different assembly instructions from gcc2.9 to 5.3 - c

I have the following C code:
#include <stdio.h>
void function(int a, int b, int c) {
int buff_1[5];
int buff_2[10];
buff_1[0] = 6;
buff_2[0] = 'A';
buff_2[1] = 'B';
int main(void) {
int i = 1;
return 0;
now I want to analyze the associated assembly code:
The assembly instructions before the function call, according to the book I'm reading are:
pushl $3
pushl $2
pushl $1
call function
The underlying object file was created using gcc-5.3 -O0 -c functions.c.
However, if I create the assembly code using objdump I get the following instructions:
movl $3, %edx
movl $2, %esi
movl $1, %edi
As far as I understand assembly (I'm pretty new to it) the first one makes more sense to me.
Is the book simply wrong? Or is the books output just outdated because of using gcc 2.9

The book is out of date with respect to 64-bit x86. The x86-64 calling conventions per Wikipedia are:
System V AMD64 ABI
The calling convention of the System V AMD64 ABI is followed on Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, OS X, and other UNIX-like or POSIX-compliant operating systems. The first six integer or pointer arguments are passed in registers RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX (R10 in the Linux kernel interface), R8, and R9, while XMM0, XMM1, XMM2, XMM3, XMM4, XMM5, XMM6 and XMM7 are used for certain floating point arguments. As in the Microsoft x64 calling convention, additional arguments are passed on the stack and the return value is stored in RAX.
Since you're passing 32-bit values, gcc is using the lower half of each register, hence %edi, %esi, and %edx.


For GNU Assembly x64 AT&T syntax: How to add 2 quad numbers? [duplicate]

I have written a Assembly program to display the factorial of a number following AT&T syntax. But it's not working. Here is my code
.globl _start
movq $5,%rcx
movq $5,%rax
Repeat: #function to calculate factorial
decq %rcx
cmp $0,%rcx
je print
imul %rcx,%rax
cmp $1,%rcx
jne Repeat
# Now result of factorial stored in rax
xorq %rsi, %rsi
# function to print integer result digit by digit by pushing in
movq $0, %rdx
movq $10, %rbx
divq %rbx
addq $48, %rdx
pushq %rdx
incq %rsi
cmpq $0, %rax
jz next
jmp loop
cmpq $0, %rsi
jz bye
popq %rcx
decq %rsi
movq $4, %rax
movq $1, %rbx
movq $1, %rdx
int $0x80
addq $4, %rsp
jmp next
movq $1,%rax
movq $0, %rbx
int $0x80
num : .byte 5
This program is printing nothing, I also used gdb to visualize it work fine until loop function but when it comes in next some random value start entering in various register. Help me to debug so that it could print factorial.
As #ped7g points out, you're doing several things wrong: using the int 0x80 32-bit ABI in 64-bit code, and passing character values instead of pointers to the write() system call.
Here's how to print an integer in x8-64 Linux, the simple and somewhat-efficient1 way, using the same repeated division / modulo by 10.
System calls are expensive (probably thousands of cycles for write(1, buf, 1)), and doing a syscall inside the loop steps on registers so it's inconvenient and clunky as well as inefficient. We should write the characters into a small buffer, in printing order (most-significant digit at the lowest address), and make a single write() system call on that.
But then we need a buffer. The maximum length of a 64-bit integer is only 20 decimal digits, so we can just use some stack space. In x86-64 Linux, we can use stack space below RSP (up to 128B) without "reserving" it by modifying RSP. This is called the red-zone. If you wanted to pass the buffer to another function instead of a syscall, you would have to reserve space with sub $24, %rsp or something.
Instead of hard-coding system-call numbers, using GAS makes it easy to use the constants defined in .h files. Note the mov $__NR_write, %eax near the end of the function. The x86-64 SystemV ABI passes system-call arguments in similar registers to the function-calling convention. (So it's totally different from the 32-bit int 0x80 ABI, which you shouldn't use in 64-bit code.)
// building with gcc foo.S will use CPP before GAS so we can use headers
#include <asm/unistd.h> // This is a standard Linux / glibc header file
// includes unistd_64.h or unistd_32.h depending on current mode
// Contains only #define constants (no C prototypes) so we can include it from asm without syntax errors.
.p2align 4
.globl print_integer #void print_uint64(uint64_t value)
lea -1(%rsp), %rsi # We use the 128B red-zone as a buffer to hold the string
# a 64-bit integer is at most 20 digits long in base 10, so it fits.
movb $'\n', (%rsi) # store the trailing newline byte. (Right below the return address).
# If you need a null-terminated string, leave an extra byte of room and store '\n\0'. Or push $'\n'
mov $10, %ecx # same as mov $10, %rcx but 2 bytes shorter
# note that newline (\n) has ASCII code 10, so we could actually have stored the newline with movb %cl, (%rsi) to save code size.
mov %rdi, %rax # function arg arrives in RDI; we need it in RAX for div
.Ltoascii_digit: # do{
xor %edx, %edx
div %rcx # rax = rdx:rax / 10. rdx = remainder
# store digits in MSD-first printing order, working backwards from the end of the string
add $'0', %edx # integer to ASCII. %dl would work, too, since we know this is 0-9
dec %rsi
mov %dl, (%rsi) # *--p = (value%10) + '0';
test %rax, %rax
jnz .Ltoascii_digit # } while(value != 0)
# If we used a loop-counter to print a fixed number of digits, we would get leading zeros
# The do{}while() loop structure means the loop runs at least once, so we get "0\n" for input=0
# Then print the whole string with one system call
mov $__NR_write, %eax # call number from asm/unistd_64.h
mov $1, %edi # fd=1
# %rsi = start of the buffer
mov %rsp, %rdx
sub %rsi, %rdx # length = one_past_end - start
syscall # write(fd=1 /*rdi*/, buf /*rsi*/, length /*rdx*/); 64-bit ABI
# rax = return value (or -errno)
# rcx and r11 = garbage (destroyed by syscall/sysret)
# all other registers = unmodified (saved/restored by the kernel)
# we don't need to restore any registers, and we didn't modify RSP.
To test this function, I put this in the same file to call it and exit:
.p2align 4
.globl _start
mov $10120123425329922, %rdi
# mov $0, %edi # Yes, it does work with input = 0
call print_uint64
xor %edi, %edi
mov $__NR_exit, %eax
syscall # sys_exit(0)
I built this into a static binary (with no libc):
$ gcc -Wall -static -nostdlib print-integer.S && ./a.out
$ strace ./a.out > /dev/null
execve("./a.out", ["./a.out"], 0x7fffcb097340 /* 51 vars */) = 0
write(1, "10120123425329922\n", 18) = 18
exit(0) = ?
+++ exited with 0 +++
$ file ./a.out
./a.out: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, BuildID[sha1]=69b865d1e535d5b174004ce08736e78fade37d84, not stripped
Footnote 1: See Why does GCC use multiplication by a strange number in implementing integer division? for avoiding div r64 for division by 10, because that's very slow (21 to 83 cycles on Intel Skylake). A multiplicative inverse would make this function actually efficient, not just "somewhat". (But of course there'd still be room for optimizations...)
Related: Linux x86-32 extended-precision loop that prints 9 decimal digits from each 32-bit "limb": see .toascii_digit: in my Extreme Fibonacci code-golf answer. It's optimized for code-size (even at the expense of speed), but well-commented.
It uses div like you do, because that's smaller than using a fast multiplicative inverse). It uses loop for the outer loop (over multiple integer for extended precision), again for code-size at the cost of speed.
It uses the 32-bit int 0x80 ABI, and prints into a buffer that was holding the "old" Fibonacci value, not the current.
Another way to get efficient asm is from a C compiler. For just the loop over digits, look at what gcc or clang produce for this C source (which is basically what the asm is doing). The Godbolt Compiler explorer makes it easy to try with different options and different compiler versions.
See gcc7.2 -O3 asm output which is nearly a drop-in replacement for the loop in print_uint64 (because I chose the args to go in the same registers):
void itoa_end(unsigned long val, char *p_end) {
const unsigned base = 10;
do {
*--p_end = (val % base) + '0';
val /= base;
} while(val);
// write(1, p_end, orig-current);
I tested performance on a Skylake i7-6700k by commenting out the syscall instruction and putting a repeat loop around the function call. The version with mul %rcx / shr $3, %rdx is about 5 times faster than the version with div %rcx for storing a long number-string (10120123425329922) into a buffer. The div version ran at 0.25 instructions per clock, while the mul version ran at 2.65 instructions per clock (although requiring many more instructions).
It might be worth unrolling by 2, and doing a divide by 100 and splitting up the remainder of that into 2 digits. That would give a lot better instruction-level parallelism, in case the simpler version bottlenecks on mul + shr latency. The chain of multiply/shift operations that brings val to zero would be half as long, with more work in each short independent dependency chain to handle a 0-99 remainder.
NASM version of this answer, for x86-64 or i386 Linux How do I print an integer in Assembly Level Programming without printf from the c library?
How to convert a binary integer number to a hex string? - Base 16 is a power of 2, conversion is much simpler and doesn't require div.
Several things:
0) I guess this is 64b linux environment, but you should have stated so (if it is not, some of my points will be invalid)
1) int 0x80 is 32b call, but you are using 64b registers, so you should use syscall (and different arguments)
2) int 0x80, eax=4 requires the ecx to contain address of memory, where the content is stored, while you give it the ASCII character in ecx = illegal memory access (the first call should return error, i.e. eax is negative value). Or using strace <your binary> should reveal the wrong arguments + error returned.
3) why addq $4, %rsp? Makes no sense to me, you are damaging rsp, so the next pop rcx will pop wrong value, and in the end you will run way "up" into the stack.
... maybe some more, I didn't debug it, this list is just by reading the source (so I may be even wrong about something, although that would be rare).
BTW your code is working. It just doesn't do what you expected. But work fine, precisely as the CPU is designed and precisely what you wrote in the code. Whether that does achieve what you wanted, or makes sense, that's different topic, but don't blame the HW or assembler.
... I can do a quick guess how the routine may be fixed (just partial hack-fix, still needs rewrite for syscall under 64b linux):
cmpq $0, %rsi
jz bye
movq %rsp,%rcx ; make ecx to point to stack memory (with stored char)
; this will work if you are lucky enough that rsp fits into 32b
; if it is beyond 4GiB logical address, then you have bad luck (syscall needed)
decq %rsi
movq $4, %rax
movq $1, %rbx
movq $1, %rdx
int $0x80
addq $8, %rsp ; now rsp += 8; is needed, because there's no POP
jmp next
Again didn't try myself, just writing it from head, so let me know how it changed situation.

Why can't I get the value of asm registers in C?

I'm trying to get the values of the assembly registers rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, but I'm getting the wrong value, so I don't know if what I'm doing is taking those values or telling the compiler to write on these registers, and if that's the case how could I achieve what I'm trying to do (Put the value of assembly registers in C variables)?
When this code compiles (with gcc -S test.c)
#include <stdio.h>
void beautiful_function(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) {
register long rdi asm("rdi");
register long rsi asm("rsi");
register long rdx asm("rdx");
register long rcx asm("rcx");
register long r8 asm("r8");
const long save_rdi = rdi;
const long save_rsi = rsi;
const long save_rdx = rdx;
const long save_rcx = rcx;
const long save_r8 = r8;
printf("%ld\n%ld\n%ld\n%ld\n%ld\n", save_rdi, save_rsi, save_rdx, save_rcx, save_r8);
int main(void) {
beautiful_function(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
it outputs the following assembly code (before the function call):
movl $1, %edi
movl $2, %esi
movl $3, %edx
movl $4, %ecx
movl $5, %r8d
callq _beautiful_function
When I compile and execute it outputs this:
(some undefined values)
What did I do wrong ? and how could I do this?
Your code didn't work because Specifying Registers for Local Variables explicitly tells you not to do what you did:
The only supported use for this feature is to specify registers for input and output operands when calling Extended asm (see Extended Asm).
Other than when invoking the Extended asm, the contents of the specified register are not guaranteed. For this reason, the following uses are explicitly not supported. If they appear to work, it is only happenstance, and may stop working as intended due to (seemingly) unrelated changes in surrounding code, or even minor changes in the optimization of a future version of gcc:
Passing parameters to or from Basic asm
Passing parameters to or from Extended asm without using input or output operands.
Passing parameters to or from routines written in assembler (or other languages) using non-standard calling conventions.
To put the value of registers in variables, you can use Extended asm, like this:
long rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx;
register long r8 asm("r8");
asm("" : "=D"(rdi), "=S"(rsi), "=d"(rdx), "=c"(rcx), "=r"(r8));
But note that even this might not do what you want: the compiler is within its rights to copy the function's parameters elsewhere and reuse the registers for something different before your Extended asm runs, or even to not pass the parameters at all if you never read them through the normal C variables. (And indeed, even what I posted doesn't work when optimizations are enabled.) You should strongly consider just writing your whole function in assembly instead of inline assembly inside of a C function if you want to do what you're doing.
Even if you had a valid way of doing this (which this isn't), it probably only makes sense at the top of a function which isn't inlined. So you'd probably need __attribute__((noinline, noclone)). (noclone is a GCC attribute that clang will warn about not recognizing; it means not to make an alternate version of the function with fewer actual args, to be called in the case where some of them are known constants that can get propagated into the clone.)
register ... asm local vars aren't guaranteed to do anything except when used as operands to Extended Asm statements. GCC does sometimes still read the named register if you leave it uninitialized, but clang doesn't. (And it looks like you're on a Mac, where the gcc command is actually clang, because so many build scripts use gcc instead of cc.)
So even without optimization, the stand-alone non-inlined version of your beautiful_function is just reading uninitialized stack space when it reads your rdi C variable in const long save_rdi = rdi;. (GCC does happen to do what you wanted here, even at -Os - optimizes but chooses not to inline your function. See clang and GCC (targeting Linux) on Godbolt, with asm + program output.).
Using an asm statement to make register asm do something
(This does what you say you want (reading registers), but because of other optimizations, still doesn't produce 1 2 3 4 5 with clang when the caller can see the definition. Only with actual GCC. There might be a clang option to disable some relevant IPA / IPO optimization, but I didn't find one.)
You can use an asm volatile() statement with an empty template string to tell the compiler that the values in those registers are now the values of those C variables. (The register ... asm declarations force it to pick the right register for the right variable)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void beautiful_function(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) {
register long rdi asm("rdi");
register long rsi asm("rsi");
register long rdx asm("rdx");
register long rcx asm("rcx");
register long r8 asm("r8");
// "activate" the register-asm locals:
// associate register values with C vars here, at this point
asm volatile("nop # asm statement here" // can be empty, nop is just because Godbolt filters asm comments
: "=r"(rdi), "=r"(rsi), "=r"(rdx), "=r"(rcx), "=r"(r8) );
const long save_rdi = rdi;
const long save_rsi = rsi;
const long save_rdx = rdx;
const long save_rcx = rcx;
const long save_r8 = r8;
printf("%ld\n%ld\n%ld\n%ld\n%ld\n", save_rdi, save_rsi, save_rdx, save_rcx, save_r8);
int main(void) {
beautiful_function(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
This makes asm in your beautiful_function that does capture the incoming values of your registers. (It doesn't inline, and the compiler happens not to have used any instructions before the asm statement that steps on any of those registers. The latter is not guaranteed in general.)
On Godbolt with clang -O3 and gcc -O3
gcc -O3 does actually work, printing what you expect. clang still prints garbage, because the caller sees that the args are unused, and decides not to set those registers. (If you'd hidden the definition from the caller, e.g. in another file without LTO, that wouldn't happen.)
(With GCC, noninline,noclone attributes are enough to disable this inter-procedural optimization, but not with clang. Not even compiling with -fPIC makes that possible. I guess the idea is that symbol-interposition to provide an alternate definition of beautiful_function that does use its args would violate the one definition rule in C. So if clang can see a definition for a function, it assumes that's how the function works, even if it isn't allowed to actually inline it.)
With clang:
pushq %rax # align the stack
# arg-passing optimized away
callq beautiful_function#PLT
# indirect through the PLT because I compiled for Linux with -fPIC,
# and the function isn't "static"
xorl %eax, %eax
popq %rcx
But the actual definition for beautiful_function does exactly what you want:
# clang -O3
pushq %r14
pushq %rbx
nop # asm statement here
movq %rdi, %r9 # copying all 5 register outputs to different regs
movq %rsi, %r10
movq %rdx, %r11
movq %rcx, %rbx
movq %r8, %r14
leaq .L.str(%rip), %rdi
xorl %eax, %eax
movq %r9, %rsi # then copying them to printf args
movq %r10, %rdx
movq %r11, %rcx
movq %rbx, %r8
movq %r14, %r9
popq %rbx
popq %r14
jmp printf#PLT # TAILCALL
GCC wastes fewer instructions, just for example starting with movq %r8, %r9 to move your r8 C var as the 6th arg to printf. Then movq %rcx, %r8 to set up the 5th arg, overwriting one of the output registers before it's read all of them. Something clang was over-cautious about. However, clang does still push/pop %r12 around the asm statement; I don't understand why. It ends by tailcalling printf, so it wasn't for alignment.
How to specify a specific register to assign the result of a C expression in inline assembly in GCC? - the opposite problem: materialize a C variable value in a specific register at a certain point.
Reading a register value into a C variable - the previous canonical Q&A which uses the now-unsupported register ... asm("regname") method like you were trying to. Or with a register-asm global variable, which hurts efficiency of all your code by leaving it otherwise untouched.
I forgot I'd answered that Q&A, making basically the same points as this. And some other points, e.g. that this doesn't work on registers like the stack pointer.

C - external assembly function returning different results with the same input

I have a program in C which uses a NASM function. Here is the code of the C program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
extern float hyp(float a); // supposed to calculate 1/(2 - a) + 6
void test(float (*f)(float)){
printf("%f %f %f\n", f(2.1), f(2.1), f(2.1));
void main(int argc, char** argv){
for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++){
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "calculate")){
And here is the NASM function:
section .data
a dd 1.0
b dd 2.0
c dd 6.0
section .text
global hyp
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
fld dword[b]
fsub dword[ebp + 8]
fstp dword[b]
fld dword[a]
fdiv dword[b]
fadd dword[c]
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
These programs were linked in Linux with gcc and nasm. Here is the Makefile:
all: project clean
main.o: main.c
gcc -c main.c -o main.o -m32 -std=c99
hyp.o: hyp.asm
nasm -f elf32 -o hyp.o hyp.asm -D UNIX
project: main.o hyp.o
gcc -o project main.o hyp.o -m32 -lm
rm -rf *.o
When the program is run, it outputs this:
5.767442 5.545455 -4.000010
The last number is correct. My question is: why do these results differ even though the input is the same?
The bug is that you do this:
fstp dword[b]
That overwrites the value of b, so the next time you call the function, the constant is wrong. In the overall program's output, this shows up as the rightmost evaluation being the only correct one, because the compiler evaluated the arguments to printf from right to left. (It is allowed to evaluate the arguments to a multi-argument function in any order it wants.)
You should have used the .rodata section for your constants; then the program would crash rather than overwrite a constant.
You can avoid needing to store and reload an intermediate value by using fdivr instead of fdiv.
fld DWORD PTR [b]
fsub DWORD PTR [esp+4]
fdivr DWORD PTR [a]
fadd DWORD PTR [c]
Alternatively, do what a Forth programmer would do, and load the constant 1 before everything else, so it's in ST(1) when it needs to be. This allows you to use fld1 instead of putting 1.0 in memory.
fld DWORD PTR [b]
fsub DWORD PTR [esp+4]
fadd DWORD PTR [c]
You do not need to issue a finit, because the ABI guarantees that this was already done during process startup. You do not need to set up EBP for this function, as it does not make any function calls itself (the jargon term for this is "leaf procedure"), nor does it need any scratch space on the stack.
Another alternative, if you have a modern CPU, is to use the newer SSE2 instructions. That gives you normal registers instead of an operand stack, and also means the calculations are all actually done in float instead of 80-bit extended, which can be very important — some complex numerical algorithms will malfunction if they have more floating-point precision than the designers expected to have. Because you're using the 32-bit ELF ABI, though, the return value still needs to wind up in ST(0), and there's no direct move instructions between SSE and x87 registers, you have to go through memory. I don't know how to write SSE2 instructions in Intel syntax, sorry.
subl $4, %esp
movss b, %xmm1
subss 8(%esp), %xmm1
movss a, %xmm0
divss %xmm1, %xmm0
addss c, %xmm0
movss %xmm0, (%esp)
flds (%esp)
addl $4, %esp
In the 64-bit ELF ABI, with floating-point return values in XMM0 (and argument passing in registers by default as well), that would just be
movss b(%rip), %xmm1
subss %xmm0, %xmm1
movss a(%rip), %xmm0
divss %xmm1, %xmm0
addss c(%rip), %xmm0

How are function parameters passed when calling symbols in assembly?

I saw this sample code in a previous question I asked. I was confused by how the paramaters of int add(int a, int b) were automatically in esi and edi? Is this a default calling convention? Where can I find more of this information.
.globl _add // make it global so that others can find this symbol
_add: // int add(int a, int b)
movl %esi, %eax
addl %edi, %eax
The calling convention of the System V AMD64 ABI is followed on Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, OS X,[16] and is the de facto standard among Unix and Unix-like operating systems. The first six integer or pointer arguments are passed in registers RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX (R10 in the Linux kernel interface[17]:124), R8, and R9, while XMM0, XMM1, XMM2, XMM3, XMM4, XMM5, XMM6 and XMM7 are used for certain floating point arguments.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_calling_conventions

Passing argument from C to Assembly

I'm trying to make a program in C that uses a function from Assembly. Below you can see the code:
#include <stdio.h>
extern int _assemblySum(int x, int y);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int total;
total = _assemblySum(4, 2);
printf("%d\n", total);
return 0;
GLOBAL _assemblySum
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov rax, [rbp+16]
mov rbx, [rbp+24]
add rax, rbx
pop rbp
nasm -f elf64 assembly_sum.asm -o assembly_sum.o
gcc c_sum.c assembly_sum.o -o sum
When I run the program I just get random numbers like -1214984584 or 2046906200. I know that I need to use the registers rdi, rsi, rdx and rcx because the 64bit GNU/Linux compiler uses them (Passing arguments from C to 64bit linux Assembly). But how can I do that?
You may have confused which calling convention is being used.
Linux uses the 64-bit System V calling convention. Under this convention, registers are strongly preferred over the stack for the passing of INTEGER type parameters. The registers for integer passing are used in the following order:
If additional Integer parameters are used, they will be passed on the stack.
You can find detailed information in the System V ABI specification.
