> contain tabs within its content, but not have the rest of the content within that specific page re-render when switching tabs.
As far as I know, it should work no matter if you use Gatsby or a standalone reach-router implementation because Gatsby's routing extends from React reach-routing, adding some enhancements. According to their documentation:
The component is a wrapper around #reach/router’s Link component that
adds useful enhancements specific to Gatsby. All props are passed
through to #reach/router’s Link component.
Gatsby’s <Link> component enables linking to internal pages within a preloading, prefetching resources so that they are fetched by the time the user navigates with this component. We use an IntersectionObserver to fetch a low-priority request when the Link is in the viewport and then use an onMouseOver event to trigger a high-priority request when it is likely that a user will navigate to the requested resource
I want to have a create a sidebar component using React.js with links to different react applications. I know how to create an unordered list of links. Issue is how does one provide a link to a react application and when the link is clicked it dynamically puts that specific react application onto the screen?
You can use React Router to render different components when users click on different links. These components can represent entire sub-apps if you need them to.
I using the Gatsby Material Starter kit for a personal project (essentially to learn Ract and Gatsby). https://github.com/Vagr9K/gatsby-material-starter
The design I want is to have a homepage that doesn't render the toolbar in the header (the toolbar that containers the hamburger navlist). The homepage has a big body and footer but no header ie a giant 'hero'.
After a few hours of hacking with layouts and templates there must be an elegant way to achieve this design ? Any direction or working code to share ?
All the pages in Gatsby Material Starter are wrapped with a MainLayout component to provide consistent styling.
In it's turn, MainLayout uses the Navigation component to render a NavigationDrawer while passing the styling information to it.
If you want to change the fixed toolbar, then you'll have to replace it with Toolbar and Drawer components from react-md.
NOTE: I would not recommend learning ReactJS like this, since GatsbyJS adds additional complexity (that's specific to it) and starters (or any other pre-made projects like this) aren't easily customizable unless you have previous experience with React.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of Gatsby Material Starter.