Firebird database replication - database

I have reached the point where I've decided to replace my custom-built replication system with a system that has been built by someone else, mainly for reliability purposes. Can anyone recommend any replication system that is worth it? Is FiBRE any good?
What I need might be a little away from a generic system, though. I have five departments with each having it's own copy of the database, and the master in a remote location. The departments all have sporadic internet connection, the master is always online. The data has to flow back and forth from the master, meaning that all departments need to be equal to the master (when internet connection is available), and to upload changes made during network outage that are later distributed to other departments by the master.

I have used CopyCat to create a replication project. It allows you create your own replication client/server configuration using CodeGear Delphi. This allows you complete flexibilty as to how you want your replication to work.
If you don't use Delphi, or need a prefabricated solution, CopyTiger does the same thing already configured.

I find IBReplicator by IBPhoenix to be the most complete, but there are many more listed here (with short descriptions):

The Ibphoenix site list replication tools
IbPhoenix Replication Tools


Copy database between two PostgreSQL servers

Is there some tool to copy database from one PostgreSQL to other on the fly NOT INVOLVING BACKUPS/RESTORES? The tool which automatically keeps database structure on slave server in sync with master server. Probably the tool with differential mode looking at records' primary keys.
I could use replication, but the problem is that it ties two servers in a permanent manner, and I do not need a continuous replication. I need to start it manually. It should terminate when finishes.
I had started to write my own .NET tool using reflection etc, but thought that may be somebody has already written such a tool.
Replication is the term you are looking for.
There are many variations on how to do this. Start by reading the manual and then google a little.
If the whole-system replication built-in to recent versions of PostgreSQL isn't to your taste then try searching for "slony" or "pg-pool" or "bucardo" (among others).

Database synchronization

Recently my clients have asked me if they can use they’re application remotely, disconnected from the local network and the company server.
One solution is to place the database in the cloud, but a connection to the database, and the cloud and an internet connection must be always available.
There not always the case.
So my question is - Is there any database sync system, or a synchronization library so that I can work disconnected with local database and when I connect synchronize the changes I have made and receive changes others have made?
The application is under Windows (7/xp) ( for now )
It's in Delphi 2007 win32
All client need to have Read/Write access
All Clients have internet connection, but not always ON
Security is not critical, but the Sync service should encrypt the communication
When in the presence of the companies network the system should sync and use the Server Database and not the local one.
You have a host of issues with thinking about such a solution. First, there are lots of possible solutions, such as:
Using database replication within a database, to mimic every update (like a "hot" backup)
Building an application to copy the database periodically (every night)
Using a third-party tool (which is what you are asking, I think)
With replication services, the connection does not have to always be up. Changes to the database are logged when the connection is not available and then applied when they can be sent.
However, there are lots of other issues when you leave a corporate network. What about security of the data and access rights? Do you have other options, such as making it easier to access the database from within the network? Do the users need only read-access to the database or read-write access? Would both versions need to be accessed at the same time. Would there be updates to both at the same time?
You may have other options that are more secure than just moving a database to the cloud.
I believe RemObjects DataAbstract allows offline mode and synchronization by using what they call Briefcases. All your other requirements (security, encrypted connections, etc.) are also covered.
This is not a drop-in replacement, thought, and may need extensive rewrite/refactoring of your application. There are lots of upsides, thought; business rules can/should be enforced on the server (real security), scriptable business rules, multiplatform architecture, etc.
There are some products available in the Java world (SymmetricDS lgpl license) - apart from actually being a working system it is documents how it achieved synchronization. Connects to any db with jdbc support. . There is a pro version but the user guide (downloadable pdf) gives you the db schema plus rules on push pull syncing. Useful if you want to build your own.
Btw there is a data replication so tag that would help.
One possibility that is free is the Microsoft Sync Framework:
It may be possible for you to use it, but you would need to provid some more detail about your application and operating environment to be sure.
IS it possible to share a database like .mdb and work fine? i try but sometimes the file where the databse is changes from DB to DB1 i use delphi Xe4 and Google Drive .

Synchronising tables across remote Access databases

I'm helping out a business by providing an Access DB to manage requests of various types. As they are a construction company, they have one machine in an 'office' on the building site, plus 3 based in their main office. The machine on site has no internet connectivity.
Is there any (reasonably simple) way to synchronise the offsite and onsite databases every so often? I realise the tables could be merged, but each has an autoincrement field which must be synced between instances (i.e. when merging two tables the autoincrement should be reassigned based on the combination of records).
Cheers in advance,
Jet Replication is one answer, but not an easy one, as for a remote location you have to use indirect or Internet replication, both of which are pretty complex to set up and require regular maintenance to keep running reliably. That said, indirect replication works very well (I've never used Internet replication because of the hardwired dependency on IIS, which I consider unacceptable).
For one-stop shopping on the subject of Jet Replication, see the Jet Replication Wiki.
Microsoft is gradually phasing out support for Jet replication in Access (though I expect it to be supported as long as MDB files are supported without conversion), so a better solution to the problem might be to use the tools Microsoft has put in place to replace the functionality Jet replication provided. This would be Sharepoint, of course. In A2007, Sharepoint was way too inadequate to be a proper replacement for Jet replication, but starting with A2010 and Sharepoint 2010, all that changes.
If I had a new client coming to me with this requirement, even though I've got years and years of experience with Jet replication, I'd recommend A2010 and Sharepoint 2010 as the solution to the problem, and would say to wait.
It may be that a client doesn't want to spring for a Sharepoint server, and in that case, there's hosted Sharepoint available, which should be supporting Sharepoing 2010 shortly after the release of Office 2010 in May.
Of course, it's also possible to program synchronization manually, but that's quite complex in a multi-master scenario. However, if the records in the two databases do not overlap (i.e., records created in one are not updated in the other, or put another way, it's mostly and add-only app for each database), it's not as bad a problem. Deletes are a harder problem, but not unresolvable.
For your Autonumber PK field use a ReplicationID (GUID) instead of a long so that the numbers will be unique across all copies of the database, even if they are disconnected.
There are a lot of options for replication with Access. Here is an article to get you started.
Understanding Access Replication

Oracle XE as local recovery database and Oracle Standard as main db

I just wanted to know what you guys think about this.
I have an app written in Visual Basic .Net as my front end and and Oracle 11g Standart database as the back-end. So I have like 20 pc's running this app locally. They're all inserting, updating, deleting data on this single database. I want to develop a solution in the case that the server database crashes or cannot stay on line. So i think of having oracle 10g XE on each pc. Thus all the data will be stored in the local db. I think about running a proccess once in a while (ex. every 15 minutes) to send/get the data to/from the main server. What do you think about this strategy?
Oracle does have a mechanism for sharing data between databases, called Replication. Oracle XE supports Basic Replication (read-only and updateable materialized view site only). Obviously it depends on the specifics of your requirements, but from the little you have given us this might be a viable solution for you. Run each POS off its own Oracle XE database with regular synchronisations to the main (master) database.
Each POS has its data in updatable materialized views. That is, it can read and write its own data to the local XE database. These materialized views are part of a replication group which synchronizes their data with a master table in the main database. Going the other way the main database pushes its product data to read-only materialized views in the POS databases. The value of this architecture is that the POS always connect to their local XE databases, and never connect to the master database. This is a lot cleaner than connecting to the central database most of the time and switching to local databases in an emergency.
Unfortunately the documentation is a bit confusing, because it is called Advanced Replication and doesn't really mention "basic replication" at all. But Basic Replication covers most things - Advanced Replication is mainly Writeable Materialized Views and Multi-Master replication, neither of which you need anyway. I'm not saying Replication is easy, because it does cover some tricksy concepts. But using Oracle's built-in functionality has surely got to be better than rolling your own.
Note that your system would still be extremely exposed to the failure of the main database. Your client may think another Oracle license is a bit pricy (I wouldn't disagree). However, in extreme cases, failure to recover a database can kill a company.
This sounds like an horrendous idea. Duplicating data from one database to another is a complex subject. The process you're describing involves 20 duplications !
To be of any use in the event of a crash, you will also need a two-way replication mechanism: the 20 clients will continue to update their local DB. How do you deal with concurrent updates? The merging process alone with 20 databases will cost so much in resources it would have been cheaper to have a tried and tested professional DR (Disaster Recovery) process.
A true standby database on the other hand would be simpler to deploy, simpler to test, simpler to maintain and will cost less in resources. I suggest you don't reinvent the wheel :)
By the way if you just want a backup and recovery plan, duplicating the database is NOT the solution. I suggest you read the online documentation about recovery:
Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Basics
Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide
I had the "pleasure" of trying to make exactly this sort of solution more robust on a SQL Server based POS system. As Vincent says, it's a complex process, fraught with unforseen nightmare scenarios and difficult to maintain code (e.g., ugly DOS .bat files I had to write). I would have to agree with him that it's a more robust solution to use a standby scenario.
That said, if your client won't spring for another license (and I do see their point) you seem to be stuck doing exactly this sort of thing. It can be done, but let your client know that the homegrown replication system is going to be a costly one, and will likely take quite some time to get the wrinkles worked out. It also probably won't scale well as the number of retail sites increases.

Simplest solution for high availability of SQL server 2008?

I have a bunch of SQL servers which I periodically performs maintainance on (Windows Update patches etc.). Now I want to the database online 24/7 and need to implement one of the high-availability solutions for SQL server.
The solutions needs to be cheap and simple to use.
I have no problems tweaking the connection strings for the clients of the database, so currently I'm looking into database mirroring with manual failovers when taking down a partner instance for patching etc.
Is this the best thing to do or are there other options which doesn't involve setting up a failover cluster?
The servers are virtualized with a fully redundant storage solution.
Any tips are appreciated, thanks in advance!
Mirroring with a PARTNER-server would probably be the cheapest solution (you can skip the PARTNER-server if you plan to switch manually).
Failover requires shared disks (NAS) aswell as cluster-capable Windows-licenses (very expensive).
I'm not sure about replication, or how it differs from mirroring, but my research I did gave the conclusion that mirroring was the one for me. However I don't mind some downtime when doing upgrades, I just keep mirrored instances of the database in case of severe hardware failure.
It might be that replication is for a complete instance of an SQL-server, whilst mirroring is done per database. In my case, I have 2 production servers, that both replicates it's databases to a third, backup-server for disaster-recovery. I think that wouldn't have been possible with replication.
The four high availability solutions I'm aware of are:
Failover cluster
Log shipping
Log shipping is probably not 24/7, so that leaves three. Serverfault is definitely a better place to ask about their relative merits.
For auto failover I would choose mirroring. You can build a 2nd database connection string into your app and whenever the preferred isnt available it will default to the backup - therefore giving your app 24/7. This has its downsides though, once 'flipped' to the mirror you have to either accept that this is the way it is until another maintenance job requires the mirror to shift back again or you have to manually swap the mirror over.
In order for this to be truly 24/7 you will need to enable auto rather than manual, maybe you will need a witness server to make the decision... There are lots of factors to include in the choice - are you working with servers on different sites, clustering, multiple web/app servers ... ?
As previous answers have suggested, will have people who have made just this choice, ready to help you in much more detail
A big benefit of mirroring is that providing the mirror server has no other activity it is license free, the live server license transfers over if the mirror takes over. Full details on SQL licensing pages at
