Client collation and SQL Server 2005 - sql-server

We're upgrading an existing program from Win2k/SQL Server 2k to Windows 2003 and SQL Server 2005 as well as purchasing a new program that also uses 2k3/2k5. The vendor says that for us to host both databases we need to get the Enterprise version because the softwares clients use different collation for the connections and only Enterprise supports this.
I cannot find anything on MS's site to support this and, honestly, don't want to pay the extra for Enterprise if the Standard edition works. Am I missing some not talked about feature of SQL Server or is this, as I suspect, a vendor trying to upsell me?

All editions of SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 support having multiple databases, each using their own collation sequence. You don't need the Enterprise version.
When you have a database that uses a collation sequence that is different from default collation for the database server, you will need to take some extra precautions if you use temporary tables and/or table variables. Temp tables/variables live in the tempdb database, which uses the collation seqyuence used by by the master databases. Just remember to use "COLLATE database_default" when defining character fields in the temp tables/variables. I blogged about that not too long ago, if you want some more details.


Compare SQL Server Database Schema with Oracle Database Schema

in my development environment we support the application both on MSSQL Server as well as Oracle. The database schema of both of these RDBMS are same.
while development we found that the developer made a mistake and forgot to change the oracle database for the last 1 yr. therfore the oracle script is quite behind in term of schema from SQL Server schema script.
now the question is how i can compare the two RDBMS systems to find the difference and make the oracle script updated
If there are no track log from which it's possible to find and reproduce all changes applied to SQL Server since first detected inconsistency with Oracle version, or that changes was applied, but only partially, you really need to compare objects presented in both databases.
In this case setup a link between databases on any side and use system dictionary views to compare table structures and other objects to find differences and, possible, to generate script for Oracle scheme rollup.
If you want to act from MS SQL Server side:
Install and configure Oracle Instant Client
Install Oracle ODAC
Follow Microsoft recomendations (64-bit version)
Connect as any user with dba role (or use same Oracle schema where object resides) to Oracle from MS SQL database
If you want to act from Oracle Server side:
Install and configure Oracle Database Gateway for SQL Server.
Create database link to MS SQL Server.
After successful configuration you may join Information schema views on SQL Server side with Data dictionary views on Oracle side to find differences.
Of course there are many troubles at this way like different data types, but it gives a chance to automate at least part of work.

Move Sharepoint 2010 to point to a different database?

Has anyone here moved the database underlying a SP 2010 install from one database instance to another (same data, just hosted in another instance)?
For example. we just want to move the database to a diffrerent machine.
In addition, has anyone moved SP 2010 from using SQL Express to a higher version of SQL Server? I would like to run some proof of concept tests with SQL Express, and if all goes well, then move to SQL Standard or Enterprise.
Check out the following article:
I don't think you'll run into any problems, just make sure you aren't going backwards in versions between databases. Backing up a database in SQL Server 2008 and restoring in 2005 isn't easy.
I've never done this with SharePoint, but I believe it lets you specify the location of the configuration database. Then you just need to match the user permissions.
The TechNet article "Move All Databases (SharePoint 2010)" is your main guide.
Note that this article contains the following warning:
The new database server must be running the same version of Windows
Server and Microsoft SQL Server as the existing database server.
This in NOT true!
Both from my own experience in migrating SharePoint databases and talks I've had with Microsoft Primary Field Engineering, I can say this method also works when SQL Server versions differ. But only if you upgrade to higher SQL Server versions (i.e. SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 R2). I was told this scenario is also fully supported by Microsoft.
Also, don't forget to update the database compatibility level for the migrated databases. This should future-proof your databases and enable advanced SQL Server optimization.

What to consider when getting started with SQL Server?

I've got experience with MySQL, DB2, and Oracle, but aside from writing a few queries, I've never used SQL Server.
My question is a three parter:
1) For a developer, what are some good "free" client tools to look at, and why (by "free" I mean open source, freeware, or the tools that come with SQL Server itself)?
2) I plan to run Developer or Express Edition on my workstation for development, and either Standard or Enterprise Edition in the testing and production environments. What methods exist if any for transferring data between different servers and the different editions?
3) Are there any common pitfalls that someone like me (who is used to the other database systems that I mentioned) might encountered during development?
SQL Server Express with tools.
All editions have the same SQL language features and code is 100% portable between them. There are 3rd party tools to synch changes, but moving entire DBs is easy using inbuilt tools.
Nah. The problem with databases is SQL and set theory, not the choice of RDBMS. If you understand databases/SQL you'll be OK.
SQL Server Management Studio which comes with SQL Server (any editions), or you can download it separately. SQL Server Profiler which doesn't come with Express.
Management studio has tools for backup/restore database. You can also consider detach/attach method to synchronize db .
It's hard to say. But if you had Mysql experience you will be pleasantly surprised by SQL Server.
There are so many things that each DB vendor implements differently that it's really hard to focus on some of them. One thing I was not used before is that SQL Server doesn't let unique columns to have more than 1 NULL value(there is a workaround though)

Using SQL Server Express 2008 with SQL Server 2005 database -how to check for compatibility

I am using SQL Server 2008 express edition but I want to make my databases still in 2005. How can I set it up to only show features that a 2005 database can use?
Like for instance I don't remember there being a "date" type. I only remember "dateTime".
I don't want to be using features that 2005 can't support and I later on upload my db to the my hosting site that uses 2005 still and find out I am using things not supported by it.
You won't be able to upload the database, just a script of it. Even when in 90 compatibility mode, the physical structure of the database will be the 2008 one and the hosting site won't be able to load it.
Note that the compatibility level does not necessarily mean that the new features of SQL 2008 are not available, but instead it simply means that (some) features that existed in 2005 will work the same way in 2008. The complete list of compatibility mode changes is on MSDN. In particular there is nothing to prevent the usage of a datetime2, date, time or any new time in a database set at compatibility level 90. In fact such would be impossible simply because the the compatibility level can be changed after a table is created.
You are going to either develop against a SQL 2k5 instance, or read the product manual and learn what features are available in what version.

Advantages and disadvantages between sql 2005 and sql 2008?

Exact duplicate:
Advantages of MS SQL Server 2008 over MS SQL Server 2005?
i am a sql developer and i use sql 2005. i want to now to pass to 2008 but i am a little affraid. can anyone gives me some advices about this. should i still continue using sql 2005 or is better pass all my projects to 2008 due to better performace?
Who is going to use your projects; if they are going to customers with existing SQL Licenses then 2005 might be the way to go; assuming they are running 2005. SQL 2005 databases will work on 2008; though if you use some of the new language features in 2008 then the SQL2008 databases wont be backwards compatible to 2005.
If you are controlling where they are going to be deployed; some of the new features in sql 2008 might be of interest; better full text search, improved Analysis services, reporting services and some language tweaks. If you are managing the servers; your admins will likely appreciate the new management features in 2008.
I moved to 2008 because I am heavy into SSIS and have large databases meaning: The backup compression and increased concurrent processes in SSIS for 2008 make it worth it for me.
I moved 6 projects from 2005 to 2008 without any problems except reporting services. To me the biggest benefit is the SQL Management Studio enhancements like auto complete and change history.
The only reason I did upgrade was because I work in education and Microsoft is very gracious on licensing.
In general, unless you hear that it is a disaster, I think you should strive to use the most recent release at the earliest opportunity. The advances in server functionality and the tool set will usually offset the time it takes you to learn the new features. All software is built with planned obsolescence in mind, so you will eventually need to migrate to newer technology. If you make a habit of migrating your systems to the latest technology, you will find that the migrations become relatively painless.
One of the benefits of SQLServer 2008 with respect to SSIS is that it includes very fast bulk connectors for Oracle and Teradata (well, the development and enterprise versions do).
So if you need to move data between SQLServer 2008 and those databases you get this for no additional cost.
See Microsoft Connectors for Oracle and Teradata by Attunity
Another major benefit in SQLServer 2008 is the new Change Data Capture (CDC) functionality which means you can build your application in any way you like and then if at later time you are interested in starting some processing when table X changed, you can turn on CDC for that table and get a change table that contains all the changes to table X with minimal overhead. Ben Hall did a useful post on this.
I think SQL 2008 has somewhat advantage in compare to sql 2005
New data types(date,time,files stream)
2.Backup compressin
3.Data compression
4.policy based management.
If anyone know better answer kindly inform
