How to do unsigned saturating addition in C? - c

What is the best (cleanest, most efficient) way to write saturating addition in C?
The function or macro should add two unsigned inputs (need both 16- and 32-bit versions) and return all-bits-one (0xFFFF or 0xFFFFFFFF) if the sum overflows.
Target is x86 and ARM using gcc (4.1.2) and Visual Studio (for simulation only, so a fallback implementation is OK there).

You probably want portable C code here, which your compiler will turn into proper ARM assembly. ARM has conditional moves, and these can be conditional on overflow. The algorithm then becomes: add and conditionally set the destination to unsigned(-1), if overflow was detected.
uint16_t add16(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
uint16_t c = a + b;
if (c < a) /* Can only happen due to overflow */
c = -1;
return c;
Note that this differs from the other algorithms in that it corrects overflow, instead of relying on another calculation to detect overflow.
x86-64 clang 3.7 -O3 output for adds32: significantly better than any other answer:
add edi, esi
mov eax, -1
cmovae eax, edi
ARMv7: gcc 4.8 -O3 -mcpu=cortex-a15 -fverbose-asm output for adds32:
adds r0, r0, r1 # c, a, b
it cs
movcs r0, #-1 # conditional-move
bx lr
16bit: still doesn't use ARM's unsigned-saturating add instruction (UADD16)
add r1, r1, r0 # tmp114, a
movw r3, #65535 # tmp116,
uxth r1, r1 # c, tmp114
cmp r0, r1 # a, c
ite ls #
movls r0, r1 #,, c
movhi r0, r3 #,, tmp116
bx lr #

In plain C:
uint16_t sadd16(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) {
return (a > 0xFFFF - b) ? 0xFFFF : a + b;
uint32_t sadd32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
return (a > 0xFFFFFFFF - b) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : a + b;
which is almost macro-ized and directly conveys the meaning.

In IA32 without conditional jumps:
uint32_t sadd32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
#if defined IA32
mov eax,a
xor edx,edx
add eax,b
setnc dl
dec edx
or eax,edx
#elif defined ARM
// ARM code
// non-IA32/ARM way, copy from above

In ARM you may already have saturated arithmetic built-in. The ARMv5 DSP-extensions can saturate registers to any bit-length. Also on ARM saturation is usually cheap because you can excute most instructions conditional.
ARMv6 even has saturated addition, subtraction and all the other stuff for 32 bits and packed numbers.
On the x86 you get saturated arithmetic either via MMX or SSE.
All this needs assembler, so it's not what you've asked for.
There are C-tricks to do saturated arithmetic as well. This little code does saturated addition on four bytes of a dword. It's based on the idea to calculate 32 half-adders in parallel, e.g. adding numbers without carry overflow.
This is done first. Then the carries are calculated, added and replaced with a mask if the addition would overflow.
uint32_t SatAddUnsigned8(uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
uint32_t signmask = 0x80808080;
uint32_t t0 = (y ^ x) & signmask;
uint32_t t1 = (y & x) & signmask;
x &= ~signmask;
y &= ~signmask;
x += y;
t1 |= t0 & x;
t1 = (t1 << 1) - (t1 >> 7);
return (x ^ t0) | t1;
You can get the same for 16 bits (or any kind of bit-field) by changing the signmask constant and the shifts at the bottom like this:
uint32_t SatAddUnsigned16(uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
uint32_t signmask = 0x80008000;
uint32_t t0 = (y ^ x) & signmask;
uint32_t t1 = (y & x) & signmask;
x &= ~signmask;
y &= ~signmask;
x += y;
t1 |= t0 & x;
t1 = (t1 << 1) - (t1 >> 15);
return (x ^ t0) | t1;
uint32_t SatAddUnsigned32 (uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
uint32_t signmask = 0x80000000;
uint32_t t0 = (y ^ x) & signmask;
uint32_t t1 = (y & x) & signmask;
x &= ~signmask;
y &= ~signmask;
x += y;
t1 |= t0 & x;
t1 = (t1 << 1) - (t1 >> 31);
return (x ^ t0) | t1;
Above code does the same for 16 and 32 bit values.
If you don't need the feature that the functions add and saturate multiple values in parallel just mask out the bits you need. On ARM you also want to change the signmask constant because ARM can't load all possible 32 bit constants in a single cycle.
Edit: The parallel versions are most likely slower than the straight forward methods, but they are faster if you have to saturate more than one value at a time.

If you care about performance, you really want to do this sort of stuff in SIMD, where x86 has native saturating arithmetic.
Because of this lack of saturating arithmetic in scalar math, one can get cases in which operations done on 4-variable-wide SIMD is more than 4 times faster than the equivalent C (and correspondingly true with 8-variable-wide SIMD):
sub8x8_dct8_c: 1332 clocks
sub8x8_dct8_mmx: 182 clocks
sub8x8_dct8_sse2: 127 clocks

Zero branch solution:
uint32_t sadd32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
uint64_t s = (uint64_t)a+b;
return -(s>>32) | (uint32_t)s;
A good compiler will optimize this to avoid doing any actual 64-bit arithmetic (s>>32 will merely be the carry flag, and -(s>>32) is the result of sbb %eax,%eax).
In x86 asm (AT&T syntax, a and b in eax and ebx, result in eax):
add %eax,%ebx
sbb %eax,%eax
or %ebx,%eax
8- and 16-bit versions should be obvious. Signed version might require a bit more work.

uint32_t saturate_add32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
uint32_t sum = a + b;
if ((sum < a) || (sum < b))
return ~((uint32_t)0);
return sum;
} /* saturate_add32 */
uint16_t saturate_add16(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
uint16_t sum = a + b;
if ((sum < a) || (sum < b))
return ~((uint16_t)0);
return sum;
} /* saturate_add16 */
Edit: Now that you've posted your version, I'm not sure mine is any cleaner/better/more efficient/more studly.

The current implementation we are using is:
#define sadd16(a, b) (uint16_t)( ((uint32_t)(a)+(uint32_t)(b)) > 0xffff ? 0xffff : ((a)+(b)))
#define sadd32(a, b) (uint32_t)( ((uint64_t)(a)+(uint64_t)(b)) > 0xffffffff ? 0xffffffff : ((a)+(b)))

I'm not sure if this is faster than Skizz's solution (always profile), but here's an alternative no-branch assembly solution. Note that this requires the conditional move (CMOV) instruction, which I'm not sure is available on your target.
uint32_t sadd32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
movl eax, a
addl eax, b
movl edx, 0xffffffff
cmovc eax, edx

I suppose, the best way for x86 is to use inline assembler to check overflow flag after addition. Something like:
add eax, ebx
jno ##1
or eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
It's not very portable, but IMHO the most efficient way.

Just in case someone wants to know an implementation without branching using 2's complement 32bit integers.
Warning! This code uses the undefined operation: "shift right by -1" and therefore exploits the property of the Intel Pentium SAL instruction to mask the count operand to 5 bits.
int32_t sadd(int32_t a, int32_t b){
int32_t sum = a+b;
int32_t overflow = ((a^sum)&(b^sum))>>31;
return (overflow<<31)^(sum>>overflow);
It's the best implementation known to me

The best performance will usually involve inline assembly (as some have already stated).
But for portable C, these functions only involve one comparison and no type-casting (and thus I believe optimal):
unsigned saturate_add_uint(unsigned x, unsigned y)
if (y > UINT_MAX - x) return UINT_MAX;
return x + y;
unsigned short saturate_add_ushort(unsigned short x, unsigned short y)
if (y > USHRT_MAX - x) return USHRT_MAX;
return x + y;
As macros, they become:
SATURATE_ADD_UINT(x, y) (((y)>UINT_MAX-(x)) ? UINT_MAX : ((x)+(y)))
SATURATE_ADD_USHORT(x, y) (((y)>SHRT_MAX-(x)) ? USHRT_MAX : ((x)+(y)))
I leave versions for 'unsigned long' and 'unsigned long long' as an exercise to the reader. ;-)

An alternative to the branch free x86 asm solution is (AT&T syntax, a and b in eax and ebx, result in eax):
add %eax,%ebx
sbb $0,%ebx

int saturating_add(int x, int y)
int w = sizeof(int) << 3;
int msb = 1 << (w-1);
int s = x + y;
int sign_x = msb & x;
int sign_y = msb & y;
int sign_s = msb & s;
int nflow = sign_x && sign_y && !sign_s;
int pflow = !sign_x && !sign_y && sign_s;
int nmask = (~!nflow + 1);
int pmask = (~!pflow + 1);
return (nmask & ((pmask & s) | (~pmask & ~msb))) | (~nmask & msb);
This implementation doesn't use control flows, campare operators(==, !=) and the ?: operator. It just uses bitwise operators and logical operators.

Using C++ you could write a more flexible variant of Remo.D's solution:
template<typename T>
T sadd(T first, T second)
static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "sadd is not defined for non-integral types");
return first > std::numeric_limits<T>::max() - second ? std::numeric_limits<T>::max() : first + second;
This can be easily translated to C - using the limits defined in limits.h. Please also note that the Fixed width integer types might not been available on your system.

//function-like macro to add signed vals,
//then test for overlow and clamp to max if required
#define SATURATE_ADD(a,b,val) ( {\
if( (a>=0) && (b>=0) )\
val = a + b;\
if (val < 0) {val=0x7fffffff;}\
else if( (a<=0) && (b<=0) )\
val = a + b;\
if (val > 0) {val=-1*0x7fffffff;}\
val = a + b;\
I did a quick test and seems to work, but not extensively bashed it yet! This works with SIGNED 32 bit.
op : the editor used on the web page does not let me post a macro ie its not understanding non-indented syntax etc!

Saturation arithmetic is not standard for C, but it's often implemented via compiler intrinsics, so the most efficient way will not be the cleanest. You must add #ifdef blocks to select the proper way. MSalters's answer is the fastest for x86 architecture. For ARM you need to use __qadd16 function (ARM compiler) of _arm_qadd16 (Microsoft Visual Studio) for 16 bit version and __qadd for 32-bit version. They'll be automatically translated to one ARM instruction.

I'll add solutions that were not yet mentioned above.
There exists ADC instruction in Intel x86. It is represented as _addcarry_u32() intrinsic function. For ARM there should be similar intrinsic.
Which allows us to implement very fast uint32_t saturated addition for Intel x86:
Try it online!
#include <stdint.h>
#include <immintrin.h>
uint32_t add_sat_u32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
uint32_t r, carry = _addcarry_u32(0, a, b, &r);
return r | (-carry);
Intel x86 MMX saturated addition instructions can be used to implement uint16_t variant:
Try it online!
#include <stdint.h>
#include <immintrin.h>
uint16_t add_sat_u16(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) {
return _mm_cvtsi64_si32(_mm_adds_pu16(
I don't mention ARM solution, as it can be implemented by other generic solutions from other answers.


Efficient C vectors for generic SIMD (SSE, AVX, NEON) test for zero matches. (find FP max absolute value and index)

I want to see if it's possible to write some generic SIMD code that can compile efficiently. Mostly for SSE, AVX, and NEON. A simplified version of the problem is: Find the maximum absolute value of an array of floating point numbers and return both the value and the index. It is the last part, the index of the maximum, that causes the problem. There doesn't seem to be a very good way to write code that has a branch.
See update at end for finished code using some of the suggested answers.
Here's a sample implementation (more complete version on godbolt):
#define VLEN 8
typedef float vNs __attribute__((vector_size(VLEN*sizeof(float))));
typedef int vNb __attribute__((vector_size(VLEN*sizeof(int))));
#define SWAP128 4,5,6,7, 0,1,2,3
#define SWAP64 2,3, 0,1, 6,7, 4,5
#define SWAP32 1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6
static bool any(vNb x) {
x = x | __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP128);
x = x | __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP64);
x = x | __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP32);
return x[0];
float maxabs(float* __attribute__((aligned(32))) data, unsigned n, unsigned *index) {
vNs max = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
vNs tmax;
unsigned imax = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < n; i += VLEN) {
vNs t = *(vNs*)(data + i);
t = -t < t ? t : -t; // Absolute value
vNb cmp = t > max;
if (any(cmp)) {
tmax = t; imax = i;
// broadcast horizontal max of t into every element of max
vNs tswap128 = __builtin_shufflevector(t,t, SWAP128);
t = t < tswap128 ? tswap128 : t;
vNs tswap64 = __builtin_shufflevector(t,t, SWAP64);
t = t < tswap64 ? tswap64 : t;
vNs tswap32 = __builtin_shufflevector(t,t, SWAP32);
max = t < tswap32 ? tswap32 : t;
// To simplify example, ignore finding index of true value in tmax==max
*index = imax; // + which(tmax == max);
return max[0];
Code on godbolt allows changing VLEN to 8 or 4.
This mostly works very well. For AVX/SSE the absolute value becomes t & 0x7fffffff using a (v)andps, i.e. clear the sign bit. For NEON it's done with vneg + fmaxnm. The block to find and broadcast the horizontal max becomes an efficient sequence of permute and max instructions. gcc is able to use NEON fabs for absolute value.
The 8 element vector on the 4 element SSE/NEON targets works well on clang. It uses a pair of instructions on two sets of registers and for the SWAP128 horizontal op will max or or the two registers without any unnecessary permute. gcc on the other hand really can't handle this and produces mostly non-SIMD code. If we reduce the vector length to 4, gcc works fine for SSE and NEON.
But there's a problem with if (any(cmp)). For clang + SSE/AVX, it works well, vcmpltps + vptest, with an orps to go from 8->4 on SSE.
But gcc and clang on NEON do all the permutes and ORs, then move the result to a gp register to test.
Is there some bit of code, other than architecture specific intrinsics, to get ptest with gcc and vmaxvq with clang/gcc and NEON?
I tried some other methods, like if (x[0] || x[1] || ... x[7]) but they were worse.
I've created an updated example that shows two different implementations, both the original and "indices in a vector" method as suggested by chtz and shown in Aki Suihkonen's answer. One can see the resulting SSE and NEON output.
While some might be skeptical, the compiler does produce very good code from the generic SIMD (not auto-vectorization!) C++ code. On SSE/AVX, I see very little room to improve the code in the loop. The NEON version still troubled by a sub-optimal implementation of "any()".
Unless the data is usually in ascending order, or nearly so, my original version is still fastest on SSE/AVX. I haven't tested on NEON. This is because most loop iterations do not find a new max value and it's best to optimize for that case. The "indices in a vector" method produces a tighter loop and the compiler does a better job too, but the common case is just a bit slower on SSE/AVX. The common case might be equal or faster on NEON.
Some notes on writing generic SIMD code.
The absolute value of a vector of floats can be found with the following. It produces optimal code on SSE/AVX (and with a mask that clears the sign bit) and on NEON (the fabs instruction).
static vNs vabs(vNs x) {
return -x < x ? x : -x;
This will do a vertical max efficiently on SSE/AVX/NEON. It doesn't do a compare; it produces the architecture's "max' instruction. On NEON, changing it to use > instead of < causes the compiler to produce very bad scalar code. Something with denormals or exceptions I guess.
template <typename v> // Deduce vector type (float, unsigned, etc.)
static v vmax(v a, v b) {
return a < b ? b : a; // compiles best with "<" as compare op
This code will broadcast the horizontal max across a register. It compiles very well on SSE/AVX. On NEON, it would probably be better if the compiler could use a horizontal max instruction and then broadcast the result. I was impressed to see that if one uses 8 element vectors on SSE/NEON, which have only 4 element registers, the compiler is smart enough to use just one register for the broadcasted result, since the top 4 and bottom 4 elements are the same.
template <typename v>
static v hmax(v x) {
if (VLEN >= 8)
x = vmax(x, __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP128));
x = vmax(x, __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP64));
return vmax(x, __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP32));
This is the best "any()" I found. It is optimal on SSE/AVX, using a single ptest instruction. On NEON it does the permutes and ORs, instead of a horizontal max instruction, but I haven't found a way to get anything better on NEON.
static bool any(vNb x) {
if (VLEN >= 8)
x |= __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP128);
x |= __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP64);
x |= __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP32);
return x[0];
Also interesting, on AVX the code i = i + 1 will be compiled to vpsubd ymmI, ymmI, ymmNegativeOne, i.e. subtract -1. Why? Because a vector of -1s is produced with vpcmpeqd ymm0, ymm0, ymm0 and that's faster than broadcasting a vector of 1s.
Here is the best which() I've come up with. This gives you the index of the 1st true value in a vector of booleans (0 = false, -1 = true). One can do somewhat better on AVX with movemask. I don't know about the best NEON.
// vector of signed ints
typedef int vNi __attribute__((vector_size(VLEN*sizeof(int))));
// vector of bytes, same number of elements, 1/4 the size
typedef unsigned char vNb __attribute__((vector_size(VLEN*sizeof(unsigned char))));
// scalar type the same size as the byte vector
using sNb = std::conditional_t<VLEN == 4, uint32_t, uint64_t>;
static int which(vNi x) {
vNb cidx = __builtin_convertvector(x, vNb);
return __builtin_ctzll((sNb)cidx) / 8u;
As commented by chtz, the most generic and typical method is to have another mask to gather indices:
Vec8s indices = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
Vec8s max_idx = indices;
Vec8f max_abs = abs(load8(ptr));
for (auto i = 8; i + 8 <= vec_length; i+=8) {
Vec8s data = abs(load8(ptr[i]));
auto mask = is_greater(data, max_abs);
max_idx = bitselect(mask, indices, max_idx);
max_abs = max(max_abs, data);
indices = indices + 8;
Another option is to interleave the values and indices:
auto data = load8s(ptr) & 0x7fffffff; // can load data as int32_t
auto idx = vec8s{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
auto lo = zip_lo(idx, data);
auto hi = zip_hi(idx, data);
for (int i = 8; i + 8 <= size; i+=8) {
idx = idx + 8;
auto d1 = load8s(ptr + i) & 0x7fffffff;
auto lo1 = zip_lo(idx, d1);
auto hi1 = zip_hi(idx, d1);
lo = max_u64(lo, lo1);
hi = max_u64(hi, hi1);
This method is especially lucrative, if the range of inputs is small enough to shift the input left, while appending a few bits from the index to the LSB bits of the same word.
Even in this case we can repurpose 1 bit in the float allowing us to save one half of the bit/index selection operations.
auto data0 = load8u(ptr) << 1; // take abs by shifting left
auto data1 = (load8u(ptr + 8) << 1) + 1; // encode odd index to data
auto mx = max_u32(data0, data1); // the LSB contains one bit of index
Looks like one can use double as the storage, since even SSE2 supports _mm_max_pd (some attention needs to be given to Inf/Nan handling, which don't encode as Inf/Nan any more when reinterpreted as the high part of 64-bit double).
UPD: the no-aligning issue is fixed now, all the examples on godbolt use aligned reads.
Terribly sorry about that, I missed the absolute value from the definition.
I do not have the measurements, but here are all 3 functions vectorised:
max value with abs:
find with abs:
one pass with abs:
Asm stashed in a gist
On the method
The way to do max element with simd is to first find the value and then find the index.
Alternatively you have to keep a register of indexes and blend the indexes.
This requires keeping indexes, doing more operations and the problem of the overflow needs to be addressed.
Here are my timings on avx2 by type (char, short and int) for 10'000 bytes of data
The min_element is my implementation of keeping the index.
reduce(min) + find is doing two loops - first get the value, then find where.
For ints (should behave like floats), performance is 25% faster for the two loops solution, at least on my measurements.
For completeness, comparisons against scalar for both methods - this is definitely an operation that should be vectorized.
How to do it
finding the maximum value is auto-vectorised across all platforms if you write it as reduce
if (!arr.size()) return {};
// std::reduce is also ok, just showing for more C ppl
float res = arr[0];
for (int i = 1; i != (int)arr.size(); ++i) {
res = res > arr[i] ? res : arr[i];
return res;
Now the find portion is trickier, non of the compilers I know autovectorize find
We have eve library that provides you with find algorithm:
Or I explain how to implement find in this talk if you want to do it yourself.
UPD2: changed the blend to max
#Peter Cordes in the comments said that there is maybe a point to doing the one pass solution in case of bigger data.
I have no evidence of this - my measurements point to reduce + find.
However, I hacked together roughly how keeping the index looks (there is an aligning issue at the moment, we should definitely align reads here)
AVX2 main loop:
vmovups ymm6, YMMWORD PTR [rdx]
add rdx, 32
vcmpps ymm3, ymm6, ymm0, 30
vmaxps ymm0, ymm6, ymm0
vpblendvb ymm3, ymm2, ymm1, ymm3
vpaddd ymm1, ymm5, ymm1
vmovdqa ymm2, ymm3
cmp rcx, rdx
jne .L6
ARM-64 main loop:
ldr q3, [x0], 16
fcmgt v4.4s, v3.4s, v0.4s
fmax v0.4s, v3.4s, v0.4s
bit v1.16b, v2.16b, v4.16b
add v2.4s, v2.4s, v5.4s
cmp x0, x1
bne .L6
Links to ASM if godbolt becomes stale:
I don’t believe that’s possible. Compilers aren’t smart enough to do that efficiently.
Compare the other answer (which uses NEON-like pseudocode) with the SSE version below:
// Compare vector absolute value with aa, if greater update both aa and maxIdx
inline void updateMax( __m128 vec, __m128i idx, __m128& aa, __m128& maxIdx )
vec = _mm_andnot_ps( _mm_set1_ps( -0.0f ), vec );
const __m128 greater = _mm_cmpgt_ps( vec, aa );
aa = _mm_max_ps( vec, aa );
// If you don't have SSE4, emulate with bitwise ops: and, andnot, or
maxIdx = _mm_blendv_ps( maxIdx, _mm_castsi128_ps( idx ), greater );
float maxabs_sse4( const float* rsi, size_t length, size_t& index )
// Initialize things
const float* const end = rsi + length;
const float* const endAligned = rsi + ( ( length / 4 ) * 4 );
__m128 aa = _mm_set1_ps( -1 );
__m128 maxIdx = _mm_setzero_ps();
__m128i idx = _mm_setr_epi32( 0, 1, 2, 3 );
// Main vectorized portion
while( rsi < endAligned )
__m128 vec = _mm_loadu_ps( rsi );
rsi += 4;
updateMax( vec, idx, aa, maxIdx );
idx = _mm_add_epi32( idx, _mm_set1_epi32( 4 ) );
// Handle the remainder, if present
if( rsi < end )
__m128 vec;
if( length > 4 )
// The source has at least 5 elements
// Offset the source pointer + index back, by a few elements
const int offset = (int)( 4 - ( length % 4 ) );
rsi -= offset;
idx = _mm_sub_epi32( idx, _mm_set1_epi32( offset ) );
vec = _mm_loadu_ps( rsi );
// The source was smaller than 4 elements, copy them into temporary buffer and load vector from there
alignas( 16 ) float buff[ 4 ];
_mm_store_ps( buff, _mm_setzero_ps() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < length; i++ )
buff[ i ] = rsi[ i ];
vec = _mm_load_ps( buff );
updateMax( vec, idx, aa, maxIdx );
// Reduce to scalar
__m128 tmpMax = _mm_movehl_ps( aa, aa );
__m128 tmpMaxIdx = _mm_movehl_ps( maxIdx, maxIdx );
__m128 greater = _mm_cmpgt_ps( tmpMax, aa );
aa = _mm_max_ps( tmpMax, aa );
maxIdx = _mm_blendv_ps( maxIdx, tmpMaxIdx, greater );
// SSE3 has 100% market penetration in 2022
tmpMax = _mm_movehdup_ps( tmpMax );
tmpMaxIdx = _mm_movehdup_ps( tmpMaxIdx );
greater = _mm_cmpgt_ss( tmpMax, aa );
aa = _mm_max_ss( tmpMax, aa );
maxIdx = _mm_blendv_ps( maxIdx, tmpMaxIdx, greater );
index = (size_t)_mm_cvtsi128_si32( _mm_castps_si128( maxIdx ) );
return _mm_cvtss_f32( aa );
As you see, pretty much everything is completely different. Not just the boilerplate about remainder and final reduction, the main loop is very different too.
SSE doesn’t have bitselect; blendvps is not quite that, it selects 32-bit lanes based on high bit of the selector. Unlike NEON, SSE doesn’t have instructions for absolute value, need to be emulated with bitwise andnot.
The final reduction going to be completely different as well. NEON has very limited shuffles, but it has better horizontal operations, like vmaxvq_f32 which finds horizontal maximum over the complete SIMD vector.

Creating a mask with N least significant bits set

I would like to create a macro or function1 mask(n) which given a number n returns an unsigned integer with its n least significant bits set. Although this seems like it should be a basic primitive with heavily discussed implementations which compile efficiently - this doesn't seem to be the case.
Of course, various implementations may have different sizes for the primitive integral types like unsigned int, so let's assume for the sake of concreteness that we are talking returning a uint64_t specifically although of course an acceptable solutions would work (with different definitions) for any unsigned integral type. In particular, the solution should be efficient when the type returned is equal to or smaller than the platform's native width.
Critically, this must work for all n in [0, 64]. In particular mask(0) == 0 and mask(64) == (uint64_t)-1. Many "obvious" solutions don't work for one of these two cases.
The most important criteria is correctness: only correct solutions which don't rely on undefined behavior are interesting.
The second most important criteria is performance: the idiom should ideally compile to approximately the most efficient platform-specific way to do this on common platforms.
A solution that sacrifices simplicity in the name of performance, e.g., that uses different implementations on different platforms, is fine.
1 The most general case is a function, but ideally it would also work as a macro, without re-evaluating any of its arguments more than once.
unsigned long long mask(const unsigned n)
assert(n <= 64);
return (n == 64) ? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL :
(1ULL << n) - 1ULL;
There are several great, clever answers that avoid conditionals, but a modern compiler can generate code for this that doesn’t branch.
Your compiler can probably figure out to inline this, but you might be able to give it a hint with inline or, in C++, constexpr.
The unsigned long long int type is guaranteed to be at least 64 bits wide and present on every implementation, which uint64_t is not.
If you need a macro (because you need something that works as a compile-time constant), that might be:
#define mask(n) ((64U == (n)) ? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL : (1ULL << (unsigned)(n)) - 1ULL)
As several people correctly reminded me in the comments, 1ULL << 64U is potential undefined behavior! So, insert a check for that special case.
You could replace 64U with CHAR_BITS*sizeof(unsigned long long) if it is important to you to support the full range of that type on an implementation where it is wider than 64 bits.
You could similarly generate this from an unsigned right shift, but you would still need to check n == 64 as a special case, since right-shifting by the width of the type is undefined behavior.
The relevant portion of the (N1570 Draft) standard says, of both left and right bit shifts:
If the value of the right operand is negative or is greater than or equal to the width of the promoted left operand, the behavior is undefined.
This tripped me up. Thanks again to everyone in the comments who reviewed my code and pointed the bug out to me.
Another solution without branching
unsigned long long mask(unsigned n)
return ((1ULL << (n & 0x3F)) & -(n != 64)) - 1;
n & 0x3F keeps the shift amount to maximum 63 in order to avoid UB. In fact most modern architectures will just grab the lower bits of the shift amount, so no and instruction is needed for this.
The checking condition for 64 can be changed to -(n < 64) to make it return all ones for n ⩾ 64, which is equivalent to _bzhi_u64(-1ULL, (uint8_t)n) if your CPU supports BMI2.
The output from Clang looks better than gcc. As it happens gcc emits conditional instructions for MIPS64 and ARM64 but not for x86-64, resulting in longer output
The condition can also be simplified to n >> 6, utilizing the fact that it'll be one if n = 64. And we can subtract that from the result instead of creating a mask like above
return (1ULL << (n & 0x3F)) - (n == 64) - 1; // or n >= 64
return (1ULL << (n & 0x3F)) - (n >> 6) - 1;
gcc compiles the latter to
mov eax, 1
shlx rax, rax, rdi
shr edi, 6
dec rax
sub rax, rdi
Some more alternatives
return ~((~0ULL << (n & 0x3F)) << (n == 64));
return ((1ULL << (n & 0x3F)) - 1) | (((uint64_t)n >> 6) << 63);
return (uint64_t)(((__uint128_t)1 << n) - 1); // if a 128-bit type is available
A similar question for 32 bits: Set last `n` bits in unsigned int
Here's one that is portable and conditional-free:
unsigned long long mask(unsigned n)
assert (n <= sizeof(unsigned long long) * CHAR_BIT);
return (1ULL << (n/2) << (n-(n/2))) - 1;
This is not an answer to the exact question. It only works if 0 isn't a required output, but is more efficient.
2n+1 - 1 computed without overflow. i.e. an integer with the low n bits set, for n = 0 .. all_bits
Possibly using this inside a ternary for cmov could be a more efficient solution to the full problem in the question. Perhaps based on a left-rotate of a number with the MSB set, instead of a left-shift of 1, to take care of the difference in counting for this vs. the question for the pow2 calculation.
// defined for n=0 .. sizeof(unsigned long long)*CHAR_BIT
unsigned long long setbits_upto(unsigned n) {
unsigned long long pow2 = 1ULL << n;
return pow2*2 - 1; // one more shift, and subtract 1.
Compiler output suggests an alternate version, good on some ISAs if you're not using gcc/clang (which already do this): bake in an extra shift count so it is possible for the initial shift to shift out all the bits, leaving 0 - 1 = all bits set.
unsigned long long setbits_upto2(unsigned n) {
unsigned long long pow2 = 2ULL << n; // bake in the extra shift count
return pow2 - 1;
The table of inputs / outputs for a 32-bit version of this function is:
n -> 1<<n -> *2 - 1
0 -> 1 -> 1 = 2 - 1
1 -> 2 -> 3 = 4 - 1
2 -> 4 -> 7 = 8 - 1
3 -> 8 -> 15 = 16 - 1
30 -> 0x40000000 -> 0x7FFFFFFF = 0x80000000 - 1
31 -> 0x80000000 -> 0xFFFFFFFF = 0 - 1
You could slap a cmov after it, or other way of handling an input that has to produce zero.
On x86, we can efficiently compute this with 3 single-uop instructions: (Or 2 uops for BTS on Ryzen).
xor eax, eax
bts rax, rdi ; rax = 1<<(n&63)
lea rax, [rax + rax - 1] ; one more left shift, and subtract
(3-component LEA has 3 cycle latency on Intel, but I believe this is optimal for uop count and thus throughput in many cases.)
In C this compiles nicely for all 64-bit ISAs except x86 Intel SnB-family
C compilers unfortunately are dumb and miss using bts even when tuning for Intel CPUs without BMI2 (where shl reg,cl is 3 uops).
e.g. gcc and clang both do this (with dec or add -1), on Godbolt
# gcc9.1 -O3 -mtune=haswell
setbits_upto(unsigned int):
mov ecx, edi
mov eax, 2 ; bake in the extra shift by 1.
sal rax, cl
dec rax
MSVC starts with n in ECX because of the Windows x64 calling convention, but modulo that, it and ICC do the same thing:
# ICC19
setbits_upto(unsigned int):
mov eax, 1 #3.21
mov ecx, edi #2.39
shl rax, cl #2.39
lea rax, QWORD PTR [-1+rax+rax] #3.21
ret #3.21
With BMI2 (-march=haswell), we get optimal-for-AMD code from gcc/clang with -march=haswell
mov eax, 2
shlx rax, rax, rdi
add rax, -1
ICC still uses a 3-component LEA, so if you target MSVC or ICC use the 2ULL << n version in the source whether or not you enable BMI2, because you're not getting BTS either way. And this avoids the worst of both worlds; slow-LEA and a variable-count shift instead of BTS.
On non-x86 ISAs (where presumably variable-count shifts are efficient because they don't have the x86 tax of leaving flags unmodified if the count happens to be zero, and can use any register as the count), this compiles just fine.
e.g. AArch64. And of course this can hoist the constant 2 for reuse with different n, like x86 can with BMI2 shlx.
setbits_upto(unsigned int):
mov x1, 2
lsl x0, x1, x0
sub x0, x0, #1
Basically the same on PowerPC, RISC-V, etc.
#include <stdint.h>
uint64_t mask_n_bits(const unsigned n){
uint64_t ret = n < 64;
ret <<= n&63; //the &63 is typically optimized away
ret -= 1;
return ret;
xor eax, eax
cmp edi, 63
setbe al
shlx rax, rax, rdi
dec rax
Returns expected results and if passed a constant value it will be optimized to a constant mask in clang and gcc as well as icc at -O2 (but not -Os) .
The &63 gets optimized away, but ensures the shift is <=64.
For values less than 64 it just sets the first n bits using (1<<n)-1. 1<<n sets the nth bit (equivalent pow(2,n)) and subtracting 1 from a power of 2 sets all bits less than that.
By using the conditional to set the initial 1 to be shifted, no branch is created, yet it gives you a 0 for all values >=64 because left shifting a 0 will always yield 0. Therefore when we subtract 1, we get all bits set for values of 64 and larger (because of 2s complement representation for -1).
1s complement systems must die - requires special casing if you have one
some compilers may not optimize the &63 away
When the input N is between 1 and 64, we can use -uint64_t(1) >> (64-N & 63).
The constant -1 has 64 set bits and we shift 64-N of them away, so we're left with N set bits.
When N=0, we can make the constant zero before shifting:
uint64_t mask(unsigned N)
return -uint64_t(N != 0) >> (64-N & 63);
This compiles to five instructions in x64 clang:
neg sets the carry flag to N != 0.
sbb turns the carry flag into 0 or -1.
shr rax,N already has an implicit N & 63, so 64-N & 63 was optimized to -N.
mov rcx,rdi
neg rcx
sbb rax,rax
shr rax,cl
With the BMI2 extension, it's only four instructions (the shift length can stay in rdi):
neg edi
sbb rax,rax
shrx rax,rax,rdi

How to check the number of set bits in an 8-bit unsigned char?

So I have to find the set bits (on 1) of an unsigned char variable in C?
A similar question is How to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer? But it uses an algorithm that's not easily adaptable to 8-bit unsigned chars (or its not apparent).
The algorithm suggested in the question How to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer? is trivially adapted to 8 bit:
int NumberOfSetBits( uint8_t b )
b = b - ((b >> 1) & 0x55);
b = (b & 0x33) + ((b >> 2) & 0x33);
return (((b + (b >> 4)) & 0x0F) * 0x01);
It is simply a case of shortening the constants the the least significant eight bits, and removing the final 24 bit right-shift. Equally it could be adapted for 16bit using an 8 bit shift. Note that in the case for 8 bit, the mechanical adaptation of the 32 bit algorithm results in a redundant * 0x01 which could be omitted.
The fastest approach for an 8-bit variable is using a lookup table.
Build an array of 256 values, one per 8-bit combination. Each value should contain the count of bits in its corresponding index:
int bit_count[] = {
// 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a, ... FE FF
0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, ..., 7, 8
Getting a count of a combination is the same as looking up a value from the bit_count array. The advantage of this approach is that it is very fast.
You can generate the array using a simple program that counts bits one by one in a slow way:
for (int i = 0 ; i != 256 ; i++) {
int count = 0;
for (int p = 0 ; p != 8 ; p++) {
if (i & (1 << p)) {
printf("%d, ", count);
(demo that generates the table).
If you would like to trade some CPU cycles for memory, you can use a 16-byte lookup table for two 4-bit lookups:
static const char split_lookup[] = {
0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4
int bit_count(unsigned char n) {
return split_lookup[n&0xF] + split_lookup[n>>4];
I think you are looking for Hamming Weight algorithm for 8bits?
If it is true, here is the code:
unsigned char in = 22; //This is your input number
unsigned char out = 0;
in = in - ((in>>1) & 0x55);
in = (in & 0x33) + ((in>>2) & 0x33);
out = ((in + (in>>4) & 0x0F) * 0x01) ;
Counting the number of digits different than 0 is also known as a Hamming Weight. In this case, you are counting the number of 1's.
Dasblinkenlight provided you with a table driven implementation, and Olaf provided you with a software based solution. I think you have two other potential solutions. The first is to use a compiler extension, the second is to use an ASM specific instruction with inline assembly from C.
For the first alternative, see GCC's __builtin_popcount(). (Thanks to Artless Noise).
For the second alternative, you did not specify the embedded processor, but I'm going to offer this in case its ARM based.
Some ARM processors have the VCNT instruction, which performs the count for you. So you could do it from C with inline assembly:
unsigned int hamming_weight(unsigned char value) {
__asm__ __volatile__ (
: "=value"
: "value"
return value;
Also see Fastest way to count number of 1s in a register, ARM assembly.
For completeness, here is Kernighan's bit counting algorithm:
int count_bits(int n) {
int count = 0;
while(n != 0) {
n &= (n-1);
return count;
Also see Please explain the logic behind Kernighan's bit counting algorithm.
I made an optimized version. With a 32-bit processor, utilizing multiplication, bit shifting and masking can make smaller code for the same task, especially when the input domain is small (8-bit unsigned integer).
The following two code snippets are equivalent:
unsigned int bit_count_uint8(uint8_t x)
uint32_t n;
n = (uint32_t)(x * 0x08040201UL);
n = (uint32_t)(((n >> 3) & 0x11111111UL) * 0x11111111UL);
/* The "& 0x0F" will be optimized out but I add it for clarity. */
return (n >> 28) & 0x0F;
unsigned int bit_count_uint8_traditional(uint8_t x)
x = x - ((x >> 1) & 0x55);
x = (x & 0x33) + ((x >> 2) & 0x33);
x = ((x + (x >> 4)) & 0x0F);
return x;
This produces smallest binary code for IA-32, x86-64 and AArch32 (without NEON instruction set) as far as I can find.
For x86-64, this doesn't use the fewest number of instructions, but the bit shifts and downcasting avoid the use of 64-bit instructions and therefore save a few bytes in the compiled binary.
Interestingly, in IA-32 and x86-64, a variant of the above algorithm using a modulo ((((uint32_t)(x * 0x08040201U) >> 3) & 0x11111111U) % 0x0F) actually generates larger code, due to a requirement to move the remainder register for return value (mov eax,edx) after the div instruction. (I tested all of these in Compiler Explorer)
I denote the eight bits of the byte x, from MSB to LSB, as a, b, c, d, e, f, g and h.
* 00001000 00000100 00000010 00000001 (make 4 copies of x
--------------------------------------- with appropriate
abc defgh0ab cdefgh0a bcdefgh0 abcdefgh bit spacing)
>> 3
000defgh 0abcdefg h0abcdef gh0abcde
& 00010001 00010001 00010001 00010001
000d000h 000c000g 000b000f 000a000e
* 00010001 00010001 00010001 00010001
000d000h 000c000g 000b000f 000a000e
... 000h000c 000g000b 000f000a 000e
... 000c000g 000b000f 000a000e
... 000g000b 000f000a 000e
... 000b000f 000a000e
... 000f000a 000e
... 000a000e
... 000e
^^^^ (Bits 31-28 will contain the sum of the bits
a, b, c, d, e, f, g and h. Extract these
bits and we are done.)
Maybe not the fastest, but straightforward:
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
unsigned char c = 1 << i;
if (yourVar & c) {
//bit n°i is set
//first bit is bit n°0
For 8/16 bit MCUs, a loop will very likely be faster than the parallel-addition approach, as these MCUs cannot shift by more than one bit per instruction, so:
size_t popcount(uint8_t val)
size_t cnt = 0;
do {
cnt += val & 1U; // or: if ( val & 1 ) cnt++;
} while ( val >>= 1 ) ;
return cnt;
For the incrementation of cnt, you might profile. If still too slow, an assember implementation might be worth a try using carry flag (if available). While I am in against using assembler optimizations in general, such algorithms are one of the few good exceptions (still just after the C version fails).
If you can omit the Flash, a lookup table as proposed by #dasblinkenlight is likey the fastest approach.
Just a hint: For some architectures (notably ARM and x86/64), gcc has a builtin: __builtin_popcount(), you also might want to try if available (although it takes int at least). This might use a single CPU instruction - you cannot get faster and more compact.
Allow me to post a second answer. This one is the smallest possible for ARM processors with Advanced SIMD extension (NEON). It's even smaller than __builtin_popcount() (since __builtin_popcount() is optimized for unsigned int input, not uint8_t).
#ifdef __ARM_NEON
/* ARM C Language Extensions (ACLE) recommends us to check __ARM_NEON before
including <arm_neon.h> */
#include <arm_neon.h>
unsigned int bit_count_uint8(uint8_t x)
/* Set all lanes at once so that the compiler won't emit instruction to
zero-initialize other lanes. */
uint8x8_t v = vdup_n_u8(x);
/* Count the number of set bits for each lane (8-bit) in the vector. */
v = vcnt_u8(v);
/* Get lane 0 and discard other lanes. */
return vget_lane_u8(v, 0);

Unset the most significant bit in a word (int32) [C]

How can I unset the most significant setted bit of a word (e.g. 0x00556844 -> 0x00156844)? There is a __builtin_clz in gcc, but it just counts the zeroes, which is unneeded to me. Also, how should I replace __builtin_clz for msvc or intel c compiler?
Current my code is
int msb = 1<< ((sizeof(int)*8)-__builtin_clz(input)-1);
int result = input & ~msb;
UPDATE: Ok, if you says that this code is rather fast, I'll ask you, how should I add a portability to this code? This version is for GCC, but MSVC & ICC?
Just round down to the nearest power of 2 and then XOR that with the original value, e.g. using flp2() from Hacker's Delight:
uint32_t flp2(uint32_t x) // round x down to nearest power of 2
x = x | (x >> 1);
x = x | (x >> 2);
x = x | (x >> 4);
x = x | (x >> 8);
x = x | (x >>16);
return x - (x >> 1);
uint32_t clr_msb(uint32_t x) // clear most significant set bit in x
msb = flp2(x); // get MS set bit in x
return x ^ msb; // XOR MS set bit to clear it
If you are truly concerned with performance, the best way to clear the msb has recently changed for x86 with the addition of BMI instructions.
In x86 assembly:
bsrq %rdi, %rax
bzhiq %rax, %rdi, %rax
Now to rewrite in C and let the compiler emit these instructions while gracefully degrading for non-x86 architectures or older x86 processors that don't support BMI instructions.
Compared to the assembly code, the C version is really ugly and verbose. But at least it meets the objective of portability. And if you have the necessary hardware and compiler directives (-mbmi, -mbmi2) to match, you're back to the beautiful assembly code after compilation.
As written, bsr() relies on a GCC/Clang builtin. If targeting other compilers you can replace with equivalent portable C code and/or different compiler-specific builtins.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
uint64_t bsr(const uint64_t n)
return 63 - (uint64_t)__builtin_clzll(n);
uint64_t bzhi(const uint64_t n,
const uint64_t index)
const uint64_t leading = (uint64_t)1 << index;
const uint64_t keep_bits = leading - 1;
return n & keep_bits;
uint64_t clear_msb(const uint64_t n)
return bzhi(n, bsr(n));
int main(void)
uint64_t i;
for (i = 0; i < (uint64_t)1 << 16; ++i) {
printf("%" PRIu64 "\n", clear_msb(i));
return 0;
Both assembly and C versions lend themselves naturally to being replaced with 32-bit instructions, as the original question was posed.
You can do
unsigned resetLeadingBit(uint32_t x) {
return x & ~(0x80000000U >> __builtin_clz(x))
For MSVC there is _BitScanReverse, which is 31-__builtin_clz().
Actually its the other way around, BSR is the natural x86 instruction, and the gcc intrinsic is implemented as 31-BSR.

Computing high 64 bits of a 64x64 int product in C

I would like my C function to efficiently compute the high 64 bits of the product of two 64 bit signed ints. I know how to do this in x86-64 assembly, with imulq and pulling the result out of %rdx. But I'm at a loss for how to write this in C at all, let alone coax the compiler to do it efficiently.
Does anyone have any suggestions for writing this in C? This is performance sensitive, so "manual methods" (like Russian Peasant, or bignum libraries) are out.
This dorky inline assembly function I wrote works and is roughly the codegen I'm after:
static long mull_hi(long inp1, long inp2) {
long output = -1;
__asm__("movq %[inp1], %%rax;"
"imulq %[inp2];"
"movq %%rdx, %[output];"
: [output] "=r" (output)
: [inp1] "r" (inp1), [inp2] "r" (inp2)
:"%rax", "%rdx");
return output;
If you're using a relatively recent GCC on x86_64:
int64_t mulHi(int64_t x, int64_t y) {
return (int64_t)((__int128_t)x*y >> 64);
At -O1 and higher, this compiles to what you want:
0000000000000000 movq %rsi,%rax
0000000000000003 imulq %rdi
0000000000000006 movq %rdx,%rax
0000000000000009 ret
I believe that clang and VC++ also have support for the __int128_t type, so this should also work on those platforms, with the usual caveats about trying it yourself.
The general answer is that x * y can be broken down into (a + b) * (c + d), where a and c are the high order parts.
First, expand to ac + ad + bc + bd
Now, you multiply the terms as 32 bit numbers stored as long long (or better yet, uint64_t), and you just remember that when you multiplied a higher order number, you need to scale by 32 bits. Then you do the adds, remembering to detect carry. Keep track of the sign. Naturally, you need to do the adds in pieces.
For code implementing the above, see my other answer.
With regard to your assembly solution, don't hard-code the mov instructions! Let the compiler do it for you. Here's a modified version of your code:
static long mull_hi(long inp1, long inp2) {
long output;
__asm__("imulq %2"
: "=d" (output)
: "a" (inp1), "r" (inp2));
return output;
Helpful reference: Machine Constraints
Since you did a pretty good job solving your own problem with the machine code, I figured you deserved some help with the portable version. I would leave an ifdef in where you do just use the assembly if in gnu on x86.
Anyway, here is an implementation based on my general answer. I'm pretty sure this is correct, but no guarantees, I just banged this out last night. You probably should get rid of the statics positive_result[] and result_negative - those are just artefacts of my unit test.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// stdarg.h doesn't help much here because we need to call llabs()
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
typedef signed long long int64_t;
#define B32 0xffffffffUL
static uint64_t positive_result[2]; // used for testing
static int result_negative; // used for testing
static void mixed(uint64_t *result, uint64_t innerTerm)
// the high part of innerTerm is actually the easy part
result[1] += innerTerm >> 32;
// the low order a*d might carry out of the low order result
uint64_t was = result[0];
result[0] += (innerTerm & B32) << 32;
if (result[0] < was) // carry!
static uint64_t negate(uint64_t *result)
uint64_t t = result[0] = ~result[0];
result[1] = ~result[1];
if (++result[0] < t)
return result[1];
uint64_t higherMul(int64_t sx, int64_t sy)
uint64_t x, y, result[2] = { 0 }, a, b, c, d;
x = (uint64_t)llabs(sx);
y = (uint64_t)llabs(sy);
a = x >> 32;
b = x & B32;
c = y >> 32;
d = y & B32;
// the highest and lowest order terms are easy
result[1] = a * c;
result[0] = b * d;
// now have the mixed terms ad + bc to worry about
mixed(result, a * d);
mixed(result, b * c);
// now deal with the sign
positive_result[0] = result[0];
positive_result[1] = result[1];
result_negative = sx < 0 ^ sy < 0;
return result_negative ? negate(result) : result[1];
Wait, you have a perfectly good, optimized assembly solution already
working for this, and you want to back it out and try to write it in
an environment that doesn't support 128 bit math? I'm not following.
As you're obviously aware, this operation is a single instruction on
x86-64. Obviously nothing you do is going to make it work any better.
If you really want portable C, you'll need to do something like
DigitalRoss's code above and hope that your optimizer figures out what
you're doing.
If you need architecture portability but are willing to limit yourself
to gcc platforms, there are __int128_t (and __uint128_t) types in the
compiler intrinsics that will do what you want.
