what is envirnment feature in test run in kiwi-tcms? - kiwi-tcms

what is env here?
anyone explain the environment here? I am not able to select it.
what is env here


Cannot find the environment variable on skill deploy

​I am setting up ASK CLI on a new machine. I completed all the steps at Alexa docs and I am able to create a skill locally.
When I try to deploy it, it tells me: [Error]: Cannot find the environment variable: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.
I went and took a look at the credentials file at ~/.aws/credentials and I can see that aws_access_key_id as well as aws_secret_access_key both exist. I checked with the CSV file and I confirmed that both those keys are correct.
What should I do?
I'm using WSL for Windows 10. I did setup on WSL for Windows 10 on my other machine and it did work.
Tried setting up a bash environment variable as well. Didn't work.
I fixed it by removing my AWS credentials file. Then I reinstalled the ask-cli and reinitialized it using the ask init --no-browser command.

How to locate environment path in codename one

For the following commands to work, make sure you have "ant", "mvn", and "git" in your environment PATH.
pls I need to add the following to the environment part.
$ git clone https://github.com/shannah/cn1-iap-demo-server
$ cd cn1-iap-demo-server
$ ant install-deps.
I dont know how to locate environment path on my system. pls help
That's Unix/Linux and unrelated to Codename One. One would setup an environment path as such:
export PATH=/path/to/ant/binary:$PATH

Php-debug on atom doesn't work

Is anyone has done successfully on php debug integration on atom?
I tried to follow the steps from this link and from this
but this part
If everything worked correctly, you can now use the various
buttons/commands to step through the script.
doesn't work,
I am using xampp, bundle with php7, the problem, it doesn't work.
Does anyone done this before, can explain why?
of the instruction from php-debug
I tried the above answer, but kept getting a connection timeout after 200ms.
Re-installing Atom worked for me to fix the problem.
This is an old question but as I had the same problem it might be useful for someone.
In my case I needed to change the variable in the php.ini file
This way you can see in the log if xdebug is working and if you are in error you can see the error
After analyzing the error, I changed the variables
xdebug.remote_host= #Use your IP
I added it too
It was as follows
zend_extension = C:\xampp\php\ext\php_xdebug-2.5.4-5.6-vc11.dll
xdebug.remote_host= #Use your IP
In the php-debug configuration on the Atom
GutterBreakpointToggle: false
PathMaps: [
ServerAddress: "" <--Use your IP
These steps worked for me.

Selendroid SetupError

Am getting below error while setup.
I have setup my ANDRIOD_HOME variable too. But still getting the below error.
Can anyone help me on this:
java.lang.RuntimeException: io.selendroid.exceptions.SelendroidException: Enviro
nment variable 'ANDROID_HOME' was not found!
Please setup Android sdk correctly. If you don't know how to do it, have a look at this guide: http://spring.io/guides/gs/android/
Please have a look at https://github.com/selendroid/selendroid/issues/198
I got these issues resolved.
Do vote the answer after you get your issue resolved.
ANDROID_HOME variable should point to the SDK:
set ANDROID_HOME=C:\${installation location}\SDK
set PATH=%PATH%;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools
[Try setting path through the command prompt before running selendroid]
(This is only for Windows. For other OS you can check this link:

how to change CATALINA_BASE in /var/lib/tomcat6 in ubuntu 10.4

i install tomcat6 on ubuntu 10.4 but i want to save my projects in different directory than this CATALINA_BASE in /var/lib/tomcat6 any one can help me in this
maybe this can help you:
try to change the env variables like
setenv CATALINA_BASE /home/path/to/dir
I didn't try this myself, so tell me if it doesn't work
I have a different version of Tomcat, but I was able to fix this given a tip found in catalina.sh:
Do not set the variables in this script. Instead put them into a script setenv.sh in $CATALINA_BASE/bin to keep your customizations separate.
