Incosistency between MS Sql 2k and 2k5 with columns as function arguments - sql-server

I'm having trouble getting the following to work in SQL Server 2k, but it works in 2k5:
--works in 2k5, not in 2k
create view foo as
SELECT usertable.legacyCSVVarcharCol as testvar
FROM usertable
WHERE rsrcID in
( select val
dbo.fnSplitStringToInt(usertable.legacyCSVVarcharCol, default)
--error message:
Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure foo, Line 4
Line 25: Incorrect syntax near '.'.
So, legacyCSVVarcharCol is a column containing comma-separated lists of INTs. I realize that this is a huge WTF, but this is legacy code, and there's nothing that can be done about the schema right now. Passing "testvar" as the argument to the function doesn't work in 2k either. In fact, it results in a slightly different (and even weirder error):
Msg 155, Level 15, State 1, Line 8
'testvar' is not a recognized OPTIMIZER LOCK HINTS option.
Passing a hard-coded string as the argument to fnSplitStringToInt works in both 2k and 2k5.
Does anyone know why this doesn't work in 2k? Is this perhaps a known bug in the query planner? Any suggestions for how to make it work? Again, I realize that the real answer is "don't store CSV lists in your DB!", but alas, that's beyond my control.
Some sample data, if it helps:
INSERT INTO usertable (legacyCSVVarcharCol) values ('1,2,3');
INSERT INTO usertable (legacyCSVVarcharCol) values ('11,13,42');
Note that the data in the table does not seem to matter since this is a syntax error, and it occurs even if usertable is completely empty.
EDIT: Realizing that perhaps the initial example was unclear, here are two examples, one of which works and one of which does not, which should highlight the problem that's occurring:
--fails in sql2000, works in 2005
FROM usertable t1
WHERE 1 in
(Select val
fnSplitStringToInt(t1.legacyCSVVarcharCol, ',')
--works everywhere:
FROM usertable t1
WHERE 1 in
( Select val
fnSplitStringToInt('1,4,543,56578', ',')
Note that the only difference is the first argument to fnSplitStringToInt is a column in the case that fails in 2k and a literal string in the case that succeeds in both.

Passing column-values to a table-valued user-defined function is not supported in SQL Server 2000, you can only use constants, so the following (simpler version) would also fail:
SELECT *, (SELECT TOP 1 val FROM dbo.fnSplitStringToInt(usertable.legacyCSVVarcharCol, ','))
FROM usertable
It will work on SQL Server 2005, though, as you have found out.

I don't think functions can have default values in functions in SS2K.
What happens when you run this SQL in SS2K?
select val
from dbo.fnSplitStringToInt('1,2,3', default)


Microsoft SQL Server: Error with Group By

I'm new to Microsoft SQL Server 2014. I run this SQL code:
SELECT TOP(10) 'DBSG' as seek_entity, *
and get this result:
Next, I want to find out total line items for that entity with code below.
WITH vw_pm00200_all AS
'DBSG' as seek_entity, *
COUNT(*) AS total
Sadly, I get this error. I have no idea why it failed.
Msg 164, Level 15, State 1, Line 9
Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column that is not an outer reference.
Lastly, please advise is Microsoft SQL Server based on Transact-SQL?
It looks like you are running into this problem here: Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column that is not an outer reference
As the answer points out, grouping by a constant literal is pointless as it is the same for all results. Count(*) will return the same result as Count(*) with a GROUP BY.
If this is just test code and you plan on using a CASE statement (with different values) in place of the string literal, you may have better luck.
Yes, T-SQL is Microsoft SQL Server's flavor of SQL.

How can I pass a table name as a variable in SQL - Python 3.4

I am trying to write an SQL statement in python which passes a table name as a variable. However, I get the following error: Must declare the table variable "#P1".
pypyodbc.Programming Error: ('42000', '[42000]' [Miscrosoft] [SQL SERVER NATIVE CLIENT 10.0] [SQL SERVER] Must declare the table variable "#P1"
The code yielding the ERROR is:
query = cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM ?''', (table_variable,))
I have other code where I pass variables to the SQL statement using the same syntax which works fine (code below works as intended).
query = cursor.execute('''SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = ?''', (table_variable,))
The error seems to occur when I am using a variable to pass a table name.
Any help resolving this error would be much appreciated.
With new comments from the OP this has changed rather significantly. If all you are trying to do is get a few rows of sample from each table you can easily leverage the sys.tables catalog view. This will create a select statement for every table in your database. If you have multiple schemas you could extend this to add the schema name too.
select 'select top 10 * from ' + QUOTENAME(
from sys.tables t
What you're trying to do is impossible. You can only pass values into queries as parameters - so
is banned but
SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE Column=#Value
is perfectly legal.
Now, as to why it's banned. From a logical point of view the database layer can't cache a query plan for what you're trying to do at all - the parameter will completely and utterly change where it goes and what returns - and can't guarantee in advance what it can or can't do. It's like trying to load an abstract source file at runtime and execute it - messy, unpredictable, unreliable and a potential security hole.
From a reliability point of view, please don't do
either. It makes your code less readable because you can't see what's coming back where, but also less reliable because it could change without warning and break your application.
I know it can seem a long way round at first, but honestly - writing individual SELECT statements which specify the fields they actually want to bring back is a better way to do it. It'll also make your application run faster :-)
You can define a string variable:
table_var_str = 'Table_name'
st = 'SELECT * FROM ' + table_var_str
query = cursor.execute(st)
It will solve the problem.
You can also set the table_var_str as a list:
table_var_str = []
st = []
for i in range(N):
table_var_str.append = 'Table_name' + str(i)
st.append('SELECT * FROM ' + table_var_str[i])
for j in range(J):
query = cursor.execute(st[j])
If the query is very long, you should write them in a line instead of multi lines.

ms sql server executes 'then' before 'when' in case

when i try to select
case when (isnumeric(SUBSTRING([VZWECK2],1,9)) = 1)
then CONVERT(decimal,SUBSTRING([VZWECK2],1,9))
else null
end as [NUM]
from table
sql-server gives me:
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 2
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
[VZWECK2] is a char(27). is this a known bug? because it seems to me it executes the convert before it does the case, which defies the purpose of my select. i know that there are values that are not numeric obviously, which is why i need the case statement to weed them out.
for some reason selecting
case when (isnumeric(SUBSTRING([VZWECK2],1,9)) = 1)
then 99
else null
end as [NUM]
from table
yields no errors and behaves as expected
The problem is that ISNUMERIC is very forgiving, and that ISNUMERIC returns 1 is unfortunately no guarantee that CONVERT will work. This is why SQL Server 2012 and later introduced TRY_CAST and TRY_CONVERT.
If you are converting whole numbers, a more reliable check is to make sure the string consists of only digits with NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%' (that is, it must not contain a non-digit anywhere). This is too restrictive for some formats (like floating point) but for integers it works nicely.
Do you know the value which throws the error? IsNumeric is not exactly fool-proof, for example:
select ISNUMERIC('$')
select ISNUMERIC('+')
select ISNUMERIC('-')
all yield 1
Alternatively, you could go with TRY_PARSE instead.
Edit: TRY_PARSE is introduced in sql server 2012, so may not be available to you.

Is Sql Server's ISNULL() function lazy/short-circuited?

TIs ISNULL() a lazy function?
That is, if i code something like the following:
will it always evaluate getMyFunction() or will it only evaluate it in the case where MYFIELD is actually null?
This works fine
declare #X int
set #X = 1
select isnull(#X, 1/0)
But introducing an aggregate will make it fail and proving that the second argument could be evaluated before the first, sometimes.
declare #X int
set #X = 1
select isnull(#X, min(1/0))
It's whichever it thinks will work best.
Now it's functionally lazy, which is the important thing. E.g. if col1 is a varchar which will always contain a number when col2 is null, then
isnull(col2, cast(col1 as int))
Will work.
However, it's not specified whether it will try the cast before or simultaneously with the null-check and eat the error if col2 isn't null, or if it will only try the cast at all if col2 is null.
At the very least, we would expect it to obtain col1 in any case because a single scan of a table obtaining 2 values is going to be faster than two scans obtaining one each.
The same SQL commands can be executed in very different ways, because the instructions we give are turned into lower-level operations based on knowledge of the indices and statistics about the tables.
For that reason, in terms of performance, the answer is "when it seems like it would be a good idea it is, otherwise it isn't".
In terms of observed behaviour, it is lazy.
Edit: Mikael Eriksson's answer shows that there are cases that may indeed error due to not being lazy. I'll stick by my answer here in terms of the performance impact, but his is vital in terms of correctness impact across at least some cases.
Judging from the different behavior of
the first SELECT returns 1, the second raises a Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Divide by zero error encountered. error.
This "lazy" feature you are referring to is in fact called "short-circuiting"
And it does NOT always work especially if you have a udf in the ISNULL expression.
Check this article where tests were run to prove it:
Short-circuiting (mainly in VB.Net and SQL Server)
T-SQL is a declarative language hence it cannot control the algorithm used to get the results.. it just declares what results it needs. It is upto the query engine/optimizer to figure out the cost-effective plan. And in SQL Server, the optimizer uses "contradiction detection" which will never guarantee a left-to-right evaluation as you would assume in procedural languages.
For your example, did a quick test:
Created the scalar-valued UDF to invoke the Divide by zero error:
( #MyValue INT )
RETURN (1/0)
Running the below query did not give me a Divide by zero error encountered error.
SET #test = 1
SET #test = ISNULL(#test, (dbo.getMyFunction(1)))
SELECT #test
Changing the SET to the below statement did give me the Divide by zero error encountered. error. (introduced a SELECT in ISNULL)
SET #test = ISNULL(#test, (SELECT dbo.getMyFunction(1)))
But with values instead of variables, it never gave me the error.
SELECT ISNULL(1, (dbo.getMyFunction(1)))
SELECT ISNULL(1, (SELECT dbo.getMyFunction(1)))
So unless you really figure out how the optimizer is evaluating these expressions for all permutations, it would be safe to not rely on the short-circuit capabilities of T-SQL.

How to fix "domain error" in SQL Server 2005 when using LOG() function to get product of set

I have a inline select statement to calculate the product of the set of values.
Since SQL Server 2005 doesn't have a built in Product aggregate function, I am using LOG/EXP to get it.
My select statement is:
(select exp(sum(log(value))) from table where value > 0)
Unfortunately I keep getting the following error:
Msg 3623, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
A domain error occurred.
I've ensured that none of the values are zero or negative so I'm not really sure why this error is occurring. Does anyone have any ideas?
One of the features of the query planner introduced in SQL 2005 is that, in some circumstances where the table statistics indicate it will be more efficient, the WHERE clause of a statement will be processed after the SELECT clause.
(I can't find the Books On-Line reference for this right now).
I suspect this is what is happening here. You either need to exclude the rows where value = 0 before carrying out the calculation - the most reliable way being to store the rows you need in a temporary (#) table - or to modify your query to handle zero internally:
FROM [table]
The NULLIF\ISNULL pair I have added to your query substitutes 1 for 0 - I think this will work, but you will need to test it on your data.
