Struct Array initialization in c - c

typedef struct _set{
int root;
int rank;
void Kruskal(Graph* g)
Set uni[g->nv];
Edge result[g->nv - 1];
int i;
int count = 0;
int num = 0;
int aRoot, bRoot;
for(i = 0; i < g->nv; i++){
uni[i].root = i;
uni[i].rank = 0;
QuickSort(g, 0, g->ne-1);
while(count != (g->nv-1) && num != g->ne){
WeightedUnion(uni, g->path[num].src, g->path[num].dest);
aRoot = Find(uni, g->path[num].src);
bRoot = Find(uni, g->path[num].dest);
if( aRoot != bRoot){
result[num] = g->path[num];
if(count != g->nv-1){
printf("No spanning tree\n");
for(i = 0; i <= count; i++){
printf("[%d] %d - %d : %d\n",i+1,result[i].src,result[i].dest,result[i].weight);
This is my part of code. The problem is that I can't initialize 'uni[g->nv]'. You can see 'for' loop next to the variable area. And I was sure about that reputation must initialize this array but a result was not. That array didn't include any other values. just empty. I cannot find my problem. Please tell me my problem or mistakes.
I run my code in Xcode. Maybe this information is helpful

You are using a variable length array (VLA), that is an array with a length that depends dynamically on an expression during run time. Since the size is not known at compile time, you can't initialize them with an initializer expression, but must do it with a for loop as you are doing.
VLA are usually realized when your program executes on the so-called stack of the function in which it is defined. That stack has a size limit and you have to be careful that you don't overrun it. (And if you do, there is no tool to know directly.)
So don't use VLA as you do for big data of unknown size. Instead, use a pointer and malloc to allocate the memory that you need.


How do i keep the rest of an array of strings in C from filling with junk?

I'm working on a practice program where the user inputs a list of names. I've got the array of strings set to 50 long to give the user plenty of space, but if they are done, they can type 'quit' to stop typing. how can i keep the rest of the array from filling with junk or possibly shrink it to fit only the entered list.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
char list[50][11];
char temp[11];
int index;
printf("Input a list of names type 'quit' to stop\n")
for(index = 0; index < 50; index++)
scanf(" %10s", temp);
if(strcmp(temp, "quit") != 0)
strcpy(list[index], temp);
index = 50;
for(int index = 0; index < 50; index++)
return 0;
IMO this is a Zen of Programming question, and UnholySheep is prodding you to think in the right direction.
What is Junk? You have told the computer you need a list of 50 things, but you didn't tell it what to put in all of those list entries. So the computer just uses whatever memory it has lying around, and the odds of a particular byte being whatever value you decide is Not Junk is something like 1:256.
Of course, the Zen here is not the answer to the question "What is Junk", but rather understanding that there is Junk and Not Junk, and the only Not Junk is that which you have arranged for to exist.
So, if you don't know that a memory address does not contain Junk, then it does.
The solution to your programming question then, is to keep track of how many list entries are Not Junk. There are two common approaches used in C for this:
keep track of the length of your list, or
put a special value at the end of your list
how can i keep the rest of the array from filling with junk (?)
1) Use index. Simply keep track of how much was used. Do not access the unused portion of the array
for(int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
2) Mark the next unused with a leading null character.
if (index < 50) list[index][0] = '\0';
for(int i = 0; i < 50 && list[i][0]; i++) {
3) Re-architect: use a right-sized allocation array (below), a link-list, etc.
or possibly shrink it to fit only the entered list (?)
Once an array is defined, its size cannot change.
Yet a pointer to an allocated memory can be re-allocated.
Here list is a pointer to array 11 of char
char (*list)[11] = malloc(sizeof *list * 50); // error checking omitted for brevity
// fill up to 50
list = realloc(sizeof *list * index); // error checking omitted for brevity
just keep a count of entered values
int count = 0;
printf("Input a list of names type 'quit' to stop\n")
for(index = 0; index < 50; index++)
scanf(" %10s", temp);
if(strcmp(temp, "quit") != 0)
strcpy(list[index], temp);
index = 50;
for(int index = 0; index < count; index++)

Remove some elements from array and re-size array in C

I want to remove some elements from my array and re-size it.
for example my array is:
char get_res[6] = {0x32,0x32,0x34,0x16,0x00,0x00};
Now I want to remove elements after 0x16, so my desire array is:
get_res[] = {0x32,0x32,0x34,0x16};
what is solution?
You cannot resize arrays in C (unlike Python, for example). For real resizing, at least from an API user's point of view, use malloc, calloc, realloc, and free (realloc specifically).
Anyway, "resizing" an array can be imitated using
a delimiter; for example, a delimiter like 0xff could mark the end of the valid data in the array
#define DELIMITER 0xff
print_data(char* data) {
for (size_t i = 0; data[i] != DELIMITER; ++i)
printf("%x", data[i]);
a member counter; count the number of valid data from the beginning of the array onward
size_t counter = 5;
print_data(char* data) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < counter; ++i)
printf("%x", data[i]);
Use unsigned char for binary data. char may be aliasing signed char, which you might run into problems with because signed char contains a sign bit.
There is no need to "remove" them. Just don't access them. Pretend like they don't exist. Same like in stacks, when you "pop" a value from the top of the stack, you just decrement the stack pointer.
Manipulating arrays in C isn't easy as it is for vector in C++ or List in Java. There is no "remove element" in C. I mean that you have to do the job yourself, that is, create another array, copy only the elements you want to this new array, and free the memory occupied by the previous one.
Can you do that? Do you want the code?
Try that. It's just a simple program that simulates the situation. Now, you have to see the example and adapt it to your code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
char get_res[6] = {0x32,0x32,0x34,0x16,0x00,0x00};
char target = 0x16;
int pos, i, length = 6; // or specify some way to get this number
for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
if(get_res[i] == target) {
pos = i;
pos = pos + 1; // as you have to ignore the target itself
char *new_arr = malloc(pos);
for(i = 0; i < length; i++) {
new_arr[i] = get_res[i];
for(i = 0; i < pos; i++)
printf("%c ", new_arr[i]);
return 0;

Dynamically allocating a 2D array in C

I've been reading around and I've been applying what I've been reading to my code but I am not sure if I am missing something.. the 2d array is suppose to mirror sudoku.
I know the problem area is in my arrayMake function.
My professor recommended using a cast with the malloc call so:
sudoku = (int**)malloc(sudokus*sizeof(int*)); but that did not work for me.
int main(){
int sudokus;
int** sudoku;
sudokus = getUserInfo();
sudoku = arrayMake(sudokus);
/*for (int i = 0; i < (SIZE*sudokus), i++;){
for (int j = 0; j < SIZE, j++;){
printf("Numbers[%d][%d]:%d", i, j, sudoku[i][j]);
return 0;
int getUserInfo(){
int sudokus;
printf("How many Sudokus are you checking today?\n");
scanf("%d{^\n]\n", &sudokus);
return sudokus;
int** arrayMake(int sudokus){
int **sudoku;
int realsize;
realsize = 9 * sudokus;
sudoku = malloc(realsize*sizeof(int*));
if (sudoku == NULL){
printf("Memory allocation failed");
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < realsize, i++;){
sudoku[i] = malloc(9 * sizeof(int));
if (sudoku[i] == NULL){
printf("Memory allocaiton failed");
return 0;
return sudoku;
My professor recommended using a cast with the malloc call so: sudoku = (int**)malloc(sudokus * sizeof(int*)); but that did not work for me.
To dynamically allocate for 2D array, you usually need to do two steps. Your code is not clear as you include a realsize = 9 * sudokus which doesn't make sense. Anyway, for simplicity, lets assume your sudoku is a 3x3 matrix. You'll need to:
Allocate for the pointer to pointer to int:
int **sudoku = malloc( 3 * sizeof( int * ) );
Allocate for each of the individual pointer to int:
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
sudoku[i] = malloc( 3 * sizeof( int ) );
From what I see your problem exists in your for loops where you have:
for (i = 0;i < realsize , i++)
when you really meant:
for (i = 0;i < realsize ; i++)
Note the change of , to ;
scanf("%d{^\n]\n", &sudokus); is a mistake.
I guess you meant the { to actually be a [ but the format string is still wrong even after that change. I think you intended to consume the rest of the input, up to and including a newline character. However, your format string does not actually do that.
Scanf'ing for \n actually means consume any amount of whitespace, so in fact this code (with the [ fix) would continue waiting for input until there was a newline, and also another non-whitespace character typed after the newline.
Better would be:
scanf("%d", &sudokus);
int ch;
while ( (ch = getchar()) != '\n' && ch != EOF ) { }
There are a few different ways to achieve the same goal. (Note that scanning for %d[^\n]%c is not one of them; that string is also broken).
Also I would suggest a different variable name than sudokus. It's confusing having two similarly-named variables sudoku and sudokus. Name it something that reflects its meaning.
For allocating your array, it would be much simpler to take out the arrayMake function and write something like:
int sudoku[9][9];
(I couldn't figure out what sudokus was supposed to mean or what realsize was going to be, but you could put your intended dimension inside the square brackets there).

Segmentation fault (core dumped) error, in a C search function

I'm trying to write a C program to take an array of discrete positive integers and find the length of the longest increasing subsequence.
'int* a' is the array of randomly generated integers, which is of length 'int b'
lis_n = answer(seq, seq_size);
int answer(int* a, int b) {
if (a == NULL) {return -1;}
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
//instantiate max and set it to 0
int max = 0;
//make an array storing all included numbers
int included[b];
memset(included, 0, b*sizeof(int));
//create a pointer to the index in included[] with the largest value
int indexMax = 0;
//create a pointer to the index in a[]
int indexArray = 0;
//index of a[] for max included
int maxToA = 0;
//set the first included number to the first element in a[]
included[indexMax] = a[indexArray];
//loop until break
while (1) {
if (a[indexArray] > included[indexMax]/*digit greater than last included*/) {
//include the digit
included[indexMax+1] = a[indexArray];
//increment current max pointer
j = b - 1;
while (indexArray >= j/*pointer is at end"*/) {
if (j == (b - 1)) {
if ((indexMax+1) > max/*total is greater than current max*/) {
max = indexMax + 1;
if (a[b-1] == included[0]/*last element is in included[0], stop*/) {
return max;
} else {
//max included is set to zero
included[indexMax] = 0;
//max included pointer decreased
//set array pointer to new max included
for (k=0;k<(b-1);k++) {
if (a[k] == included[indexMax]) {
indexArray = k;
//increment array pointer
for (i=0;i<b;i++) {
I'm receiving 'Segmentation fault (core dumped)' in the terminal upon running.
Any help would be awesome.
You have declared
int indexMax = 0;
And here you use it as an array index
incuded[indexMax] = 0;
You increment and decrement it
You check its range but you don't limit it, you alter the value you compare it with
if ((indexMax+1) > max/*total is greater than current max*/) {
max = indexMax + 1;
You never check indexMax against b or with 0
int included[b];
So you are almost guaranteed to exceed the bounds of included[].
Some general points of advice. Make your function and variable names meaningful. Avoid making a premature exit from a function wherever possible. Avoid while(1) wherever possible. And never make assumptions about array sizes (including C "strings"). It might seem hard work putting in the overhead, but there is a payoff. The payoff is not just about catching unexpected errors, it makes you think about the code you are writing as you do it.
I've done something like this for homework before. I got help from:
Make sure you are not trying to index past the size of your array. What I would do would be to find out the size of array a[] (which looks like it is b) and subtract 1. Make sure you are not trying to access past the size of the array.

Reallocation problems when assigning string to dynamic int array

Basically, I'm trying to convert a bunch of char inputs to ints and assign them to a dynamic int array. The string input and tokenization seem to work fine. The issue (from what I can tell) seems to be with the reallocation of the int array; after the array is reallocated twice, the pointer to the int array returns NULL.
What I tried to do was double the size of the int array every time the number of tokens meets or surpasses (size divided by sizeof(int)). The realloc statement works each time this condition is met.
I thought using a pointer to a pointer was the end-all solution to this. I bet it's some really obvious issue, but I'm at my wit's end here. If you request any further elaboration, I'll try my best. Understand that I've only taken C for a semester and have struggled most of the way.
Also, truth be told, this was part of a class assignment which has since passed. I'd prefer an explanation about what's wrong more than a full-on code, if that's alright.
I have a lot of printf statements, so apologies for any clutter.
EDIT: Replaced all instances of newArray within the input() function with *resize. However, I've never tried assigning values through pointers to pointers, so feel free to correct me with a syntactic example if you know how I messed up. Segmentation fault occurs here:
for (k = (numElem - count); k < numElem; k++)
printf("\nk = %i\n", k);
printf("j = %i\n", j);
printf("numElem = %i\n", numElem);
printf("results[j]: %s\n\n\n", results[j]);
/* Segmentation fault regardless of what is assigned
to *resize[k]. */
*resize[k] = atoi(results[j]); // PROBLEM HERE
The source code has been updated to reflect upon this. To make this ridiculously long post a little more subdued, let's state that I did this in main():
int *newArray = malloc(MAXTOKEN * sizeof(int));
Moving on.
/* String input takes in char values,
tokenizes them, converts the results
to int, assigns them to newresizeay. */
int input(int **resize)
int i, j, k, count;
int numElem = 0;
int currentSize = MAXTOKEN;
char str[MAXSTRING];
char *results[MAXTOKEN];
/* This entire loop takes place at least once,
provided the first input isn't NULL. */
i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
/* Char input process. Takes place until the user
presses ENTER. */
printf("Input integer values separated by spaces, or "
"press ENTER to exit.\n");
while ( ((str[i] = getchar() ) != '\n') && (i < MAXSTRING) )
str[i] = '\0';
/* Tokenization of the chars that were input */
count = 0;
if (results[0] = strtok(str, " \t"))
while (results[count] = strtok(NULL, " \t") )
/* numElem = 1 if the first input prompt established
str[0] as NULL */
if ( (count < 1) && (numElem < 1) )
count = 1;
numElem += count;
printf("numElem: %i\ncurrentSize: %i\n", numElem, currentSize);
/* If the number of elements to assign meet or surpass
the amount of [memory / sizeof(int)], exponentially
increase the size of the int resizeay. */
if ( numElem >= currentSize )
*resize = realloc(*resize, (currentSize) * sizeof(int));
if (*resize == NULL)
printf("\n\nYep, it threw up.\n\n");
currentSize *= 2;
printf("\nSize should be: %i\n", currentSize * 4);
printf("Actual size: %d\n", _msize(*resize));
/* The tokenized chars are converted to integers and
assigned to the int resizeay. */
for (k = (numElem - count); k < numElem; k++)
printf("\nk = %i\n", k);
printf("j = %i\n", j);
printf("numElem = %i\n", numElem);
printf("results[j]: %s\n\n\n", results[j]);
*resize[k] = atoi(results[j]); // PROBLEM HERE
for (i = 0; i < numElem; i++)
printf("resize[%i]: %i\n", i, *resize[i]);
} while (str[0] != NULL);
The input function receives both resize and arr. main sends the same pointer to both. This is a bug.
When resize is resized, arr stays the same and may point to an invalid address (when realloc returns a different address).
How to fix:
Remove arr function argument and only use resize.
When you call the realloc function,if the new memory block is smaller than previous ,it will maintain the original state pointing to the memory block which previous used.If the new memory block is larger than previous,the system will re allocate memory on the heap and the previous memory is released.
Among other problems:
char *results[MAXTOKEN];
should be
char *results[MAXTOKEN + 1];
because here the maximum value of count will be MAXTOKEN in this loop :
while (results[count] = strtok(NULL, " \t") )
char str[MAXSTRING];
is pretty scary, because as soon as the user enters more than MAXSTRIN (=11) characters without pressing Enter, you will get a buffer overflow.
