Auto defines in C editors... Why? - c

When Eclipse creates a new file (.c or .h file) in a C project the editor always auto creates a #define at the top of the file like this: If the file is named 'myCFile.c' there will be a #define at the start of the file like this
#ifndef MYCFILE_C_
#define MYCFILE_C_
I have seen other editors do this as well (Codewright and SlikEdit I think).
The #defines don't seem to do anything for the editor as I can just delete them without any problem, and I can't think of a reason why I would want to use them. Does anyone know why they are there?

It's to guard against multiple definitions.

Sometimes people include a whole .c file in other .c files (or even .h files), so it has the exact same purpose of preventing an include file from getting included multiple times and the compiler spitting out multiple definition errors.
It is strange, though, that it would be the default behavior of an editor to put this in anything but a .h file. This would be a rarely needed feature.

A more modern version of this is to use:
#pragma once
It is quite unusual to see this in a .c file, normally it is in the header files only.

I think it's a throwback of C include issues, where multiple copies of the source would get included - unless you are meticulous with include chains (One file includes n others).
Checking if a symbol is defined and including only if the symbol is defined - was a way out of this.


Basic question about header file inclusion

I'm creating a new project in keil to learn how to add files and headers and link them properly. I need some help in understanding the optimised way to add header files.
I've a main.h file, in that I've included FU68xx.h, adc.h and gpio.h file.
#include <FU68xx.h>
#include "adc.h"
#include "gpio.h"
In "adc.c" and "gpio.c" file i've included only main.h file and I'm able to compile successfully. But is this the right way to do it? is adding main.h file in all the files cause multiple inclusion of header files?
If I add the main.h file under #ifndef HEADER_FILE in the "adc.c" or "gpio.c" file, i get error while compiling about undefined identifiers.
Multiple inclusion of the same header file is not a problem (and not a noticeable compile-time increase) if each header is appropriately protected with an "#ifndef" as you did.
Note that the name you used in that "#ifndef" must be unique (different in each header file), so the name "HEADER_FILE" is not very good - it would have been better to call it with a unique name, e.g., "INCLUDED_MAIN_H" (and other header files will use other names). Alternatively, all modern compilers support the "#pragma once" command which is better than ifndef in two ways:
You don't need to invent a unique name (and risk that it's not unique)
The compiler doesn't need to read the header file until the end just to look for the "#endif" - once it sees the "#pragma once" and knows this is the second time reading the same file, it immediately stops reading it.
But even though including the same header file is not a problem, including too many headers in a file that doesn't need it is a problem - it increases compilation time, and also increases incremental compilation time: If you change a header file, and a hundred other files include it, the build system (e.g., make) will need to re-compile all of these hundred other files. So usually I would recommend that each source file (.c) should include only the minimal set of header files that it really needs - rather than include some big "main.h" that includes everything.

When to use #include "file.c" and when to use #include "file.h" in c

In what situations we need to use .h file and when to use the .c file in C.
Are they two alternatives for a same purpose?.
Please explain.
Never include .c files
If you include something, it should be a .h file.
Code goes into code files, .c.
Headers, .h files, contain only what can be compiled more than once, i.e. declarations, macro definitions, more includes.
If necessary, headers use reinclusion guards.
Whenever you feel tempted to include a .c file, you instead want to add it to your project so that it gets processed during building, i.e. gets compiled by its own and in a further build step gets linked into the created binary.

C - Using .h files

I'm in the process of learning C for a coursework assignment. One thing that confuses me is header files. I've tried to find some information regarding my question to no avail.
My question is, say I have 3 different .c files. The convention is (atleast from reading sources) - each .c file has it's own .h file, e.g. parser.c has parser.h, lexer.c has lexer.h, typechecker.c has typechecker.h (if we were making a compiler).
We then go on to add a statement:
#include "parser.h"
#include "typechecker.h"
in the lexer.c file, and do the same with the other .c files (changing the header files we include).
Instead of using that convention, is it okay to add all the prototypes for all 3 classes files into one header, say header.h, and just include that in all 3 classes? The problem with this is that the 3 classes will have prototypes of functions already included in this class, but I don't see this as a problem (I'm a beginner at C so I could be wrong).
what you suggest is permissible but not recommended. Having all prototypes in one header will cost you in terms of compilation and building. try to concentrate on "why header files are used?". if you get this answer you will refrain from adding everything in one header file. header files are meant for modularity to provide source files only those information which they need. Secondly in large projects you have to define "private" header files which are used internally by your code and are not visible to outer word. Ofcourse you will provide other users with header file in order to use your code.
So It is not advisable to put all prototypes even in your start of learning. As starter, make one header file per source file.
if your header1.h has function function1(), wherever(all source files) you use function1(), you will add header1.h

eclipse editor won't recognize C #define directive

I have a C project I'm importing to eclipse to work with. It was prewritten but not a C program, so I imported it as a C Makefile program. Actually for some reason the program was written with shell scripts which called the make in the appropriate directories, I added a Makefile that called the shell script, though I'll probably change it to use only make files.
Anyways the unusual thing is that I get exceptions on all the #define variables used in my C code. The variables are defined in a .h file which is included on the top of the C code, and the #include doesn't haev a warning. I can compile the code and run it without exception. Yet I still get dozens of errors where the #define values are used in the editor. The .h which defines the variables is in a different folder then the C code that throws the excception, but adding the folder with the .h into the C include path didn't do any good. Anyone know how I can get the editor to play nice with my #define variables?
Are you actually typing #DEFINE? It's supposed to be #define. C is case sensitive.
Here are some options to investigate the issue further:
Right-click your project in Eclipse, go to Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Symbols. You can check the symbols defined there, maybe something is messing up the preprocessor there.
Add to your g++ command line the following option: -save-temps. This will output some intermediate compilation files. Check the .i or .ii files - these contain the preprocessed output. More information on this g++ option is here.
Also, it would be nice if you could give some more information about the actual errors/warnings.
How is the .h file included in the .c file?
#include <file.h>
#include "file.h"
These have different meanings in the preprocessor.
What is the error that you are getting? Is the .h file not found, causing the other errors?

"tc" "th" files for C program

I first encountered files ended with .tc and .th in a C library (, only .tc files are listed there. To see .th file, one has to download its source code They are under vl directory.). Just wonder what do they mean and relation with normal .h and .c files ?
Thanks and regards!
They use those as a template and the files are not compiled directly, but by being #included in the corresponding .c or .h file after setting #defines that affect the final result.
One example is what happens in mathop_sse2.c. They include the same twice, but the first time FLT is defined as VL_TYPE_DOUBLE and the second time is VL_TYPE_FLOAT. That way they avoid duplicating the exact same code for different types.
Seems most likely these files were written using the Borland compiler.
