How to register TSF with Windows Desktop speech engine - speech

Here is my code to initialize and register with TSF:
HRESULT hr=CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TF_ThreadMgr,NULL,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_ITfThreadMgr,(void **)&pThreadMgr);
if (FAILED(hr) || pThreadMgr==null) return;
if (FAILED(hr)) return;
if (FAILED(hr) || pDocumentMgr==null) return;
pTextStore=new CTextStore(); // create my ITextStoreACP store
hr=pDocumentMgr->CreateContext(ClientId,0,reinterpret_cast<ITextStoreACP *>pTextStore,&pContext,&EditCookie);
if (FAILED(hr) || pContext==null) goto END;
if (FAILED(hr)) return;
At the end of this code, my TextStore interface gets the GetTextView,GetStatus and GetWnd calls. However, no calls are received to the SetText() or any other methods when I speak into the Microphone. The default dictation scratchpad shows up instead. I don't want the scratchpad to show up. I need the text to be routed to my TextStore. Do I need to register the TextStoreACP interface with speech engine? What am I missing here? Any ideas?

The application window needs to be specified as the focus window to the document manager:
pThreadMgr->AssociateFocus(hWnd, pDocumentMgr, &pPrevDocumentMgr);
After this call, TSF starts routing speech calls to the ITextStoreACP interface.


How to detect URI activation on a WPF desktop package (WAP) after it has already launched?

I have a WPF desktop application that is MSIX-packaged using a Windows Application Package (WAP) project. I already know how to launch my WPF desktop app the first time using URI activation, by calling AppInstance.GetActivatedEventArgs() and then analyzing the arguments:
if (activatedEventArgs.Kind == ActivationKind.Launch)
if (((LaunchActivatedEventArgs)activatedEventArgs).Arguments == "myactivationcode")
// .. do something
But if a user runs the URI activation a 2nd time, while my app is already launched, I have learned that a new instance of my app is launched. This doesn't happen with UWP apps, just desktop apps. I can kill the 2nd instance to follow a desired singleton pattern, but what I want is for the first instance of my WPF app to get some event that lets it know to come back into view.
Things I've researched that have no answers that I can see:
How to handle URI activation in a Windows Application Packaging Project?
How can I handle file activation from a WPF app which is running as UWP?
Does any such API or event exist for URI re-activation? Or do I need to do some other form of IPC, like named pipes or WCF on the 2nd instance of my app? Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
But if a user runs the URI activation a 2nd time, while my app is already launched, I have learned that a new instance of my app is launched.
Whether a second instance is launched depends on the implementation of your custom Main method.
In your second link, there is a link to blog post and a code example that demonstrates how to prevent another instance from being launched.
It uses named pipes to communicate with the already running app instance and passes a serialized IActivatedEventArgs to it:
static void Main(string[] args)
IActivatedEventArgs activatedEventArgs = AppInstance.GetActivatedEventArgs();
using (Mutex mutex = new Mutex(false, AppUniqueGuid))
if (mutex.WaitOne(0, false))
new Thread(CreateNamedPipeServer) { IsBackground = true }
s_application = new App();
if (activatedEventArgs != null)
else if (activatedEventArgs != null)
//instance already running
using (NamedPipeClientStream namedPipeClientStream
= new NamedPipeClientStream(NamedPipeServerName, AppUniqueGuid, PipeDirection.Out))
SerializableActivatedEventArgs serializableActivatedEventArgs = Serializer.Serialize(activatedEventArgs);
s_formatter.Serialize(namedPipeClientStream, serializableActivatedEventArgs);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, string.Empty, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Does any such API or event exist for URI re-activation?
Or do I need to do some other form of IPC, like named pipes or WCF on the 2nd instance of my app?
Yes. Again, please refer to the mentioned blog post and accompanied code sample.

From iOS Objective-C code and Android Java code to a Codename One PeerComponent

At the page there are the following examples:
if (self.goCoder != nil) {
// Associate the U/I view with the SDK camera preview
self.goCoder.cameraView = self.view;
// Start the camera preview
[self.goCoder.cameraPreview startPreview];
// Start streaming
[self.goCoder startStreaming:self];
// Stop the broadcast that is currently running
[self.goCoder endStreaming:self];
The equivalent Java code for Android is reported at the page, it is:
// Associate the WOWZCameraView defined in the U/I layout with the corresponding class member
goCoderCameraView = (WOWZCameraView) findViewById(;
// Start the camera preview display
if (mPermissionsGranted && goCoderCameraView != null) {
if (goCoderCameraView.isPreviewPaused())
// Start streaming
goCoderBroadcaster.startBroadcast(goCoderBroadcastConfig, this);
// Stop the broadcast that is currently running
The code is self-explaining: the first blocks start a camera preview, the second blocks start a streaming and the third blocks stop it. I want the preview and the streaming inside a Codename One PeerComponent, but I didn't remember / understand how I have to modify both these native code examples to return a PeerComponent to the native interface.
(I tried to read again the developer guide but I'm a bit confused on this point).
Thank you
This is the key line in the iOS instructions:
self.goCoder.cameraView = self.view;
Here you define the view that you need to return to the peer and that we can place. You need to change it from self.view to a view object you create. I think you can just allocate a UIView and assign/return that.
For the Android code instead of using the XML code they use there you can use the WOWZCameraView directly and return that as far as I can tell.

Which control codes have be implemented in the control handler of a service

The SERVICE_STATUS documentation says this structure has to filled out when calling the SetServiceStatus() function.
The third field is dwControlsAccepted.
Unfortunately I have not found any information about which control codes MUST ALWAYS be implemented/react to, at least.
The page says:
By default, all services accept the SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE value.
But, is there a problem when the service control handler does not react to the SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP control code? Is there a problem when the service control handler does not at least call SetServiceStatus() in this case?
As far as dwControlsAccepted is concerned, there are no mandatory control codes. You can set this value to zero if that meets your needs. Apart from SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE your code does not need to handle any control codes that you have not specified as acceptable.
For example, if you have not set SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP then Windows will never send you the SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP control. Any attempt to stop the service will result in error 1052, "The requested control is not valid for this service."
Note that unless you have a specific need to perform a clean shutdown (for example, because you have a database file that has to be properly closed) you do not need to accept shutdown controls either. Such a service will continue to run until the computer is actually powered down.
If you always set dwControlsAccepted to zero, this is all you need for a control handler:
static DWORD WINAPI ServiceHandlerEx(DWORD control, DWORD eventtype, LPVOID lpEventData, LPVOID lpContext)
return NO_ERROR;

Silverlight CaptureDeviceConfiguration.RequestDeviceAccess() - how does it know?

CaptureDeviceConfiguration.RequestDeviceAccess() method must be invoked by user interaction, otherwise it fails. My question is how does Silverlight know the invocation came from user (i.e. via Button.Click())?
Have a look at this:
I was curios though how exactly does silverlight know what a user
initiated event is, but after digging through .net framework source
code I’ve got to a dead end:
if ((browserService == null) || !browserService.InPrivateMode())
return false; //means that IncreaseQuota will fail
where browser.IsInPrivateMode is:
public bool InPrivateMode()
bool privateMode = false;
return (NativeMethods.SUCCEEDED(UnsafeNativeMethods.DOM_InPrivateMode(this._browserServiceHandle, out privateMode)) && privateMode);
where DOM_InPrivateMode is in a DllImport["agcore"], which according
to microsoft is confidential :( So it looks like I won’t find out soon
how they’re detecting user initiated events, although I’m guessing
they have some centralized private method that detects clicks for
example, and then probably sets a flag that this was indeed “a user
initiated event”, and since you can’t forge clicks or keypresses using
javascript and since you can’t call those private methods using
reflection, it’s “safe”.

Runtime debugging tips for Windows Service?

I have a Windows Service that monitors a COM port connected to a vendors hardware. This is a very busy piece of hardware that is constantly polling other devices on the wire (this is a twisted-pair RS485 "network"). My software needs to emulate X number of hardware devices on this wire, so I've got a multi-threaded thing going on with a multi-tiered state machine to keep track of where the communications protocol is at any moment.
Problem is with a Windows Service (this is my first one, BTW) is that you need some debugging to let you know if stuff is working properly. When I was first developing this state machine/multi-thread code I had a windows form with a RichTextBox that displayed the ASCII chars going back-n-forth on the line. Seems like I can't really have that GUI niceness with a service. I tried opening a form in the service via another program that sent the service messages that are received via the OnCustomCommand() handler but it didn't seem to work. I had "Allow service to interact with desktop" checked and everything. I was using the Show() and Hide() methods of my debug form.
I guess I don't need to see all of the individual characters going on the line but man that sure would be nice (I think I really need to see them :-) ). So does anyone have any crazy ideas that could help me out? I don't want to bog down the system with some IPC that isn't meant for the voluminous amount of data that is sure to come through. It will only be very short-term debugging though, just confirmation that the program, the RS485-to-USB dongle, and hardware is all working.
Use OutputDebugString to write to the debugging buffer and then use DebugView to watch it. If you're running on Windows XP or earlier, then you can use PortMon to see the raw bytes going through the serial port. The advantage over a log file is that there's very little overhead, particularly when you're not watching it. You can even run DebugView from another machine and monitor your service remotely.
I dunno if it will work for you, but I always build my services with a extra Main that build them as console app to get debug output.
Some example:
class Worker : ServiceBase
/// <summary>
/// The Main Thread where the Service is Run.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
ServiceBase.Run(new Worker());
public static void Main(String[] args)
Worker worker = new Worker();
// Other Service code
You could write the output to a log file and then use another application to watch that file. This question about "tail" outlines several options for watching log files with windows.
What I usually do when working on a Windows Service is to create it so that it can be run either as a service, or as a plain old command-line application. You can easily check whether you are running as a service by checking Environment.UserInteractive. If this property is true, then you are running from the command line. If the property is false, then you are running as a service. Add this code to Program.cs, and use it where you would normally call ServiceBase.Run(servicesToRun)
/// <summary>Runs the provided service classes.</summary>
/// <param name="servicesToRun">The service classes to run.</param>
/// <param name="args">The command-line arguments to pass to the service classes.</param>
private static void RunServices(IEnumerable<ServiceBase> servicesToRun, IEnumerable args)
var serviceBaseType = typeof(ServiceBase);
var onStartMethod = serviceBaseType.GetMethod("OnStart", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
foreach (var service in servicesToRun)
onStartMethod.Invoke(service, new object[] { args });
Console.WriteLine(service.ServiceName + " started.");
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
var onStopMethod = serviceBaseType.GetMethod("OnStop", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
foreach (var service in servicesToRun)
onStopMethod.Invoke(service, null);
Console.WriteLine(service.ServiceName + " stopped.");
Now you can debug your service, set breakpoints, anything you want. When you run your application, you'll get a console window, appropriate for displaying console messages, and it will stay open until you hit a key.
I'm answering my own question here. I tried a couple of suggestions here but here's what I ended up doing...
I created a Windows Form application with a single Button and RichTextBox. This application constructed a NamedPipeServerStream on it's end. The Button's job was to send either "debug on" (command 128) or "debug off" (129) to the Windows Service. The initial value was "debug off". When the button was clicked, a command of 128 was sent to the Windows Service to turn debugging on. In the Windows Service this triggered an internal variable to be true, plus it connected to the Form application with a NamedPipeClientStream and started sending characters with a BinaryWriter as they were received or sent on the COM port. On the Form side, a BackgroundWorker was created to WaitForConnection() on the pipe. When it got a connection, a BinaryReader.ReadString() was used to read the data off of the pipe and shoot it to the RichTextBox.
I'm almost there. I'm breaking my pipe when I click the debug button again and a subsequent click doesn't correctly redo the pipe. All in all I'm happy with it. I can post any code if anyone is interested. Thanks for the responses!
